the comparation of the computing time of multiplication - cpu-architecture

Let a, b be two integers with n digits.
I am wondering does the computing time of the square of a is shorter than a*b.
Thank you for your help.

I don't think there's a way to square A without using an IMUL on x86. I could be wrong.
To find out how long something takes, microbenchmark it!
Edit: oh wait, I've got it! ab takes two memory reads and aa takes one! So a*a is faster :-).
True answer: there's no reason a*b would be slower unless you have some outside factor influencing things.

I assume your question is:
*Let a, b be two integers with n digits. I am wondering if the computing time of calculating the square of a is shorter than the computing time of calculating a*b.*
If n is large enough that you cannot just use a single multiply instruction, then any algorithm that I know can take advantage of the fact that both factors are the same. That's true for the algorithm that you learned at school, since almost half the products of pairs of digits don't need to be multiplied. At the extreme end for very large n, using convolution with FFTs, the FFT for both factors is the same for the square and needs to be calculated only once.

Take a look at the benchmarks in Bentley's "Programming Pearls", you could hack up something from there to measure.


Vectorizing a recurrence equation in matlab

I have a recurrence equation:
I have the required vectors b,c, and d and they all have the same length. I can assume that a(1)=0.
Generally, I always do this using a loop but since the data is too large, it takes a considerable amount of time. I was wondering if there is a way to vectorize a?
I think that I have got the answer. After doing a bit of math on paper, I get this:
a=cumsum([a(1) ((b(1:end-1)+b(2:end)).*diff(c))./(d(1:end-1)+d(2:end))]);

how to speed up Matlab nested for loops when I cannot vectorize the calculations?

I have three big 3D arrays of the same size [41*141*12403], named in the Matlab code below alpha, beta and ni. From them I need to calculate another 3D array with the same size, which is obtained elementwise from the original matrices through a calculation that combines an infinite sum and definite integral calculations, using the value of each element. It therefore seems inevitible to have to use several nested loops to make this calculation. The code is already running now for several hours(!) and it is still in the first iteration of the outer loop (which needs to be performed 41 times!! According to my calculation, in this way the program will have to run more than two years!!!). I don't know how to optimize the code. Please help me !!
the code I use:
z_len=size(KELDYSH_PARAM_r_z_t,1); % 41 rows
r_len=size(KELDYSH_PARAM_r_z_t,2); % 141 columns
t_len=size(KELDYSH_PARAM_r_z_t,3); % 12403 slices
for z_ind=1:z_len
z_ind % in order to track the advancement of the calculation
for r_ind=1:r_len
for t_ind=1:t_len
while abs(sumPrevious-sumCurrent)>1e-6
kapa=kapa_0+s; %some scalar
sumCurrent=sumCurrent+exp(-alpha(z_ind,r_ind,t_ind).* ...
(kapa-ni(z_ind,r_ind,t_ind))).*(x_of_w.^(2*abs(m)+1)/2).* ...
function res=w_m_integral(x_of_w,m)
function y=integrandFun(t)
Option 1 - more vectorising
It's a pretty complex model you're working with and not all the terms are explained, but some parts can still be further vectorised. Your alpha, beta and ni matrices are presumably static and precomputed? Your s value is a scalar and kapa could be either, so you can probably precompute the x_of_w matrix all in one go too. This would give you a very slight speedup all on its own, though you'd be spending memory to get it - 71 million points is doable these days but will call for an awful lot of hardware. Doing it once for each of your 41 rows would reduce the burden neatly.
That leaves the integral itself. The quad function doesn't accept vector inputs - it would be a nightmare wouldn't it? - and neither does integral, which Mathworks are recommending you use instead. But if your integration limits are the same in each case then why not do the integral the old-fashioned way? Compute a matrix for the value of the integrand at 1, compute another matrix for the value of the integrand at 0 and then take the difference.
Then you can write a single loop that computes the integral for the whole input space then tests the convergence for all the matrix elements. Make a mask that notes the ones that have not converged and recalculate those with the increased s. Repeat until all have converged (or you hit a threshold for iterations).
Option 2 - parallelise it
It used to be the case that matlab was much faster with vectorised operations than loops. I can't find a source for it now but I think I've read that it's become a lot faster recently with for loops too, so depending on the resources you have available you might get better results by parallelising the code you currently have. That's going to need a bit of refactoring too - the big problems are overheads while copying in data to the workers (which you can fix by chopping the inputs up into chunks and just feeding the relevant one in) and the parfor loop not allowing you to use certain variables, usually ones which cover the whole space. Again chopping them up helps.
But if you have a 2 year runtime you will need a factor of at least 100 I'm guessing, so that means a cluster! If you're at a university or somewhere where you might be able to get a few days on a 500-core cluster then go for that...
If you can write the integral in a closed form then it might be amenable to GPU computation. Those things can do certain classes of computation very fast but you have to be able to parallelise the job and reduce the actual computation to something basic comprised mainly of addition and multiplication. The CUDA libraries have done a lot of the legwork and matlab has an interface to them so have a read about those.
Option 3 - reduce the scope
Finally, if neither of the above two results in sufficient speedups, then you may have to reduce the scope of your calculation. Trim the input space as much as you can and perhaps accept a lower convergence threshold. If you know how many iterations you tend to need inside the innermost while loop (the one with the s counter in it) then it might turn out that reducing the convergence criterion reduces the number of iterations you need, which could speed it up. The profiler can help see where you're spending your time.
The bottom line though is that 71 million points are going to take some time to compute. You can optimise the computation only so far, the odds are that for a problem of this size you will have to throw hardware at it.

Matlab division of large matrices [duplicate]

I have this problem which requires solving for X in AX=B. A is of the order 15000 x 15000 and is sparse and symmetric. B is 15000 X 7500 and is NOT sparse. What is the fastest way to solve for X?
I can think of 2 ways.
Simplest possible way, X = A\B
Using for loop,
invA = A\speye(size(A))
for i = 1:size(B,2)
X(:,i) = invA*B(:,i);
Is there a better way than the above two? If not, which one is best between the two I mentioned?
First things first - never, ever compute inverse of A. That is never sparse except when A is a diagonal matrix. Try it for a simple tridiagonal matrix. That line on its own kills your code - memory-wise and performance-wise. And computing the inverse is numerically less accurate than other methods.
Generally, \ should work for you fine. MATLAB does recognize that your matrix is sparse and executes sparse factorization. If you give a matrix B as the right-hand side, the performance is much better than if you only solve one system of equations with a b vector. So you do that correctly. The only other technical thing you could try here is to explicitly call lu, chol, or ldl, depending on the matrix you have, and perform backward/forward substitution yourself. Maybe you save some time there.
The fact is that the methods to solve linear systems of equations, especially sparse systems, strongly depend on the problem. But in almost any (sparse) case I imagine, factorization of a 15k system should only take a fraction of a second. That is not a large system nowadays. If your code is slow, this probably means that your factor is not that sparse sparse anymore. You need to make sure that your matrix is properly reordered to minimize the fill (added non-zero entries) during sparse factorization. That is the crucial step. Have a look at this page for some tests and explanations on how to reorder your system. And have a brief look at example reorderings at this SO thread.
Since you can answer yourself which of the two is faster, I'll try yo suggest the next options.
Solve it using a GPU. Plenty of details can be found online, including this SO post, a matlab benchmarking of A/b, etc.
Additionally, there's the MATLAB add-on of LAMG (Lean Algebraic Multigrid). LAMG is a fast graph Laplacian solver. It can solve Ax=b in O(m) time and storage.
If your matrix A is symmetric positive definite, then here's what you can do to solve the system efficiently and stably:
First, compute the cholesky decomposition, A=L*L'. Since you have a sparse matrix, and you want to exploit it to accelerate the inversion, you should not apply chol directly, which would destroy the sparsity pattern. Instead, use one of the reordering method described here.
Then, solve the system by X = L'\(L\B)
Finally, if are not dealing with potential complex values, then you can replace all the L' by L.', which gives a bit further acceleration because it's just trying to transpose instead of computing the complex conjugate.
Another alternative would be the preconditioned conjugate gradient method, pcg in Matlab. This one is very popular in practice, because you can trade off speed for accuracy, i.e. give it less number of iterations, and it will give you a (usually pretty good) approximate solution. You also never need to store the matrix A explicitly, but just be able to compute matrix-vector product with A, if your matrix doesn't fit into memory.
If this takes forever to solve in your tests, you are probably going into virtual memory for the solve. A 15k square (full) matrix will require 1.8 gigabytes of RAM to store in memory.
>> 15000^2*8
ans =
You will need some serious RAM to solve this, as well as the 64 bit version of MATLAB. NO factorization will help you unless you have enough RAM to solve the problem.
If your matrix is truly sparse, then are you using MATLAB's sparse form to store it? If not, then MATLAB does NOT know the matrix is sparse, and does not use a sparse factorization.
How sparse is A? Many people think that a matrix that is half full of zeros is "sparse". That would be a waste of time. On a matrix that size, you need something that is well over 99% zeros to truly gain from a sparse factorization of the matrix. This is because of fill-in. The resulting factorized matrix is almost always nearly full otherwise.
If you CANNOT get more RAM (RAM is cheeeeeeeeep you know, certainly once you consider the time you have wasted trying to solve this) then you will need to try an iterative solver. Since these tools do not factorize your matrix, if it is truly sparse, then they will not go into virtual memory. This is a HUGE savings.
Since iterative tools often require a preconditioner to work as well as possible, it can take some study to find the best preconditioner.

Efficient way to solve for X in AX=B in MATLAB when both A and B are big matrices

I have this problem which requires solving for X in AX=B. A is of the order 15000 x 15000 and is sparse and symmetric. B is 15000 X 7500 and is NOT sparse. What is the fastest way to solve for X?
I can think of 2 ways.
Simplest possible way, X = A\B
Using for loop,
invA = A\speye(size(A))
for i = 1:size(B,2)
X(:,i) = invA*B(:,i);
Is there a better way than the above two? If not, which one is best between the two I mentioned?
First things first - never, ever compute inverse of A. That is never sparse except when A is a diagonal matrix. Try it for a simple tridiagonal matrix. That line on its own kills your code - memory-wise and performance-wise. And computing the inverse is numerically less accurate than other methods.
Generally, \ should work for you fine. MATLAB does recognize that your matrix is sparse and executes sparse factorization. If you give a matrix B as the right-hand side, the performance is much better than if you only solve one system of equations with a b vector. So you do that correctly. The only other technical thing you could try here is to explicitly call lu, chol, or ldl, depending on the matrix you have, and perform backward/forward substitution yourself. Maybe you save some time there.
The fact is that the methods to solve linear systems of equations, especially sparse systems, strongly depend on the problem. But in almost any (sparse) case I imagine, factorization of a 15k system should only take a fraction of a second. That is not a large system nowadays. If your code is slow, this probably means that your factor is not that sparse sparse anymore. You need to make sure that your matrix is properly reordered to minimize the fill (added non-zero entries) during sparse factorization. That is the crucial step. Have a look at this page for some tests and explanations on how to reorder your system. And have a brief look at example reorderings at this SO thread.
Since you can answer yourself which of the two is faster, I'll try yo suggest the next options.
Solve it using a GPU. Plenty of details can be found online, including this SO post, a matlab benchmarking of A/b, etc.
Additionally, there's the MATLAB add-on of LAMG (Lean Algebraic Multigrid). LAMG is a fast graph Laplacian solver. It can solve Ax=b in O(m) time and storage.
If your matrix A is symmetric positive definite, then here's what you can do to solve the system efficiently and stably:
First, compute the cholesky decomposition, A=L*L'. Since you have a sparse matrix, and you want to exploit it to accelerate the inversion, you should not apply chol directly, which would destroy the sparsity pattern. Instead, use one of the reordering method described here.
Then, solve the system by X = L'\(L\B)
Finally, if are not dealing with potential complex values, then you can replace all the L' by L.', which gives a bit further acceleration because it's just trying to transpose instead of computing the complex conjugate.
Another alternative would be the preconditioned conjugate gradient method, pcg in Matlab. This one is very popular in practice, because you can trade off speed for accuracy, i.e. give it less number of iterations, and it will give you a (usually pretty good) approximate solution. You also never need to store the matrix A explicitly, but just be able to compute matrix-vector product with A, if your matrix doesn't fit into memory.
If this takes forever to solve in your tests, you are probably going into virtual memory for the solve. A 15k square (full) matrix will require 1.8 gigabytes of RAM to store in memory.
>> 15000^2*8
ans =
You will need some serious RAM to solve this, as well as the 64 bit version of MATLAB. NO factorization will help you unless you have enough RAM to solve the problem.
If your matrix is truly sparse, then are you using MATLAB's sparse form to store it? If not, then MATLAB does NOT know the matrix is sparse, and does not use a sparse factorization.
How sparse is A? Many people think that a matrix that is half full of zeros is "sparse". That would be a waste of time. On a matrix that size, you need something that is well over 99% zeros to truly gain from a sparse factorization of the matrix. This is because of fill-in. The resulting factorized matrix is almost always nearly full otherwise.
If you CANNOT get more RAM (RAM is cheeeeeeeeep you know, certainly once you consider the time you have wasted trying to solve this) then you will need to try an iterative solver. Since these tools do not factorize your matrix, if it is truly sparse, then they will not go into virtual memory. This is a HUGE savings.
Since iterative tools often require a preconditioner to work as well as possible, it can take some study to find the best preconditioner.

Multiplication of a lower and upper triangular matrix

I wanna multiply a lower triangular and an upper triangular matrix... the usual matrix multiplication is a waste because it spends so much time in multiplying zeros ... i am looking if there is a matlab specific way to save computation time .. matrices are of size of the order of thousands
You may get some gains by using SPARSE arrays, since they use less memory and don't do multiplication by zero, but they come with a bit of computational overhead.
Otherwise, I sincerely doubt that you can beat Matlab for efficiency in linear algebra manipulation by writing your own Matlab code.
the usual matrix multiplication is a waste because it spends so much time in multiplying zeros
So half the coefficients of each matrix are zero, which means that a naive matrix multiplication scheme would "waste" 3/4 of its time. And you want to try to recover that time by doing something more complicated?
I'd bet moderate amounts of money that you can't beat MATLAB. Its matrix routines are at the core of its computation engine. Most likely they check for zero coefficients and eliminate that "wasted" time on their own.
I'd echo #Jonas's comments, but would add that the only time you should be using sparse matrices is if the vast majority of coefficients are zero. As in >90%, rather than 50%.