UTF-8 - Oracle issue - perl

I set my NLS_LANG variable as 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8' in the perl file that connects to oracle and tries to insert the data.
However when I insert a record with one value having this 'ñ' character the sql fails.
But if I use 'Ñ' it inserts just fine.
What am I doing wrong here?
Additional info:
If I change my NLS_LANG to 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8' I can insert 'ñ' just fine...

What does it fail with ?
Generally if there is a problem in character conversion it fails quietly (eg recording a character with an inappropriate translation). Sometimes you get an error which indicates that the column isn't large enough. This is typically when trying to store, for example, a character that takes up two or three bytes in a column that only allows one byte.
First step is to confirm the database settings
select * from V$NLS_PARAMETERS where parameter like ‘%CHARACTERSET%’;
Then check the byte composition of the strings with a:
select dump('ñ',16), dump('Ñ',16) from dual;

The first query gives me:
The second query gives me:
1 Typ=96 Len=2: c3,b1 Typ=96 Len=2: c3,91
My exact db and perl settings are listed in this question:


Informatica SQ returns different result

I am trying to pull data from DB2 via informatica, I have a SQ query that pulls few fields based on joins for 4 different tables.
When I run the query directly in the database, it returns the expected result, however when I run it in informatica and run a debugger, I see something else.
Please note all the columns data perfectly match, except one single column.
Weird thing is, this is a calculated field from the table based on a case statement:
CASE WHEN Column1='3' THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END.
Since this is a calculated field with a length of one string, I have connected from the source to SQ from one of the sources having 1 character length.
This returns 'Y' when executed in the database, the same query when I copy paste in SQ of information and run it, I get a data 'E', and this data can never be possible as I expect only a N or a Y. I have verified the column order, that its in the right place. This is very strange, is something going wrong because of the CASE Statement?
Save yourself the hassle, put an expression transformation after tge source qualifier and calculate, port value there then forget about it
I think i got the issue. We use Informatica PowerExchange to connect to a as400 system(DB2), and it seems that when we are trying to set a flag information in AS400, and pass it to informatica via PowerExchange, it converts it to binary, and to solve this, there needs to be an entry in the PowerExchange configuration file.
Unfortunately, i myself was not aware that it could be related to PowerExchange instead of powercenter itself.!!
Thanks for your assistance! Below is the KB about it.

Getting Redshift error 1214 during copy

I have the following table in redshift:
Column | Type
id integer
value varchar(255)
I'm trying to copy in (using the datapipeline's RedshiftCopyActivity), and the data has the line 1,maybe as the entry trying to be added, but I get back the error 1214:Delimiter not found, and the raw_field_data value is maybe. Is there something I'm missing in the copy parameters?
The entire csv is three lines that goes:
You may want to take a look at the similar question Redshift COPY command delimiter not found.
Make sure your RedshiftCopyActivity configuration includes FORMAT AS CSV from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/copy-parameters-data-format.html#copy-csv.
Be sure your input data has your configured delimiter between every field, even in the case of nulls.
Be sure you do not have any trailing blank lines.
You can run the following SQL (from the linked question) to see more specific details of what row is causing the problem.
SELECT le.starttime,
FROM stl_loaderror_detail d,
JOIN stl_load_errors le
ON d.query = le.query
ORDER BY le.starttime DESC;

How does one prevent MS Access from concatenating the schema and table names thereby taking them over the 64 character limit?

I have been trying to get around this for several day's now with no luck. I loaded Libre Office to see how that would handle it, and its native support for PostgeSQL works wonderfully and I can see the true data structure. Which is how I found out I was dealing with more than one table. What I am seeing in MS Access is the two names concatenated together. The concatenation takes them over the 64 character limit that appears to be built into the ODBC driver. I have seen many references to modifying namedatalen on the server side, but my problem is on the ODBC side. Most of the tables are under the 64 character limit even with the concatenation and work fine. As such I know everything else is working. The specific error I am getting is
is not a valid name. Make sure it does not include invalid characters
or punctuation and that it is not too long.
Object names in an Access database are limited to 64 characters (ref: here). When creating an ODBC linked table in the Access UI the default behaviour is to concatenate the schema name and table name with an underscore and use that as the linked table name so, for example, the remote table table1 in the schema public would produce a linked table in Access named public_table1. If such a name exceeds 64 characters then Access will throw an error.
However, we can use VBA to create the table link with a shorter name, like so:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub so38999346()
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database", "ODBC;DSN=PostgreSQL35W", acTable, _
"public.hodor_hodor_hodor_hodor_hodor_hodor_hodor_hodor_hodor_hodor", _
End Sub
(Tested with Access 2010.)

How can I change character code from Shift-JIS to UTF-8 when I copy data from DB2 to Postgres?

I'm trying to migrate data from DB2 to Postgres using pentaho ETL now.
character code on DB2 is Shift-JIS (Japanese specific character code) and Postgres is UTF-8.
I could migrate data from DB2 to Postgres successfully, but Japanese character has not been transformed properly (it has been changed to strange characters..)
How can I change character code from Shift-Jis to UTF-8 when I transfer data?
It was bit though problem for me, but I could solve it finally.
first, you need to choose "Modified Java Script value" from job list and write the script as below.
(I'm assuming that the value in the table is column1 and new value is value1)
here is the example of the source code. (You can specify multiple values if you need)
var value1 = new Packages.java.lang.String(new
Packages.java.lang.String(column1).getBytes("ISO8859_1"),"Shift-JIS").replaceAll(" ","");
//you don't need to use replaceAll() if you don't need to trim the string.
Finally, click "Get variables" and the value will be shown in the table below.
then, you can choose the "value1" in the next job and it has been converted to correct encode. (which you specified)

replacing characters in a CLOB column (db2)

I have a CLOB(2000000) field in a db2 (v10) database, and I would like to run a simple UPDATE query on it to replace each occurances of "foo" to "baaz".
Since the contents of the field is more then 32k, I get the following error:
"{some char data from field}" is too long.. SQLCODE=-433, SQLSTATE=22001
How can I replace the values?
The query was the following (changed UPDATE into SELECT for easier testing):
SELECT REPLACE(my_clob_column, 'foo', 'baaz') FROM my_table WHERE id = 10726
As mustaccio pointed out, REPLACE does not work on CLOB fields (or at least not without doing a cast to VARCHAR on the data entered - which in my case is not possible since the size of the data is more than 32k) - the question is about finding an alternative way to acchive the REPLACE functionallity for CLOB fields.
Finally, since I have found no way to this by an SQL query, I ended up exporting the table, editing its lob content in Notepad++, and importing the table back again.
Not sure if this applies to your case: There are 2 different REPLACE functions offered by DB2, SYSIBM.REPLACE and SYSFUN.REPLACE. The version of REPLACE in SYSFUN accepts CLOBs and supports values up to 1 MByte. In case your values are longer than you would need to write your own (SQL-based?) function.
BTW: You can check function resolution by executing "values(current path)"