How can I draw diagrams using Google Web Toolkit? - gwt

I am considering solutions for drawing diagrams using Google Web Toolkit (GWT).
Up until now I have found only the gwt-diagrams project but it seems abandoned.
Are there any suggestions about diagramming with GWT?

I'm also looking into this, for drawing family trees. I'm currently prototyping with gwt-graphics, which looks to be actively developed and is nearing version 1.0.
There is also the Raphael javascript library, and a couple of thorough blog posts about wrapping GWT around them here and here. The guys in the first article actually released their code for as raphaelgwt.
I can't comment on any of the raphael stuff yet since I haven't used it, I just found this in my own research for drawing components.

You can use draw2d and gef(eclipse Graphical Editing Framework) to develop your GWT Diagram App Now.
look at this:
the GWT framework with completely open source based on html5 technology, is used to transplant eclipse RCP to GWT WEB.

I would use Google Chart Tools:

I am actually working on a GWT library to draw diagrams and add widgets on the connections. Here is the project site, you'll find a demo site and a video demonstration.


Eclipse RCP or SWT/JFace demo or "examples with code"?

I learned the little I know of wxPython (as in: Python wrappers for wx widgets) from the absolutely outstanding demo app:
With that demo app, you get examples for many, many uses of the framework widgets: both code and running UI frames. It is absolutely amazing just how well that is done.
Is there anything even remotely close to that for Eclipse RCP or SWT/JFace?
I have to "port" a concept I developed in wx over to Java.. and I am not sure Swing would cut it. Eclipse RCP or SWT/JFace look extremely good but.. where's the material to help me get started? I Googled but I couldn't find anywhere something that I could download and run.. and see the code behind it!
Note: I could of course "download and run" Eclipse itself.. but that's way more complex that I can probably manage at the moment. There's the brilliance of wx demos: they are even gradual in complexity!
I would start with the vogella website. There you can find all you need to start with. As Alexey Romanov mentioned, the RCP Mail Template is also a really good example, but I'm not sure if Eclipse 4.x is used, but I doubt. So start learning the 4.x platform.
For SWT there is a Demo application showing all the components.For JFaces I also recommend you the JFace Snippets.
The canonical example is the RCP Mail Template (version 2.0). There are more examples listed here and JFace Snippets.

A sample gwt project using requestFactory, activites and places

Links to any sample gwt project using requestFactory, activites and places?
Thank you.
I found this post from David Chandler very helpful. It discusses a sample project (source code here) using Request Factory, Objectify and Activities and Places.
The project is also discussed in this Google I/O talk. The difference from the original project is that in the talk they use GWTP for the MVP part. You should check out GWTP also as it really simplifies developing with MVP.
My experience with the roo plugin for GWT and GAE wasn't very good. It wasn't very mature when I looked at it (around March 2011), but maybe things have changed since then. For example you had to compile from trunk, as the latest stable version had some bugs, and even then a many to many relation between entities wasn't supported. Documentation was kind of scarce also.
The MobileWebApp sample from the GWT SDK ?

GUI Platform choice: Google GWT, SmartGWT, ExtGWT and SmartClient

We are in the process choosing a new GUI platform. Ive been looking at subj. but are a bit confused. Could someone please refer to at tutorial or blog that makes a qualified comparison.
Nikolaj G.
We've used SmartGWT for a couple of projects and it's ok but there are tradeoffs:
Makes it easy to write a web app that looks and works like a rich client GUI.
Don't have to know any Javascript. SmartGWT coding is pretty similar to Swing coding, which is good if you already know how to do that.
Unless you do a lot of work tinkering with the look and feel, your app won't look very web-like, it will look like a rich client app running in a browser. You may not care about this.
It's a pretty heavyweight library which has to download large .js files to get going.
We found it difficult to control the layout of form controls precisely, but that might just be our inexperience.
I think you should fully understand what GWT does and what your projects needs are first and foremost. There wont be a source that will adequately compare them for your specific needs.
Start with the wikipedia
Here is a comparison of SmartGWT vs GWT
If interested in AJAX RIA Frameworts, below analysis is for you
Before starting new GUI for our new project arrival, I made some research.
Here are my findings (remove spaces from "http: // "; bcoz stackoverflow is preventing me to do so :)):
Prototype framework favorable links:
Dojo framework favorable links:
jQuery framework favorable links:
Test speed of different RIA frameworks:
More comparasions:
Out of all these findings I started using SmartClient 5. Initially we faced some issues but as SmartClient matures I find it interesting in many terms:
1. APIs doc help and examples
2. Flexible controls
3. Forum
Today I am working on SmartClient 8 and few on my GUIs are in production running successfully. Actually the great help with SmartClient is that you find every thing at one place. No need to dug many other sites that is hard to do for any other open source RIA framework.
So my choice is no doubt SmartClient.
Shailendra (shaILU)


is there a difference between Ext GWT and GWT-Ext? Cos i was surfing Ext GWT and saw this page any help guys?
ExtGWT is marketed and maintained by the same guys who developed ExtJs library. ExtGWT shares its look and feel and API structure with ExtJS. Contrary to popular perception, ExtGWT is not a wrapper around ExtJS javascript, but written ground up using GWT DOM and other low level GWT API's. It is 99% java based and uses no (or very little) JSNI to get things done. It also supports data binding. This library is actively supported and also has a paid commercial version.
On the other hand GWT Ext was developed by Sanjeev Jeevan as a wrapper around LGPL version (no support now) of ExtJS. So the library is a very shallow wrapper around ExtJS javascript and uses JSNI extensively. This can create problems, particularly if you need to debug the library. GWT Ext does not enjoy the same level of community support as ExtGWT and also the original author has long since moved on to a different project. Read about the reasons here.
If you have to choose between the two, and plain old GWT is not an option, choose ExtGWT. Keep in mind that it is GNU GPL licensed.
Neither. You'll have nothing, but problems with third-party GWT widget libraries. I've wasted four years on significantly more refined and mature SmartGWT and finally gave up.
Styling standard GWT components that wrap native browser controls is easy. You should strive for native portable control set and you'll rarely need anything more for a modern minimalistic mobile-friendly UX. However if you still crave some third-party widgets, look at GWT-Bootstrap3:

Google web Toolkit with monorail

Well the topic says it all. Can I use google web toolkit to generate my views to be used in Castle Monorail project and render it through nvelocity view engine. Is it at all possible?
I don't know of anyone that has tried this, but GWT is a server-independent technology so in principle I don't see why it wouldn't work. GWT needs some server-side plumbing which you'll probably have to write yourself (again because I haven't found anyone that has done this before).
You might want to check out Script# which is similar to GWT but you code in .Net, it has MSBuild support, Visual Studio integration, etc.