swfupload get timer left - swfupload

is it any possible to get time left for uploading files using swfupload?

You can most certainly estimate the time remaining, but this isn't a feature built-in to SWFUpload to my knowledge. Here's what I do:
In your uploadStart() handler for your file, record the start time of the upload and store in somewhere.
var startTime = +new Date(); // the current date time in UTC * 1000 milliseconds
Then, in your uploadProgress() handler for the same file:
var percentage = bytesLoaded/file.size,
timeDiff = +new Date() - startTime,
status = (percentage > 0 ? Math.round(timeDiff / percentage / 1000 * (1 - percentage)) + " seconds remaining." : "Uploading...");
Works well!
I hope this is helpful.
EDIT, added test for percentage > 0

No, because the time taken to upload anything over a normal Internet connection can never be known in advance due to speed fluctuations. On the other hand swfupload provides a progress handler to report the percentage uploaded so you can either use that to display a progress counter/bar or guesstimate the time remaining based on the time already spent and hope it's somewhat accurate.


Strange date picker behaviour Xcode, swift 3

My current project is a timer which uses a date picker to set the amount of time the user wants before the timer goes off (say 1 minute, 6 hours and two minutes etc.). The problem lies in the amount of time that the date picker believes it has been set for. Below is the code which I am using to set the time.
#IBOutlet weak var datePicker: UIDatePicker!
var timeAmount:Double = 0
#IBAction func startButton() {
timeAmount = Double(datePicker.countDownDuration)
let trigger = UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger(timeInterval: timeAmount, repeats: false)
Here it can be seen that the function startButton, sets the value of timeAmount to be the amount of time that the date picker is set for. This timeAmount value is then used in a local notification as the time.
The issue is that the datePicker.countDownDuration is never correct. If it is set for one minute, then timeAmount may return a value of 99 seconds, 62 seconds, 67 seconds etc. It is just completely random.
Maybe I do not entirely understand how the .countDownDuration feature works, however from everything I have read, this should return a value of 60 seconds.
Any thoughts and suggestions on the matter will be very much appreciated, thank you.
By default, the UIDatePicker will take the current second value for the calculation.
timeAmount = (number of minutes selected in picker * 60) + current time second value.
For example:
If the current time is 13:40:25 (1 PM 40 minutes 25 seconds) and you have selected one minute in the date picker, the value of timeAmount in this case is 85.
timeAmount = (1*60) + 25
This will solve your problem.
Go to your Storyboard and select UIDatapicker. Navigate to Date option in Attributes inspector.
Click the Dropdown and change it to Custom from Current Date.
You will see a new text field with the current time as the custom date.
Just change the second field to 00.
Run the App now. Now it will take 0 as the value for the second and you will able to see seconds value correctly based on the time you are choosing in the date picker.
Hope this will solve your problem.

Rexx: increment current time value

Hi I'm running REXX script on ZOC terminal and i want to display current time and ETA like this:
start time 22:44:24
end time 22:56:24
but I don't know how to increment current time ???
maybe to convert time to seconds then increment it and then convert time in seconds back to hh:mm:ss ??
I tried this way but dont know how to convert back time from seconds
intTime= TIME('S')+900
say="start time " TIME()
say="end time " intTime
One way would be along the lines of:-
intTime = TIME('S') + 900
hours = (intTime % 3600) // 24
minutes = (intTime // 3600) % 60
seconds = intTime // 60
endtime = RIGHT(hours,2,'0') || ":" || RIGHT(minutes,2,'0') || ":" || RIGHT(seconds,2,'0')
NOTE!! I don't have access to test this and it's been many years since I've written Rexx or had access. However, I think the basic process would work. That is:-
1) Extract the hours as an integer from the time (catering for the the potential to cross into the next day or days ie the // 24 ()).
2) Extract the minutes, as an integer, from the time, after dropping/subtracting the hours (the remainder of the time divided by hours ie intTime // 3600).
3) Extract the seconds, as an integer, from the time. By obtaining the remaining of diving the time by 60 (will drop hours and minutes).
4) Building the end string as a concatenation of the hours, minutes and seconds. With : as the separator between two values (or surrounding the middle values). The right function to include a leading zero.
You could also try:-
intTime = TIME('S',TIME('S')+900,'S')
That is based upon TIME, which may be Object Rexx. I did also read something mentioning an extended TIME/DATE functionality. However, again that may have been referencing Object Rexx. Although, Mike Colishaw's name was mentioned.
Mike Colishaw, I believe, being the creator of the Rexx programming language.

using protractor for performance testing

I am having a terrible time trying to get decent from end timing numbers using Protractor. I have tried using protractor-perf, but the timings from that don't seem to really reflect the reality of the page load time. It says that the "Program" metric is the total time, however I am seeing it report timings much faster that what you actually see when running the test manually.
I have also tried creating my own timer, and that is proving very difficult based on the controlFlow and all the promises.
Has anyone done any performance testing with Protractor? Is there any good guidance to follow when trying to get timings? Has anyone successfully implemented a timer?
You can use your own timers, you just have to insert them into the control flow right before and after the functions you are trying to measure:
var startTime;
browser.controlFlow().execute(function() {
startTime = Date.now();
browser.controlFlow().execute(function() {
var endTime = Date.now();
var elapsed = endTime - startTime;
console.log('clicking the startThing until getText of the endThing = ' + elapsed + 'ms);

Calculating Seconds Until a Given Date and Time in Joda Time

I am trying to use the Joda Time library to help me schedule sending some messages to an Actor in Akka.
I would like to schedule sending emails every day at 8:30 AM. To do this, I have to tell the scheduler how many seconds (or milliseconds) to wait until the next message is sent.
I would like to account for daylight savings (to make sure it always fires around 8:30, and not 7:30 or 9:30) so I will use LocalDate and LocalTime.
So, basically, I have:
targetDate = LocalDate.now().plusDays(1) and targetTime = new LocalTime(8, 30)
rightNow = LocalDateTime.now()
I was wondering what is the best way to compose a targetDateTime based on targetDate and targetTime so I can use it to compute the time difference with rightNow
I know I can create a new LocalDateTime extracting all the values for the constructor from my targetDate and targetTime but: is there a more elegant way?
So far, I have settled for:
targetDateTime = targetDate.toLocalDateTime(targetTime)
secondsToWait = Seconds.secondsBetween(rightNow, targetDateTime)
Getting targetDateTime is easy if you have the targetDate and targetTime (as given in your question) :
targetDateTime = targetDate.toDateTime(targetTime);
Getting the seconds of the Duration between now and targetDateTime:
new Duration(new DateTime(), targetDateTime).getStandardSeconds();
The method is called standard seconds because it assumes every second to be a standard second of 1000 milliseconds. As its javadoc says, currently all Chronologies only have standard seconds.
But you can also simply use milliseconds (no conversion assumptions needed) :
new Duration(new DateTime(), targetDateTime).getMillis();
Disclaimer : I only just saw this was a scala question, so you may have to correct for any syntax differences, since I'm not versed in scala.

How to round the minute of a timestamp to increments of 15?

I'm building an application to record when my cat has an asthma attack. I'm not interested in the exact time since glancing at the time in interval of 15 minutes is easier to review (e.g. rounding 9:38am should be recorded as 9:45am).
I looked for a UDF at cflib.org for this but couldn't find one. I tinkered with CF's round function but I'm not getting it to do what I want.
Any advice?
This could do with a bit more polish (like data type validation) but it will take a time value and return it rounded to the nearest 15-minute increment.
function roundTo15(theTime) {
var roundedMinutes = round(minute(theTime) / 15 ) * 15;
var newHour=hour(theTime);
if (roundedMinutes EQ 60) {
newHour=newHour + 1;
return timeFormat(createTime(newHour,roundedMinutes,0),"HH:mm");
I'm not familiar with the format of the timestamp here, but generally when I want to round I do something like floor((val + increment / 2) / increment) * increment
I like Al Everett's answer, or alternatively store the actual time to preserve the most accurate time, then use query of query in the view and use between :00 and :15 to show the time in 15min period.
If you use Henry's suggestion to store the precise time in the database (principle: if there's no cost, prefer to preserve data), then you can simply use Al Everett's rounding function whenever you display the data to the user.