Resolve Proper URL - iphone

How can I turn into (the actual address)? Is there an easy API for this?
The purpose is to allow a user to enter a domain in preferences and allow my app to convert that into a fully qualified web URL like a web browser does when I type it returns (ish).

If typing your results in https://www.your then the server is redirecting. Here is a rule to follow:
Construct "https://domain the user typed". Connect to that, and follow any 301 (permanent) redirects until you get a 200 response. Save the URL you end up at as the permanent one.
If your connection failed, try again with http:// instead of https://.
Do not assume that the "proper" URL contains "www."; if it should, then the server will redirect.

What's so hard about putting "http://www." in front?
How does that require an API?
Are you asking about the string concatenation API?

Use the NSURL class. More specifically, use initWithScheme:host:path where scheme is "http", host is your string and path is empty.


DNS redirect to other domain

Is it possible to redirect from to
I want to use it to url shortener, so it have to keep path; redirect mydomain/1 to otherdomain/1
I do not think it's recurrent, I need to use a web server or change A record.

[Facebook][Bug?] Why is the redirect URI always link to instead of my own?

In the setting of my App, I have set the site URL to be http://localhost/, in the app domain, I have indicated localhost.
Followed by in the Facebook Login Product, I have set Valid OAuth redirect URIs to be http://localhost.
but launch in my application, it gives me URL Blocked .... redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted in the app's Client OAuth Settings...
the redirect URI link is
No matter what I change in the OAuth, the URI remains the same.
Anyone able to help?
Nope. Just localhost wont do. U need to put with port too. i.e http://localhost:3000/
There is NO url called http://localhost/ and If you put a port, it just talks about specific domain.
For example, if you put localhost which considered wild. For example what if you put www in your allowed url? It is considered illegal.
If you specify the port i.e http://localhost:3000/ then u just refereing to one domian at a time. And it is not wild nor illegal. Through this u are just allowing

Google Authorized redirect URIs

Let's say my app's main domain is at
App is going to have lots of instances, i.e.
In order to have OAuth2 authentication against my app, I currently have redirect URIs as such:
Is there a way to add one Authorized redirect URI for all of these clients? i.e.*
Or does this URI has to be the exact match?
If you look at the Google Developer console
Must have a protocol (HTTP / HTTPS)
Cannot contain a URL Fragment (#)
Cannot contain a relative path.
Cannot be a public IP address.
Examples of Relitve vs Absolute URIs
Relative URI Absolute URI
What you want to do is something like a Relative URI. What you need to remember is that an Authentication server is nothing but a web service. If you cant access the redirect URI from a normal web browser the authentication server cant either.
So no you cant do that it has to match exactly.

301 URL Redirect with arguments without htaccess or php

How do I redirect to
The old domain is using namecheap's dns. Currently, I have setup a 301 URL redirect on and to However, visiting takes me to instead of
Is there a way to do it without using htaccess or php?
use webmaster tool. Thats is easy. We normaly use server side programming, ip redirect. But that is very easy and convenient.

how to get facebook profile image real url in https

I am wondering if there is a way to get facebook user profile image's real url in https.
Like I use to get a the profile image,
It will redirect to
Is there a way to get the "https" version of the second url? or is the url existing?
This might have changed in the docs since you last looked, I know everyone got excited about https after that snooping tool came out.
"If you need a picture to be returned over a secure connection, you can set the return_ssl_resources argument to 1:"
Hopefully that won't redirect you.
Update 10 sept 2012 now redirects to https urls.
You can just replace http by https in the target url but keep in mind that it is only temporary and may time out.
there is also no valid ssl certificate, but if you ignore that, the file will be served.
if you need a valid certified https url for pictures you need to set up a proxy script on your server that passes through the file.
as for your comment here is an example of what i meant by "proxy script".
you can put it on your server and request it with whatever protocl/scheme you like.
just like it was a local picture. you should probably validate the mime type. do some error handling and prevent injections etc. but just to give you ap icture:
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
echo file_get_contents(''.intval($_GET["id"]).'/picture');
fyi i put the int cast there to prevent injection hacking.
script is untested but should work as file_get_contents will follow redirects.