iPad VGA output - how to remove the extra UIScreen - iphone

I have the need to display a specific view on a separate screen, similar to how Keynotes handles presentation mode.
I've managed this successfully by checking how many screens are available, and then adding the view I want displayed as a subview of the second window.
However, if I dismiss the parent view that handles the creation of the subview, the second screen is never 'disabled' and the view remains on screen. Is there some form of [externalWindow removeSubview] call that I am missing? I release the view I've added to the extra window in the dealloc method of the class that creates it, but am not sure how i should be handling the extra window.

I think the external window keeps a copy of the last output until your app (or another app) outputs something new. Try blanking the external window before disabling output. You can try setting externalWindow.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor] or adding a temporary black UIView before disabling output.
Good luck!


Can I fade out a launchImage after it disappears?

I use a launchImage set to launch my app, instead of .xib. In AppDelegate.swift I set a NSThread.sleepForTimeInterval(2.0) to delay it, but when launchImage disappears, it doing so immediately.
What I would is that my launchImage disappears with a fade out effect. Is it possible?
Strictly speaking, no, because you don't have control over how the OS uses the launch image.
But what you could do is make a dummy/replacement view of the same.
Upon launch, let the first UIViewController you load simply contain a UIImageView of the same launch image. You may have to do a little work to make it look right in your particular situation, for the interface orientation, etc. But if all goes right, when you load up this ViewController, you shouldn't notice a difference or any sort of transition between it and the actual launch instance -- visually it's all the same, tho technically it isn't.
Then you could have this view/image fade out. Essentially this gets the effect you want.

Loading screen is not working properly

In my app I am showing loading screen when request is sent to server and when response is received I am removing that loading screen.
To display loading screen I used UIView and reduce its alpha to 0.5 so that it shows the background view.
My problem is user is able to click button displayed on background view when loading screen is still visible.
What I want is: User should not be able to click anywhere on the screen when loading screen is visible. Even though I made userInteractionEnabled false for UIView but still user is able to click on button, why?
If any one knows where I am doing wrong and how I can achieve this, please let me know.
Thanks in advance!
The UIView may have interaction disabled but if the button is higher on the view hierarchy then its on TOP of the view so it's still accessible.
If this is a view made in the nib then make sure its at the top of the view stack
Or if its programmatically then add it as a subview at the end of the function or add it mainWindow (be VERY careful adding things to main Window, this is the top of the hierarchy)
Like wise the utility open source library available.
iOS open source project is MBProgressHUD,
it refers to Heads Up Display, a view that is overlayed on another view, typically to show an activity indicator and/or offer a means to interact with the UI. A good example of an HUD is when playing a movie with the built in movie player. When you tap the screen, the movie player will show a series of controls on the display. Another common example, and one that is pertinent to MBProgressHUD, is showing progress indicators on top of an existing view. For example, when accessing a remote service, to provide feedback to the user you may opt to display a “Please Wait” message
you can download the source code from here.
Yes I got it, I did userInteractionEnabled false for UIView so the click event was sent to the button which was on main view.I removed userInteractionEnabled false and it is working fine.
You can use [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginIgnoringInteractionEvents] when you are sending request to server & shows loading view.When you receives the response call [[UIApplication sharedApplication] endIgnoringInteractionEvents] & remove the loading view.

iPhone programming-- UIView elements appear to be ignoring Hidden=NO calls

Using XCode 4.4 and Mountain Lion,
I have a UIImageView, and on that view, I have a UIProgressView and a UIButton. When the app starts, the progress view and button are both hidden, as set in the storyboard. I then try to unhide them, first the progress bar when I'm doing something, and then the button when I'm done. I have called, for both items,
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:saveToCameraRoll];
to try to put them in front of the UIView.
Problem is, when I programmatically try to unhide them, it doesn't work. I can call:
progressBar.hidden = NO;
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:progressBar];
And that does nothing.
So then I tried to set everything as visibile in the storyboard and then programmatically set everything to be invisible once the controller loads. No deal; now my calls to hidden = YES seem to be ignored.
I then removed all actual programming, so that hitting buttons should just cause the button and progress bar to appear, reasoning that maybe the main thread was getting starved and couldn't update.
How can I force elements to pay attention to being hidden?
EDIT: I've now also tried programmatically modifying the alpha from 1 to 0. No change. It's like everything I'm doing is getting ignored. I made these items via the ctrl-drag method into the #interface section of the .m file; maybe I don't have some more delegates or interfaces or whatever hooked up?
As you said that you connected the ivars with your XIB file, it seems like your problem is that you are doing stuff on the main thread which in return blocks the run loop and your UI doesn't get redrawn anymore. When you update UI elements by changing their properties, those changes aren't applied instantaneous but the next time the UI gets redrawn which only happens when you give the main threads runloop a chance to run. However, if you do something like the following code, the changes will never appear:
[button setHidden:YES];
[self doSomethingReallyExpensiveAndTimeConsuming];
[button setHidden:NO];
The result of this code is that the button is set to be hidden, but doesn't get redrawn because the system has no chance to do it and when the system actually has a chance to redraw the UI, the button is already set to be invisible. A fix for this is to either split the work up and schedule it via timers on the main thread, or to use something like GCD to offload the work on a secondary thread (but then you need to make sure that your code is threadsafe!)
Is it possible the outlets are nil because they aren't hooked up in IB? If so, no amount of manipulation will have an effect.
Try NSLog(#"%#", saveToCameraRoll);
Is it null? Fix by reconnecting outlets in IB. If that works, then .hidden = NO will work and you can get rid of any code you added to manipulate the view hierarchy.

icon selector using two view

Need help with the following. I am creating two different combinations of view/controllers that allow me to add/edit a set of information , think tasks or some type of to-do. I have all the data capture/store functionality working.
I decided that it would be nice to have an icon associated to these tasks. So the icon would show up in the UITableview. I commissioned 18 customer 44x44 icons that would be added tot he table.
But there is where I'm stuck:
I was to add/edit views to have the capability to select an icon to attach to the tasks. In order to do so, i added a 44x44 round-rect button with one of the images as a default. I wanted to have that button trigger another view with the 18 icons so the user selects one and it passes control back to the main view and updates de selected icon appropriately.
I created this little 18 icon view together with the main view, which is based on a scroll view. I configured the little icon view to be hidden.
But I have no idea if the little view should be a subview of the main view, who should be the file owner, how do I make it appear hidden as the main view is displayed and toggle t as needed...
I am stumped. Anyone done something like this? Ideas? Things I completely messing up, you can think of?
Thanks in advance
Probably the easiest way to hide and show the view is to adjust the "alpha" property on the view. If you set the alpha of the little view to 0 it will be hidden, and when you set it to 1 it will be showing. So in your awakeFromNib function (or wherever you are doing initialization) you can add the littleView and set the alpha to 0 so it starts hidden. I suggest adding the littleview to your mainview unless for some reason the little view will have any part of it outside of the mainview. Then, when the user selects the icon to change it, you can set the alpha to 1. Finally, when the user chooses from the view, you would set the alpha back to 0.
This is not the most efficient use of memory because the view is technically always around. So if you think that you will be low on memory I would suggest creating the view programmatically when needed and removing it from mainview when the user is done. (But only do this if you think it will be an uncommon task because creating the view with a bunch of images will probably be a relatively expensive operation).

How do I properly clean up a UIButton

I am having issues with UIButton with the iPhone SDK. I've determined that when I have a UIButton held down when the parent is removed (and the uibutton subsequently removed), I get some strange behavior. In my case, the app stops receiving any input whatsoever, as if the cleaned up held-down button has hijacked the input system somehow.
Does anyone know if there is an appropriate way to clean up the UIButton that would release what I'm guessing is the framework thinking the released button is still held down?
Update: Adding detail to my issue
Basically, the simplified situation is that I have a root view with two characters (actors, not letter characters) and a number of buttons, among other views. The user can use the buttons to affect direction of movement, and when the characters are close to each other, the scene moves forward immediately into another mode, i.e. the buttons slide off, the view cleans up, and I construct a new one.
What this necessitates is the ability to immediately move on and clean up even if the button is still held down. I figured I could pull some tricks to delay cleaning the button up, but I would be surprised if there isn't simply some way to properly clean up the button for removal regardless of what state it is currently in. Hope that clarifies.
It might help if you would explain what behavior you are expecting. If you are calling -removeFromSuperview while holding down the view you want to remove (or its parent), I would suggest you instead hide the view and set some flag you can look for when the user finishes holding that will at that point call -removeFromSuperview.
It turned out the problem wasn't a button being held down but rather a call to set the center coordinate of a mapview with animation on, i.e.
[mMapView setCenterCoordinate:mCoordinates animated:YES];
If the view was cleaned up while the animation was still moving, the app would no longer respond to user input. I'm not certain why this is the case, still, but setting the animated flag to NO ensured the problem didn't arise.