how to calculate the time in the hr:min:sec - iphone

Can some one help me out from the time calculation in form of hr:min:sec. But I does need the system time. That's for I made this code
I try to make time calculation in the form of hr:min:sec
but it doesn't work in right way(it work till one hours)&
((1)after the 60 second output is 0:1:60 (2)after the 61 second output is 0:1:71 (3)after after the 3600 second output is 1:1:00 but(3)after the 3601 second output is wrong )
Here is the code:
In the .m file
timer1 = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(.01) target:self selector:#selector(timepassed) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
NSString *l=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i:%i:%i",hr,min,sec];
[m setText:l];

-(void) timepassed
if (counter == 60) { secs++; counter = 0; }
if (secs == 60) { min++; secs = 0; }
if (min == 60) { hr++; min = 0; }
// Your usual output here
Keep in mind that this sets the counter variable different than your code, i.e. it stores only 1/100 secs from 0...99.
There are of cause a dozen of algorithms to translate times into hrs:mins:secs, this is just one of them that's similar to your code.
Side note: Please accept answers that did help you (also on your older questions), this is common behavior on this site and keeps people motivated to help you.


Time with flutter

I am totally new with flutter and I do not understand how can I resolve a problem.
I'm actually working to a kart race app and:
I need to read a string like 1:02.456
Convert in some kind of time
Compare with another string similar to first one
Go to do something
blap = null;
if(1:02.456 < 1:03.589){
blap = '1:02.456';
} else {
blap = '1:03.589;
I read on the web that I ca use the class DateTime, but every time I try to convert the string in an object of that class, I do not get wat I want.
There is a better way?
Thank you.
If you are working on a kart race app probably you need to use Duration, not DateTime.
This is one way to convert a string like yours into Duration
Duration parseDuration(String s) {
int hours = 0;
int minutes = 0;
int micros;
List<String> parts = s.split(':');
if (parts.length > 2) {
hours = int.parse(parts[parts.length - 3]);
if (parts.length > 1) {
minutes = int.parse(parts[parts.length - 2]);
micros = (double.parse(parts[parts.length - 1]) * 1000000).round();
return Duration(hours: hours, minutes: minutes, microseconds: micros);
Then, to compare two Duration in the way you wanted, this is an example:
String blap;
Duration time1=Duration(hours: 1),time2=Duration(hours: 2);
//time2 is greater than time1

How to make a live counter in unity3d

I recently started using Unity3D and made a few levels. The only problem I have right now is how can I get a live counter?
So my character dies when he hits and certain object.
I want my character to get 3 lives maximum, and get -1 live when he hits that object.
And that it keeps the data when he dies so you wouldn't get lives back if you restart the app.
And after a certain amount of minutes he gets +1 live.
Thank you :)
While your game running. just create a variable counterTime to count time, whenever counterTime pass certain amount of time you want reset counterTime to 0 and increase your life.
When user quit your app, save last time to PlayerPref, eg:
PlayerPref.SaveString("LastTime", DateTime.Now);
When user comback game, just check duration between last time and now to calculate total life need added. eg:
DateTime lastTime = DateTime.Parse(PlayerPref.GetString("LastTime"));
TimeSpan timeDif= DateTime.Now - lastTime;
int duration = timeDif.TotalSeconds;
You can use PlayerPrefs.SetInt , PlayerPrefs.GetInt for storing and reading your player's hp in file storage. Read more about it here:
As for Giving player +1 hp after a few minutes you can store DateTime.Now in a PlayerPrefs variable whenever you give your player some hp and use TimeSpan and TotalMinutesPassed:
TimeSpan passedTime = DateTime.Now - lastStoredDateTime;
int totalMinutesPassed = passedTime.TotalMinutes;
Should go sth like this i guess(didnt test this code just showing a general idea) :
void SetPlayerLives(int lives)
playerLives = lives;
//TODO: also sth like => int GetPlayerLives() function
void CheckLiveRegen() //call this function whenever you want to check live regen:
int LIVE_REGEN_MINUTES = 5; //regen 1 live every 5 minutes
DateTime lastStoredDateTime = DateTime.Parse(PlayerPrefs.GetString("last-live-regen", DateTime.Now.ToString()));
TimeSpan passedTime = DateTime.Now - lastStoredDateTime;
double totalMinutesPassed = passedTime.TotalMinutes;
if(totalMinutesPassed >= LIVE_REGEN_MINUTES)
int val = (int) totalMinutesPassed / LIVE_REGEN_MINUTES;
// Add val to your player lives! + store new lives value
//update last-live-regen value:
PlayerPrefs.SetString("last-live-regen", DateTime.Now.ToString());
Note: DateTime , TimeSpan classes have some bugs (specially in android platform) in versions older than 2017.4 (LTS) Make sure you log values and check if functions are working properly.
check out the following link to understand how to create a life counter in unity
In order to calculate the time that was lapsed since you last shut down the game, you should save the last time playerprefs in the function OnApplicationPause and calcuate the timelapsed in the Awake Function.
void Awake () {
PlayerPrefs.SetString("LifeUpdateTime", DateTime.Now.ToString());
lives = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Lives", maxLives);
//update life counter only if lives are less than maxLives
if (lives < maxLives)
float timerToAdd = (float)(System.DateTime.Now - Convert.ToDateTime(PlayerPrefs.GetString("LifeUpdateTime"))).TotalSeconds;
void UpdateLives(double timerToAdd ){
if (lives < maxLives)
int livesToAdd = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)timerToAdd / lifeReplenishTime);
timerForLife = (float)timerToAdd % lifeReplenishTime;
lives += livesToAdd;
if (lives > maxLives)
lives = maxLives;
timerForLife = 0;
PlayerPrefs.SetString("LifeUpdateTime", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-timerForLife).ToString());
PlayerPrefs.SetString("LifeUpdateTime", DateTime.Now.ToString());
void OnApplicationPause(bool isPause)
if (isPause)
timeOfPause = System.DateTime.Now;
if(timeOfPause == default(DateTime)){
timeOfPause = System.DateTime.Now;
float timerToAdd = (float)(System.DateTime.Now - timeOfPause).TotalSeconds;
timerForLife += timerToAdd;

Why isn't my score recording on the playerprefs is there GetFloat method?

Why isn't my score recording on the playerprefs ? is there GetFloat method? Can anyone help me to post the least score of my game it just like the most least seconds will get the best time record ever
var myTimer: float = 0;
var GUITimer: GUIText;
function Start() {
function Update() {
GUITimer.text = "Time: " + myTimer;
if (myTimer > -1) {
myTimer += Time.deltaTime;
function OnTriggerEnter(other: Collider) {
if (other.tag == "FinishLine") {
function OnGUI() {
GUI.Label(Rect(10, 10, 500, 200), myTimer.ToString());
function SaveTime() {
if (myTimer < PlayerPrefs.GetInt("JeepneyScore3")) {
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("JeepneyScore3", myTimer);
I see three problems:
First, you're tracking a float, but calling GetInt() and SetInt(). Keep your data types consistent. You should either round/floor/etc, or call GetFloat() and SetFloat().
Second, you're not calling Save(), which means your changes will never write to disk. You might consider something like this:
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("JeepneyScore3", myTimer);
Third, you're not handling the case where no data exists. You could check for existing data with HasKey(), but in this case it's simpler to rely on the second form of GetFloat(). The default form, which you're calling, returns zero if the requested key isn't set:
//returns value of "foo", or zero if no such value
var prevBest = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("foo");
If you're looking for a time below the player's previous best, but the default "best" is already 0.0, you're going to have a hard time beating that time.
You can instead provide your own default value:
//returns value of "foo", or ten thousand if no such value
var prevBest = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("foo", 10000.0);
Finally, you should make sure that SaveTime() is actually being called at the appropriate time. You could add a simple debug line, like this:
Debug.Log("SaveTime was called");
And then make sure that's showing up. If not, you need to fix your collision check.

Bounded Buffers (Producer Consumer)

In the shared buffer memory problem , why is it that we can have at most (n-1) items in the buffer at the same time.
Where 'n' is the buffer's size .
In an OS development class in college, I had an adjunct teacher that claimed it was impossible to have a software-only solution that could use all N elements in the buffer.
I proved him wrong with something I decided to call the race track solution (inspired by the fact that I like to run track).
On a race track, you are not limited to a 400 meter race; a race can consist of more than one lap. What happens if two runners are neck and neck
in a race? How do you know whether they are tied, or whether one runner has lapped the other? The answer is simple: in a race, we don't monitor a runner's position
on the track; we monitor the distance each runner has traversed. Thus, when two runners are neck and neck, we can disambiguafy between a tie and when one runner has
lapped the other.
So, our algorithm has an N-element array, and manages a 2N race. We don't restart the producer/consumer's counter back to zero until they finish their respective 2N race.
We don't allow the producer to be more than one lap ahead of the consumer, and we don't allow the consumer to be ahead of the producer.
Actually, we only have to monitor the distance between the producer and consumer.
The code is as follows:
Item track[LAP];
int consIdx = 0;
int prodIdx = 0;
void consumer()
{ while(true)
{ int diff = abs(prodIdx - consIdx);
if(0 < diff) //If the consumer isn't tied
{ track[consIdx%LAP] = null;
consIdx = (consIdx + 1) % (2*LAP);
void producer()
{ while(true)
{ int diff = (prodIdx - consIdx);
if(diff < LAP) //If prod hasn't lapped cons
{ track[prodIdx%LAP] = Item(); //Advance on the 1-lap track.
prodIdx = (prodIdx + 1) % (2*LAP);//Advance in the 2-lap race.
It's been a while since I originally solved the problem, so this is according to my best recollection. Hopefully I didn't overlook any bugs.
Hope this helps!
Oops, here's a bug fix:
Item track[LAP];
int consIdx = 0;
int prodIdx = 0;
void consumer()
{ while(true)
{ int diff = prodIdx - consIdx; //When prodIdx wraps to 0 before consIdx,
diff = 0<=diff? diff: diff + (2*LAP); //think in 3 Laps until consIdx wraps to 0.
if(0 < diff) //If the consumer isn't tied
{ track[consIdx%LAP] = null;
consIdx = (consIdx + 1) % (2*LAP);
void producer()
{ while(true)
{ int diff = prodIdx - consIdx;
diff = 0<=diff? diff: diff + (2*LAP);
if(diff < LAP) //If prod hasn't lapped cons
{ track[prodIdx%LAP] = Item(); //Advance on the 1-lap track.
prodIdx = (prodIdx + 1) % (2*LAP);//Advance in the 2-lap race.
Well, theoretically a bounded buffer can hold elements upto its size. But what you are saying could be related to certain implementation quirks like a clean way of figuring out when the buffer is empty/full. This question -> Empty element in array-based bounded buffer deals with a similar thing. See if it helps.
However you can of course have implementations that have all n slots filled up. That's how the bounded buffer problem is defined anyway.

do something when counter = x

I have a counter that make counter++ every time one image touches another image.
Now what I want to do is: if counter=2; do something, but I always get an error:
Assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
Here is a part of the code:
-(void)checkcollision {
if(CGRectIntersectsRect(flakeImage.frame, viewToRotate.frame)) {
-(void)checknumber {
if(counter=2) {
Are you perhaps doing this:
if (counter = 2) {
// Do something.
This is a common error in if statements. The correction would be:
if (counter == 2) { // Note the "==", instead of "="
// Do something.
This is just a guess though - I would need to see some more information about the error, or about what you want to do.
Ah - have seen your newly posted code, confirming what I stated above. Your code reads that you are trying to assign the value '2' to counter in the if statement. You want the == to make this a check for equality.