UITableView editing accessory view divider color - iphone

I have a UITableView with the editingAccessoryType set to UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator. The result is this:
alt text http://cl.ly/8e02045ab41ae71f6f64/content
It works, but I have a custom background, and therefore a custom separator color. However, the divider between the rearrange control and the accessory is set to the same standard table view separator color. Is there any way to change this?

You want to change the color of disclosure indicator and the rearrange control, I guess, but there is no documented way to do that.
In my opinion you should use the images for this. Have the images of desired color and paste them in place where you want to add them.
Hope this helps.


Can I customize the check mark position in UITableView?

I'm working on a UITable with allowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = true, then I get a circle and red checkmark in the table when it is editing:
The problem is, I need to customize the table view cell such that there are some background image for the cell, and I need a larger margin in the left side of the cell. I can customize the cell contentView for the content position, but are there a way I can customize the checkmark and circle position?
I could have implement a customize table view cell with my own multi selection logic and view, but are there a way I can do it with the built-in multi-select implementation? If not, would you recommend a idiomatic way to do it?
it is possible to change the position of the check mark,
Please make a Table View cell XIB and give it a background image and check mark image and a label ..
the hiding and the display of the check mark will be managed by the associated class of XIB.
it will work for you.
** All the best
To answer my own question, you cannot move the red checkmark and circle (editing control) with public API.
You can however, override the UITableViewCell layoutSubviews method. Inside it find the subview which is a "UITableViewCellEditControl", and modify its position as you wish.

UITableView create a badge on the right of every cell

I want to create a table view like this one with a badge on the right. Can someone suggest me how can I do to get this result?
I'm using greate open source project TDBadgedCell from Tim Davies for that purposes. It is very simple to use and configure.
Get it here: https://github.com/tmdvs/TDBadgedCell
AFAIK, this is not available by default. You have to customize your cell.
Create a UILabel.
Set textAlignment as UITextAlignmentCenter.
Change its cornerRadius.
Add a drop shadow using shadowColor, shadowOffset(a positive offest) ,etc.,
Set label's text.
Resize label's width to fit the text.
Set it as cell's accessoryView.

Changing the color of cell editing style action button

How can we change the default green color of + image that comes when we set the cell editing style to UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert? I want to set it to blue color.
As far as I know, those icon (+ and -) cannot be modified. If you really find ways to modify the behavior of UITableViewCell, I will appreciate you. One way I think is to implement a custom tableview controller and a custom cell inheritted from UIView, but it is a hard work.

How to design rounded boxes and separators (like the App Settings view)?

I am wondering what is the good way to design interfaces such as the one in the Settings view on an application, for instance :
What I want to do is the nice round rectangle to separate categories and horizontal line separators between categories, I can have a label, text field, slider or any other control in each line...
Do we need to use an image in the background, that seems quite dirty to me, and I cant find any control in IB that seem to do the same kind of layout.
So, how is this done?
Use a UITableView and set it's style to UITableViewStyleGrouped. Remember that the standard UITableViewCell's will just let you show some text and you may need to create custom UITableViewCell's to achieve more (for example, a on-off switch).
If you wan't to customise it you can add a background image. To do this, place a UIImageView behind the UITableView and make sure you set the UITableView background colour to clear:
theTableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
To seperate the categories make use of the "sections".
Basically, you can use grouped table.You can have sections with different/same number of rows.

How to make UITextView look like Facebook login?

How can I make my textfields look like the Facebook login screen?
alt text http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/4162/photocr.jpg
That's really a UITableView. You can put some UITextFields without a border inside a couple of UITableViewCells.
I'm extremely late to the party - but this library makes this sort of UI much easier: https://github.com/escoz/QuickDialog
Use a grouped table for your UITableView (i.e., UITableViewStyleGrouped) with one section and two rows. Then put UITextFields in the table cells (you may have to make custom table cells) and set the placeholder property to whatever text you want to display before the user types somethings.
It might be a UITableView, but then again it could be just a UIView with rounded corners and two UITextFields and a separator line.
I believe you're asking how to style UITextView, not how to setup a UITableView, so what I would do is create a .PNG image that's mostly white with two little rounded corners up top. Flip the image vertically and you have the one for the bottom. Drag both to your resources folder in XCode, then open up Interface Builder with the .xib. Set the background color to your blue. Click on the text field, go to Inspector and select the image you just created in the Background field. Do it again for the other field. You can use the Placeholder field to create the gray "Email" and "Password" placeholder text.