iPhone: repeating Elements in XML - iphone

I am new to XML parsing. I am parsing the following XML. There are tutorials for if XML has unique attributes but this XML has repeating attributes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Period periodType="A" fYear="2005" endCalYear="2005" endMonth="3">
<ConsEstimate type="High">
<ConsValue dateType="CURR">-8.9919</ConsValue>
<ConsEstimate type="Low">
<ConsValue dateType="CURR">-13.1581</ConsValue>
< Period periodType="A" fYear="2006" endCalYear="2006" endMonth="3">
<ConsEstimate type="High">
<ConsValue dateType="CURR">-100.000</ConsValue>
<ConsEstimate type="Low">
<ConsValue dateType="CURR">-13.1581</ConsValue>
I need to fetch the low and high values based on the years 2005 and 2006.

I agree with SB's comment, if you wan't to handle xml-datastructurse, you should know at least the basic stuff.
A good tutorial i can reccomend is ww3 schools XML Tutorial
once you did that, you should know that there are several ways to parse xml files. For flatfiles i recommend to use the TBXML Library, it is really fast and easy to handle within your code.


Populating opcua address space with Nodes from an xml schema

Am working on a project to build an opc ua server from specification,
I've gone far enough on the implementation, am currently working on the write request, I already have a few nodes in the server address space.
There seem to be so many nodes, so many actually. It's almost impossible to create
and add the Nodes one by one.
Anyways back to the question, I've downloaded an xml file from opc foundation containing schema for all the nodes in the address space, Here is a link to the xml file
What is the most efficient way to create nodes from the xml file ? I am writing on a c95 compiler.
Below is a quick view of how Nodes are represented in the nodeset Xml file,
<Node i:type="DataTypeNode">
<Text>Describes a value that is either TRUE or FALSE.</Text>
<RolePermissions />
<UserRolePermissions />
<DataTypeDefinition i:nil="true" />
Programatically filling a running OPC-UA server with nodes is unacceptably slow.
you may want to investigate the ModelCompiler.
I found it fairly straightforward to fill a modeldesign XML with data and generate code and NodeSet2.xml. So even if you have no need for the generated C# code, which I suspect to be your case, this approach may be useful.
You may also want to look at the UA-.NETStandard repository.
It offers a method LoadFromXML method that reads your nodeset pretty quickly. You may find inspiration in this method.
Bon courage et un grand merci pour vos contributions au monde OPC-UA.
Maybe I'm a bit late, but I answer if it can help someone.
If you are using C/C++ with open62541 SDK I found that it is possible to generate *.c and *.h files to include in your opcua server, as described with some examples here: you only need to run a python program, providing some parameters and the name of output files to be generated, then include these files in your opcua server.
Another way that I found is using UaModeler by Unified Automation, in that case you can generate source files to include in your project, drawing your information model in the program and exporting it to xml or source files.

How to find difference between two XML documents

I want to compare two XML documents to find and show where is the difference
like diff utility in XCode.
I can retrieve and parse xml code using NSXMLParser in basic level,
and can tell 'they are not exactly same'
but I don't know how to tell 'where and which'.
Is there any open-source based library for this?
Thanks in advance.
Try following link
XML Documents
also try this

xml paeser for iphone app

i have a xml file on a server that look for example like this one:
<name>Belgian Waffles</name>
<description>two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup</description>
<name>Strawberry Belgian Waffles</name>
<description>light Belgian waffles covered with strawberries and whipped cream</description>
i need xml parser that will parse it and enter each one of them to a class that for examle will called food(and have 4 parameters : name,price,.....).
and finally to create an array of the classes that he create.there is built xml parser that do it?
Here are some sources on the topic:
Navigating XML from Objective-C
How do I parse an NSString containing XML in Objective-C?
Objective C: Parsing an XML file
Parsing XML in Cocoa
Parsing XML in objective-c
For learning to parse xml, look at the links Brandon provided. Your requirement to build an array of classes from xml is something you'll need to create yourself.
A suggestion I have for you is instead of creating classes, just put the data into a NSMutableArray. The array will contain NSDictionary objects for food sub-items.

NSXML Parsing - Distinguishing Nodes

I am trying to extract the doc-num from the following xml using NSXML. At this point I am able to iterate through all the nodes using the NSXML parser event, but I am trying to distinguish between the doc-num in the input node from the one in the output node.
How can I do this? I am a bit lost on how to get this to work for my iphone app. Also, is there a simpler way than the event based NSXML?
<doc-id doc-id-type="docdb">
<doc-id doc-id-type="epodoc">
Here is a tutorial that shows XML parsing using GDataXMLParser.
GDataXMLParser is better than NSXMLParser since latter is slower.

Objective C: Parse malformed XML

I'm writing an iPhone app that downloads data from the Flickr API. At the moment there seems to be no way to limit how many comments it downloads, and although I'd like to get maybe 8 or 10, it sometimes sends me hundreds. I have subclassed ASIHTTPRequest so that it will only download a set amount of bytes (for example, it will stop downloading after receiving 1024 bytes of comment data).
Now, the information I'd like to parse is all there (the comment data contains things like a user id, the text, etc.). However, since it is cut off before the end, the XML is malformed, and my current solution (using ObjectiveFlickr's XML parser) is unable to parse the XML. Is there a way to handle badly formed XML, a la the way old web browsers handled HTML, and only extract the data that is well-formed?
Here is some sample data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="ok">
<comments photo_id="5692627867">
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626659891768" author="29114051#N05" authorname="eαse*" iconserver="4046" iconfarm="5" datecreate="1304689286" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626659891768">lovely lovely lovelyyyyy!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626535581359" author="49946698#N06" authorname="RandomPics Art" iconserver="4017" iconfarm="5" datecreate="1304692593" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626535581359">nice! like soft colors and tones!</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626660240896" author="49907977#N06" authorname="kiki_chi" iconserver="4014" iconfarm="5" datecreate="1304693051" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626660240896">&gt;eαse*
&gt;RandomPics Art
Thank you:) :) :)</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626660761230" author="41717031#N08" authorname="petia.bourova" iconserver="4082" iconfarm="5" datecreate="1304698244" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626660761230">Thank you!Very nice photo!I like The coulers very,very much!!!</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626661258700" author="31540474#N08" authorname="Leentje32" iconserver="4067" iconfarm="5" datecreate="1304703576" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626661258700">Aww so lovely!! Beautiful capture.</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626662413410" author="61373986#N06" authorname="My NIKON And Me" iconserver="5310" iconfarm="6" datecreate="1304716098" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626662413410">lovely image!!!</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626663408864" author="7652657#N02" authorname="Majlee" iconserver="3130" iconfarm="4" datecreate="1304728344" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626663408864">This is just adorable !</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626663519092" author="15613254#N05" authorname="mr_jyoti" iconserver="4011" iconfarm="5" datecreate="1304729940" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626663519092">Cool shot. Nice bokey.</comment>
<comment id="49862655-5692627867-72157626663642456" author="16327396#N03" authorname="my beanie hat rocks" iconserver="2550" iconfarm="3" datecreate="1304731810" permalink="http://www.flickr.com/photos/kikicchi/5692627867/#comment72157626663642456">Maybe she could cheer this fella up!!
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/weasteman/5652855802/in/photostream">www.flickr.com/photos/weasteman/5652855802/in/photostream</a>
I am not sure about the exact XML format, but it looks simple. In such case you can try to figure out last tag in the data and add the missing closing tags manually. It should not be more than a simple string search & replace.