CSS sprites messed up on iphone - iphone

I've noticed css sprites seem to show 1 more pixel than they should when viewing them on the iphone. My site works perfectly fine on all major desktop browsers on mac and PC. But when I view it on the iphone you can see 1 pixel of the adjacent sprite image.
Anyone encounter this before? Any suggestions on how to cleanly fix this? I know I could just modify all my sprites to have more separation in between them, but is there an easier way?
UPDATE: Tested zooming with safari, and noticed the exact same problem occurs at certain zoom levels on desktop safari

Better late than never:
It's not a bug or a software flaw, it's simple mathematics: the (older) iPhone displays websites at 980px width on a screen that is 320px wide (in portrait mode).
So it's a rounding issue: let's say an element is 50px wide. It is displayed at roughly a third of its size, and that is causing the problem: the iPhone will display it at either 16px or 17px width. Even if it was exactly one third, the problem would remain, and the same applies to various zoom levels, of course.
If it's 16px, you're fine - you have probably noticed that the issue doesn't occur on all your elements. If it's 17px, it means that the element is displayed slightly larger than intended, and the adjacent sprite will show.
I checked apple.om on an iPhone 3G, and even their navigation bar shows some odd little artifacts at the bottom - they're just barely noticeable.
So in theory, it should be enough to add 1px around each sprite. Having to change all these elements is a bummer, but it seems to be the best solution. The problem isn't likely to go away either - the iPhone 4 obviously still scales things down, at least in portrait mode. Not to mention all the other smartphones out there with far inferior screens.

Add another 1px of space between the icons.
Just noticed that this was one of your proposed solutions. Check the elements with the sprite and make sure that they are the right size. (Double check the rendered border-box model in Firebug).
It could have something to do with how the mobile phone renders items.


ios 8/mobile-safari horizontal scrolling site with full screen sections and fixed header now breaking

With some bootstrap 3.2 integration I have been making a horizontal scrolling site with 100% height and width divs to represent "pages".
It has been functioning correctly on various devices throughout development but when I went to use it in mobile-safari after ios 8 update the site is now displaying incorrectly...FFS
For the time being you can see the development site here:
(site is no longer active)
I'm pretty much convinced it is related to the audio/music player section. It's an old music player that has been restyled for the new site. The plan is for the site to go live with this player and then we'll be working on updating it after that.
To see how the site 'should' look you can view it in chrome on iphone (or on android of course).
It works fine in resized desktop browsers - it is literally just the ios 8 mobile-safari update that seems to have a bug.
For all I know they may update and it will fix itself, but I can't really just rely on that.
The navigation should be 100% of the viewport not 100% of the entire document.
There should be an audio player fixed at the bottom of the viewport.
I've tried a few things like stacking the divs vertically and while that helped with the navigation width issue it caused the audio player element then became contained within the parent 'music' container - I set the music container to overflow:scroll and -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch as with the other sections but the audio player controls stopped being fixed...? It also stopped it working in chrome for ios which means it really isn't a viable option.
(Please excuse the messy css if you do take a look. The feel of the music section was revised partway through and I'm waiting until the end of development to clean it up.)
As far as I can tell this is not something that has been asked yet - I've searched for a few hours but I think the case is probably quite unique (horizontal full page layouts with bespoke audio players are pretty uncommon as far as I know)
Any help will be much appreciated

Strange horizontal whitespace on iPhone 4 Safari

While testing my website's mobile version on several devices, I noticed a very strange behaviour.
I have a scrollable content div with overflow: auto, and this works properly on all tested devices, except iPhone 4 on Safari. Other browsers and devices display it correctly, even iPhone 5 Safari.
On iPhone 4 Safari, when you scroll to the end of the content, a lot of extra whitespace appears at the bottom (looks like 100-200% extra height) and the text disappears when scrolling. This doesn't happen on any other devices in Safari, nor does it happen in other browsers on iPhone 4.
Has anyone ever heard of such a phenomenon before? I have absolutely no clue what causes this behaviour or how to fix it.
Since I only have access to a limited amount of devices for testing, I may be overlooking other devices/browsers where this issue also occurs. If you have a mobile device and want to test it as well, the live site is here: Live site. On the mobile homepage, click one of the logo's to expand the content, then try scrolling down. Please post your results in a comment.
How it looks on iPhone 5 Safari when scrolled down (no issue): Image
How it looks on iPhone 4 Safari when scrolled down (issue): Image
I would venture to guess that you are exposing a layout quirk in Mobile Safari because of the way that you are hiding/showing the contents of each .company element. Each time that you change the display property of an element, the browser must perform a reflow. Reflows (also called layouts) are prohibitively expense on lower powered mobile devices. This would likely explain why you are only seeing the issue on an iPhone 4.
I myself tested on an iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS, both running iOS 6.1.3, and I was able to reproduce the issue only when I expanded the top or bottom .company elements, but not the middle one. Perhaps this is because the middle .company element contains the fewer children, meaning fewer layout calculations are needed.
Instead of applying display: block; and display: none; to each of the children in the .company element, I would strongly recommend you simplify your javascript to instead toggle the display property on a single container element. By doing this, you force the browser to perform a reflow calculation only once, rather than for each element that you are individually changing the display property.
P.S.: The "other" browsers on an iPhone (i.e. Chrome and Opera) use UIWebviews. UIWebviews use a modified version of the Nitro Javascript engine (the Safari version has JIT compilation enabled). This subtle difference might explain why the issue can only be reproduced in Safari.
After playing around with your live site a bit using the Safari 6 remote debugging feature, I found a solutions that is working for me.
Add -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; to the .container element (the one that is the child of your #companies element).
After thinking about it some more, I remembered having issues with scrolling making content disappear randomly and adjusting the overflow-scrolling property fixed it for me.

Flash of white when changing orientation on iOS Safari

What causes the flash of white to the right of a responsive design when changing orientation from portrait to landscape on the iPhone with iOS 6?
Try it on Safari for iOS 6:
Websites like this don't do it: http://html5boilerplate.com
But this one does: http://www.initializr.com
Something to do with re-processing (CPU lag) to fit a wider screen?
It doesn't happen in Chrome for iOS6...
For example, I just removed all img from my own testing site and set the background of <body>, <html> etc. to non-white, but it still happens. This seems to happen with a lot of different websites out there, but others are completely immune to it...
Could it be a problem with someone on the website, or an iOS Safari bug?
Thats because of the elements in the header of http://www.initializr.com/ which (dis)appear when changing orientation. It forces the header to resize and the elements below are pushed down. This causes a repaint of the DOM, that causes the short white flash on iOs.

what iOS maximums are set for height width of HTML5 Canvas?

I came up with a design where I have a larger canvas nested inside my main one. The main one I will refer to as ctx. I move the larger one around and ctx masks it nicely. I did my dev in chrome and safari and it works nicely.
When I host it and check on my iPad3 I discover some limitations.
Apparently there is a maximum limit set to the height and width for an html5 canvas in iOS !
So I stripped down my code to a basic handful of lines to do testing. A 2000 x 2000 canvas will nest fine and display on an iPad3 but when I go up to 3000 x 3000 it shows blank.
I'm now left with a burning question - what are these maximums and do they differ for older iOS devices?
I did try searches but I can't find the answer so I turn to stackoverflow for help.
I've run into this before as well, I think the problem is the amount of available video memory. It's not a specific width/height that is a problem, it's the width multiplied by the height, and the actual number is probably hardware specific.
Hate to say it, but I think you're just going to have to try it out and see what you can/can't get away with. Design your app around that restriction.
Note that the iPad 3's retina display means this it actually has slightly worse video performance than older generations.

UIWebView font is thinner in portrait than landscape

My app contains a UIWebView. When the app rotates from portrait to landscape or back, the font weight appears to slightly change. Both bold text and regular text get slightly bolder in landscape, and slightly thinner in portrait.
This does not appear to be the case in Safari, only in my app. Here is an example image, taken as a screenshot on the iPad. I have rotated and cropped an example section.
alt text http://dl.swankdb.com/font-change-example.png
I have the following CSS configured, but it seems to prevent the drastic font size change, not the subtle weight change that I am observing:
html {
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none; /* Prevent font scaling in landscape */
Can anyone explain this? The simulator does not do it -- but my iPad, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 all have it. I've also received reports from customers that it happens to them, so I know it's not in my head!
I've seen this in Safari itself too with a web app I'm putting together. After a day or so of head scratching, and deconstructing the CSS used by the iPad User Guide, I found that
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
does the trick. Googling around it looks like this enables hardware acceleration of rendering which leads to far more consistent results in portrait and landscape orientations.
Well after spending a rediculous amount of time trying to figure this out I have found a solution:
Use this:
html {
-webkit-font-smoothing: none;
The reason for this is that only one mode can make use of the subpixels in the display, because they are arranged in a certain direction. The other mode will display the font with greyscaled anti-aliasing and appear slightly different.