How to calculate value of short options call with Black-Scholes formula? - matlab

I am trying to calculate the profit/loss of a short call at various times in the future, but it isn't coming out correct. Compared to the time of expiration, the ones with time left have less profit above the strike price, but at some point below the strike they don't lose value as fast as the t=0 line. Below is the formula in pseudocode, what am I doing wrong?
profit(stockprice) = -1 * (black_scholes_price_of_call(stockPrice,optionStrike,daysTillExpiration) - premium);
Real matlab code:
function [ x ] = sell_call( current,strike,price,days)
if (days > 0)
Sigma = .25;
Rates = 0.05;
Settle = today;
Maturity = today + days;
RateSpec = intenvset('ValuationDate', Settle, 'StartDates', Settle, 'EndDates',...
Maturity, 'Rates', Rates, 'Compounding', -1);
StockSpec = stockspec(Sigma, current);
x = -1 * (optstockbybls(RateSpec, StockSpec, Settle, Maturity, 'call', strike) - price);
x = min(price,strike-current-price);

Your formula ain't right. I don't know why you need that leading -1 as a multiplier for, because when I distribute it out the "formula" is a simple one:
profit(stockprice) = premium - black_scholes_price_of_call(stockPrice,optionStrike,daysTillExpiration);
Pretty simple. So that means the problem is buried in that function for the price of the call, right?
When I compare your formula to what I see as the definition on Wikipedia, I don't see a correspondence at all. Your MATLAB code doesn't help, either. Dig into the functions and see where you went wrong.
Did you write those? How did you test them before you assembled them into this larger function. Test the smaller blocks before you assemble them into the bigger thing.
What baseline are you testing against? What known situation are you comparing your calculation to? There are lots of B-S calculators available. Maybe you can use one of those.
I'd assume that it's an error in your code rather than MATLAB. Or you've misunderstood the meaning of the parameters you're passing. Look at your stuff more carefully, re-read the documentation for that function, and get a good set of baseline cases.

I found the problem, it had to do with the RateSpec argument. When you pass in a interest rate, it affects the option pricing.


Declaring a functional recursive sequence in Matlab

I'd like to declare first of all, that I'm a mathematician. This might be a stupid stupid question; but I've gone through all the matlab tutorials--they've gotten me nowhere. I imagine I could code this in C (it'd be exhausting); but I need matlab for this particular function. And I don't get exactly how to do it.
Here is the pasted Matlab code of where I'm running into trouble:
function y = TAU(z,n)
for i =[1,n]
y(z) = log(beta(z+1,i) + y(z+1)) - beta(z,i);
(beta is an arbitrary "float" to "float" function with an index i.)
I'm having trouble declaring y as a function, in which we call the function at a different argument. I want to define y_n(z) with something something y_{n-1}(z+1). This is all done in a recursive process to create the function. I really feel like I'm missing something stupid.
As a default function it assigns y to be an array (or whatever you call the default index assignment). But I don't want an array. I want y to be assigned as a "function" class (i.e. takes "float" to "float"). And then I'm defining a sequence of y_n : "float" to "float". So that z to z+1 is a map on "float" to "float".
I don't know if I'm asking too much of matlab...
Help a poor mathematician who hasn't coded since the glory days of X-box mods.
...Please don't tell me I have to go back to Pari-GP/C drawing boards over something so stupid.
Please help!
EDIT: At rahnema1 & mimocha's request, I'll describe the math, and of what I am trying to do with my program. I can't see how to implement latex in here. So I'll write the latex code in a generator and upload a picture. I'm not so sure if there even is a work around to what I want to do.
As to the expected output. We'd want,
beta(z+1,i) + TAU(z+1,i) = exp(beta(z,i) + TAU(z,i+1))
And we want to grow i to a fixed value n. Again, I haven't programmed in forever, so I apologize if I'm speaking a little nonsensically.
So, as #rahnema1 suggests; I should produce a reproducible example. In order to do this, I'll write the code for my beta function. It's surprisingly simple. This is for the case where the "multiplier" variable is set to log(2); but you don't need to worry about any of that.
function f = beta(z,n)
for i = 0:n-1
f = exp(f)/(1+exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));
This will work fine for z a float no greater than 4. Once you make z larger it'll start to overflow. So for example, if you put in,
beta(3,100) - exp(beta(2,100))/(1/4+1)
The significance of the 100, is simply how many iterations we perform; it converges fast so even setting this to 15 or so will still produce the same numerical accuracy. Now, the expected output I want for TAU is pretty straight forward,
TAU(z,1) = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1)
TAU(z,2) = log(beta(z+1,2) + TAU(z+1,1)) - beta(z,2)
TAU(z,3) = log(beta(z+1,3) + TAU(z+1,2)) - beta(z,3)
TAU(z,n) = log(beta(z+1,n) + TAU(z+1,n-1)) -beta(z,n)
I hope this helps. I feel like there should be an easy way to program this sequence, and I must be missing something obvious; but maybe it's just not possible in Matlab.
At mimocha's suggestion, I'll look into tail-end recursion. I hope to god I don't have to go back to Pari-gp; but it looks like I may have to. Not looking forward to doing a deep dive on that language, lol.
Thanks, again!
Is this what you are looking for?
function out = tau(z,n)
% Ends recursion when n == 1
if n == 1
out = log(beta(z+1,1)) - beta(z,1);
out = log(beta(z+1,n) + tau(z+1,n-1)) - beta(z,n);
function f = beta(z,n)
f = 0;
for i = 0:n-1
f = exp(f) / (1 + exp(log(2)*(n-i-z)));
This is basically your code from the most recent edit, but I've added a simple catch in the tau function. I tried running your code and noticed that n gets decremented infinitely (no exit condition).
With the modification, the code runs successfully on my laptop for smaller integer values of n, where 1e5 > n >= 1; and for floating values of z, real and complex. So the code will unfortunately break for floating values of n, since I don't know what values to return for, say, tau(1,0) or tau(1,0.9). This should easily be fixable if you know the math though.
However, many of the values I get are NaNs or Infs. So I'm not sure if your original problem was Out of memory error (infinite recursion), or values blowing up to infinity / NaN (numerical stability issue).
Here is a quick 100x100 grid calculation I made with this code.
Then I tested on negative values of z, and found the imaginary part of the output to looks kinda cool.
Not to mention I'm slightly geeking out over the fact that pi is showing up in the imaginary part as well :)
tau(-0.3,2) == -1.45179335740446147085 +3.14159265358979311600i

Checking subtraction cancellation (floating point precision)

When reading about numerical methods, then subtraction cancellation is often a topic.
Simple example of cancellation:
a = 1;
b = 1e-16;
a-(a+b) = 0
hence we loss all information of b.
However, i rarely read about how to check for this problem. Could we not use a simple function to subtract number, which also warns us of problems? Example:
function c = subtract(a,b)
c = a-b;
if abs(c) < 1e-14*a
disp('Warning: Low precision on subtraction');
There are probably some deficiencies of this simple function - it was just my first idea. Anyway, would something like this work? And why is it not done? (i.e. i have never seen/heard about such checks before).

Unable to get correct result using trapezoid rule

My professor wants me to use matlab to take the trapezoidal rule to approximate the area under v=-300*t.^2+2700*t for t=[0:dt:9] and dt=0.1. I am not allowed to use the function trapz.
I tried using
but ended up with
x_total =
which is nowhere near the actual area of 36450
Moreover, I manually computed the trapezoidal rule for subinterval 10 and got 36085.5.
What am I doing wrong?
The trapezoidal formula does not involve range(t). The step size dt already reflects the length of the interval. So, use
0.5*dt*sum(v(1:end-1) + v(2:end))
The area under a curve, if I remember correctly is the Riemann sum of f(x) from x=a0 to x=a1, which is approximately equal to the the sum of the rectangle areas with a period of dt. Sooo...
sum(v(:) .* dt)
this also comes out to the same answer as the other dude.
Sorry, I had a quick date, forty, and a smoke to have....
Oops, my bad. If the answers were the same, then the following would zero.
sum(v(:) * dt) - 0.5*dt*sum(v(1:end-1) + v(2:end)) = 7.27596e-12
So, I compared the answers:
Answer_A = 36450 - 0.5*dt*sum(v(1:end-1) + v(2:end));
Answer_B = 36450 - sum(v(:) * dt);
% Answer_X defines the difference from the truth
% If Answer_A < Answer_B
% "0.5*dt*sum(v(1:end-1) + v(2:end))" is closer to truth
% elseif Answer_A > Answer_B
% "sum(v(:) * dt)" is closer to truth
Answer_A < Answer_B resolves false
Answer_A > Answer_B resolves true
I'd go with my answer, unless there is a problem where this is not true. Maybe the above was unnecessary, considering the difference between the solutions came out to a positive number, when subtracting mine from the other.
sum(v(:) * dt
I'm interested in seeing your work, like a picture or something, to find where you may have gone wrong to get 36085.5
Also, here is the path to trapz. I know you're not allowed to use it, but the file is clear text ascii dot m. Then you can learn how matlab does it, and use the relevent portion for your needs.
questionable cheating is my game :)
Additionally, the function trapz() seems to come out exactly with the average (Answer_A + Answer_B) / 2

I have a set of random variables in matlab, with that how to find the discrete rv Z having pdf P(Z = 1) = p, P(Z = 0) = 1 – p, p = 0.3

This is my code to find the random samples.
Firstly, let's disambiguate what you want:
By "random sample values of random variable Z having pdf P(Z=1)=p,P(Z=0)=p-1, for p = 0.3" I assume you mean:
You want to randomly choose between two values, 0 and 1.
0 should occur 70% of the time.
1 should occur 30% of the time.
You already have the MATLAB statements:
n = 1000;
x = rand(n,1);
This is a good first step. The next step is for you read up on "logical indexing" in MATLAB, which is a way to apply a logical condition - say "is greater than 0.3" - to an array of numbers.
Try reading Peter Acklam's excellent reference "MATLAB Tips and Tricks", which will teach you about logical indexing and many other useful tricks for working with arrays in MATLAB.
As regards the phrasing of your question: There's no need to use overly technical language and abbreviations to describe a simple problem.
Also, to me, a PDF ("Probability Density Function") implies a continuous distribution like the normal distribution, which is why I was confused - you had the words "discrete" and "PDF" right next to each other, and it didn't compute. Again, don't use the technical jargon unless you actually have to.

Mean of Very Small Values

I'm trying to compute the log of the mean of some very small values. For the current data set, the extreme points are
So in effect I want to compute (a+b) / 2, or log((a+b)/2) since I know (a+b)/2 is too small to store as a double.
I considered trying to pad everything by a constant, so that instead of storing log_a I'd store log_a+c, but it seems that aand b are far enough apart that in order to pad log_b enough to make exp(log_b+c) computable, I'd end up making exp(log_a+c) too large.
Am I missing some obvious way to go about this computation? As far as I know MATLAB won't let me use anything but double precision, so I'm stumped as to how I can do this simple computation.
EDIT: To clarify: I can compute the exact answer for these specific values. For other runs of the algorithm, the values will be different and might be closer together. So far there have been some good suggestions for approximations; if an exact solution isn't practical, are there any other approximations for more general numbers/magnitudes of values?
Mystical has the right idea but for a more general solution that gives you the log of the arithmetic mean of a vector log_v of numbers already in the log domain use:
max_log = max(log_v);
logsum = max_log + log(sum(exp(log_v-max_log)));
logmean = logsum - log(length(log_v));
This is a common problem in statistical machine learning, so if you do a Google search for logsum.m you'll find a few different versions of MATLAB functions that researchers have written for this purpose. For example, here's a Github link to a version that uses the same calling conventions as sum.
Well, exp(log_b) is so much smaller than exp(log_a) that you can completely ignore that term and still get the correct answer with respect to double-precision:
exp(log_a) = 2.845550077506*10^-714
exp(log_b) = 4.05118588390*10^-1663
If you are actually trying to compute (exp(log_a) + exp(log_b)) / 2, the answer would underflow to zero anyways. So it wouldn't really matter unless you're trying to take another logarithm at the end.
If you're trying compute:
log((exp(log_a) + exp(log_b)) / 2)
Your best bet is to examine the difference between log_a and log_b. If the difference is large, then simply take the final value as equal to the larger term - log(2) since the smaller term will be small enough to completely vanish.
So your final algorithm could look like this:
Check the magnitudes. If abs(log_a - log_b) > 800. Return max(log_a,log(b)) - log(2).
Check either magnitude (they will be close together at this point.). If it is much larger or smaller than 1, add/subtract a constant from both log_a and log_b.
Perform the calculation.
If the values were scaled in step 2. Scale the result back.
Here's an even better solution:
if (log_a > log_b)
return log_a + log(1 + exp(log_b - log_a)) - log(2)
return log_b + log(1 + exp(log_a - log_b)) - log(2)
This will work if log_a and log_b are not too large or are negative.
Well, if you don't like my previous suggestion of completely changing platforms and are looking for an approximation, why not just use the geometric mean (exp((log_a+log_b)/2) instead?
Use . For example, as discussed by Mysticial, your calculation of
log(exp(-1.6430e+03) + exp(-3.8278e+03)/2) is approximately equal to log_a. More precisely it equals...