Formating a date field in the Model (Codeigniter) - date

I', trying to re-format a date from a table in Codeigniter. The Controller is for a blog. I was succesfull when the date conversion happens in the View. I was hoping to convert the date in the Model to have things in order.
This is the Model:
class Novedades_model extends Model {
function getAll() {
$query = $this->db->get('novedades');
if($query->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
This is part of the controller
$data['records'] = $this->novedades_model->getAll();
Here's the date conversion as it happens in the View. This is inside the posts loop:
<?php foreach($records as $row) : ?>
$fdate = "%d <abbr>%M</abbr> %Y";
$dateConv = mdate($fdate, mysql_to_unix($row->date));
<div class="article section">
<span class="date"><?php echo $dateConv ;?></span>
... Keeps going ...
How can I convert the date in the Model? Can I access the date key and refactor it?

Why you need to format the date in the Model because ultimately you need the formatted date in the View to be shown. However, you can do the same what you are already doing in the View for formatting it:
function getAll() {
$query = $this->db->get('novedades');
if($query->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
$data[] = $row;
foreach($data as $row) :
$fdate = "%d <abbr>%M</abbr> %Y";
$dateConv = mdate($fdate, mysql_to_unix($row->date));


output records in the form of html table from moodle database , custom block development

Please check this code for the custom block to be placed in the dashboard. We want to display an HTML table for the records. But it does not add up to the custom block, rather it appears on the top page.
enter image description here
class block_scorecard extends block_base {
function init() {
$this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_scorecard');
function get_content() {
global $DB;
if ($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
$content = '';
$courses = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes_track', ['element' => 'cmi.core.total_time']);
$table=new html_table();
$table->head=array('No of attempts','Time modified','status');
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$timemodified=userdate($course->timemodified, get_string('strftimerecentfull'));
$table->data[]=array($attempt, $timemodified, $status);
echo html_writer::table($table);
$this->content = new stdClass;
$this->content->text = $content;
echo html_writer::table($table);
Should be
$content .= html_writer::table($table);

Fixing code to fetch data from dom document (getElementby...)

url :
$content = file_get_contents('');
$dom = new DOMDocument;
Partial Source code :
<td colspan="4">
<h4 class="stk-title">Toyota Wish G</h4>
<td colspan="4">
I am trying to go through the source code and for each parts of the above i want to save the url e.g : "/used-cars/B37753-Toyota-Wish-japanese-used-cars"
Here is the code i am using but unsuccessful so far
$p = $dom->getElementsByTagName("h4");
$titles = array();
foreach ($p as $node) {
if ($node->hasAttributes()) {
if($node->getAttribute('class') == "stk-title") {
foreach ($node->attributes as $attr) {
if ($attr->nodeName == "href") {
array_push($titles , $attr->nodeValue);
print_r($titles) ;
It should give me an array containing all the urls of each car : ("/used-cars/B37753-Toyota-Wish-japanese-used-cars" , "" , "" ......)
but its returning an empty array - i guess i made a mistake in my code and it can't access the urls.
I also need to save the car name inside a variable e.g : $car_name = "Toyota Wish G"
Use XPath:
$doc = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$nodes = $xpath->query('//table[#class="itemlist-table"]//h4[#class="stk-title"]/a');
$links = array();
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$links[] = array(
'href' => $node->getAttribute('href'),
'text' => $node->textContent,

Why is the same date echoing despite being created and stored properly in db?

I am pulling comments from my database. The 'created_on' field I have created is inserting properly, however when I echo the results, it's a random date and time that is the same no matter what(Mar 11, 2013 at 10:50 AM).
Here is my query to pull the records:
public function get_airwave_comments($profile_id)
$session = $this->session->userdata('is_logged_in');
$user_id= $this->session->userdata('id');
if($profile_id == $user_id)
$comments_query = "SELECT * FROM airwaves_comments aw,users u WHERE AND AW.FROM_id=aw.to_id AND aw.from_id=".$profile_id." order by aw.created_on desc" ;
$comments_query = "SELECT * FROM airwaves_comments aw,users u WHERE AND aw.to_id=".$profile_id." order by aw.created_on desc" ;
$query = $this->db->query($comments_query);
if($query->num_rows() >= 1)
$data = $query->result_array();
// return whole resultset. It contains zero, one or more records
return $data;
else return false;
$query = $this->db->query($poster_info_query);
if($query->num_rows() >= 1)
$data = $query->result_array();
// return whole resultset. It contains zero, one or more records
return $data;
else return false;
Here is the view in which I'm trying to echo the 'created_on' field properly:
if ($airwave && $profile_id == $session_id)
foreach ($airwave as $airwave_comment_row)
$airwave_comment_row = $airwave[0];
echo "<div id='profile_airwave'>";
echo $airwave_comment_row['comment'];
echo "<br />";
echo "<span class='profile_airwave_info'>";
echo date('M d, Y',strtotime($airwave_comment_row['created_on'])); ?> at <?php echo date('g:i A',strtotime($airwave_comment_row['created_on']));
echo "</span>";
echo "</div>";
so basically even if I just do echo $airwave_comment_row['created_on']; It's echoing the same said date.
thanks in advance.
I changed the name of the datetime column in the comments table so that it was different from the datetime column in the users table it's being spliced with.

Zend - How do I combine a form and pagination in the same view

This is probably simpler that it seems but I am stumped. I have a simple controller that builds a small form for inputting parameters. When the form is submitted, the same page is redrawn with the same form at the top but with a paginated view of results under it. My controller is here:
public function indexAction()
$form = new Application_Form_Battery();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
$data = $request->getPost();
// get the data
$reportsTBL = new Model_DBTable_Reports();
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator(new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_Array($reportsTBL->getBatteryLog($data)));
$this->view->paginator = $paginator;
$this->view->form = $form;
As you can see, after the form is submitted, the paginated results are overwritten by the view->form statement... How can I combine them after form submit? I can't have two view calls...
Some thing like untested here,
public function indexAction()
$_category = new Admin_Model_DbTable_Category();
$category = $_category->browse($browseArray);
$this->view->vCount = count($category);
$paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($category);
$page = ($postData['page'] > 0) ? $postData['page'] : 1;
$this->view->categoryList = $paginator; // print_obj($paginator);
<?php if (count($this->categoryList) != 0) { ?>
foreach ($this->categoryList AS $key => $category) {
<div >
<?php echo $category['name'] ?>
<?php } ?>
<div><?php echo "Total Category(" . $this->vCount . ")"; ?></div>
<div style="text-align:center;"><?php echo $this->paginationControl($this->categoryList, 'Sliding', 'pagination.phtml'); ?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<li><div style="text-align:center;">No records found</div></li>
<?php } ?>
class Admin_Model_DbTable_Category extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'category';
protected $_primary = 'category_id';
public function browse($browseArray = array())
$whereSQL = ' `parent` = 0 ';
$whereSQL .= ' AND `category_id` = "'. $category_id .'"';
$whereSQL .= ' AND `name` = "'. $catname .'"';
$whereSQL .= ' AND `name` LIKE "%'. $name .'%"';
$whereSQL .= ' AND `description` LIKE "%'. $description .'%"';
$whereSQL .= ' AND `status` = "'. $status .'"';
$select = $this->_db->select()
$result = $this->getAdapter()->fetchAll($select);
return $result;
You can use general function named browse which will fetch result from table , by using the result we can paginate the data when page is rendering.
I solved it. I was using a view that called a form template and I was trying to display the paginated results on that form. I moved the paginated results to the actual view script and everything is solved.
Thanks for the help.

Symfony Zend Lucene Search Multiple Tables

I have a Symfony project and I used Zend Lucene Search framework to integrate a search on the site. It works beautifully but it's limited to searching 1 table.
I need my users to be able to search the whole site (8 select tables) and return the results all together. Each table has the same fields indexed. This is the code that specifies the table and calls the query.
Is there a way to make it look through all 8 tables for results?
public function getForLuceneQuery($query)
$hits = self::getLuceneIndex()->find($query);
$pks = array();
foreach ($hits as $hit)
$pks[] = $hit->pk;
if (empty($pks))
return array();
$alltables = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Car');
$q = $alltables->createQuery('j')
->whereIn('j.token', $pks)
->orderBy('j.endtime ASC')
->andwhere('j.endtime > ?', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))
->andWhere('j.activated = ?', '1')
return $q->execute();
To give a bit of background on the 8 tables, they are all basically similar. They all have title, make, model, etc so I need to run a single query on all of them and return all results (regardless of which table it is in) in Ascending order. The Doctrine_core::getTable command doesn't seem to like multiple tables or even arrays (unless I'm not doing it right). Thanks!
Here is the updated code. This is what I have in the SearchTable.class.php file:
public function getForLuceneQuery($query)
// sort search result by end time
$hits = self::getLuceneIndex()->find(
$query, 'endtime', SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC
$result = array(
'index' => $hits,
'database' => array(),
// group search result by class
foreach ($hits as $hit)
if (!isset($result['database'][$hit->class]))
$result['database'][$hit->class] = array();
$result['database'][$hit->class][] = $hit->pk;
// replace primary keys with real results
foreach ($result['database'] as $class => $pks)
$result['database'][$class] = Doctrine_Query::create()
// important to INDEXBY the same field as $hit->pk
->from($class . ' j INDEXBY j.token')
->whereIn('j.token', $pks)
->orderBy('j.endtime ASC')
->andwhere('j.endtime > ?', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))
->andWhere('j.activated = ?', '1')
return $result;
Here is what I have in the actions.class.php file for the Search Module:
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->forwardUnless($query = $request->getParameter('query'), 'home', 'index');
$this->results = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Search')
And finally this is my template file indexSuccess.php I have simplified it so it's easier to understand. My indexSuccess.php is more complicated but now that I can call the values, I can customize it further.
<div class="product_list"
<?php foreach ($results['index'] as $hit): ?>
<li class="item">
<?php if (isset($results['database'][$hit->class][$hit->pk])) ?>
<span class="title">
<?php echo $results['database'][$hit->class][$hit->pk]->getTitle() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
This works beautifully. I was able to customize it by calling each of the fields in the search results and it works perfect. I added an item to each of the tables with the same title and the search result pulled them all. Thank you so much!
OK. I'll try to give you some hint, with code :)
First of all you should add these fields to the index:
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword('class', get_class($record)));
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::UnIndexed('endtime', strtotime($record->get('endtime'))));
Than you should use these new fields:
public function getForLuceneQuery($query)
// sort search result by end time
$hits = self::getLuceneIndex()->find(
$query, 'endtime', SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC
$result = array(
'index' => $hits,
'database' => array(),
// group search result by class
foreach ($hits as $hit)
if (!isset($result['database'][$hit->class]))
$result['database'][$hit->class] = array();
$result['database'][$hit->class][] = $hit->pk;
// replace primary keys with real results
foreach ($result['database'] as $class => $pks)
$result['database'][$class] = Doctrine_Query::create()
// important to INDEXBY the same field as $hit->pk
->from($class . ' j INDEXBY j.token')
->whereIn('j.token', $pks)
->orderBy('j.endtime ASC')
->andwhere('j.endtime > ?', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))
->andWhere('j.activated = ?', '1')
// if you want different query per table
// you should call a function which executes the query
// if (!method_exists($table = Doctrine_Core::getTable($class), 'getLuceneSearchResult'))
// {
// throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('"%s::%s" have to be exists to get the search results.', get_class($table), 'getLuceneSearchResult'));
// }
// $results[$class] = call_user_func(array($table, 'getLuceneSearchResult'), $pks);
return $result;
After that in the template you should iterate over $result['index'] and display results from $result['database']
foreach ($result['index'] as $hit)
if (isset($result['database'][$hit->class][$hit->pk]))
echo $result['database'][$hit->class][$hit->pk];
And there are same alternate (maybe better) solutions that I can think of:
Alternate solution #1:
You can store data in the index and this data will be accessible in the search result. If you not need too much data when displaying the results and can update the index frequently I think this is a good option. This way you can use pagination and no SQL queries needed at all.
$doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('title', $content->get('title')));
Alternate solution #2:
As you wrote, your tables are very similar, so you maybe could use column aggregation inheritance. In this way all data stored in one table so you can query them all together and can order and paginate as you want.