ASP.NET MVC 2 EnableClientValidation : validation group -

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2, DataAnnotation and MicrosoftMvcValidation.js for validation. I have two forms in my there a way to use Validation Group for client side validation (like in ASP.NET Webforms).

The example I've seen with the nerd dinner ( uses a partial class to modify the dinner model by adding validation to specific elements. This way validation can be handled at the server level but without server controls.
But... you can still use the validation controls with mvc if that's what you mean.

Did you mean to show summary of error(s)? If so you can use HTML helper for validation summary, like Html.ValidationSummary(...).
Hope this helps!


Is there a way to allow a user to submit html content while still enabling model validation?

I need to allow users to submit a form value containing html in their text inputs. This is an internally-facing application so it's reasonably safe to do so. I have succesfully used the
attribute on the method in question, but this inhibits all model validation for the method/view model in question, but I only want to allow html in one of the TextBoxes and do not necessarily wish to write my own guard clauses for every other piece of model validation in the same method/view model, when I could would prefer to continue using Data Annotations for all of the other properties in the view model.
It's too bad I cannot apply the [ValidateInput(false)] to only a single property of my viewmodel. I would assume that I need to override mvc's default model validation, but I cannot find any documentation on how to do so. Every search yields results describing only how to write my own custom validation attributes, which isn't correct for the problem I'm trying to solve.
You would have to upgrade your aplication to ASP.NET MVC 3. There you have AllowHtmlAttribute, which you can use to disable input validation on property level. ASP.NET MVC 3 is backward compactible with ASP.NET MVC 2 so the upgrade should be easy.

Forcing all controls on MVC2 form to validate using JQuery

Is there a way (using JQuery or Java Script) to force an MVC2 form to perform validation on it's fields with Data Annotation validation without posting back to the server?
I have a MVC2 form that is quite complex. Many of the fields are hidden or displayed depending on other selections. Given this, some of the fields are validated using Data Annotations and some are validated using custom JQuery.
In the case that one of the fields with custom validation fails it's validation I wish to prevent the form from posting back however this stops any of the fields with Data Annotation Validation from working.
IMHO mixing jquery validate with MSAjax is a bad thing. For complex forms with many custom validation rules I would recommend using only jquery validate and on the server a more powerful validation framework than DataAnnotations such as FluentValidation.NET which works nicely with ASP.NET MVC.

Move from DataAnnotations to Fluent Validation

Now I use validation based on custom DataAnnotation attributes and DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider. Is fluent validation more fluent? :) Can it replace the DataAnnotations completely?
Sad answer is no. There are several validation rules in DataAnnotations that are currently not inforced in FluentValidation. That said, server-side implementing the same validations is a somewhat easy task, but having to implement them client side as well is a pain.
I know they are - and have been - working on a new version of FluentValidation that should be out soon, that adds support for more validations including custom ones (client side)

MVC 2 Validation logic

I am new to MVC.Just would like to start do some business logic to enforce validation.Is there any simple example to understand how to apply validation?
Check this out
This is an out of the box solution for validation on ASP.NET MVC.
You can use DataAnnotation validation support built-into the .NET Framework.
Please refer link text
for further clarifications.Moreover you can integrate EntLib or other validation library in ASP.MVC framework.
Happy coding.

Client-side validation with a model-less view in ASP.NET MVC 2

I'd like to use the new client side validation features in MVC 2 but I have a particular view that just has a couple textboxes on it and I don't want to create a strongly typed model for it. Can someone describe how to leverage the validation goodness in MVC 2 w/o a strongly typed model?
I don’t think it can be done as client side validation uses Data Annotations in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace. To my knowledge you have to bind this to an object. I would suggest looking at a jquery solution.