Octave time series Moving average - matlab

I have a matrix with each column represents a feature over time. I need to find the moving average of these values with a given window size.
Is there a function like the one in MATLAB?
output = tsmovavg(vector, 's', lag, dim)

You can use the FILTER function. An example:
t = (0:.001:1)'; %#'
vector = sin(2*pi*t) + 0.2*randn(size(t)); %# time series
wndw = 10; %# sliding window size
output1 = filter(ones(wndw,1)/wndw, 1, vector); %# moving average
or even use the IMFILTER and FSPECIAL from the Image Package
output2 = imfilter(vector, fspecial('average', [wndw 1]));
One final option is using indexing (not recommended for very large vector)
%# get indices of each sliding window
idx = bsxfun(#plus, (1:wndw)', 0:length(vector)-wndw);
%'# compute average of each
output3 = mean(vector(idx),1);
Please note the difference in padding: output1(wndw:end) corresponds to output3


Obtain location of maximum inside a 3D matrix

How can I get a maximum of a three-dimensional matrix (which was previously two-dimensional and converted to a three-dimensional matrix by reshape) in MATLAB so that I can then get the position of that maximum value in the matrix?
I wrote the following code, but unfortunately the dimensions obtained for the maximum values are larger than the dimensions of the matrix.
If frvrdin is 3D, max(max(frvrdin)) will be a 1x1x3 vector:
frvrdin = rand(3,3,3);
ans(:,:,1) =
ans(:,:,2) =
ans(:,:,3) =
Don't nest max() functions, simply use the 'all' switch to take the max of the entire matrix at once.
ans =
If you're on an older MATLAB, use column flattening: max(frvrdin(:)).
You can't use the automated location output of max [val,idx]=max() on more than two dimensions, so use find and ind2sub:
frvrdin = rand(3,3,3);
val = max(frvrdin,[],'all'); % Find maximum over all dims
idx = find(abs(frvrdin-val)<1e-10); % Compare within tolerance
[row,col,page] = ind2sub(size(frvrdin),idx); % Get subscript indices
where row is the index into your first dimension, col into the second and finally page into the third.

How to reduce for loops in a moving window based operation?

How to reduce for loops in a moving window based operation? I'm using a 15x15 window across two images and performing multiplication to get average value per pixel.
z= (win1 -1)/2;%centre of window
for i= ini :(ma-z)
for j= ini:(na-z)
for a= (i-z):(i+z)
for b=(j-z):(j+z)
W(pp,qq)= g(a, b);%window on image
Es(pp,qq)=edg(a,b);%window on edge
I might have gotten lost in your loops and i can't exactly read the formula (it's a bit fuzzy) but i think this is what you want:
g = rand(5); %sample img1
edg = rand(5); %sample img2
windowsize = 3; %set this to 15 for real images
A = g.*edg; % multiply each element beforehand, corresponds to mu*sigma in formula
B = movsum(movsum(A,windowsize,2),windowsize,1); % get moving window sum of A, corresponds to numerator in formula
C = movsum(movsum(edg,windowsize,2),windowsize,1); % get moving window sum of edg, corresponds to denominator in formula
E = B./C; %hopefully what you wanted
Ps: You need 2016a or newer to run this

Retaining color when subsampling a triangulated surface: get indices from reducepatch?

I have a very densely tessellated surface which looks like this:
This surface is too densely tessellated for me, so I subsample it to get a coarser surface. To do this, I used Matlab's reducepatch function. This works pretty well:
Unfortunately, the coloring is based on a variable called sulcal_depth, which is defined for every vertex of my tessellated surface. So I need to retain sulcal depth information only from the vertices which remain after subsampling. Essentially, I need reducepatch to give me not just the subsampled version of the surface, but also the indices of vertex points that it retained. If I know the preserved indices, I can just index my sulcal_depth variable to get the new depth map.
Currently, I'm doing this as follows (this is also how I colored the subsampled version above):
function indices = compute_reduced_indices(before, after)
%% Function to compute the indices of vertices preserved during an operation of
% reducepatch. This allows you to use reducepatch to subsample a surface and
% re-compute an original signal on the vertices for the new subsampled mesh
indices = zeros(length(after), 1);
for i = 1:length(after)
dotprods = (before * after(i, :)') ./ sqrt(sum(before.^2, 2));
[~, indices(i)] = max(dotprods);
But as you might imagine, this is pretty slow, because of the for loop over vertices. I don't have enough memory to vectorize the loop and compute the full dot product matrix in one go.
Is there a smart way to get reducepatch to give me indices, or an alternative approach (with or without reducepatch) that's faster?
If reducepath only delete some vertex but doesn't change the coordinate of the preserved points you can use the function ismember:
%Load the "flow" matlab's dataset.
[x,y,z,v] = flow(100);
%Patch the isosurface
p = patch(isosurface(x,y,z,v,-3));
rp = reducepatch(p,0.15);
%Create an index of the preserved vertex.
[ind,loc] = ismember(p.Vertices,rp.vertices,'rows');
sum(find(ind) == sort(indices)) == length(indices) %should be = 1
%if you want to preserve the index order:
locb = loc(ind);
subind = find(ind);
[~,revsor] = sort(locb);
ind = subind(revsor);
[x,y,z,v] = flow(100);
p = patch(isosurface(x,y,z,v,-3));
rp = reducepatch(p,0.15);
ind = ismember(p.Vertices,rp.vertices,'rows');
before = p.Vertices;
after = rp.vertices;
indices = zeros(length(after), 1);
for i = 1:length(after)
dotprods = (before * after(i, :)') ./ sqrt(sum(before.^2, 2));
[~, indices(i)] = max(dotprods);
Elapsed time is 0.196078 seconds. %ismember solution
Elapsed time is 11.280293 seconds. %dotproduct solution

Bandpass Filter for 4D image in Matlab

I have implemented in Matlab a bandpass filter for a 4D image (4D matrix). The first three dimensions are spatial dimensions, the last dimension is a temporal one. Here is the code:
function bandpass_img = bandpass_filter(img)
% Does bandpass filtering on input image
% Input:
% img: 4D image
% Output:
% bandpass_img: Bandpass filtered image
TR = 1; % Repetition time
n_vols = size(img,3);
X = [];
% Create matrix (voxels x time points)
for z = 1:size(img,3)
for y = 1:size(img,2)
for x = 1:size(img,1)
X = [X; squeeze(img(x,y,z,:))']; %#ok<AGROW>
Fs = 1/TR;
nyquist = 0.5*Fs;
% Pass bands
F = [0.01/nyquist, 0.1/nyquist];
type = 'bandpass';
% Filter order
n = floor(n_vols/3.5);
% Ensure filter order is odd for bandpass
if (mod(n,2) ~= 0), n=n+1; end
fltr = fir1(n, F, type);
% Looking at frequency response
% freqz(fltr)
% Store plot to file
% set(gcf, 'Color', 'w');
% export_fig('freq_response', '-png', '-r100');
% Apply to image
X = filter(fltr, 1, X);
% Reconstructing image
i = 1;
bandpass_img = zeros(size(img));
for z = 1:size(img,3)
for y = 1:size(img,2)
for x = 1:size(img,1)
bandpass_img(x,y,z,:) = X(i,:)';
i = i + 1;
I'm not sure if the implementation is correct. Could somebody verify it or does somebody find a failure?
Edit: Thanks to SleuthEye it now kind of works when I'm using bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, [], 4);. But there is still a minor problem. My images are of size 80x35x12x350, i.e. there are 350 time points. I have plotted the average time series before and after applying the bandpass filter.
Before bandpass filtering:
After bandpass filtering:
Why is this peak at the very beginning of the filtered image?
Edit 2: There is now a peak at the beginning and at the end. See:
I have made a second plot where I marked each point with a *. See:
So the first and last two time points seem to be lower.
It seems that I have to remove 2 time points at the beginning and also 2 time points at the end, so in total I will loose 4 time points.
What do you think?
Filtering a concatenation of all the elements using the 1-D filter function as you are doing is likely going to result in a distorted image as the smoothing makes the end of each row blend into the beginning of the next one. Unless you are trying to obtain a psychedelic rendition of your 4D data, this is unlikely to do what you are expecting it to.
Now, according to Matlab's filter documentation:
y = filter(b,a,x,zi,dim) acts along dimension dim. For example, if x is a matrix, then filter(b,a,x,zi,2) returns the filtered data for each row.
So, to smooth out the 3D images over time (which you indicated is the fourth dimension of you matrix img), you should use
bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, [], 4);
Used as such, the signal would starts a 0 because that's the default initial state of the filter and the filter takes a few samples to ramp up. If you know the value of the initial state you can specify that with the zi argument (the 4th argument):
bandpass_img = filter(fltr, 1, img, zi, 4);
Otherwise, a typical order N linear FIR filter has a delay of N/2 samples. To get rid of the initial ramp up you can thus just discard those N/2 initial samples:
bandpass_img = bandpass_img(:,:,:,(N/2+1):end);
Similarly, if you want to see the output corresponding to the last N/2 input values, you'd have to pad your input with N/2 extra samples (zeros will do):
img = padarray(img, [0 0 0 N/2], 0, 'post');

Pixel subtraction

I am working on code that select set of pixels randomly from gray images, then comparing the intensity of each 2 pixels by subtracting the intensity of pixel in one location from another one in different location.
I have code do random selection, but I am not sure of this code and I do not know how to do pixels subtraction?
thank you in advance..
N = 100; % number of random pixels
im = imread('image.bmp');
[nRow,nCol,c] = size(im);
randRow = randi(nRow,[N,1]);
randCol = randi(nCol,[N,1]);
Parag basically gave you the answer. In order to achieve this vectorized, you need to use sub2ind. However, what I would do is generate two sets of rows and columns. The reason why is because you need one set for the first set of pixels and another set for the next set of pixels so you can subtract the two sets of intensities. Therefore, do something like this:
N = 100; % number of random pixels
im = imread('image.bmp');
[nRow,nCol,c] = size(im);
%// Generate two sets of locations
randRow1 = randi(nRow,[N,1]);
randCol1 = randi(nCol,[N,1]);
randRow2 = randi(nRow,[N,1]);
randCol2 = randi(nCol,[N,1]);
%// Convert each 2D location into a single linear index
%// for vectorization, then subtract
locs1 = sub2ind([nRow, nCol], randRow1, randCol1);
locs2 = sub2ind([nRow, nCol], randRow2, randCol2);
im_subtract = im(locs1) - im(locs2);
However, the above code only assumes that your image is grayscale. If you want to do this for colour, you'll have to do a bit more work. You need to access each channel and subtract on a channel basis. The linear indices that were defined above are just for a single channel. As such, you'll need to offset by nRow*nCol for each channel if you want to access the same corresponding locations in the next channels. As such, I would use sub2ind in combination with bsxfun to properly generate the right values for vectorizing the subtraction. This requires just a slight modification to the above code. Therefore:
N = 100; % number of random pixels
im = imread('image.bmp');
[nRow,nCol,c] = size(im);
%// Generate two sets of locations
randRow1 = randi(nRow,[N,1]);
randCol1 = randi(nCol,[N,1]);
randRow2 = randi(nRow,[N,1]);
randCol2 = randi(nCol,[N,1]);
%// Convert each 2D location into a single linear index
%// for vectorization
locs1 = sub2ind([nRow, nCol], randRow1, randCol1);
locs2 = sub2ind([nRow, nCol], randRow2, randCol2);
%// Extend to as many channels as we have
skip_ind = permute(0:nRow*nCol:(c-1)*nRow*nCol, [1 3 2]);
%// Create 3D linear indices
locs1 = bsxfun(#plus, locs1, skip_ind);
locs2 = bsxfun(#plus, locs2, skip_ind);
%// Now subtract the locations
im_subtract = im(locs1) - im(locs2);