ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures documentation -

Is there any documentation for ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures?

In another question (see ASP.Net MVC Futures Refresh For MVC2), I posted a list of MVC 2 Futures features and linked to what little scattered documentation there is. It's not much, but it should be enough to get you started working with the library.

Most of the Futures library is
undocumented, but we are looking to
add samples and documentation for some
of the new features as we move

According to their CodePlex page, its not likely: "Most of the Futures library is undocumented, but we are looking to add samples and documentation for some of the new features as we move forward."

A great overview of MVC3 Futures is available here:


Building REST APIs

I need clear resources where I can learn about building REST APIs in nodejs,express,postgreSQL and sequelize as ORM all in ES6. The tutorial should use dummy data/JSON data first before incorporating a real db. Resources specifically in ES6 on this topic are next to non-existent. I will appreciate concise answers thanks.
You can use fortjs - an open source MVC Framework. It provides starter template project, so you can get started without spending any time on setup.
Some of the articles for fortjs are -
Rest api in es6 -
Rest api in typescript -
Hope this helps.
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ASP.NET MVC flow question

Is there any article that introduces the complete flow of round-trip requests to MVC-based web sites. For example, when OnActionExecuting (under Controller) will be executed during the request life cycle.
This should help:
there are a few useful ones here too on MVC:
Scott Hanselman explains a littlebit in his ASP.NET MVC2 demo.

ASP.NET MVC 2+ and PRG pattern

I just learned about the existence of the PRG pattern, and I'm wondering if ASP.NET MVC 2 or above implements it out of the box. If not, are there any relevant examples or tutorials? I've seen some for MVC 1, but I'm not sure if they're still relevant.
Yes, it has support for it. But classic does have the support too. It's just about redirecting the page after post. In MVC, in your Create/Update/Delete action you implement the PRG by returning RedirectToAction instead of View.
See, for example, for detailed explanation.

Is it possible to integrate Doctrine 2 with Zend Framework 1.1x?

I'd really like to use and test Doctrine 2 and Zend Framework, but I don't where to start, and I don't know if both are compatible?
Do you have any feedback?
How could I integrate Doctrine 2 with Zend Framework 1.1x?
Thanks in advance.
After a long day of search, I found two implementations which of one I liked much because of its documentation and simplicity.
It is part of a Zend Framework extension called Bgy library, there is an Application Resource to help bootstraping both Web application and CLI.
There are several resources which will help you get started:
Bisna library
Cob library
2-part series on integration
A Doctrine 2 blog post I wrote myself on fundamentals
Have a look at the excellent ZendCast:

How can we use the LinqToSQL in ASP.NET MVC 2 Application?

Can anyone help me to write an Application using ASP.NET MVC 2 and LinqToSQL??? also explain the Repository Pattern!!!
Unless you specify what kind of help, it's very hard to answer your question. This article from Scott Gu might help you get started with linq to sql.
Here's a link to another article on the repository pattern, and here