Making self-logging modules with Log::Log4perl - perl

Is there a way to use Log::Log4perl to make a smart self-logging module that logs its operations to a file even in the absence of the calling script not initializing Log4perl? As far as I can tell from the documentation, the only way to use Log4perl is to initialize it in the running script from a configuration, then modules implementing Log4perl calls log themselves based on the caller's Log4perl config.
Instead, I'd like the modules to provide a default initialization config for Log4perl. This would provide the default file appender for the module's category. Then, I could override this behavior by initing Log4perl in the caller with a different config if needed, and everything would hopefully just work.
Is this sort of defensive logging behavior possible or am I going to need to rely on initing Log4perl in every .pl script that calls the module I want logged?

I do this in a custom Log role in Moose (irrelevant complicated code removed):
package MyApp::Role::Log;
use Moose::Role;
use Log::Log4perl;
my #methods = qw(
log trace debug info warn error fatal
is_trace is_debug is_info is_warn is_error is_fatal
logexit logwarn error_warn logdie error_die
logcarp logcluck logcroak logconfess
has _logger => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Log::Log4perl::Logger',
lazy_build => 1,
handles => \#methods,
around $_ => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $this = shift;
# one level for this method itself
# two levels for Class:;MOP::Method::Wrapped (the "around" wrapper)
# one level for Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation (the "handles" wrapper)
local $Log::Log4perl::caller_depth;
$Log::Log4perl::caller_depth += 4;
my $return = $this->$orig(#_);
$Log::Log4perl::caller_depth -= 4;
return $return;
} foreach #methods;
method _build__logger => sub {
my $this = shift;
my $loggerName = ref($this);
Log::Log4perl->easy_init() if not Log::Log4perl::initialized();
return Log::Log4perl->get_logger($loggerName)
As you can see, the log object is self-initializing -- if Log::Log4perl->init has not been called, then easy_init is called. You could easily modify this to allow each module to customize its logger -- I do so with optional role parameters, with ref($this) as the default fallback.
PS. You may also want to look at MooseX::Log::Log4perl, which is where I started before I used the logger role above. Someday when I get around to it I will submit some much-needed patches to that MX module to incorporate some features I have added.

The short answer is to call Log::Log4perl::initialized(); at some point and if it is false, set up some default logging.
The tricky part is "some point."
You can't do it in BEGIN {}, because then the main script's will stomp your initialisation even though you created unnessary files. You don't want to do it before each call to get_logger() because that is wasteful. So you should do it during the module's initialisation, say sub new or sub init.


Accessing subs from a require'd perl script

I'm going to import some perl code with the require statement. The code I'd like to import is in
package FOO::BAR;
sub routine {
print "A message!\n";
package FOO::BAZ;
sub routine {
print "Another message!\n";
Then I'm going to use it like this:
foreach my $lib (qw/ /){
require $lib;
print "Make a call to ${lib}'s &routine!\n";
Is there a way for my script to figure out the namespace that was pulled in with the require statement?
Wow. I have to say this is the one of the most interesting Perl questions I've seen in a while. On the surface this seems like a very simple request - get an included module's namespace, but there really is no way to do this. You can get it while in the package, but not from outside the package. I tried using EXPORT to send the local package name back to the caller script but that ended up going nowhere given the difference in how "use" and "require" work. A more module type of approach probably would have worked with a "use" statement, but the requirement that the required script be able to run by themselves prevented that approach. The only thing left to do was to directly pollute the caller's namespace and hope for the best (assume that the caller had no package namespace) - something that modules are designed to prevent.
BTW - I can't believe this actually works - in strict mode, no less.
use strict;
#package SomePackageName; #if you enable this then this will fail to work
our $ExportedPackageName;
print "Current package=".__PACKAGE__."\n";
foreach my $lib (qw/ /){
require $lib;
print "Make a call to ${lib}'s &routine!\n";
print "Package name exported=".$ExportedPackageName."\n";
} #end foreach
print "Normal Exit";
package FOO::BAR;
use strict;
#better hope the caller does not have a package namespace
sub routine {
print "A message from ".__PACKAGE__."!\n";
package FOO::BAZ;
use strict;
#better hope the caller does not have a package namespace
sub routine {
print "Another message, this time from ".__PACKAGE__."!\n";
Current package=main
Make a call to's &routine!
Package name exported=FOO::BAR
A message from FOO::BAR!
Make a call to's &routine!
Package name exported=FOO::BAZ
Another message, this time from FOO::BAZ!
Normal Exit
Regarding the mostly academical problem of finding the package(s) in a perl source file:
You can try the CPAN module Module::Extract::Namespaces to get all packages within a perl file. It is using PPI and is thus not 100% perfect, but most of the time good enough:
perl -MModule::Extract::Namespaces -e 'warn join ",", Module::Extract::Namespaces->from_file(shift)' /path/to/
But PPI can be slow for large files.
You can try to compare the active packages before and after the require. This is also not perfect, because if your perl library file loads additional modules then you cannot tell which is the package of the prinicipal file and what's loaded later. To get the list of packages you can use for example Devel::Symdump. Here's a sample script:
use Devel::Symdump;
my %before = map { ($_,1) } Devel::Symdump->rnew->packages;
require "/path/to/";
my %after = map { ($_,1) } Devel::Symdump->rnew->packages;
delete $after{$_} for keys %before;
print join(",", keys %after), "\n";
You can also just parse the perl file for "package" declarations. Actually, that's what the PAUSE upload daemon is doing, so it's probably "good enough" for most cases. Look at the subroutine packages_per_pmfile in
There are two problems here:
How do I change the behaviour of a script when executed as a standalone and when used as a module?
How do I discover the package name of a piece of code I just compiled?
The general answer to question 2 is: You don't, as any compilation unit may contain an arbitrary number of packages.
Anyway, here are three possible solutions:
Name your modules so that you already know the name when you load it.
Have each module register itself at a central rendezvous point.
Like #1, but adds autodiscovery of your plugins.
The simplest solution is to put all of the API in an ordinary module, and put the standalone logic in a seperate script:
Where each standalone basically looks like
use Module::A;
If another script wants to reuse that code, it does
use lib "/the/location";
use Module::A;
If the loading happens on runtime, then Module::Runtime helps here:
use Module::Runtime 'use_module';
use lib "/the/location";
my $mod_a = use_module('Module::A');
It isn't strictly necessary to place the contents of and Module/ into separate files, although that is clearer. If you want to conditionally run code in a module only if it is used as a script, you can utilize the unless(caller) trick.
Of course all of this is tricksing: Here we determine the file name from the module name, not the other way round – which as I already mentioned we cannot do.
What we can do is have each module register itself at a certain predefined location, e.g. by
Rendezvous::Point->register(__FILE__ => __PACKAGE__);
Of course the standalone version has to shield against the possibility that there is no Rendezvous::Point, therefore:
if (my $register = Rendezvous::Point->can("register")) {
$register->(__FILE__ => __PACKAGE__);
Eh, this is silly and violates DRY. So let's create a Rendezvous::Point module that takes care of this:
In /the/location/Rendezvous/
package Rendezvous::Point;
use strict; use warnings;
my %modules_by_filename;
sub get {
my ($class, $name) = #_;
sub register {
my ($file, $package) = #_;
$modules_by_filename{$file} = $package;
sub import {
my ($class) = #_;
Now, use Rendezvous::Point; registers the calling package, and the module name can be retrived by the absolute path.
The script that wants to use the various modules now does:
use "/the/location";
use Rendezvous::Point (); # avoid registering ourself
my $prefix = "/the/location";
for my $filename (map "$prefix/$_", qw(Module/ Module/ {
require $filename;
my $module = Rendezvous::Point->get($filename)
// die "$filename didn't register itself at the Rendezvous::Point";
Then there are fully featured plugin systems like Module::Pluggable. This system works by looking at all paths were Perl modules may reside, and loads them if they have a certain prefix. A solution with that would look like:
Everything is just like with the first solution: Standalone scripts look like
use lib "/the/location/";
use MyClass::Plugin::A;
But looks like:
package MyClass;
use Module::Pluggable require => 1; # we can now query plugins like MyClass->plugins
sub run {
# Woo, magic! Works with inner packages as well!
for my $plugin (MyClass->plugins) {
Of course, this still requires a specific naming scheme, but it auto-discovers possible plugins.
As mentioned before it is not possible to look up the namespace of a 'required' package without extra I/O, guessing or assuming.
Like Rick said before, one have to intrude the namespace of the caller or better 'main'. I prefer to inject specific hooks within a BEGIN block of the 'required' package.
package VENDOR::App::SocketServer::Protocol::NTP;
no warnings;
my $userPackage= $ARGV[0];
require $userPackage;
Instead of *main:: you can get more specific with *main::HOOKS::HANDLE_REQUESTS i.e. This enables you to resolve all injected hooks easily within the caller by iterating over the HOOK's namespace portion.
foreach my $hooks( keys %main::HOOKS ) {

RequestTracker and Mason destroying my class over and over again

I'm hacking on Request Tracker, which is written in perl and uses Mason
for the web interface. I'm trying to make a customized page, that involves an autohandler, an html page, and pulls in some methods in other comps. I have a simple class that I want to use to track a few things that I need for my parts of the interface. Right now all it
tracks is a database handle.
package RTx::FooBar::Web;
use strict;
use warnings;
use RTx::FooBar::Handle;
sub new
my $proto = shift;
$RT::Logger->debug("creating new");
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class);
my $handle = RTx::FooBar::Handle->new();
$self->{cfHandle} = $handle;
return $self;
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{cfHandle};
sub CFHandle
my $self = shift;
return $self->{cfHandle};
I tried sticking that into the session so I could use it wherever I needed
it in the web interface. So I try to use it in one web page - the autohandler does:
% $m->call_next;
$RT::Logger->debug("my autohandler");
use RTx::FooBar::Web;
$session{cfWeb} ||= RTx::FooBar::Web->new();
The thing that's bugging me right now (other than the fact that it's not
working) is that the logging in the "new" method prints out once, but the
logging in the DESTROY method prints out 56 times. And each time, the
debug in RTx::FooBar::Handle->DESTROY prints out as well, indicating that
$self->{cfHandle} wasn't removed. Can anybody suggest why this might be
happening? Is it because session is a tied hash?
*Update* I'm no longer using $session, and it's STILL destroying my handle 56 times after creating it once.
Just a guess here - $session is re-creating your objects from an externalized version (perhaps via Storable or the like). So it gets the object back without calling new so no logging. Not sure why it would be getting destroyed every time tho.
It looks like $session is in fact a tied hash, to an Apache::Session or something implementing the same interface (the docs talk about db backing for sessions).
If you want to have a global persistent object (i.e., not tied to a single request) then give it a fully-qualified name, e.g., $RTx::FooBar::Web::TheObject ||= RTx::FooBar::Web->new(); or use something like Cache::MemoryCache. Alternately, set up your own global variable in the MasonAllowGlobals setting, although you might need to get into RT's config files to change that.

Clash Between Multiple Locales in a mod_perl Setting?

I'm currently working on internationalizing a large Perl/Mason web application (Perl 5.8.0, Mason 1.48, mod_perl & Apache). In choosing a localization module, I decided to go with Locale::TextDomain over Locale::Maketext, mostly because the latter's plural form support isn't as nice as I'd like.
The hang-up I'm having with Locale::TextDomain is that it resolves which catalog to use for translations based on the process' locale. When I realized this, I got worried about how this would affect my application if I wanted users to be able to use different locales -- would it be possible that a change in locale to suit one user's settings would affect another user's session? For example, could there be a situation in which an English user received a page in German because a German user's session changed the process' locale? I'm not very knowledgeable about how Apache's thread/process model works, though it seems that if multiple users can be served by the same thread, this could happen.
This email thread would indicate that this is possible; here the OP describes the situation I'm thinking about.
If this is true, is there a way I can prevent this scenario while still using Locale::TextDomain? I suppose I could always hack at the module to load the catalogs in a locale-independent (probably using DBD::PO), but hopefully I'm just missing something that will solve my problem...
You entirely avoid the setlocale problems by using web_set_locale instead.
(That message on the mailing list predates the addition of that function by about 4 years.)
Edit: You are correct that global behaviour persists in Apache children, leading to buggy behaviour.
I wrote up a test case:
use 5.010;
use strictures;
use Foo::Bar qw(run);
my $app = sub {
my ($env) = #_;
package Foo::Bar;
use 5.010;
use strictures;
use Encode qw(encode);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Locale::TextDomain __PACKAGE__, '/tmp/Foo-Bar/share/locale';
use Locale::Util qw(web_set_locale);
use Plack::Request qw();
use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [ 'run' ] };
our $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = 'en'; # untranslated source strings
sub run {
my ($env) = #_;
my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
web_set_locale($env->{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE}, undef, undef, [
map { basename $_ } grep { -d } glob '/tmp/Foo-Bar/share/locale/*'
]); # XXX here
return $req
['Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'],
[encode('UTF-8', __ 'Hello, world!')],
The app runs as a PerlResponseHandler. When the user request a language that cannot be set, the call fails silently and the language that was used last successfully is still enabled.
The trick to fix this is to always set to a language that exists with a fallback mechanism. At the spot marked XXX, add the code or web_set_locale($DEFAULT_LANGUAGE), so that despite using a global setting, the behaviour cannot persist because we guarantee that it is set/changed once per request.
Edit 2: Further testing reveals that it's not thread-safe, sorry. Use the prefork MPM only which isolates requests as processes; however worker and event are affected because they are thread-based.

Log4perl: How do I dynamically load appenders at runtime?

I'd like to have modules managing their logging at runtime, but without having everything referring to a single monolithic config file. When dealing with processes running under different permissions, I really don't want to deal with each process needing to be able to access every log on the system when they're only writing to a subset of them.
However, I'm not finding much documentation in the Log4perl manual on how to initialize additional appenders from a configuration file at runtime. references an add_appender method, but that works on instantiated appender objects instead of conf files. It also doesn't define the logger objects and the logger->appender relations.
I tried having each package init from its own conf, but that simply clobbers the existing config each time it's initalized. What I'd like to do is something along the lines of:
my $foo = Foo->new() ## Checks Log::Log4perl::initialized(), sees that it
## hasn't been initalized yet, inits Log4perl from foo.conf
my $bar = Bar->new() ## Checks Log::Log4perl::initialized(), sees that it
## has been initalized. Adds appenders and loggers defined
## in bar.conf into the initialized configuration
How can I parse and add the configuration into the current config?
Edit: Probalem with using a package variable is that this is just a Moose role being consumed by various classes, pretty much just a MooseX::Role::Parameterized version of Ether's answer in Making self-logging modules with Log::Log4perl. Thus, my logger is getting composed into the library consuming it, and I don't have a global variable I can work on each time I use it.
If I declare a global variable outside of the MooseX::Role::Parameterized role block, would each and every class that consumes the role be using that same conf variable?
You can remember what config files was already loaded (%log_configs hash in code below). When new class arrives, you can reread all configs, merge it together and init Log::Log4perl again using string reference parameter to init.
I generally prefer having a single log configuration per application, because of easier maintenance and reload capability.
package Logger;
use Moose::Role;
use Log::Log4perl;
our %log_configs = ();
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $config_name = lc($class) . '.conf';
# if the config is not integrated yet
if(! defined $log_configs{$config_name}) {
$log_configs{$config_name} = 1;
# reload all configs including new one
my $config_text = '';
for my $file (sort keys %log_configs) {
$config_text .= "\n" . do {
local $/; # slurp
unless(open my $fh, "<", $file) {
warn "$file could not be open\n";
else {
# refresh config
return $class->$orig(#_);
package Foo;
use Moose;
with 'Logger';
use Log::Log4perl ':easy';
sub BUILD {
ERROR 'Foo reporting';
package Bar;
use Moose;
with 'Logger';
use Log::Log4perl ':easy';
sub BUILD {
INFO 'Bar reporting';
package main;
my $foo = Foo->new;
my $bar = Bar->new;
While I was hoping to avoid it, if I parse the config files myself I can then access the configuration in perl via the API documented in Namely,
# Initialization section
use Log::Log4perl;
use Log::Log4perl::Layout;
use Log::Log4perl::Level;
# Define a category logger
my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("Foo::Bar");
# Define a layout
my $layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout->new("[%r] %F %L %m%n");
# Define a file appender
my $file_appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new(
name => "filelog",
filename => "/tmp/my.log");
# Define a stdout appender
my $stdout_appender = Log::Log4perl::Appender->new(
name => "screenlog",
stderr => 0);
# Have both appenders use the same layout (could be different)
While the other method works, there's too many caveats for me to be comfortable using it (Gee I used this library, why'd my logging stop?) -- it's just too surprising for my tastes.
Instead, I think I'm going to see if I can't get from config file to Log::Log4perl state by looking through how to use Log::Log4perl::Config::PropertyConfigurator, which is delegated to by ->init when parsing a config file is needed. If I go over the data structure that returns, i can compare changes to the initialization on a logger-by-logger and appender-by-appender basis and modify the initialized state appropriately, handle namespace collisions properly, etc.

How can I access the Apache server configuration in a BEGIN block in mod_perl?

I've been trying to switch from using PerlSetEnv to using custom configuration directives. I have my configuration module with a copy of set_val from the docs:
sub set_val
local our ($key, $self, $parms, $arg) = #_;
$self->{$key} = $arg;
unless ($parms->path)
local our $srv_cfg = Apache2::Module::get_config($self, $parms->server);
$srv_cfg->{$key} = $arg;
...which is called by every custom directive sub. Then I have in my .conf:
PerlLoadModule MyModule::ServerConfig
MyCustomDirective 'hello'
This works fine in that httpd -t okays the file's syntax. The problem is that I can't seem to get at the value from the config file from within a BEGIN block, which I need to do.
I've tried tinkering with all sorts of things:
use Apache2::CmdParms ();
# use Apache2::Directive ();
use Apache2::Module ();
# use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
# use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Data::Dump;
warn ddx(Apache2::Module::get_config('MyModule::ServerConfig', Apache2::CmdParms->server));
# warn ddx(Apache2::Directive->as_hash);
# warn Apache2::ServerUtil->dir_config('MyCustomDirective);
# warn Apache2::CmdParms->server->server_hostname();
...but to no avail. Most of my efforts (trying to access CmdParms->server for instance) result in Parent: child process exited with status 3221225477 -- Restarting and an automatic restart of Apache as it says. If I pass ServerUtil->server to get_config(), the server stays alive but the warning only prints out '1'.
I read somewhere that this is because you can't get at anything request-related within a BEGIN block, because requests vary. It kind of makes sense, except that with PerlOptions +GlobalRequest I have been able to see $ENV within a BEGIN block, so why wouldn't I be able to see my own directives, just as dependent as they are on how the request happens? Especially confusing is that if I try to pass Apache2::RequestUtil->request->per\_dir\_config() to get_config(), it says Global $r object is not available. If that's true in a BEGIN block, how is it I can get at $ENV?
Try add what you want to import function to other module and use this module in code where you usually put BEGIN block. It should work same. May be it helps.
Partly, Dump isn't being used correctly. This works better:
use Data::Dump qw(pp);
warn pp(Apache2::Module::get_config('MyModule::ServerConfig', Apache2::ServerUtil->server));
However, it doesn't show any directives that appear within <Directory> blocks.
In my particular case, though, I don't need that functionality, on second thought; that just happens to be where I had stuck them.