App is on App Store but does not list in category - iphone

We have an app on the store that if searched for by name or company it appears and we can download it, in fact it is getting downloaded, but it does not list in its category?
I have checked the iTunes Connect MetaData and it is in the category Education and is free, but if we list all free education apps it does not list. We also looked to see if it would appear in the for sale listing just in case but does not.
Any body experienced this before?

Did you just release it? iTunes takes a while to refresh if it was just released.
Otherwise, I would consider looking at it's rankings on something like (it's free to search for apps and view rankings) to see if it is seeing it also.
Otherwise, contact the appstore team


Free education Chrome App not appearing in Web Store

I created a free education Chrome App and uploaded it via the Chrome Developer Dashboard. The App doesn't appear when I search for it with the Web Store search feature. Is there something missing in the manifest file or the descriptive material? There is no website associated with this App.
Edit: Thanks for the answer. Patience is the key with the Google Chrome Store.
The search index of Web Store is (probably) not updated immediately after publishing an extension/app.
Retrying the search a couple of hours after publication is complete will show it like normal.
Also, make sure your extension is actually published, and not stuck in automated or manual review. The former takes up to an hour, the latter can take days. Check your Developer Dashboard for the status of your item.

iOS 6+ Facebook / Twitter share - pre-populate text or not

I have been getting into iOS 6 and its Share functionality. I see that some people (e.g. apple in their app store), pre-populate the Facebook share pop-up with some relevant text, while others leave this empty for users to fill (providing only the image/url).
I see the benefits with the former (since you can save users time) e.g. by posting: "Loving this new app". But equally, if this section is left blank then users are more likely to create a personalised message.
Does anyone know the best practise?
Ok so it looks like the iTunes App Store does pre-populate these fields with the app name and developer name.
However just had this pointed out to me by a colleague at work:
The relevant part of Facebook's platform policy is section IV. 2 here:
Guess the jury is still out?

I localized my app to China, England, Dutch, etc. How do I go to local iTunes Store and check local feedback?

recently I uploaded my app internationally. I found that the app is selling in China compared to other countries that I localized my app to.
So, I would like access to Chinese Apple App Store so that I can read their feed back if there is any. But I only have ID for North America, not China.
I tried but this page is for downloading iTunes for Chinese users.
any ideas? many thanks.
I don't know about the web interface, but you can switch the store from within iTunes. There is a little country flag all the way down in the right corner. Click on it to get to a page where you can choose the country whose store to show.
You can browse other countries' stores, you need the ID only to buy.
Especially for languages you don't speak fluently, the following can also be helpful and will display your app (or any other app) in your browser in the language of your choosing. Search your own app on the web, you'll find a link like:
You can view the same information in other stores by changing the store identification part - "us" in the example link above for the United States store.
To see the Chinese page of your app, it would suffice to change "us" to "cn":
A quick and easy way to find what you're looking for.

How to obtain the name of the users App Store account without asking him?

Is there any way to do this? There are a few users who continuously write bad reviews for all my apps immediately after every update. They're always pointing out competitor apps in an aggressive way. And they come from the countries where those competitors live. I am sure they ARE the competitors or hired by the competitors.
My app has built in twitter, facebook and please-rate-it-on-the-app-store buttons. I want to add them to a blacklist so when they get my next update, they won't be asked to do this bad things. I don't want to help them doing it, at least.
Maybe there's a way to programmatically get the iTunes account name which is stored on the device. Of course only if it can be done with public API. I just want to string-compare this at runtime against my blacklist and then simply not show those buttons for them.
First, you should not do this! I'm quite certain if this piece of code is detected you won't pass the review or your app will be pulled from the AppStore.
Second, you cannot access the users app store name in your app.
Third, just "Report a concern" and provide a reasonable explanation.

UI for rating an app during deletion

Is that possible pop up the UI which comes during the deletion process before deleting the app ? (A UI which has stars, no thanks, rate my app button).
If no, can you tell me whether it is possible to create a screen and send the rating captured to iTunes connect ?
As other people said, your best option is to send people to the review/ratings page on iTunes.
The best open source solution I found for this is Appirater.
I use it in my apps and it works great + it generates many reviews.
You can configure when the popup should show. It basically looks like this:
It was created by Arash Payan, visit his page about Appirater with all the information.
This form always pops up if you delete an app on your iPhone. I don't think you can grab personal ratings out of iTunes but once you gather a sufficient number of votes you'll see the details on your app iTunes page.
You cannot present this UI yourself—it's handled by the OS. You can, however, direct your users to your app's rating page in the App Store app by opening an appropriate iTunes store URL, as documented in the “Heading straight to a review form” section of this article.