Sql Server Development Server and Live - tsql

I have a database project that goes through iterations (only one so far) and I need to deploy a testing version to a live server. I'm not sure how to go about this.
I can make all the changes in a copy and then remake those changes in the live version. That doesn't make sense.
Is there a way to change a server name to an existing server? What's the best practice for this scenario?

With a Visual Studio Database Project, you should be able to have as many database connections defined as you like. When you go run your scripts, you can pick an menu option called "Run On...." and then pick which server connection to run those scripts on.
Just make sure the database name is the same for both instances, or make sure that you do not specify USE (database) at the top of all your scripts, if the database names are different from target to target.

In the first place, you should have scripts already written for the changes you made. They should be in source control. No changes ever should be made to database structure without a script and versioning.
Since you don't appear to have what you should have to deploy, then you need to tool to check the differences between the databases. Redgate's SQL Compare is the one to buy.
Be careful of simply using the tool without thinking, there may be changes in dev you are not yet ready to promote to prod. Read through the scripts before running them.
Also you may need SQL Data Compare to run against any lookup tables you have to see if new values have been added in dev that need to go to prod. Again these inserts should have been scripted and in source control and then deploying is simple.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but I don't see how you could just swap the databases. If you make a development version of a database and update the schema, you must surely run some tests and update the data. You can't just make that the development database now because it's full of test data.
What you need to do is run a tool that compares the old schema to the new schema and then apply these changes to the production database. There are tools out there on the market to do this. Failing that, you could dump the old and new schemas, run them through an ordinary file compare to get the differences, and then build an update script out of that.
On my present project we use what I think is a terrible practice: We keep a hand-maintained script of schema updates for each version, and every time someone makes a change they're supposed to update this script. Every now and then someone makes a mistake and we have to scramble to figure out what went wrong. Like we just had a problem deploying to our user acceptance test because someone updated the create statement for a new table to include a foreign key to another new table ... not realizing that the table being referenced was created until further down in the script. It worked fine it test because the tables were created in an order that made it work.
My conclusion is you're much better off to just make changes to the schema on the fly, then when you're done, run an automated compare to generate the ALTER statements.
By the way, on a project I worked on a few years ago, for a desktop application where each customer had their own copy of the database, we put in what I thought was a very nice feature: Every time the program started up, it compared the schema of the database to what it thought it ought to be, and if they didn't match, it automatically updated it. So when they installed a new version, it just automatically updated the database the first time they ran it.


Reset long Django migrations

As a project grows, migrations (both makemigrations and migrate) take longer and longer delaying quite a lot every deployment.
Django let's you to squash them so you don't have a long list of migration files but still, the migrations take the same amount of time.
Then I tried the following:
Remove all the migration files in my app
Clean the django_migrations table in the DB
Run makemigrations (to create the 0001_initial for my app)
Run migrate --fake (to populate to django_migrations table)
Now the new migrations are really fast at the expense of losing the migration history.
So my question is, considering that this could be like a v1.0, and it is a standalone project which any other project depends on, What are the risks of doing this?
I have the feeling that it is something that should not be done, since I could't find any specific Django command to do it. South has a reset, but now django migrations only has the squash...
As long as all your installations was up to date when you deleted the migrations, there is no harm to delete old migrations. The single drawback is you can't go back in the database historic state easily once you deleted them, but except in case of old backups file, you should not have any use of it.
As I pointed out, just make sure everyone using your project is up to date before (or give them indications like the commit before the deletion so they can do the migrations before upgrading to HEAD if you are using a source version control).
If you are developping a third party app, it will make the installation more complicate (dealing with the --fake argument whether you are upgrading or installing...) but this is not your case.

How to deploy/versioning database with Cruise Control Net?

Hi i have configured the basics of cruise control to make releases, and automated nunit test using just MSBuild. Now i'm wondering if is possible to deploy/versioning databases with this?
I'm a beginner at CCNet .So if is possible some suggestions or tutorials (if there are) . Also if someone knows a free tool for database deployment/versioning let me know.. i will be grateful.
Thanks in advance
It isn't free but SQL Source Control from RedGate can do what you're looking for, assuming it's a SQL Server database. It has a commandline interface that you can use in CCNet tasks. The easy approach of just migrating up is... easy, the changes are applied to your database schema / data. There was an issue with v2x of the tool that they've overcome with 3, which is that if you were to rename a table column then it would delete the column and create a new one with the right name. Obviously that's quite a big problem if you've got data you want to keep, so with v3 there's the concept of migrations and this allows you to specify alter scripts so instead of dropping the column you could script the change non-destructively.
As far as I know, at this time, they don't have anything that allows you to roll back your version.
Otherwise you could take a look at database migration tools, there seemed to be some promise for these in .Net at least. There is also this post that has some other tools (again for .net) and then there's this https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=database+migration+tool which is not restricted to any language but is general database migrations
If you're still looking for ways to version and migrate databases, one such tool is dbdeploy.net . I've hosted it on github after forking it and doing some work. Latest version is fully up to date and has some interesting features (done by someone who also uses it and sent a pull request).

Load CMS core files from one server from multiple servers

I'm almost done with our custom CMS system. Now we want to install this for different websites (and more in the future), but every time I change the core files I will need to update each server/website seperatly.
What I really want is to load the core files from our server, so if I install an CMS I only define the nedded config files (on that server) and the rest is loaded from our server. This way I can pass changes in the core very simple, and only once.
How to do this, or this a completely wrong way? If so, what is the right way? Thing I need to look out for? Is it secure (without paying thousands for a https connection)?
I have completely no idea how to start or were to begin, and couldn't find anything helpful (maybe wrong search) so everything is helpful!
Thanks in advance!
Note: My application is build using the Zend Framework
You can't load the required files from remote on runtime (or really don't want to ;). This problem goes down to a proper release & configuration managment where you update all of your servers. But this can mostly be done automatically.
Depending on how much time you want to spend on this mechanism there are some things you have to be aware of. The general idea is, that you have one central server which holds the releases and have all other servers check if for updates, download and install them. There are lot's of possibilities like svn, archives, ... and the check/update can be done manually at the frontend or by crons in the background. Usually you'll update all changed files except the config files and the database as they can't be replaced but have to be modified in a certain way (this is the place where update scripts come into place).
This could look like this:
Cronjob is running on the server which checks for updates via svn
If there is a new revision it'll do a svn-update
This is an very easy to implement mechansim which holds some drawbacks like you can't change the config-files and database. Well infact it'd be possible but quite difficult to achieve.
Maybe this could be easier with a archive-based solution:
Cronjob checks updateserver for a new version. This could be done by reading the contents of a file on the update-server and compare it to a local copy
If there is a new version, download the related archive
Unpack the archive and copy the files
With that approach you might be able to include update-scripts into updates to modify configs/databases.
Automatic updatedistribution is a very very complex topic and that are only two very simple approaches. There are probably very many different solutions out there and 'selecting' the right one is not an easy task (it does even get more complex if you have different versions of a product with dependencies :) and there is no "this is the way it has to be done".

Code & data tracking / deployment

For a long time now, we've held our data within the project's repository. We just held everything under data/sql, and each table had its own create_tablename.sql and data_tablename.sql files.
We have now just deployed our 2nd project onto Scalr and we've realised it's a bit messy.
The way we deploy:
We have a "packageup" collection of scripts which tear apart the project into 3 archives (data, code, static files) which we then store in 3 separate buckets on S3.
Whenever a role starts up, it downloads one of the files (depending on the role: data, nfs or web) and then a "unpackage" script sets up everything for each role, loads the data into mysql, sets up the nfs, etc.
We do it like this because we don't want to save server images, we always start from vanilla instances onto which we install everything from scratch using various in-house built scripts. Startup time isn't an issue (we have a ready to use farm in 9 minutes).
The issue is that it's a pain trying to find the right version of the database whenever we try to setup a new development build (at any point in time, we've got about 4 dev builds for a project). Also, git is starting to choke once we go into production, as the sql files end up totalling around 500mb.
The question is:
How is everyone else managing databases? I've been looking for something that makes it easy to take data out of production into dev, and also migrating data from dev into production, but haven't stumbled upon anything.
You should seriously take a look at dbdeploy (dbdeploy.com). It is ported to many languages, the major ones being Java and PHP. It is integrated in build-tools like Ant and Phing, and allows easy sharing of so called delta files.
A delta file always consists of a deploy section, but can also contain an undo section. When you commit your delta file and another developer checks it out, he can just run dbdeploy and all new changes are automatically applied to his database.
I'm using dbdeploy for my open source blog, so you can take a look on how delta files are organized: http://site.svn.dasprids.de/trunk/sql/deltas/
How I understand your main question is expirience of other people in migrating of SQL data from dev into production.
I use Microsoft SQL Server instead of My SQL, so I am not sure, that my expirience you can use directly. Nevertheless this way works very good.
I use Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition to compare data in two databases. The same feature exist also in Vinsual Studio Team Edition 2008 (or Database edition). You can read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd193261.aspx to understand how it works. You can compare two databases (dev and prod) and generate SQL Script for modifying the data. You can easy exclude some tables or some columns from the comparing. You can also examine the results and exclude some entries from generation of the script. So one can easy and flexible generate scripts which can de used for deployment of the changes in the database. You can separetely compare the data of two databases from the sructure (schema compareing). So you can refresh data in dev with the data from prod or generate scripts which modify prod database to the last version of the dev database. I recommend you to look at this features and some products of http://www.red-gate.com/ (like http://www.red-gate.com/products/SQL_Compare/index.htm).
Check out capistrano. It's a tool the ruby community uses for deployment to different enviroments and I find it really useful.
Also if your deployment is starting to choke try a tool twitter built called Murder.
Personally i'd look at Toad
Less than 10k ;) ... will analyse database structures, produce scripts to modify them and also will migrate data.
One part of the solution is to capture the version of each of your code modules and their corresponding data resources in a single location, and compare them to ensure consistency. For example, an increment in the version number of your, say, customer_comments module will require a corresponding SQL delta file to upgrade the relevant DB tables to the equal version number for the data.
For an example, have a look at Magento's core_resource approach as documented by #AlanStorm.

Database Versioning - How does branch switching work?

This is a question for those of you developing on a team of devs where all of you have separate databases. You're versioning your database using source control and other tools which will automatically bring dev databases up to date to the latest version of the database (schema, data, SP's, functions, etc.).
OK Great! But wait! What if you are developing on version 4.0 of your software, but now you need to switch branches to the 3.2 branch to fix a bug? The schema could be (almost assuredly is) very different by now...
I suppose if you went through the extra effort to write rollback scripts along with your change scripts, this could work. But that seems like a lot of work - is it really worth it?
Much easier would be to create a new 3.2-branch database and work with that while working on the 3.2-branch code. It doesn't seem reasonable to me to require that each developer has exactly one database to work with.
I'm going on a limb and assume that you are versioning the database as a binary? If all your database assets were in the form of constructive code (eg SQL scripts and/or text data dumps), the solution would be simple, as suggested by Mark: store these assets as part of the development branch. To work on version 3.2, switch the branch, re-run the create scripts and presto, 3.2 database. Merging would be just as easy as with regular code (or just as painful, depending on your version control system of choice).
Here are some suggestions to work in this mode:
If creating the database instances from text is too slow, make a cache on a shared disk volume, keyed by the contents of all the schema / data files (or the MD5 sum thereof).
Write a pre-commit hook to ensure that the schema and data dumps in the developer's instance are the same as the ones under version control. This prevents people from making changes to their dev database with an interactive tool, and then forgetting to commit them.
You mention change scripts; treat them as a liability. While they may be required by your deployment scenario (eg for customers who want to upgrade in-place), they duplicate information from the version history of the database, and per Murphy's law duplication means desynchronization sooner or later. Try to auto-generate the change scripts from the versioned database assets using "diff"; or if this cannot be achieved, dedicate some serious unit tests to database upgrades.