Testing iPhone app on older OS versions in Xcode - iphone

Is there a way to download older versions of the iPhone simulator to test an application with an older version of the iPhone OS? I'm running Xcode 3.2.2. and it only has iPhone OS 3.1.3 and I need to test on 3.1.2.
Thanks in advance

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I've been trying to do the same thing. The answer seems to be rather unsatisfying: You cannot use the simulator to test if your app runs on a previous iOS version. It only works on the device, according to Apple:
iPhone OS Note: Mac OS X v10.6 does
not support using iPhone Simulator
SDKs prior to version 3.0. In
addition, when building with the
simulator SDKs, the binary runs only
on the same OS version as the SDK, not
on earlier or later versions.
This seems really dull. How am I supposed to test backwards compatibility without having one physical iPhone for each SDK version? Not good.


Testing on jailbroken brand-new iOS device - using Xcode?

OK. So, here's some details on my situation :
I've got a brand-new iPhone 4.
The iOS version has been updated to 5.1.1 (9B206).
The phone has been jailbroken using redsn0w.
I'm running Lion (10.7.4) and Xcode 4.3.
Now, my issue :
I'm creating a sample test app, which runs fine under the simulator.
Followed everything here, but without any result.
Also tried enabling my device via Organizer ("Use as development device").
When I click on "Use as development device", it keeps saying...
The version of iOS on “Dr.Kameleon’s iPhone” does not match any of the
versions of iOS supported for development with this installation of
the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed
below, or update to the latest version of the iOS SDK; which is
available here.
OS Installed on Dr.Kameleon’s iPhone
5.1.1 (9B206)
Xcode Supported iOS Versions Latest
5.0 (9A334)
While, when I try running on my "iOS device" (that's how it appears), it claims there's no device with a proper iOS version.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS
version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to
run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Any ideas? What's going wrong?
Look, everyone who says you can't build directly on a jailbroken device is wrong. You can, and it's quite easy to do. If you don't have a provisioned device (and it looks like you don't), using this guide will work. I've tested it myself on Lion running Xcode 4.3 (it even works on later versions, but those are under NDA).
The real issue seems to be that, for whatever reason, you don't have the iOS 5.1 SDK - you're using the iOS 5.0 SDK. You can confirm this by looking in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs and /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport. If you don't see any mention of 5.1, you don't have it installed. Try downloading and installing Xcode again (I believe it's 4.3.2 now), which should have the iOS 5.1 SDK bundled with it.
This error is not due to the jailbroken iPhone, its basically due to your lower version of Xcode which doesn't support the latest iOS, try upgrading your Xcode version to latest.hope it helps

How to get iOS simulator running iOS 3.0?

I am currently using xcode 4 and the iOS 4.3 SDK and I need to test my app in the simulator using the 3.0 OS but the earliest I can get is the iPad 3.2 OS.
How can I get the simulator to run older versions of the iPhone OS?
AFAIK you can't. You'd have to be using an earlier iOS SDK version (and FYI, you can have multiple SDKs installed on your machine - just move them to a different folder when you're installing a new one).
See this question for more details.

Does an app that made with ios sdk 4 install on device with os 4.2?

Does an app that made with ios sdk 4 install on device with os 4.2 ?
I made an app with ios sdk 4.0.1 but now i want to install it from xcode on ipod touch with os 4.2 but says No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected.
Yes. You can run Applications for previous versions of iOS on a device with iOS 4.2.
The other way around might not be true: you may not be able to run applications compiled specifically for iOS 4.2 on devices with previous versions of iOS.
Keep in mind that with iOS 4.2 SDK you CAN create applications for devices running lower version of iOS also. It depends on how you configure your project on info.plist and the APIs you use in your application.
Yes. There might be few cases of incompatibility, but they are very rare.
Edit: And in most cases, apps build against 4.2 will run on 4.0 just fine, if they use the new stuff wisely.
In almost all circumstances your app should run. It's very unlikely for it to produce any errors.

Xcode: iPad iOS 3.2.2 debugging problems

I am trying to provision my app to run on my iPad for testing. I have everything set up properly, but in the organizer, Xcode displays this message:
The version of iPhone OS on “iPad” does not match any of the versions of iPhone OS
supported for development with this installation of the iPhone SDK. Please restore the
device to a version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of the iPhone SDK;
and then it gives me a list of available iOS versions (3.2.2 is not one of them.)
I have restored it back to the factory settings and done everything I could find online and searched around. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem? It won't let me compile it to the device as a result. Thanks!
Which version of the iOS SDK are you using? Make sure you're using the most recent.

Build and test on 2.2.1 iPod Touch with Xcode 3.2.2?

I've just installed Xcode 3.2.2 with iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 5 (Snow Leopard)
This version of Xcode didn't come with any iPhone SDKs older than 3.0. But I want to create an app that runs on all devices from iPhone OS 2.2.1 -> 3.1.3.
I managed to add older SDKs into Xcode by downloading iPhone 3.1.3 with Xcode 3.1.4 and installing each 2.x SDK from the 'Packages' folder in the .dmg. So now I can select 2.2.1 as 'iPhone OS Deployment Target' and the 'Base SDK' as 3.1.3, and the app will build (thus letting me use 3.1.3 APIs with conditional coding whilst still running on 2.2.1 devices).
But the problem is the app will not install and run on my 2.2.1 iPod Touch. Instead, Xcode tells me 'No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected'. If I bring up the Organizer, in the left column, the iPod Touch has an orange sphere next to it, instead of green, and clicking on this reveals:
'The version of iPhone OS on “iPod touch” is too old for use with this version of the iPhone SDK. Please restore the device to a version of the OS listed below'
I'm not sure how to get this version of the SDK to support 2.2.1.
(It needs to be this download of Xcode/iPhone SDK because I also want it to be a universal binary so it runs on the iPad with a minimum of fuss).
While under NDA, I can't be more explicit than to tell you to read this thread in the Apple Developer Forums, which includes an explanation of this problem.
As far as I know, Apple recently made the 3.x updates available free of charge. I don't think there are any users out there still on 2.x!