"Share to facebook" button issue in displaying thumbnails - facebook

I have added a "share to Facebook" button in all my website's articles.
Clicking this button would normally open a new window showing the Facebook post's preview: the post's title, the post's description, and the ability to select one of the page's images, as a thumbnail to my Facebook post.
Without no reason, the past few days, this functionality has problems. There are no thumbnails to select and eventually the post in Facebook looks like
"WEBSITE URL" [post title]
website url... [post description]
Can you please help me find what's the reason for this, because I couldn't manage to solve it myself.

I would suggest running your URL thru Facebook's linter tool https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer and fix any issues it has with your og: tag setup. Once that is fixed, then you can troubleshoot why the plugin is not picking up the information correctly.


Facebook sharing website issue with thumbnail

When I share a page from my website, I have ANY thumbnail attached to my post on Facebook. But, if I preview my page with the Facebook debug tool, Facebook is showing me the thumbnail.
You can try it here developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/
In the input URL put this page: http://www.team-exodia.fr/forum/threads/ouverture-de-la-section-garrys-mod-darkrp.6641/.
Now you see the thumbnail if the page is shared.
But now if you share this you didn't see the image preview on Facebook.
This issue is all of my page on my forum. I don't understand.
Does anyone know what's happening here? Thanks.
It works fine for me, although you do not have any Open Graph tags on your website. You should ALWAYS include them, the debugger tells you about that too. Here´s a nice list of the needed ones: http://ogp.me/
Dont´t forget to refresh the URL(s) in the debugger after changing it, the Facebook cache can be tricky.

Facebook sharer's cache on my site

I have problem with Facebook Sharer.
I've created a simple share button to include page on Facebook's wall, but the title, description and image are wrong.
I've cleared cache with debug tool but on my site the button show me old elements. How can I refresh it?

Facebook Likes for site don't show thumbnails or meta in news feed

So I'll be the first to admit I'm not so great with the whole facebook like button thing.
On my site http://vegasonthemic.com I have facebook "like" buttons for every post (of a custom post type "portfolio") that are automagically generated.
When you click this like button it shows on your facebook profile that you liked something with a thumbnail and the excerpt text.
BUT when you look at your news feed all it says is "Bob liked this artist" and doesn't show any of the metadata. Is there something I'm missing for this function to work?
You can see your problem here: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fvegasonthemic.com%2F
Fix the issues that the linter is showing. Then your website will work fine.

Preview of website - error - when clicking "Like" on my website

I have added a Facebook Like-Button to my website, which works perfectly. It shows the perfect link to my website on the wall of the persons who click it.
There's only one problem and I can't seem to solve it in any way.
The link also includes a preview of my website, but instead of a complete preview or a preview of my header it shows a picture of one of the link-buttons of my website!
The script itself doesn't contain anything to change or set a preview picture and changing names of pictures, links and header doesn't solve it either. No matter what I do, it still keeps on showing the button...
What can I do bout it?
I've contacted my serverhost but they don't know it either?
You can set the image that shows on Facebook with the following og tag in the head of your page:
<meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/image.jpg" />
Facebook requires some more open graph tags. (Formerly known as meta tags.)
You have to make sure the facebook linter correctly interprets your page. Use the Facebook debugger to check and fix all issues.
try to refresh facebook catch by submitting link here . If you still have problem , you can provide custom images by with open facebook graph . Refer

Facebook's Share link not refreshing title for cross posting

I'm trying to figure out how to update the title of a cross posting. If I use ShareThis to share my link, it is grabbing the title, description and image through open graph, but when I click on the link on Facebook to repost or anyone else does, it doesn't pick up the updated image or title. Can this be updated or force through meta tags, og:tag or some other option.
I've noticed this also when I've been playing around with the Feed posting.
If you log in with any other account you'll find that when you post the same link, it will show the updated photo.
It might also be worth using the linter/debugger at http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug to see if this "jolts" Facebook in to action.
Let me know what happens :)