What framework used by links search engine? - frameworks

There's lots of links search engine growing nowadays:
...and lots more...
Do you know what framework (zend framework? django? pylons? rails?, etc...) used for building that search engine?
and what framework capable for building that search engine?

I suppose a different framework for each of them.


Charting library for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

In a previous Xamarin native application, I used Microcharts, which is a charting library for .net. Using Microcharts, we had the chart-related logic in the shared part (we used MVVM) and just used charting components on each platform. I was wondering if there is any equivalent for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile? I'd like to have the charting logic in the shared part.
AFAIK there isn't one that you're looking for.
You could still share your charting logic in KMM, exposing all the chart related information to the platform specific Views, then map that data if needed for the specific library you'd use on iOS/Android.
I think it's best if you don't mix view related libraries, since this way you still get the flexibility of choosing any chart library for any platform

How should a frontend framework (like Vue/Angular) interact with a backend MVC framework (Laravel/Sails)

We need a restful backend that provides APIs for a mobile app.
We also need a admin website to manage the restful backend.
Right now we have Sails.js as the backend framework, Vue.js as the frontend framework.
I m pretty new to MVC frameworks and I am a little bit confused how should these two frameworks interact with each other:
The frontend framework lives indepedently (maybe on a separate server), it calls api exposed by the backend framework, or
The frontend framework lives INSIDE the Sails.js, acting as the "views" for the Sails framework
I am not even 100% sure is my question a valid question, I want to know which are the popular ways and is there any pros and cons?
You can do both i.e. keep frontend framework in Sails project as well as separate independent project.
I have done both and I keep following points in mind while making this decision:
If the project is complex enough then its better to create a separate project using some scaffolding tool.
If the project is going to change frequently and evolve on its own then also its better to create a separate project.
If some one time/small view is to be made then I would prefer to keep it part of Sails project
Since you are using frontend framework for admin panel which I think
will be complex, I would recommend you to create separate project on the same server.
You can use yeoman for scaffolding. I have used it for some angular projects and it works great.
Your question is too wide for a single explanation, but the main concept is as per my understanding is data binding.
You can find a lot of free screencasts for starting from scratch, assuming you already know some JavaScript.

how to integrate zend framework with cakephp 2.0 for the search optimization?

Is it possible to integrate the zend framework with cakephp 2.0?
I want to have search features in the cakephp 2.0 web-application using zend framework.
Define what your requirements for a search are. This questions is to generic.
There is a search plugin for CakePHP by the way: CakeDC Search
A plugin to create search indexes.
Maybe it's going to do what you want.
Your best solution for actual searching is to use Apache Solr. It's a search engine that can be used with any framework through its web service interface.
It is based upon the same library Zend Framework Search uses called "Lucence", expect Apache Solr exposes "Lucence" functions as web services. Very nice and easy to use.

Can Lucene.NET be used with MVVM?

Just a quick pre-emptive question before we start to seriously investigate using Lucene.
Currently building a C# WPF application, using MVVM and Microsoft Entity framework. My lead has brought up the point that this might represent a problem with us not being able to let Lucene directly access the database, and therefore there might be difficulty in getting it to tie in with our BOL/DAL.
Anyone have any experience of tying Lucene in with such a model?
I have successfully used Lucene in a WPF application using MVVM, and I didn't encounter any problems.
Lucene should sit in your services layer. In the MVVM world, Lucene is your Model. The ViewModel just calls into Lucene with queuries and formats the results in whatever way is needed for the View to present it.
In my application, I had a service that was responsible for pulling relevant data out of the database and adding it to the Lucene index.

Zend Framework with Google Chart

I was looking for some nice tool to generating charts and I think Google Charts will be the best. But I am wondering if there are some ready to use libraries to connect Google Charts with Zend Framework.
Did you use them both common ?
You may want to look at http://www.phpclasses.org/search.html?words=google+chart&x=0&y=0&go_search=1
There's no google chart classes distributed with Zend framework itself but there are plenty of 3rd party classes out there for what you need.