How to use a custom compare tool with Perforce? - diff

I have copy of Grigsoft's Compare it! tool, can anyone tell me how to use it with
Perforce source control?

In P4V, click the Edit->Preferences menu item to open the Preferences dialog. Click "Diff" then select the "Other application" option then enter the path to your compare tool's executable. Click OK and it will now use this tool for diffs. You'll probably want to do the same thing for the default "Merge" application.


Eclipse Shortcut for Team - Synchronize with Repository

What are the shortcuts for the context menu actions "Team -> Synchronize with Repository" and "Team -> Update" on the whole project?
I have already found shortcuts, but these are executed only on the file i have currently opened. But I want to execute it on the whole project without having to scroll the project explorer to the top and right-clicking on the project.
If there are no such shortcuts, how can I create them?
As john.k.doe indicates, that's the right solution, but you also need to do something else in order to make the shortcut actually work, which is go to Window > Customize Perspective > Command Groups Availability and there just check the SVN box ;)
you can almost always get the key shortcuts you want by
go to preferences type "keys" or go to General -> Keys
in the field presented when you click on "Keys"
in the left pane, type the command you are interested in setting up a shortcut for:
the image below is from my mac, but it works the same way on windows/linux, you just might choose something besides Cmd-Y as your shortcut modifier. the U under User indicates that i was the one to add that modification.
I have written a small Eclipse plug-in which selects the active project in the Package Explorer so you can execute other actions (like 'Sync with repo' and 'Update') on it. I think this approach is more flexible compared to writing a plug-in that selects the project and executes a predefined action.
You can get the plug-in at, it is named "". Download it and put it in the dropins/ folder of your Eclipse installation. Then when you restart Eclipse, you will find a new command Select project in Windows->Preferences->Keys. The default key binding is Ctrl+Shift+Backspace but you can change it to whatever you want.
When you are in the Java editor just press Ctrl+Shift+Backspace, this will select the project that the current file belongs to in Package Explorer. Then press the shortcut for "Synchronize with repository" and you are done.
The source code of the plug-in is also available as part of my eclipse-tweaks project:
I think the answer to this question adresses the issue.
The quickest way I've found to update/synchronize, after having set the shortcut keys, is to click on the minimize button in the Project/Package Explorer and then press the keys. After the update, simply clicking on the last used file in the editor returns to the previous workspace state (provided the "Link with Editor" button in Project Explorer is selected).
I should clarify: I use a working set for each project. The working sets are displayed as default Top Level Elements in the Package Explorer so, by clicking on the minimize button the desired Project' working set, they collapse and are easy to select. Then, I apply the shortcut on the selected working set.
From my point of view, the problem is the focus of the commands you execute.
The Team commands Snychronize and Update are executed on the current object (In my case). As you noticed, when you execute the command on the project, the project is synchonized - when you do it on a file, only the file is synchronized.
What I did as workaround is the following:
I created Key-Bindings for the commands Show in (Navigator) (Alt-N), Go to (Alt-G), and Show View (Naviator) (CTRL+SHIFT+Q, N).
With Alt-N I show the current File in the Navigator. I can then use the keys to navigate to the root that I want to synchronize (it's not always the whole project for me). If the root is to far away I use Alt-G and type the Project or Folder where I want to go to and execute afterwards the Synchronize commands.
(Go to works only in the current view)
If you have selected the Project once you just have to switch to the navigator (Show View command) and execute your synchronize commands.
You could also use rgerganov's plugin then you would not have to execute as many commands.
The procedure works also with other views (package explorer, project explorer)
What about this approach? It should also work for other SCM's or commands you want to execute on any object in the explorer views.

using windiff inside Perforce GUI tool

Perforce diff tool is text based, instead windiff is much better. Is there a way to set windiff to be the default diff tool inside perforce?
If you're using P4V, go to Edit -> Preferences, and then to go the Diff tab. Pick the "Other application" radio button and then pick the program you want to use.

How do I compare two files using Eclipse? Is there any option provided by Eclipse?

How do I compare two files using Eclipse?
(Currently I am using WinMerge.)
To compare two files in Eclipse, first select them in the Project Explorer / Package Explorer / Navigator with control-click. Now right-click on one of the files, and the following context menu will appear. Select Compare With / Each Other.
Just select all of the files you want to compare, then open the context menu (Right-Click on the file) and choose Compare With, Then select each other..
If one or both of the files you wish to compare isn't in an Eclipse project:
Open the Quick Access search box
Linux/Windows: Ctrl+3
Mac: ⌘+3
Type compare and select Compare With Other Resource
Select the files to compare → OK
You can also create a keyboard shortcut for Compare With Other Resource by going to Window → Preferences → General → Keys
Other than using the Navigator/Proj Explorer and choosing files and doing 'Compare With'->'Each other'... I prefer opening both files in Eclipse and using 'Compare With'->'Opened Editor'->(pick the opened tab)...
You can get this feature via the AnyEdit eclipse plugin located here (you can use Install Software via Eclipse->Help->Install New Software screen):
If your compairing javascript you might find it not displaying.
Here is a workround...
Window > Preferences > Compare/Patch > General Tab
Deselect checkbox next to "Open structure compare automatically"
Compare with Other Resource – The Easy Way using Eclipse (no additional plugin required)
To assign a keyboard shortcut to the feature, go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys, look for the command Compare with Other Resource and assign it to a keyboard shortcut of your liking. See How to manage keyboard shortcuts in Eclipse for more details on configuring shortcuts.
Tip: Alternatively, you could press Ctrl+3 (for Quick Access) and search for Compare with Other Resource. This way you don’t have to configure a shortcut but you’ll have to search for the command every time in Quick Access.
Once the shortcut is assigned, you need to select the source file from the Package Explorer, Project Explorer or Navigator. The easiest way to do this from an open editor is to assign a shortcut to instantly show the file in the Package Explorer or, if it’s not open, to open it quickly using the keyboard.
Now press the keyboard shortcut you assigned to Compare with Other Resource and the following (non-modal) dialog should appear:
Troubleshooting: If the dialog doesn’t appear, it’s probably because you haven’t selected a file in either the Package Explorer or another view that allows file selection. Make sure a file is selected and make sure you haven’t selected the class in the Package Explorer rather than the actual Java file.
Now you can select the second file in the Package Explorer and drag and drop it onto the dialog. Click OK and the comparison editor should display, comparing the two selected files.
Tip: See the post on using shortcuts for common SVN commands for tips on how to navigate the comparison editor with the keyboard.
Comparing External Files
Using the Compare with Other Resource dialog, you can compare a workspace file with an external file or even compare two external files with each other.
Comparing a workspace file with an external file is easy: Once you’ve opened the dialog from a selected file, instead of dragging and dropping another workspace file, tick External File in the Right pane and then Browse to a file on your filesystem.
To compare two external files, you have to start the dialog again from a selected workspace file (choose an arbitrary file). Once open, select External File in the Left pane and Browse to your file then do the same for the Right pane.
Please refer this page for more details:
If you have Beyond Compare installed, the ContextQuickie eclipse plugin has an option to enable it to be selected from the context menu displayed when you right-click a file.
Install from:
After install, activate Beyond Compare menu items via Window->Preferences->Context Quickie->check 'Enable Beyond Compare'.

Subclipse - marking code changes like in NetBeans

I moved recently from NetBeans to Eclipse. Since I have to work with the project checked out from SVN I installed Eclipse. My question is: how to make Subclipse indicated the changes that I introduce in the source code (downloaded from SVN) just like NetBeans? Is there any way?
In Window -> Preferences navigate to General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Quick Diff and tick "Enable quick diff", "Show differences in overview ruler" and set "Use this reference source" to "Pristine SVN Copy".
You might also want to change the colors to match NetBeans (blue for Changes, green for Additions, red for Deletions).
Note that you'll probably need to restart Eclipse for this to take effect.
As you go on changing the code it will show your changes on the side ruler until you commit to SVN.
If you are referring to the Viewing Changes in the Source Editor section of subversion in Netbeans:
alt text
Then it should be like activating the Quick diff Annotate in Subclipse:
Team -> Show Annotations option on a file
Subclipse automatically keeps track the changes that you do in Eclipse.
If you would like to see the changes, the convention in Eclipse is to go to Team -> Synchronize menu on the project.
If you want to quickly compare changes from a single file, right click on it select 'Compare With' -> 'Latest from Repository'. The resulting diff would look much like the one in Binary Nerd's first screenshot, only it will appear in Editor section and you won't have to switch perspectives.
Doesn't subclipse mark the classes and packages in the Package Explorer as being different to the version checked-in to SVN?
You can use the compare function to see the differences. One way to do this is to open the synchronize view, right click on the desired class and choose compare (i can't remember the exact menu option, but it's something like that).

how to make a file to open in a particular editor in eclipse?

I have many types of file in my eclipse workspace, so i want some files to be open in a particular editor. say a war or a jar with winrar. sql with some eql developer, xml,s with xml editor etc how to set that? so that whenever i open them, they should open a assigned editor.
there is an entry in the eclipse preferences that associates file types with editors. You select your file type (e.g *.html) and assign it one of your installed editors.
On Mac OS, the preference you want is:
Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations.
General->Editor->fileAssociations navigation
select or add the extension in the right top dialog
then click add on the right bottom dialog, select the appropriate application and save :-)
You want to add an entry in the Preferences for General->Editors->File Associations.