Live streaming using iPhone and saving the video - iphone

What technology is used for live streaming of video from iPhone cam to a distant server.
I want to show live streaming as well as save the video, once it gets finished.

The way its being done right now is by capturing the frames as the movie is taken (right now its being done through a screenshot private api, but now with 4.0 u can grab the frame of videos a better way, cant discuss that right now tho), then take some number of frames, encode them using ffmpeg or some ohter encoding library, send the video chunks to your server and live stream them using the live http streaming...thats a birdeye view of how its being done..hope it helps


How to play video while it is downloading using AVPro video in unity3D?

I want to play the video simultaneously while it is downloading via unitywebrequest. Will AVPro video support this? If so please provide me some guidance, as i am new to unity and avpro video. I can able to play the video which is downloaded fully through FullscreenVideo.prefab in AVPro demo. Any help will be much appreciated.
There are two main options you could use for displaying the video while it is still downloading.
Through livestream
You can stream a video to AVPro video using the "absolute path or URL" option on the media player component, then linking this to a stream in rtsp, MPEG-DASH, HLS, or HTTP progressive streaming format. Depending on what platforms you will be targeting some of these options will work better than others
A table of which file format supports what platform can be found in the AVProVideo Usermanual that is included with AVProVideo from page 12 and onwards.
If you want to use streaming you also need to set the "internet access" option to "required" in the player settings, as a video cannot stream without internet access.
A video that is being streamed will automatically start/resume playing when enough video is buffered.
This does however require a constant internet connection which may not be ideal if you're targeting mobile devices, or unnecessary if you're planning to play videos in a loop.
HLS m3u8
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) works by cutting the overall stream into shorter, manageable hunks of data. These chunks will then get downloaded in sequence regardless of how long the stream is. m3u8 is a file format that works with playlists that keeps information on the location of multiple media files instead of an entire video, this can then be fed into a HLS player that will play the small media files in sequence as dictated in the m3u8 file.
using this method is usefull if you're planning to play smaller videos on repeat as the user will only have to download each chunk of the video once, which you can then store for later use.
You can also make these chunks of video as long or short as you want, and set a buffer of how many chunks you want to have pre-loaded. if for example you set the chunk size to 5 seconds, with a buffer of 5 videos the only loading time you'll have is when loading the first 25 seconds of the video. once these first 5 chunks are loaded it will start playing the video and load the rest of the chunks in the background, without interrupting the video (given your internet speed can handle it)
a con to this would be that you have to convert all your videos to m3u8 yourself. a tool such as FFMPEG can help with this though.
AVPro documentation

iOS - Develop iPhone app to stream camera video to a computer?

I'm looking for a way to create an app that will allow captured camera video to be streamed on a computer. For example, one person could be walking an iPhone around a room and another person could have that video streamed on their computer. Something kind of like a one-way Facetime except the receiver is on a computer. Also, I can't just use an existing app as later I would like to change the program to do some computer vision processing on the incoming data.
At the moment, I've found that AV Foundation should be the correct option for the video capture (from this question). However, I'm having difficulty finding the method by which I can actually stream this data. In particular, searching for how to create the apps on the iPhone frequently results in existing apps that do the task, but not how to create the app.
Can anyone give me a pointer to the information on how to stream the video capture from the iPhone? Thank you much.
You can use "Wowza media Server" for Streaming purpose
For wowza media server doenload :
Wowza Download
After installing wowza Now you need to set up live setting in wowza for that purpose you need:
Setting Up Live Application
For iOS side there is library is useful for video streaming using RTMP connection
You can get Library at
RTMP library for Streaming
Library example
RTMP library for Streaming example
In this good example of Streaming from iOS side
I had success with ANGL lib and Wowza media server. It gives smooths RTMP stream.

Record HTTP Live Streaming Video To File While Watching?

I am trying to create a streaming video DVR like functionality in an app I am developing. I have an HTTP Live Stream that I have successfully gotten to play on the iPad. I want the user to be able to push the "Record" button, and begin recording the video that is currently playing from that point. This video file will be accessible from the app or from the camera roll. Currently, I am using the MPMoviePlayerController object to play the video stream. I do not see any methods of accessing the data from the object in Apple's documentation. Here are some thoughts I had on ways of going about this.
1) Somehow access the video data from MPMoviePlayerController, and write this to a file. Or use another type of player object that will allow me to play the video and access the currently playing data.
2) Implement some sort of screen capture recording that gets a video capture of the iPad's screen. This would allow me to record the video in a "screenshot" sort of way.
3) Locate the HTTP Live Streaming video segments where they are stored by MPMoviePlayerController. Presumably they need to be stored somewhere on the iPad for playback. Is there a way of accessing these files?
4) Manually download the stream video segments over http while streaming the file. This seems like its not ideal since the stream would have to be downloaded twice.
5) This could work. Periodically download the video segments to the iPhone. Set up a local http server on the iPhone and server the videos to the MPMoviePlayerController. This way the video segments could be marked for recording and assembled into a video.
6) I do have control of the streaming server. I could write some server side code to record the video on the server end, then send the video to the iPad after the fact. I would rather not do this.
Has anyone done any of these things? Ideally the iPhone would just be able to access the video data somehow and easily record it. I would rather not get into options 4, 5, or 6 (above) if I don't have to.
Thanks in advance.
DVR on the device is somewhat not encouraged, due to the limited space available and other factors like battery life, processing power, cleanup procedures after the user stops the dvr, etc.
If you want to achieve DVR playback on iOS devices (or other devices using HLS), I suggest you keep the video server side. The live stream is already captured and segmented server side, all you would have to do is keep the segments a bit longer, instead of deleting them. By using the EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE and EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE tags, you can suggest to the player that he's opening a live stream which has DVR (earlier) video available.
Alternatively, you can use a server that does that out of the box, for example Wowza. Here's an article on how to achieve this with Wowza

Realtime Audio/Video Streaming FROM iPhone to another device (Browser, or iPhone)

I'd like to get real-time video from the iPhone to another device (either desktop browser or another iPhone, e.g. point-to-point).
NOTE: It's not one-to-many, just one-to-one at the moment. Audio can be part of stream or via telephone call on iphone.
There are four ways I can think of...
Capture frames on iPhone, send
frames to mediaserver, have
mediaserver publish realtime video
using host webserver.
Capture frames on iPhone, convert to
images, send to httpserver, have
javascript/AJAX in browser reload
images from server as fast as
Run httpServer on iPhone, Capture 1 second duration movies on
iPhone, create M3U8 files on iPhone, have the other
user connect directly to httpServer on iPhone for
Capture 1 second duration movies on
iPhone, create M3U8 files on iPhone,
send to httpServer, have the other
user connected to the httpServer
for liveStreaming. This is a good answer, has anyone gotten it to work?
Is there a better, more efficient option?
What's the fastest way to get data off the iPhone? Is it ASIHTTPRequest?
Thanks, everyone.
Sending raw frames or individual images will never work well enough for you (because of the amount of data and number of frames). Nor can you reasonably serve anything from the phone (WWAN networks have all sorts of firewalls). You'll need to encode the video, and stream it to a server, most likely over a standard streaming format (RTSP, RTMP). There is an H.264 encoder chip on the iPhone >= 3GS. The problem is that it is not stream oriented. That is, it outputs the metadata required to parse the video last. This leaves you with a few options.
Get the raw data and use FFmpeg to encode on the phone (will use a ton of CPU and battery).
Write your own parser for the H.264/AAC output (very hard)
Record and process in chunks (will add latency equal to the length of the chunks, and drop around 1/4 second of video between each chunk as you start and stop the sessions).
"Record and process in chunks (will add latency equal to the length of the chunks, and drop around 1/4 second of video between each chunk as you start and stop the sessions)."
I have just wrote such a code, but it is quite possible to eliminate such a gap by overlapping two AVAssetWriters. Since it uses the hardware encoder, I strongly recommend this approach.
We have similar needs; to be more specific, we want to implement streaming video & audio between an iOS device and a web UI. The goal is to enable high-quality video discussions between participants using these platforms. We did some research on how to implement this:
We decided to use OpenTok and managed to pretty quickly implement a proof-of-concept style video chat between an iPad and a website using the OpenTok getting started guide. There's also a PhoneGap plugin for OpenTok, which is handy for us as we are not doing native iOS.
Liblinphone also seemed to be a potential solution, but we didn't investigate further.
iDoubs also came up, but again, we felt OpenTok was the most promising one for our needs and thus didn't look at iDoubs in more detail.

MPMoviePlayerController on iPhone - Streaming or progressive download?

In my iPhone App I need to show the videos which are in Flash format.
I asked the client to change the videos in iPhone compatible format. They stored the converted the video on a server and I am able to show the video using MPMoviePlayerController.
Now we need to store around 25 videos (Each around 300 MB) and access them via iPhone App using MPMoviePlayerController
I have to help the client figure out how or where to host these files.
So some questions are there
1) What all things need to be taken care on server side for better performance? Is there any document available for this?
2) The video will be streaming or progressive download ? Do we have a choice?
I am sure many people would have done it. So kindly help in this regard.
if video is more then 10 minutes then you have to use streaming not progressive and you have to prepared playlist on server side with .m3u8 format. you just need to pass this url with .m3u8 into the mpmediaplayercontroller and this will take care of every thing from client side.
For server side functionality you can search apple code for streaming video.