iphone binary failing to compress - iphone

When I try to compress my binary (to upload for app submission), I get a ridiculously small zip file (a 10 meg file turns into 300k). I've done this a dozen times and never had a problem and am uncertain what could be causing this. I tried restarting xcode and doing a clean build. Has anyone seen this happen before?

I just made a minor change to one source file, rebuilt, and it compressed fine. Reverted the change and built, and that compressed fine too. For some reason the 3 times where I built it from scratch resulted in a failed compression.


Can’t submit file for Facebook App Approval

I’ll set my outrage with the way this process works (to whom can I speak?) aside for the moment: we are attempting to provide FB with a link to our ~200 mb app for approval. We have been rejected 3 times because they are incapable of extracting our zip file (they request a zip for some unknown reason — it has minimal size impact).
Some detail: we are linking to the zip on our Dropbox. We have removed all punctuation from our app title (Pandamonium!.app becomes Pandamonium.app). We have eliminated spaces from our source folder. I thought all these could be causing a problem with iOS-sim.
I’m not sure what is left to do, but I am hoping someone can present a clear set of instructions (NOT THEIR INSTRUCTIONS, WHICH I HAVE READ) they have followed particularly if you have met similar snags or ANY ideas for resolution. All they send me is useless screenshots of their simulator unable to open the app which I have simulated and opened successfully daily with iOS-sim for the last week.
After a great deal of trial and error I found that using Facebook's command-line instructions was what was causing the issue. You should just compress your .app file in an ordinary fashion (right click and compress -- I used a Windows computer just to make sure everything was copasetic after reading about bizarre Mac .cbgz compression issues).
Regardless, in summary, I can now see why no one else has had an issue with this: it's because no one reads their instructions and rather just creates their .zip files in the ordinary way; unsurprisingly, you're better off using your common sense rather than listening to others.
Aside: ironically, after being told my use case was fine and the only issue was not being able to unzip, Facebook (India) has now told me they couldn't find my login button (which is gigantic, in multiple places, and clearly described in my instructions). This process is an absolute joke. I wish anyone going through this hell good luck.

iPhone Application build copies <Prefix_filename>.pch.gch

I large (12 mb) Prefix.pch.gch file is being copied to my final iPhone application. It does not exist in the project and only shows up in the build log. It adds quite a bit to my otherwise small application size. Any suggestions for stopping xcode from copying it? Does anyone know what it is? I did a little research, and it looks like a cache file for a precompiled header, but I couldn't find anything as to why its 12 mb.
See my answer here for a possible cause. If that's it, it should be easy to fix.

Xcode iPad or iPhone Build Size Question

Had a question and if anyone has found similar issues. It seems my file size keeps growing. I have had to import existing files and then delete them from the project. It seems that it keeps those files somewhere. From being 40mb and importing a few .WAV files at 30mb each it goes up to 100mb. After I deleted them it seems it doesn't change the file size.
This was a similar issue in Flash IDE - Saving as a new project name would solve this. I'm unsure if it does in Xcode.
Has anyone had any similar issues?
Are you sure you've done a fully clean build since removing the resources? Do a Build->Clean for the target(s) you care about, delete the app binary off the simulator and device for full certainty, and rebuild. If there really isn't a reference to the resource in the project any more, this should ensure it goes away from the resulting bundle.
Which files specifically are causing the problem? Try using the du command to work out where the space is going.

How can I tell the size of my app during development?

My programming decissions are directly related to how much room I have left, or worse perhaps how much I need to shave off in order to get up the 10mb limit. I have read that Apple has quietly increased the 3G & Edge download limit from 10mb up to 20mb in preparation for the iPad in April.
Either way, my real question is how can I gauge a rough estimate of how large my app will end while I'm still in the development phase?
Is the file size of my development folder roughly 1 to 1 ratio? Is the compressed file size of my development a better approximation? My .xcodeproj file is only a couple hundred kB, but the size of my folder is 11.8 MB. I have a .sqlite database, less than 20 small png images and a Settings.Bundle. The rest are unknown Xcode files related to build, build for iphoneOS, simulator etc.... My source code is rather large with around 1000 lines in most of the major controllers, all in all around 48 .h&.m files. But my classes folder inside my development folder is less than 800kb. Digging around inside my Build file, there is lots of iphone simulator files and debugging files which I don't think will contribute to the final product. The Application file states that it is around 2.3 MB. However, this is such a large difference from the 11.8 MB, I have to wonder if this is just another piece of the equation.
I have the app on the my device, I'm in the testing phase. Therefore, I though that I would try to see how large the working version was on the device by checking in iTunes, however my development app is visible on the right-hand the application's iphone screen, but no information about the app most importantly its size.
I also checked in Organizer, I used the lower portion of the screen-(Applications), found my application and selected the drop down arrow which gave my "Application Data" and a download arrow button to the right to save a file on my desktop, named with the unique AppleID. Inside the folder it had three folders-(documents, library, tmp) the documents had a copy of my .sqlite database, the library a few more files but not anything obvious or of size, and the tmp was empty. All in all the entire folder was only 164kb-which tells me that this is not the right place to find the size either.
I understand that the size is considered to be the size of my binary plus all the additional files and images that I have add. Does anyone have a effective way of guaging how large the binary is or the relating the development folder size to what the final App Store application size will end up.
I know that questions have been posted with similar aspects, but I could not find any answered post that really described...what files, or how to determine size specifically. I know that this question looks like a book, but I just wanted to be specific in conveying exactly what I'm looking for and the attempts thus far. *Note all files are unzipped and still in regular working Xcode order of a single app with no brought-in builds or referenced projects.
I'm sure that this is straight forward, I just don't know where to look?
Build Your App using Active Configuration = Release, then right click on the .xcodeproj. Select Reveal in Finder. Then have a look at App Size in the Build Subdirectory.
LocateMe http://img.skitch.com/20100313-8hc87h85c8a4bb6xufhnfg4ciq.preview.jpg
You are correct that the final size can be estimated pretty closely by checking the sizes of the files in the application bundle. However, Apple will encrypt your binary, so in most situations your zipped application will be a bit smaller than the one on App Store.
Take a look at this : http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?p=278022&sid=ea6e4878c70379a05c883f7093a4b41c

Can't compress my App for distribution

Compression process for one of my Applications build gets stuck and never finishes the
compression process (eternally stating "2.6 MB of 2.7 MB about 5 sec").
I couldn't find the solution by googling - even though I am not the first one to have this
Does any body know a fix to this issue?
I've never seen that before. What you could do is try another zip-tool. Maybe on another machine. Or delete some files from the problematic application directory, just to see which one is causing the trouble.
I have found the cause of the trouble-
I dragged the same file twice into the project -
now I have deleted one of the aliases and it zipped with the usual right click + compress.