ajaxcontroltoolkit setting hidden value after asyncfileupload has completed - ajaxcontroltoolkit

I have an asyncfileupload control that I'm using from the ajaxcontroltoolkit. On the file complete in the code behind I process the file and write the information in the file to a database. I get the id of the record from the database, and this needs to be written to an asp hidden field. I've tried just setting the value:
fldImageID.Value = pimg.IdImageGroup.ToString();
I've tried Registering a script like I've seen in an example on a website:
"alert('hi'); top.document.getElementById('"
+ fldImageID.ClientID
+ "').value='"
+ pimg.IdImageGroup.ToString()
+ "'; top.document.getElementById('"
+ lblError.ClientID
+ "').innerHTML = 'image uploaded'",
I've just tried embedding javascript in a response.Write call from the method I've set to process the uploaded file. Nothing I've done has worked so far. After I've done everything the hidden field still does not contain the required value.

This is pretty easy with jQuery. Have an html hidden input control placed in your page, not the asp:hidden input control. Add a class lets say "hiddenPhoto" to your html hidden control.
so lets say our control html is like this
<input type="hidden" class="hiddenPhoto" runat="server" id="hdPhotoName" />
Now access it using class selector in your OnClientUploadComplete js method and set its value. Have it declared runat="server" in order to access its value on the server side.

I found an acceptable solution back when I was working on this. And since then I've received emails from people who have had the same problem and have been asking if I found a solution. So I'm presenting it here, stripping out any extraineous code:
From the user control that has the FileUpload control I first set the session variable on the back side in the FileUploadComplete handler:
*in the ascx file (upload_chart.ascx) I have the AsyncFileUpload, what is important is the OnUploadComplete and the OnClientUploadComplete:*
runat="server" />
*in the code behind of the ascx file (upload_chart.ascx.cs) I handle the FileUploadComplete:*
public void FileUploadComplete1(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ImageFileUploader.FileBytes.Length > 0)
// File data is in ImageFileUploaded.FileBytes
// Save it however you need to
// I saved it to a database, in a DBImage Object class I created
// DBImage is specific to my application
ODS.Entity.DBImage pimg =
// Set the ImageID1 in the session
Session["ImageID1"] = pimg.IdImageGroup.ToString();
// error handling for an empty file, however you want to handle it
catch (Exception Ex)
// error handling for an unhandled exception, whatever you want to do here
Javascript and script methods are used to set the value on the page, here is my codebehind for the script method:
// on the aspx page code behind (chartofthedayadmin.aspx.cs) I have the webmethod:
public static string GetImageID1()
System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState Session = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session;
String retval = Session["ImageID1"].ToString();
Session["ImageID1"] = null;
return retval;
Here is the javascript:
// on the aspx front end (chartofthedayadmin.aspx) I have the javascript
// to call the Web method and the javascript failed message:
function UploadComplete1() {
var str = PageMethods.GetImageID1(uploadSuccess1, uploadFailed);
function uploadFailed() {
alert('error occurred or some meaningfull error stuff');
*// javascript on the user control (upload_chart.ascx) to set the value of the hidden field*
function uploadSuccess1(result) {
document.getElementById('<%= fldImageID.ClientID %>').value = result;
note: Make sure your scriptmanager has EnablePageMethods="true".

The better and more simple solution is in code behind:
string script = String.Format("top.document.getElementById('hdnFilename').value='{0}';", safeFilename);
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "hdnFilenameFromCodeBehind", script, true);
In my case, safeFilename is the unique filename, after handling duplicate filename, i.e. sample_5.png in the 5th upload of sample.png.
See http://forums.asp.net/t/1503989.aspx


jsonp and zendframe work 1 doesnt return any thing(im working with phonegap and use Zend as a service)

this is my zend controller
and this is how i called my service
please teach me how. it's important ! thank you so much
Seems like a bit of extra work with what you have there. I've done it this way in both ZF1 and ZF2:
// notice 'searchteams' is lowercased. There's been problems in the past
// when camelcasing action names, by default I believe ZF is looking for
// a lowercase action name unless you've configured it otherwise
public function searchteamsAction()
// make sure this is an ajax request (this is a method I usually write, if
// Zend has one you could use that here)
if ($this->isXmlHttpRequest())
// instantiate model, get the results, good
// disabling view and layout, good
// headers, never really had an issue that needed the headers to be set here
// would simply have..
echo json_encode($res);
JS: in the success method in the AJAX call, I'd do this:
success : function (data){
// parse the json
var parsed_data = $.parseJSON(data);
// do stuff with parsed_data
Hope that helps.
Check your datas with a return var_dump($res); before $this->_response->setHeader(...
if you have datas, try to add $this->_response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json', true);
If not work, try to replace
and echo Zend_Json::encode($res);
by only
return $this->_helper->json($res);
You can also see the error on the side of jQuery with something like:
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
alert("error status: " + status);
var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
I hope it will help you :)

Web Api returns garbage for text files unless run from the browser bar

I am writing a file service using Asp.Net’s Web Api. The service retrieves files (Css, Excel, Csv, etc.) from SQL Server and serves them up in response to Get requests.
My first test case is for Css files. The issue is that, while I can see the correct data on the server side, when the browser retrieves/decodes it, the results are mangled. The issue appears to be related to the encodings.
Here are the request/response headers in FireFox:
When I click on the response tab in FireBug, here’s what it looks like:
The results look like ascii being displayed as utf8. This is the html view in FireBug:
The above example is an iFrame inside a Facebook application which is running ssl.
If I take the url and open it directly in the browser, it works and correctly displays my Css:
In summary, when I retrieve my Css file from a tag inside my Facebook app, I get garbage (encoding issue?). If I retrieve it straight from the browser, it works.
My CssFormatter MediaTypeFormatter code:
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type type, object value, Stream writeStream, HttpContent content, TransportContext transportContext)
var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
var incomingFile = value as FileRestService.Entity.IFile;
var ms = new MemoryStream(incomingFile.DataBuffer);
catch (Exception e)
return taskSource.Task;
Am I creating the response stream incorrectly? I noticed that the response headers do not specify the encoding. Is this an issue?
I find the easiest way to handle this is to write something along the lines of (here's the important details):
public class Formatter : MediaTypeFormatter {
// TODO override the constructor to add some mappings or some other way for this formatter to be picked up
// TODO override CanReadType and CanWriteType according to your rules
public override void SetDefaultContentHeaders(Type t, HttpContentHeaders headers, string mediaType) {
base.SetDefaultContentHeaders(t, headers, mediaType);
headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment") {
FileName = "SomeName.ext"
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type t, object value, Stream s, HttpContentHeaders headers, TransportContext context) {
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
// TODO code to write to the output stream, flush it but don't explicitly close it

Liferay Portlet and JSF : Redirect during Render Phase

I have a problem to implement a simple HTTP redirection.
I use Liferay 6.0.6, our portlets are build with JSF2.0 / PortletFaces.
I want to call a redirection when a view is loaded (and not when an action is triggered). Currently, my function is called by the PreRenderView listener.
<f:event listener="#{myControler.dispatch}" type="preRenderView" />
In this function, i can check the permissions, do other stuff, and in some cases I want to redirect the user to a new page (not another view).
I tried several methods, unsuccessfully.
Specifically, I thought that this method would work :
// => Can only redirect during ACTION_PHASE
This error is logical, but is there a solution to force the redirection.
It could be realized in another function, called otherwise, I only need the Hibernate Session (set at the beginning of the Render Phase)
Have you ideas to resolve this problem?
ps : <redirect /> or ?faces-redirect don't work with the portlets.
You can't do this in the render phase by design. Reasons:
It's possible that portlets are rendered asynchronously, so the page might already be displayed when your portlet is being rendered
It's possible that parts of the page are already delivered to the client, so that the HTTP Headers are already sent - for this reason, by design you don't have access to them in the render phase
What would be the expected outcome if two portlets rendered on the same page would decide that they'd like to forwards to another page? Who would win?
A hacky workaround is to render some javascript redirect, but this is veeeery un-portal-like and can mess up other's expectations (plus, parts of the page might already be rendered, causing your users to fill a form only to be redirected by your javascript routine.
Please rethink the problem and come up with a different solution - it's really worth doing this in a portal environment.
I use this and it works for me:
public void preRenderView() throws IOException {
if (!checkUtente()) {
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
NavigationHandler navigationHandler = fc.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
navigationHandler.handleNavigation(fc, null, "errore.xhtml?faces-redirect=true");
Use the below method it will work
public static void redirect(final String url) throws IOException {
final javax.portlet.PortletResponse portletResponse
= getPortletResponse();
if (portletResponse instanceof ActionResponse) {
final javax.portlet.ActionResponse actionResponse
= (javax.portlet.ActionResponse) portletResponse;
} else if (portletResponse instanceof ResourceResponse) {
final FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
if (ctx.getPartialViewContext().isPartialRequest()) {
final ResourceResponse portletResResp
= (ResourceResponse) portletResponse;
PartialResponseWriter pwriter;
final ResponseWriter writer = ctx.getResponseWriter();
if (writer instanceof PartialResponseWriter) {
pwriter = (PartialResponseWriter) writer;
} else {
pwriter = ctx.getPartialViewContext()
// addResponseHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
} else {
throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(
"Can only redirect during RESOURCE_PHASE "
+ "if a Partial-(JSF AJAX)-Request has "
+ "been triggered");
} else {
throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(
"Can not redirect during the current phase: "
+ portletResponse.getClass().getSimpleName());

Change in URL to trigger Event in GWT

I am iterating through some data and generating parameterized URL links based on some conditions like this:
finishedHTML.append("<a href=\"http://" + domain + "&service=" + allEvents[eventCounter].EventService +"&day="+ offSet+(-1 * i) +"\"><img src=\"/info.jpg\" alt=\"Info\"/>");
I had the beginning of my application checking for URL parameters when the page was loaded/refreshed, and take some action depending on if the parameters were there and what they were.
However, I added a # to the beginning of the paramters, so the page wouldn't need to be refreshed, but now it's not triggering the function that checks the URL.
My question is how can I trigger an event in GWT when a user clicks a link? Do I need to generate GWT controls, and link a click handler? Is it possible to setup an event that fires when the URL is changed???
Adam answered part of the initial question, but I can't get the querystring after "#". Is there a better way than the function below:
public static String getQueryString()
return Window.Location.getQueryString();
In other words, if I enter example.com?service=1 I get service=1 as my querystring. If I enter example.com#?service=1, I get a null value for the querystring..
Use History.addValueChangeHandler( handler ), and create a handler to catch the URL changes.
There's no need for click handlers etc., any change of the "hash" part in the URL will be sufficient.
See this code example - it will parse URLs of the form http://mydomain/my/path#tok1&tok2&tok3
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
String hash = event.getValue();
if ( hash.length() == 0 ) {
String[] historyTokens = hash.split("&",0);
// do stuff according to tokens
(Just responding to your Update)
Have you tried
to get the value after the "#"?

another approach to returning some thing to browser in mvc with ajax call instead of using response.write

i have one section in my mvc 2.0 project which doing some processes and after each, return some messages (string) with response.write(). and this messages returned to browser with bad format. i want to return messages to one specific HTML div and add each to end of contents of div tag. now how do this?
this event after each procces raised and message returned to browser.
public void OnProgressEvent(System.Object source, CustomEventArgs customEventArgs)
if (customEventArgs.Level > 5)
Response.Write(customEventArgs.Message + "<br />");
jQuery is your friend here. If you make an ajax call to say an ActionResult, then you can either return a json object or a partial view.
My preference is to return a partial view and then replace the contents of the div with the resultant html.
public ActionResult jQueryTagDelete(string SomeParametersMaybe)
return PartialView("TagList", tags.OrderBy(x => x.keyword1));
And you jQuery code;
function deleteTag(tagName) {
$.post("/Admin/jQueryTagDelete", { tag: tagName }, function(RETURNED_HTML) {
document.getElementById("divTags").innerHTML = RETURNED_HTML;