The executable was signed with invalid entitlements (iPhone build) - iphone

Ok I'm no rookie to this stuff. I know what I'm doing, so please dont take me through the basics. I updated Xcode to the newest version the other day, and now every new project and saved projects from the past that HAVE succesfully been built using its own distribution certificate are no longer succeeding with the following error:
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.
This is happening to ALL my apps! I have six of them, and all of them have never had problems with their certificates, but now I'm getting this error! I'm not even making adhoc builds, so Im not using entitlements, nor is it specified in the code signing entitlements box. That box is blank. Ive tried everything, this is definitely an Xcode issue with updating.
Please help this is extremely frustrating.

This is just a shot in the dark, but maybe try deleting all of your provisioning profiles from Xcode and all of your devices, then download them again from the provisioning portal and reinstall them on everything? I ended up doing that anyway when I upgraded.

In my case I had "code signing" line in my targets and project build settings. Despite it was empty it was still giving me this error, until I deleted it completely in targets and partially in project. So that is what I did:
In Xcode 4.2 I went to my PROJECT\Build Settings found that line "code signing", clicked on it and in Entitlements deleted all lines (they were empty but still there!), so Entitlements disappeared.
I put in "code signing identity":don't code sign
"debug":don't code sign
"Any iOS SDK": choose your provisions here, I used automatic, worked fine
"release":don't code sign
"Any iOS SDK": same as above
Then I went to TARGETS\Build Settings, found the line "code signing" and deleted everything under it so it disappeared from targets.
Now I could build onto the device, not only in simulator.
Hope it helps somebody.


Xcode fails with "Code Signing" Error

Alternate Titles
(to aid search)
Xcode 'CodeSign error: code signing is required'
Xcode: iPhone app codesign error
/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Jenkins fails with Code Sign error
Command-line build fails with "provisioning profiles not found"
Archiving Xcode project fails with provisioning error
Missing signing certificates in Xcode
The issue manifests it's self in one of several ways:
Running your app on a device results in an error referencing "code signing" or "expired signing certificates"
Building from the command line (or using a continuos integration system, such as Jenkins) fails with a error similar to this:
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates
Archiving an app fails with "code signing" or "expired signing certificates" where a run or build work correctly.
Often the project may have several configurations and sometimes only a subset will fail. Deleting and regenerating provisioning profiles has no effect.
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY verification script.
Often in set ups that use version control the project.pbxproj can be merged in such a way that two CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY lines can be inserted. This seems to cause Xcode problems under certain situations (like command-line builds or archiving).
A tell-tail sign is lines similar to this in the project.pbxproj file (right-click on the project and select "Show Package Contents…")
"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer";
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "iPhone Distribution";
Deleting one of these lines will let you select the correct value in Build Settings and the project should once again build correctly.
I have created simple script to help diagnose this issue it can be found here:
I got this code sign error with an Open Source Github project which I only wanted on my own device (not in store or anything) and I don't have a paid membership account.
In that case it's meanwhile (since XCode 7) possible to configure and allow your app as unsigned but trusted.
It's all explained here:
I had a similar problem which I could solve after a lot of wasted hours. So writing my solution here in case it helps someone.
My iOS app, which I have been developing and deploying/updating regularly for past 5 years, recently ran into a similar issue where final "Distribute App" via XCode Organizer started showing an error "Code Signing for failed - see distribution logs for more information". The distribution logs have no information whatsoever.
After a lot of trial-and-error, I found that the certificate used for code signing had somehow gone corrupt. I deleted the certificate and it fixed the problem. Hope this helps someone.

Xcode 4.3.1 "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found"

Tonight I upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion, and upgraded to Xcode 4.3.1 (iOS 5.1). And now when I try and run debug mode on my device (iPad) I get "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found". I have tried every suggestion in past posts on this issue. I have generated a new certificate. I have set my code signing to use the new certificate. I have updated the provisioning profile to use the new certificate. I have gone into the .pbxproj file and deleted all references to the provisioning profile. I have cleaned and closed Xcode a million times. No matter what I do, I still get the same error when trying to run on the device.
In Organizer, the provisioning profile shows up as "Valid profile" in my Library, but under the Provisioning Profiles listed for the device there are none listed. I have tried clicking the Add button and importing it manually - nothing happens. It doesn't show up. When I click on the device icon in Organizer is says "Provisioning No provisioning profiles". However when I go to my iOS Provisioning Portal online and click on the device, the provisioning profile shows up there as being associated to the device.
Any ideas? I am pulling my hair out here.
Do you by chance have two developer accounts with different sets of devices/apps? I encountered this situation (see what "iOS Team Provisioning" profile is matching "iPhone Developer"). The only way I have found to switches teams, so to speak, is to select your device and click "Add to Portal" and log in with the correct Apple ID.
The solution that worked for me was:
-Deleted all references to provisioning profile in .pbxproj.
-Deleted all certificates in keychain.
-Imported my certificate to keychain.
-Created new provisioning profile and configured it in developer portal.
-Refreshed provisioning profiles in xcode organizer.
-Deleted the wildcard provisioning profile that xcode automatically adds.
-Went into code signing and selected the signing account associated to the correct provisioning profile.
-Plugged in a different iOS device (switched iPad with for fresh iPhone)
-Built for a new iOS device.
And it worked. Not sure which step was the magic one. I did not reinstall xcode.
Make sure there is a valid private and public key generated for the profile. More importantly make sure the keys are stored in the right place in keychain.
They should be under login, not system or any other spot. This was causing and issue for me, and it took me a while to find the solution.
Hope this helps.
I have seen this problem before, and my "standard" solution is
a) make a new dummy iOS project , using Xcode menu - file - new - project. Check code signing is your developer certificate. Compile and see if it can run on your iPhone/ipad hardware.
If a) fails, it is something with your certificates and keychain. Clear all and make new certificates
If b) works, it is something in the .xcodeproj file or build folder for your problem project. Remove all files and folders in build. Use your backup (sure you have a daily backup for your project!!!), and copy an "old" .xcodeproj file to your problem project. Use Xcode - project - clean, xcode - project - build as - testing , and hereafter "run".
Before trying above solution, make an extra backup.
good luck, and remember you are not the first having certificate problems.
In my case the problem was not at all related to keys, certificates, provisioning profiles or any other of the reasons mentioned here and everywhere else. It turns out that some other developer in a different team borrowed the iPad we use and changed the device's date to one year in the future! After I set the correct Date and Time and ran the application on the device everything worked just fine.
Unfortunately Xcode didn't warn me about this, and it was until I needed to fix another unrelated problem that Instruments informed me of this situation about the wrong date on the device.
Simply check "Code Signing" section in "Build Settings". If you previosly build your app for appstore publication maybe you forgot change from distribution profile to development profile.
If you are on Xcode 6, and running into this problem when adding a new device (iPhone 5/6), you can follow the steps here:

iPhone Build Error (Entitlements)

I'm getting this error when trying to build:
The entitlements specified in your application’s Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile.
This is not my first time building apps. This will be my sixth app, so this thing is tripping. I'm making an AppStore distribution build, so I dont need entitlements. I dont have any entitlement files specified in my code signing entitlement. ITS BLANK. For the project info pane and the target info pane, there is absolutely nothing in my code signing entitlements, which is how its supposed to be. Yet I still get this dumb error. Remember, this is NOT an adhoc build, rather it is an AppStore build. What can be the problem??
Do you have multiple versions of Xcode installed (such as one of the betas)? Did you change the install directory after installing your current stable version of Xcode? Xcode installs things for code signing that can break if you either install a new version of Xcode simultaneously, or you rename your /Developer directory.
Also, try checking the console for related error messages.

Code sign error with Xcode 3.2

I had a fully working build environment before upgrading to iPhone OS 3.1 and Xcode 3.2. Now when I try to do a build, I get the following:
Code Sign error: Provisioning profile 'FooApp test' specifies the Application Identifier 'no.fooapp.iphoneapp' which doesn't match the current setting ''
The problem is that Xcode somehow manages to think that the "FooApp Test" provisioning profile specifies the Application Identifier "no.fooapp.iphoneapp", but this is not the case.
In the Organizer (and in the iPhone developer portal website) the app identifier is correctly seen as ''.
Also, when setting the provisioning profile in the build options at the project level, Xcode correctly identifies the app identifier, but when I go to the target, I'm unable to select any valid provisioning profile.
What could be causing this problem?
Update: I've tried to create a new provisioning profile, but still no luck. I also tried simply changing the app identified in Info.plist to just "no.fooapp.iphoneapp". The build succeeds, but now I get an error from the Organizer:
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements. The entitlements specified in your application's Code Signing Entitlements file do not match those specified in your provisioning profile. (0xE8008016).
This seems reasonable, as the provisioning profile still has the "" application identifier.
I also double checked that all certiicates are valid in the Keychain.
So my question is how I can get Xcode to see the correct application identifier?
UPDATE: As noted below, what seems to fix the problem is deleting all provisioning profiles, certificates, etc., making new certificates / profiles and installing them again. If anyone has any other solutions, they would be welcome. :)
I had to manually remove the provisioning profiles from my phone, then rebuild the apps after doing a "clean all targets" from the build menu.
That's under Settings -> General -> Profiles
This happened to me when I got a new Mac. You'll fix it, don't worry
Well, as seems to be the case with a lot of these code signing issues, deleting all provisioning profiles, certificates, etc. and revoking and generating everything all over again turned out to do the trick. I even created a new bundle identifier, app identifier, etc., and now AdHoc distribution is working again.
I had this same error yesterday. I tried all of the various resetting procedures in the other answers with no luck. Eventually I also
rebooted my mac
rebooted my iPhone
deleted all of my iphone provisioning profiles from the phone using XCode
deleted all profiles from my mac (~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles for me)
what else? deleted build folder, restarted XCode, installed update to 3.1.2 sdk, sacrificed a chicken.
Lo and behold, it now works, the error is gone. This is serious voodoo territory.
Also, make sure that you added a reference to the Entitlement filename "dist.plist" in your project configuration CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS.
Check both Code Signing Entitlements in info for both the Build Target and the Main Application - if Code Signing Entitlements says on either then remove it
In XCode, in the "Groups & Files" pane, expand "Targets" and double-click on your app's target.
This will bring up the Info pane for your target. In the "Build" section, check the "code signing" section for any old profiles. This has happened to me many times particularly after an upgrade to a new version of the sdk and iphone os
Quick Hack if you are on Xcode 4.3.
In Xcode under Project Settings > MyTarget > Summary tab all the way in the bottom there is a checkbox that says "Enable entitlements". When I unchecked it, it made the error go away.
Inside Resources/Entitlements.plist there is a Boolean "get-task-allow" if that is not checked, check it ON. This fixed the issue for me.
After being stumped by this for quite a while I revisited the settings and discovered that I had reversed the 'Code Signing Identity' and the 'Any iPhone OS Device' entries. - The clue I had as to this happening was shown by.
Deleting every profile off the phone
Build and Go
At this point xcode attempts to provision the phone (device)
Examine the phone to see which provisioning profile has been added.
As I prefix all my profiles 'AdHoc' or 'Development' or 'AppStore' I saw immediately that the install process was putting a development profile on the device and not an AdHoc profile.
The device may not be in the list. Try modify your provisioning profile.
Just to add a note here: I encountered the same error (0xE8008016) after replacing my Macbook's logic board (although I imagine you'd have the same problem on a completely new mac), and after hours of going around in circles I realised that the iPhone Developer Program Portal had separate certificates for Development and Distribution.
A change in hardware means you need to reissue both certificates - I'd reissued Developer but not Distribution. Because my name hadn't changed when my hardware did (and certificates are identified by the owner's name), this made it a tricky problem to spot ;) Hope this saves someone else my frustration.
For reference, I ran into the same issue and deleting all of my profiles, existing certs and everything from my local drive and from the developer portal, and deleting my existing devices and re-adding them (developer portal) seemed to do the trick.
The problem is in the "project.pbxproj" file located inside the [your project].xcodeproject file. If you feel brave right click on the .xcodeproject and view contents then open "project.pbxproj" with a plan text editor. Inside search for the offensive path and correct it. In my case I just removed the entire path and just left "Entitlements.plist" and it cleard my issues up. I STRONGLY reccomend backing up your .xcodeproject before attempting this.
Double click the target then select the "Properties" tab. There change the com.yourcompany.${...}.
Another cause is if the device you want to install onto is not an approved device in the Distribution Certificate.
Sometimes Xcode does not automatically copy your provisioning profile to the right location.
In my case, that was true.
Check that your provisioning profile is in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles directory and if not just drag and drop, clean and build

The executable was signed with invalid entitlements

I am having a problem with ad-hoc distribution on my iPhone. I have developed an application with SDK 3.0. I have a developer's license. I have added certificates and provisioning profiles in my project. So, no problem with that.
But, when I try to install the app on my iPhone, it compiles the project and then displays the error: "The executable was signed with invalid entitlements" in the Organizer window. Am I missing something? I have upgraded my iPhone from 2.2.1 and have downloaded latest SDK from Apple.
Please help me with this issue.
There are pretty good instructions in the 'Portal Program'. If you log into
Then click Distribution on the left, and click the
Creating and Downloading a Distribution Provisioning Profile for Ad Hoc Distribution
link at the bottom.
Here's the key bit:
For Ad Hoc Distribution, complete the following:
In the File Menu, select New File -> iPhone OS -> Code Signing -> Entitlements.
Name the file “Entitlements.plist" and click ‘Finish’. This creates a copy of the default entitlements file within the project.
Select the new Entitlments.plist file and uncheck the “get-task-allow” property. Save the Entitlements.plist file. (in Xcode 4, get-task-allow is called "Can be debugged" )
Select the Target and open the Build settings inspector. In the ‘Code Signing Entitlements’ build setting, type in the filename of the new Entitlements.plist file including the extension. There is no need to specify a path unless you have put the Entitlements.plist file somewhere other than the top level of the project.
Click ‘Build’. (Note: Your binary must contain a flattened, square-image icon that is 57x57 pixels. This icon is displayed on the iPhone or iPod touch home screen.)
This error also may occur if you're trying to profile an app where the device is not included in the provisioning profile.
Make sure your device is included in the dev provisioning profile you want to use. Somehow the error message is misleading. My entitlements were actually ok.
I have found that "get-task-allow" needs to be checked for Development builds but unchecked for Distribution builds. The easiest way to accomplish this (AFAIK) is to have two entitlements files in your project: Entitlements.plist and EntitlementsDebug.plist - and to reference the proper one in the build project settings for the various configurations in your project.
Code signing entitlements are no longer necessary for Ad Hoc builds in Xcode 4 - see details notes in Apple Technical Note TN2250
If you once come into the situation, that checking "get-task-allow" seems to be required in order to deploy your debug (!) build to your phone, check this:
a) Check the build setting. There should be no entry in "Code Signing Entitlements" for Debug
b) Remove Entitlements.plist temporarily and build your debug version. If it complains about a missing Entitlements.plist, then you probably have the same situation, I had to fight today.
c) Build again with Entitlements.plist and enable "get-task-allow". If it works now, you probably have the same problem:
After messing around with new profiles I couldn't deploy my Debug build to the phone. AdHoc was fine. I checked a) - empty.. Hmm. I checked b) - complains. c) - worked...
After all I examined project.pbjproj in an editor and - although the GUI did claim, that there was no entry for "Code Signing Entitlements" in fact there was one in the Debug section. I emptied it and was done.
This is because your device, on which you are running your application is not selected with your provisioning profile.
So just go through Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles select your iOS Provisioning Profiles click on edit then select your Device
I have just had an exciting three hours battling with this. I have just upgraded a project to 4.2 and for some reason it just wouldn't work.
I eventually removed the Entitlements.plist file and then created a new one.
File > New File > Code Signing > Entitlement
Name the file Entitlements.plist
Make sure it's in the Resources group in xCode.
It didn't put in the get-task-allow BOOL type in the Entitlements.plist file. I added it, checked it, saved it, unchecked it, saved it. This made me feel better.
I then removed the Adhoc and Release profiles I had created. Re-downloaded them from the Provisioning Portal and droped them back into the xCode organizer.
I then went into Build Settings and made sure the correct profiles were assigned to the Debug and Release profiles.
I then changed the to Release / Device. Hit the build button and it worked.
I have no idea why.
John's answer is 99% correct. I found that (at least in my configuration), you have to open the Build settings inspector for the PROJECT. The build settings for the target do not contain "Code Signing Entitlements". Perhaps this doesn't make a difference if you have only one target in your project. But if you have multiple targets, you need to go to the project build settings. In any case, after doing what John said, my ad-hoc distribution build worked perfectly.
In Xcode 5.1, if you go into Preferences -> Accounts -> View Details...
Make sure the Signing Identity status is Valid. If it says Revoked, hit the Plus button and add the appropriate signing identity: iOS Development or iOS Distribution. Xcode will replace it with a new, valid one.
For me that solved it:
Open Project.xcodeproj > project.pbxproj
Remove all lines like these:
"PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" = ...
"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = ...
Set provisioning profiles & code signings for the target again
pJosh, this might help understanding. In my case, my Team Provisioning Profile was expiring (the Provisioning Portal indicated it is managed by XCode), as well as the device testing profile for the app. (I still don't know why, but the portal had a "Renew" button next to the team profile, but it wouldn't do anything when I clicked it.)
So, I deleted the profiles about to expire, then in XCode go to Organizer (Command-Shift-2), under Library / Provisioning Profiles, I deleted the expiring ones. Then click "Refresh" at the bottom, enter my Apple ID, and it renewed the expiring ones.
Finally, on my Target, I went to Build Settings, Code Signing, and made sure to select the provisioning profile. Voila, now it builds to my device.
Just got this same error code.
It seems there are different things that cause this and therefore different ways to fix it.
In my case, I had two different devices with the same name (an iPhone 4 and an iPhone 4S). Changing the name of one of them fixed this error completely for me...
I was trying to add iCloud support to my existing app, but found that after adding entitlements and configuring iCloud, my app would no longer debug.
I realised that my generic iOS development certificate had a different APPID from the app I was working on. So to fix it, instead of using my generic certificate I created a specific development certificate for that APPID.
I refreshed my provisioning profile in XCode, cleaned out the app, disconnected my device, restarted XCOde and connected device and ran, and it now works a treat!
I also spent several hours fighting with this as well. The fix is real simple. Edit your Entitlements.plist file in the root of your project's directory. Find the line that says <key>get-task-allow</key>. Underneath it should be <false/>. Change that to <true/>.
Sorry that this is very late, but I just was looking at this question and found something that worked for me. I went to PROJECT->Build Settings and found the Code Signing section. Beside debug, my distribution profile that said Iphone Distribution: MY NAME was selected. I instead selected Iphone Developer: MY NAME on the drop-down list under IpodProfile (for bundle identifiers com.myName.myApp which was the provisioning Profile for my device. Hope this helps!
I just had this happen to a developer on the team I administer.
It turned out his developer certificate expired and after renewal, I neglected to add his certificate to the provisioning profile his app used.
I had not agreed to the new updated licensed agreement from apple.
Briefly : Please log in to your developer's account -> profile's -> review -> read the agreement or get your lawyer read it for you -> agree (at your own will) -> and again click profile's to check the status of your profile.
In my scenario the valid code signing entity was not showing up. When i followed the above procedure it was visible and i was able to run the app on the device and/or create the iPA file without much difficulty.
Had this issue occur when everything seemed to be setup correctly, build setting were pointing to correct provisioning profile, code signing was properly setup, etc.
Issue occurred because I had just created a new scheme and hadn't regenerated my CocoaPods for the new configurations. As you can see from the image, the new ad-hoc configuration is pointing to the Pods.production configuration, instead of a configuration (and test respectively)
To fix:
Set the offending configuration to None -- cocoapods wouldn't generate the configs unless I did this
Close XCode
Run pod install
Re-open XCode and set the new scheme's configurations to the newly generated configurations.
That's it!
Check if you're device is included in the provisioning profile.