In Emacs can you evaluate an Emacs Lisp expression and replace it with the result? - emacs

For example if I have the text:
Sum of items is (+ 1 2 3)
I want to move to the end of the line, evaluate the expression and replace it with the result, so that it reads:
Sum of items is 6

With the cursor at the end of the line, C-u C-x C-e will insert the value of the preceding parenthesized expression into the buffer. You could do that, then manually back up and delete the original expression. If that's too much work, here's a command that evaluates the preceding expression and replaces it with its value:
(defun replace-last-sexp ()
(let ((value (eval (preceding-sexp))))
(kill-sexp -1)
(insert (format "%S" value))))

Related to this, you might like Luke Gorrie's "lively.el", which provides live replacement of emacs lisp expressions within a text buffer. It's a neat hack.

I was having a go at a solution for this when I came across one in a Google search result.
(defun fc-eval-and-replace ()
"Replace the preceding sexp with its value."
(prin1 (eval (read (current-kill 0)))

replace-regex functions can execute lisp to generate the replacements.
In the trivial instance where the sexp in question is on a single line, and is the only thing containing parenthesis, then you could match "(.+)" and replace with "\,(eval (read \&))".

If you are using emacs starter kit by technomancy there is "esk-eval-and-replace" function which evaluates the elisp sexp and replace them. Its bind to C-c e by default.

look to the function eval-print-last-sexp, you can build something using it

My emacs-fu isn't so strong, so I don't know if there's a single command to do this, but you can make yourself a (somewhat fragile) macro for it ... drop these lines in your .emacs:
(fset 'eval-sexp-in-place
[?\M-x ?e ?v ?a ?l ?- ?p ?r ?i ?n tab return ?\M-^ ?\M-^ ?\C-\M-b ?\C-\M-k ?\C-d])
(global-set-key [(control x) (control a)] 'eval-sexp-in-place)
This works fine, but there's one issue with it: you need to be at the end of the sexp (i.e. after the last right paren) to get it to work.
Also, I picked a random unbound key (C-x C-a) -- feel free to change that to something more to your liking.


emacs: back two lines in function?

I have a function in my emacs dot file to insert a date in my journal. After adding it, I would like to jump back a couple of lines and place the cursor below the date. How do I do that in the function?
(defun ddd ()
"Insert date at point journal style."
(insert (format-time-string "[%Y-%m-%d %a]"))
(insert "\n")
(insert "\n")
(insert "\n")
(insert "** end\n")
Any ideas?
You want the function forward-line, specifically
(forward-line -2)
goes backward two lines. For more information, type C-h f forward-line RET inside emacs. Depending on where you've left point, you might not end up at the beginning of the line. If you want this, add a call to beginning-of-line.
Remember that if you can tell Emacs to do it interactively (e.g. with <up> or C-p in this instance) then you can ask Emacs what it does when you type that, by prefixing C-hk.
In this case, Emacs tells you that those keys run the command previous-line, and also:
If you are thinking of using this in a Lisp program, consider using
forward-line with a negative argument instead. It is usually easier
to use and more reliable (no dependence on goal column, etc.).
You might want to use save-excursion to make it more robust:
(defun ddd ()
"Insert date at point journal style."
(insert (format-time-string "[%Y-%m-%d %a]\n"))
(save-excursion (insert "\n\n** end\n")))
If you know how many characters you want to go back, you can use (backward-char 9).

How to find which file provide(d) the feature in emacs elisp

Currently i am using the load-history variable to find the file from which a feature came from.
suppose to find the file the feature gnus came from.
I execute the following code in scratch buffer which prints filename and the symbols in separate lines consecutively.
(dolist (var load-history)
(princ (format "%s\n" (car var)))
(princ (format "\t%s\n" (cdr var))))
and then search for "(provide . gnus)" and then move the point to the start of line(Ctrl+A).
The file name in the previous line is the file from which the feature came from.
Is there any thing wrong with this method, or does a better method exist.
I don't really know what you're trying to do with this, but here are some notes.
Your method is fine. Any way to hack your own solution to a problem is good in my book.
#Tom is correct that you shouldn't really need to do this, because the problem is already solved for you by the help system. i.e. C-h f
But that's not so interesting. Let's say you really want an automatic, more elegant solution. You want a function -- locate-feature with this signature:
(defun locate-feature (feature)
"Return file-name as string where `feature' was provided"
Method 1 load-history approach
I'll just describe the steps I took to solve this:
You've already got the most important part -- find the variable with the information you need.
I notice immediately that this variable has a lot of data. If I insert it into a buffer as a single line, Emacs will not be happy, because it's notoriously bad at handling long lines. I know that the prett-print package will be able to format this data nicely. So I open up my *scratch* buffer and run
M-: (insert (pp-to-string load-history))
I can now see the data structure I'm dealing with. It seems to be (in pseudo code):
((defun|t|provide . symbol)|symbol)*)
Now I just write the function
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(defun locate-feature (feature)
"Return file name as string where `feature' was provided"
(interactive "Sfeature: ")
(dolist (file-info load-history)
(mapc (lambda (element)
(when (and (consp element)
(eq (car element) 'provide)
(eq (cdr element) feature))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "%s defined in %s" feature (car file-info)))
(return (car file-info))))
(cdr file-info))))
The code here is pretty straight forward. Ask Emacs about the functions you don't understand.
Method 2 help approach
Method one works for features. But what if by I want to know where any
available function is defined? Not just features.
C-h f already tells me that, but I want the file-name in a string, not all of the verbose help text. I want this:
(defun locate-function (func)
"Return file-name as string where `func' was defined or will be autoloaded"
Here we go.
C-h f is my starting point, but I really want to read the code that defines describe-function. I do this:
C-h k C-h f C-x o tab enter
Now I'm in help-fns.el at the definition of describe-function. I want to work only with this function definition. So narrowing is in order:
C-x n d
I have a hunch that the interesting command will have "find" or "locate" in its name, so I use occur to search for interesting lines:
M-s o find\|locate
No matches. Hmmm. Not a lot of lines in this defun. describe-function-1 seems to be doing the real work, so we try that.
I can visit the definition of describe-function-1 via C-h f. But I already have the file open. imenu is available now:
C-x n w M-x imenu desc*1 tab enter
Narrow and search again:
C-x n d M-s o up enter
I see find-lisp-object-file-name which looks promising.
After reading C-h f find-lisp-object-file-name I come up with:
(defun locate-function (func)
"Return file-name as string where `func' was defined or will be autoloaded"
(interactive "Ccommand: ")
(let ((res (find-lisp-object-file-name func (symbol-function func))))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(message "%s defined in %s" func res))
Now go have some fun exploring Emacs.
There is locate-library for that.
M-: (locate-library "my-feature")
eg: (locate-library "gnus")
Just use symbol-file. It scan load-history which has format:
Each entry has the form `(provide . FEATURE)',
`(require . FEATURE)', `(defun . FUNCTION)', `(autoload . SYMBOL)',
`(defface . SYMBOL)', or `(t . SYMBOL)'. Entries like `(t . SYMBOL)'
may precede a `(defun . FUNCTION)' entry, and means that SYMBOL was an
autoload before this file redefined it as a function. In addition,
entries may also be single symbols, which means that SYMBOL was
defined by `defvar' or `defconst'.
So call it as:
(symbol-file 'scheme 'provide) ; Who provide feature.
(symbol-file 'nxml-mode-hook 'defvar) ; Where variable defined.
(symbol-file 'message-send 'defun) ; Where function defined.
(symbol-file 'scheme) ; Look for symbol despite its type.
There is nothing wrong with it, but why is it simpler than getting help on a key or a function? If you use a gnus command for example and you want to know where it comes from then you can use C-h k and it tells you from which elisp file its definition comes.

How to mark the text between the parentheses in Emacs?

Any such function or elisp script? I want the equivalent function as vi" sequence in vim.
Try the key sequence C-M-u C-M-SPC (i.e., while holding the Control and Meta keys, press u and Space in sequence), which executes the commands backward-up-sexp and mark-sexp.
I made a mistake: backward-up-sexp doesn't exist in standard Emacs. I wrote it exactly because of the problem mentioned in lkahtz's comment, that the existing function backward-up-list won't work when point is between double quotes.
(defun backward-up-sexp (arg)
(interactive "p")
(let ((ppss (syntax-ppss)))
(cond ((elt ppss 3)
(goto-char (elt ppss 8))
(backward-up-sexp (1- arg)))
((backward-up-list arg)))))
(global-set-key [remap backward-up-list] 'backward-up-sexp)
expand-region (which is bound to C-=) works great.
Xah Lee has an emacs-lisp function which achieves this called xah-select-text-in-quote. It is available from his website:
Select text between the nearest left and right delimiters.
Delimiters here includes the following chars: \"<>(){}[]“”‘’‹›«»「」『』【】〖〗《》〈〉〔〕().
This command does not properly deal with nested brackets.

(re)number numbered lists in emacs (muse)

suppose I have a text list in emacs like this:
Is there a way to assign numbers to those items in Emacs, by selecting the region? End results should look like:
1. a
2. b
3. c
j. ...
n. d
The way I do this, which may not be optimal, is to use regex search and replace. This, of course, requires that you be able to define a regex to match the start of the lines you want numbers on. Taking your example, I'd use a search regex like this:
note the capturing brackets, we'll need that first letter soon. And a replace regex like this:
\#. \1
\# is a special form which is replaced, by Emacs, by the right number (though see the warning below);
. writes a stop; and
\1 writes a space and the captured group.
WARNING: Emacs will number your items 0, 1, 2, .... Until someone posts to tell us how to start at 1, I always insert a dummy 0th element before the edit, then delete it.
You can use the Emacs Keyboard Macro Counter.
Put the cursor one line ABOVE your list.
Start a macro: F3
Insert the counter value: C-x C-k C-i. A 0 will appear
Insert the DOT and a space: .
Move the cursor to the next line
Stop the macro: F4
Select your list
M-x apply-macro-to-region-lines
You can delete the 0 you added on the top and enjoy :)
NOTE: This will create a numbered list. It will not use letters.
A much simpler way is to use the CUA library's advanced rectangle editing commands. CUA is included in Emacs (at least 23.1, I think it's in earlier versions as well), so there isn't any new code to get.
You can use cua-set-rectangle-mark (bound to C-Return by default) to start a rectangle, and then use cua-sequence-rectangle to insert increasing values. It also gives you control over the format and starting value, so there is a lot of flexibility.
As an aside, CUA is primarily designed to make Emacs operate more like standard text editors (with C-c for copy, C-v for paste, etc), but it also includes some unrelated niceties, like rectangle editing. Don't ask me why :). If you want to use the rectangle editing without enabling the CUA keybindings (which is what I do), set cua-enable-cua-keys to nil, which can be done via customize.
(defun number-region (start end)
(interactive "r")
(let* ((count 1)
(indent-region-function (lambda (start end)
(setq end (copy-marker end))
(goto-char start)
(while (< (point) end)
(or (and (bolp) (eolp))
(insert (format "%d. " count))
(setq count (1+ count)))
(forward-line 1))
(move-marker end nil)))))
(indent-region start end)))
Here's some elisp code to do it; would be easy to customize if you like tinkering.
This will number the current region (unless it is already numbered), and also the last line binds to the M-n keys. You could use a function key "[F6]" as needed.
Modified to take a format string to use. The default is 1. but you could do something like %d) to get a bracket instead of a . and so on.
(defun number-region(fmt)
(interactive "sFormat : ")
(if (or (null fmt) (= 0 (length fmt)))
(setf fmt "%d. "))
(narrow-to-region (point) (mark))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((num 1))
(while (> (point-max) (point))
(if (null (number-at-point))
(insert (format fmt num)))
(incf num)
(global-set-key "\M-n" 'number-region)
Not a direct answer to your question, but if you find yourself manipulating numbered lists frequently, you may want to look into org-mode. In particular, the section on plain lists.

By Emacs, how to join two lines into one?

I am new to Emacs. I have googled this but no good answer there. One of them is
Ctrl-n Ctrl-a Backspace
This works but is stupid. Is there a quick and simple way to join a block of lines into a single line?
Actually, I can use Esc-q to auto-fill a paragraph now, but how could I get it to revert without UNDO?
Place point anywhere on the last line of the group of lines that need joining and call
repeatedly until all the lines are merged.
Note: It leaves one space between all of the now joined lines.
M-x join-line will join two lines. Just bind it to a convenient keystroke.
Multiple Cursors combined with M-^ will collapse all selected lines into one with all extraneous white-space removed.
For example to select an entire buffer, invoke multiple cursors mode, collapse into one line, and then disable multiple cursors mode:
C-x h
M-x mc/edit-lines
The Emacs conventional name for "join" is "fill". Yes, you can join
two lines with M-^ -- and that's handy -- but more generally you'll
want to join n lines. For this, see the fill* commands, such as
fill-region, fill-paragraph, etc.
See this for more info
on selecting things which can then be filled.
Also, you can join multiple lines with M-^ by selecting those lines first. (Note that the universal argument does not work with this.)
Just replace newlines with nothing.
I like the way Sublime text Join line with Command J so I do it this way:
(defun join-lines (arg)
(interactive "p")
(delete-char 1)
(insert " "))
You could define a new command for this, temporarily adjusting the fill width before using the the Esc-q command:
;; -- define a new command to join multiple lines together --
(defun join-lines () (interactive)
(setq fill-column 100000)
(fill-paragraph nil)
(setq fill-column 78)
Obviously this only works, if your paragraph has less than 100000 characters.
I use the following function and bind it to 'M-J'.
(defun concat-lines ()
If you prefer to keep your cursor position, you can use save-excursion.
The most simplest way ever:
Select paragraph/lines by M-h or C-SPC
Press M-q
Witness the Emagics (Emacs Magic)!!
Because join-line will left one space between two lines, also it only support join two lines. In case of you want to join plenty of lines without one space left, you can use "search-replace" mode to solve, as follows:
Query: input C-q C-j Enter
Replace: Enter
Run the replacement. Enter
Two ways come to mind:
Once you think of it, the most obvious (or at least easiest to remember) way is to use M-q format-paragraph with a long line length C-x-f 1000.
There is also a built-in tool M-^ join-line. More usefully, if you select a region then it will combine them all into one line.
"how could I get it to revert without UNDO?":
(defun toggle-fill-paragraph ()
;; Based on
"Fill or unfill the current paragraph, depending upon the current line length.
When there is a text selection, act on the region.
See `fill-paragraph' and `fill-region'."
;; We set a property 'currently-filled-p on this command's symbol
;; (i.e. on 'toggle-fill-paragraph), thus avoiding the need to
;; create a variable for remembering the current fill state.
(let* ((deactivate-mark nil)
(line-length (- (line-end-position) (line-beginning-position)))
(currently-filled (if (eq last-command this-command)
(get this-command 'currently-filled-p)
(< line-length fill-column)))
(fill-column (if currently-filled
(if (region-active-p)
(fill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(put this-command 'currently-filled-p (not currently-filled)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-q") 'toggle-fill-paragraph)
From EmacsWiki: Unfill Paragraph
;;; Stefan Monnier <foo at>. It is the opposite of fill-paragraph
(defun unfill-paragraph (&optional region)
"Takes a multi-line paragraph and makes it into a single line of text."
(interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only) '(t)))
(let ((fill-column (point-max))
;; This would override `fill-column' if it's an integer.
(emacs-lisp-docstring-fill-column t))
(fill-paragraph nil region)))
A basic join of 2 lines:
I like to line below to be joined to the current without moving the cursor:
("C-j" .
(lambda (iPoint)
"Join next line onto current line"
(interactive "d")
(goto-char iPoint)))
This one behaves like in vscode. So it add space only if join line consisted something else than whitespace. And I bind it to alt+shift+j.
Shorter version based on crux-top-join-line:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-J") (lambda () (interactive) (delete-indentation 1)))
Longer version based on
(defun join-lines ()
(unless (looking-at-p "\n") (insert " ")))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-J") 'join-lines)