Setup incoming emails in WSS 3.0 and configure document library to receive emails - wss

Does anyone have all the steps required to configure incoming email settings in MOSS 2007 including exchange and AD configuration changes? I would also like the steps to configure doc lib to receive emails

There's a TechNet article that fully describes this.
Next time, you should post this question to for questions around server configuration and troubleshooting. You'll probably get better answers there :-)


Open source JMAP compliant servers?

I'm exploring the possibility of building a centrally hosted email client, embedded within my site. Users would be provisioned a new email address from me, they are not using their existing email. Essentially, I'm looking for the feature set of an email web client (multiple user accounts, get inbox messages, read, delete, compose new, organize, etc) exposed as set of RESTful APIs. A brief web search uncovered very little meeting my desires, but I did come across I was unable to find an existing implementation of the specification that I could leverage for my solution, and would love to avoid writing my own. Are there any existing solutions (JMAP or otherwise) that might meet my needs? I've ruled out because I cannot have the emails stored or consumed by a third party.
I'm actively contributing to the Apache James Server. As part of my work, I am working on a JMAP implementation with my co-workers.
So far, we are able to build a working web-mail on top of it in one of our company product, OpenPaas.
And as it is an Apache project, it is OpenSource. Maybe you want to have a look...
I just want to add that as for now (2020) Cyrus IMAP also has JMAP support.
Stalwart JMAP server was just released (September 2022) and it includes full support for JMAP Core, JMAP Mail and JMAP over WebSocket. Support for JMAP Contacts and Calendar will be added as soon as these become IETF standards.

Alternative to Sendy for email campaign or any other suggestions

I am using AWS SES to send out mails for campaign. I want to have some user interface where I can draft and send emails to subscribers. Currently I am using the Sendy for this. As sendy is in still development stage, it's not fit for me. Is there any alternative to sendy? Any service which can be integrated for AWS SES? Or can I use workmails for this?
Now Sendy is much more mature and have added some very useful features. Also, many of product features are stable now. You can give this a try, hosting it from EasySendy. You can also integrate Mandrill with Sendy at EasySendy.

Module to compose,read and reply to emails in Drupal 7

I have a basic set of Drupal 7 installed with PostgreSql.I wanted to implement a module with option to display mail inbox with read and unread mail and an option to compose mail.And all i have to access though API (services).Is their any module available ? The one which suits my need is "Private Message" but not much customization available in that Module.Any example code or recommended learning resources would be appreciated.
Thank you!

Groovy Email client to work on both Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2010

I need to implement a feature in my application to process an email, that I need to read by logging into the Exchange server. My question is what is the way to make my solution to work in both Exchange 2003 and 2010?
In near future my exchange sever may get upgraded
Note: I cannot use Imap, POP, etc...
I can use only Mapi or EWS.
There appear to be several options in Java to do this but no groovy specific ones. Pick one of them and use it from your groovy code. I haven't tried any of these but have a look at all the exchange providers listed on this page

Generating an article from an email in mediawiki

I would like to be send an email to an address that mediawiki can pick up and have mediawiki take it and generate a new page from it as a starting point. More complicated stuff like categories can come later.
I have searched around on the web and not found anything obvious.
I have not developed against mediawiki before but am an able and willing developer.
Thanks for any assistance provided.
There is this extension - EmailToWiki
It relies on a POP3 account being available and has been in Beta for a long time, but it may be a good start for what you want to do.
Have a daemon of some sort running on the server that picks up emails from an account (through POP protocol presumably), use the Mediawiki API to generate stub page.
Instead of a daemon, you could just have a cron job of some form.