Good code measuring tools? - code-metrics

Are there any good code measuring tools available?
I found code measure pretty useful and interesting, but I don't think I can pay $1K/year for just using the measuring tool.
I imagine there might be a tool that is/can
open source software
language independent
OS independent
measure the metrics from different categories : LOC, LOC without blank lines, Number of functions ...

For basic line-count metrics like the ones you describe, try cloc.
My 2c-worth: code metrics are generally worse than useless. The only value I've ever gotten out of them is to measure the efficiency of one language against another.

Sonar is a Java based server side application for code measurement. It is mostly targeting Java, but support for other languages is available via plugins.

With 82 code metrics supported NDepend is the code metrics Roll's Royce tooling for .NET developers.


Convert scala to native binary

What is the best way to convert scala (or bytecode) to native binary in order to increase performance
At this moment I see two solutions to convert jvm bytecode to sort of self-contained native binary:
Avian - lightweight embeddable JVM with AOT features
Excelsior JET - Commercial Java native compiler
Both should be compatible with Scala.
There are no direct native compilers for scala as I know. There some projects like Scala LLVM, but they are more about research and proof of concepts than ready to use tools
Although not a fully capable tool yet, the scala-native project is starting to become usable, though it's still at an early stage, it's under active development and is becoming more capable by the month. It's based on LLVM and clang, and will compile your scala sources to binaries, if the libraries you depend on are among those implemented at this early stage. (it's not yet working in Windows or cygwin, although it does work in the WSL environment).
Update: Windows support has been improving recently (fall 2021).
Whether performance is increased or not is a separate question, although most programs are likely to start up much more quickly.
Here's a link to the User's Guide
To create your own project: Minimal sbt project
The biggest limitations are that only a subset of java and scala standard libraries have been implemented so far, so you'll need to limit yourself to what's currently available, and not every project will only be feasible if you restrict yourself to 100% scala. Also, the documentation is a work in progress.
As a test, I created a command line tool for processing text files, and I was able to get it to work finally, although I did spend a bit of time figuring out how to accomplish various things, and mostly how to live with the available libraries. If necessary, you can also link to C/C++ libraries although I didn't need to for my small project.
Footnote as of June 2019: I'm having good luck with graalvm native-image. Here's the link:

BPMB visualization

We need to visualize BP (business process) into BPMN, but NOT by hands using modeler. We need to do it automatically in crm-web-based system written on PHP. I have input data (etc. array, xml, not care...(but not BPEL)), then I need to process it into nice BPMN graph (using SVG).
We have first nice-looking realization of it. We use matrix to draw: several times goes through matrix and optimize graph each time, no no, it working fast, but it not agile, hard to rebuilt, upgrade, add new features... We made this algorithm by ourselves (I mean we didn't find it in google or books). Problem is that we couldn't find any algorithms in the internet. I suppose we don't know correct keywords to do it. Every try returned us to BPEL vis. from BPMN, "Data flow vis." returned modelers...
Please help us to find some algorithms, or give correct keywords to find out information.
Think you're probably looking for "graph layout algorithms". The only library I'm aware of that can (I think) generate BPMN directly is the yFiles library from yWorks. It's not free. They do however offer a free application using the library that does auto-layout. Perhaps you could do some prototyping with that.
If that's not applicable, there are several other options. I'm not aware any of these can generate BPMN symbols directly; you'd have to construct the symbols. However all will auto-layout graphs according to various algorithms. Also all open source/free.
graphviz. Written in C. Quite old now but well used, stable and scalable.
tulip. Newer than graphviz. Haven't used it but heard good things about flexibility and scalability.
see also this post for javascript based options.
There are many more, just google for graph layout algorithms / libraries.

Any good library or software for queue networks simulation?

I have been trying to make work EZSIM with no luck, which is a software to build discrete event simulators in a graphical DOS environment. In this software, my simulator and many others (of the other people in the course I'm taking) don't work, but teacher's simulator (and examples of the downloaded files) does work.
So, I began to distrust of the software.
Do you know any software that resolves the same kind of problems but really works? It will be good if it is free, or I can download an evaluation copy or something like that.
If you don't know any software, do you know any library which might work? Preferably in C#, Ansi C, Java or Delphi.
This may be more than what you're looking for, but check out NS2. It's the standard for open source network simulations, and will allow you to simulate all kinds of network layer behavior.
I've also used JUNG in the past. It's very flexible, although it also doesn't offer much out of the box.
I used Möbius in my computer systems analysis class. It is free for educational use (which sounds like what you're doing). It's a Java GUI which generates C++ code.
The R package queuecomputer. queuecomputer is a computationally efficient method for simulating queues with arbitrary arrival and service times. There is a submitted paper on arXiv describing the algorithm used in the package. Examples can be found within the arXiv paper and the vignette. A web app based on the package is available at .

When generating code, what language should you generate?

I've worked on a number of products that make use of code generation. It seems to be the only way to achieve both a high degree of user-customizability and high execution speed.
The downside is that we are requiring users to install a compiler (primarily on MS Windows).
This has been an on-going headache, because vendors like MS keep obsoleting compilers, and some users tend to have more than one compiler installed.
We're considering using GNU C, and possibly C++, but even there, there are continual version issues.
I've considered possibly generating assembly language, in an effort to get off the compiler-version-treadmill, but assembly languages are all machine-specific.
Ideally there would be some way to produce generated code that would be flexible, run fast, and not expose us to the whims of third-party providers.
Maybe I'm overlooking something simple, like Java. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you're considering C and even assembler, take a look at LLVM first:
I might be missing some context here, but could you just pin yourself to a specific version? E.g., .NET 2.0 can be installed side by side with .NET 1.1 and .NET 3.5, as well as other versions that will come out in the future. So as long as your code makes use of a specific version of a compiler, what's the problem?
I've considered possibly generating assembly language, in an effort to get off the compiler-version-treadmill, but assembly languages are all machine-specific.
That would be called a compiler :)
Why don't you stick to C90?
I haven't heard much of severe violations of standards from gcc's side, if you don't use extensions.
And you can always distribute a certain version of gcc along with your product, say, 4.3.2, giving an option to users to use their own compiler at their own risk.
As long as all code is generated by you (i. e. you don't embed your instructions into other's code), there shouldn't be any problems in testing against this version and using it to compile your libraries.
If you want to generate assembly language code, you may take a look at asmjit.
One option would be to use a language/environment that provides access to the compiler in code; For example, here is a C# example.
Why not ship a GNU C compiler with your code generator? That way you have no version issues, and the client can constantly generate code that is usable.
It sounds like you're looking for LLVM.
Start here: The Code Generation conference
In the spirit of "might not be to late to add my 2 cents" as in #Alvin's answer's case, here is something I'd think about: if your application is meant to last for some years, it is going to face several changes in how applications and systems work.
For instance, let's say you were thinking about this 10 years ago. I was watching Dexter back then, but I guess you actually have memories of how things were at that time. From what I can tell, multithreading was not much of an issue to developers of 2000, and now it is. So Moore's law broke for them. Before that people didn't even care about what will happen in "Y2K".
Speaking of Moore's law, processors are indeed getting quite fast, so maybe certain optimizations won't be even that necessary. And possibly the array of optimizations will be much bigger, some processors are getting optimizations for several server-centric stuff (XML, cryptography, compression and regex! I am surprised such things can get done on a chip) and also spend less energy (which is probably very important for warfare hardware...).
My point being that focusing on what exist today as a platform for tomorrow is not a good idea. Make it work today, and surely it will work tomorrow (backward-compatibility is especially valued by Microsoft, Apple is not bad it seems and Linux is very liberal about making it work as you want).
There is, yes, one thing that you can do. Attach your technology to something that just won't (likely) die, such as Javascript. I'm serious, Javascript VMs are getting terribly efficient nowdays and are just going to get better, plus everyone loves it so it's not going to dissappear suddenly. If needing more efficiency/features, maybe target the CRL or JVM?
Also I believe multithreading will become more and more of an issue. I have a gut feeling the number of processor cores will have a Moore's law of their own. And architectures are more than likely to change, from the looks of the cloud buzz.
PS: In any case, I belive C optimizations of the past are still quite valid under modern compilers!
I would stick to that language that you use for generating that language. You can generate and compile Java code in Java, Python code in Python, C# in C#, and even Lisp in Lisp, etc.
But it is not clear whether such languages are sufficiently fast for you. For top speed I would choose to generate C++ and use GCC for compilation.
Why not use something like SpiderMonkey or Rhino (JavaScript support in Java or C++). You can export your objects to JavaScript namespaces, and your users don't have to compile anything.
Embed an interpreter for a language like Lua/Scheme into your program, and generate code in that language.

Real time system concept proof project

I'm taking an introductory course (3 months) about real time systems design, but any implementation.
I would like to build something that let me understand better what I'll learn in theory, but since I have never done any real time system I can't estimate how long will take any project. It would be a concept proof project, or something like that, given my available time and knowledge.
Please, could you give me some idea? Thank you in advance.
I programm in TSQL, Delphi and C#, but I'll not have any problem in learning another language.
Suggest you consider exploring the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ). While it is not a traditional environment for constructing real-time software, it is an up-and-coming technology with a lot of interest. Even better, you can witness some of the ongoing debate about what matters and what doesn't in real-time systems.
Sun's JavaRTS is freely available for download, and has some interesting demonstrations available to show deterministic behavior, and show off their RT garbage collector.
In terms of a specific project, I suggest you start simple: 1) Build a work-generator that you can tune to consume a given amount of CPU time; 2) Put this into a framework that can produce a distribution of work-generator tasks (as threads, or as chunks of work executed in a thread) and a mechanism for logging the work produced; 3) Produce charts of the execution time, sojourn time, deadline, slack/overrun of these tasks versus their priority; 4) demonstrate that tasks running in the context of real-time threads (vice timesharing) behave differently.
Bonus points if you can measure the overhead in the scheduler by determining at what supplied load (total CPU time produced by your work generator tasks divided by wall-clock time) your tasks begin missing deadlines.
Try to think of real-time tasks that are time-critical, for instance video-playing, which fails if tasks are not finished (e.g. calculating the next frame) in time.
You can also think of some industrial solutions, but they are probably more difficult to study in your local environment.
You should definitely consider building your system using a hardware development board equipped with a small processor (ARM, PIC, AVR, any one will do). This really helped remove my fear of the low-level when I started developing. You'll have to use C or C++ though.
You will then have two alternatives : either go bare-metal, or use a real-time OS.
Going bare-metal, you can learn :
How to initalize your processor from scratch and most importantly how to use interrupts, which are the fastest way you have to respond to an externel event
How to implement lightweight threads with fast context switching, something every real-time OS implements
In order to ease this a bit, look for a dev kit which comes with lots of documentation and source code. I used Embedded Artists ARM boards and they give you a lot of material.
Going with the RT OS :
You'll fast-track your project, and will be able to learn how to fine-tune a RT OS
You may try your hand at an open-source OS, such as Linux or the BSDs, and learn a lot from the source code
Either choice is good, you will get a really cool hands-on project to show off and hopefully better understand your course material. Good luck!
As most realtime systems are still implemented in C or C++ it may be good to brush up your knowledge of these programming languages. Many realtime systems are also embedded systems, so you might want to play around with a cheap open source one like BeagleBoard ( This will also give you a chance to learn about cross compiling etc.