Stream a song on an iphoe to another iphone? - iphone

Is it possible to write an iphone app that allows a user to pick a song (located on their iphone) and have it play out on an another iphone based on a client-server type relationship over a wifi connection?
Thanks for your help,

You don't ever get access to song data from the iPod library on the phone. All you can do is get the phone to play the audio. Apple won't allow this as it would violate copyright.


accessing itunes music data

If it helps, I am using Xcode 4.3.1 and objective-c to program simple apps on an iPhone 4s running iOS 5.1.
I would like to find the documentation for a class with methods to capture the digital music signal that iTunes sends to an output device (speaker, headphones). I assume it must be accessible since it exists in the phone prior to reaching the speakers. I am not attempting a pirating move, but rather would like to route this music signal to the phone's outgoing wireless signal so that it can be heard clearly by someone on the other end of a call (ex. a method to play a favorite song, with decent sound quality, for a friend out of town). Can anyone point me in a general direction (if that direction exists) so that I can begin learning more?
One, I'm pretty sure there's no way to get the raw audio samples from a song in the library. You can get a list of the tracks and tell the system to play one, but that all happens outside your app. Two, apps can't access the cell phone—there's no way to send audio from your app to a phone call. Three, even if the first two did work, calls are heavily compressed and tuned to voice data. Call a friend and have them play a song through the phone, see how it sounds. Not very good, I'll bet.

How do i allow a user to pick a song from their iPod library?

For my app, an alarm, i'd like the user to be able to pick a song to play from their iPod library. How would i go about implementing this?
Do not know the details, but have you read the iPod Library Access Programming Guide?

Sharing Audio over bluetooth

I want to write a function in my iPad App, which allows me to stream the music choosen on iPad to the connected Game-Interfaces (iPod, iPhone...) via bluetooth. Does anyone knows a simple solution or maybe wants to share some sample code?
Thanks for help!
I am doing something very similar. I have my iphone connecting to multiple devices to stream audio to them, but I want the device that is streaming the audio to also play audio as well.
You can look into the GKSession in the GameKit API and that should give you a good start.
Also maybe openAl, but I think that might be a little overboard. I heard Core Audio has a built in feature for bluetooth devices that are connected to play audio through them but I dont think this goes for iPhone, iPad, iTouch etc....
I have also created my own peer connection interface that allows me to see multiple bluetooth devices that are running my app. I then can click each one and each gets connected. I then I added a test to push a text message to all connected devices for testing. Next I need to find out how to stream audio to the connected apple devices.
If anyone has any info on this I am sure we would both appreciate it.

iPhone Music Library Access

I would like to develop an application for iPhone that classifies the user's music according to user-defined genres. The application should be able to have access to iPhone's Music Library and work on the files, this is, fetching an mp3 file, apply some DSP ( like MFCC coefficients ) and then save the results on the file itself.
Is it possible to obtain a song as a file and work on it?
No. You have access to the music library database and can launch a music player to play a certain song but under the SDK you have neither access to the song files themselves nor to the actual PCM data of the music.
Also, access to the music library database on the device is strictly read-only, so you can't modify genres etc. if that was your plan.
I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but given that you can't access the music data from the iPhone, you might consider having a desktop app that accesses the user's music on their Mac/PC, and encodes something into the genre of the music there. Then you could write a music player app for the iPhone that can understand your genre descriptor and function accordingly. You could even go as far as having your iPhone app and desktop app communicate via WiFi to synch up data.

Publishing Audio from iPhone to HTTP

I have read that Apple has allowed iPod Library Access in iPhone OS 3.0 and thus an App can access the data stored in the iPod.
I want to know that is there a possibility that the audio being played by an App can be published over a Network Stream.
Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks and Regards,
Muhammad Haseeb Khan
Can't be done. That "access" is very limited and does not include the audio data.
You can however broadcast, say, the playlist or the album art.
It really does open up a whole world of possibilities.