Select and copy text from dialog in wxPython - select

I have a wxPython app, and in this app, I can select and copy text from various frames, but I can't do so from dialogs. Is there a way to do this?
I understand I could probably do this by putting some kind of TextCtrl in the dialog, but I'd like to be able to do this from a standard looking dialog.
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I can't select text from a wx.MessageBox under Windows Vista or Mac (don't have access to Linux to try that). Here is one example of the call to create the message box:
wx.MessageBox(str(msg), "Could not load ballots", wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
I am unable to select the text of the message box.

If you make a custom MessageBox like so, it will appear to be static text until you click on the text:
class MessageBox(wx.Dialog):
def __init__(self, parent, title):
wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title=title)
text = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_READONLY|wx.BORDER_NONE)
text.SetValue("Hi hi hi")
I've only tested this on windows, you might have to adjust the color for your OS.


Hiding workflow re-assign button in Maximo

Is it possible to hide the re-assign button in the workflow dialog box for the users? and if so how?
my solution may not be the best one, but it works for me. I hid the button using CSS.
Just go to the Application Designer app and use Export system XML action from Select Action dropdown. Then pick LIBRARY XML and save it somewhere on your disk. Open it (using WordPad preferably, Notepad is causing some issues when importing back to Maximo) and CTRL+F find Complete workflow assignment dialog. Go down a bit and you'll see <pushbutton> with label Reassignment:
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" value="reassign"/>
Add textcss="reassign_btn" (the name is up to you of course)
<pushbutton id="completewf_b_4" label="Reassign" mxevent="directorinput" textcss="reassign_btn" value="reassign"/>
Then save the file and import LIBRARY.xml back to the Maximo using Application Designer app again. Then just edit your maximo.css file (located somewhere in \applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\ depending on which skin you are using) and add:
.reassign_btn { visibility: hidden; }
Hope this helps :-)

How to programmatically access an Eclipse JDT tooltip icon

I'd like to use the icon "Quick Assist Available" (lightbulb) from Eclipse's JDT Icons.
However, I cannot find a way to access it.
The closest I've gotten was thanks at Ilya Shinkarenko's blog, where he uses ISharedImages to access many Eclipse logos. However, the lightbulb icon is not on his list and I can't find it's proper name anywhere (I'm not even sure if it's part of ISharedImages).
Do you know where I can get a hold of this icon within Eclipse and use it in my own tooltip?
Here is this in action using a Groovy script:
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPluginImages;
def image = JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_QUICK_ASSIST)
def newView = eclipse.views.create("a button with an image");
def button = newView.add_Button().setImage(image);
You are looking for org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_QUICK_ASSIST.
A code snippet like JavaPluginImages.get(JavaPluginImages.IMG_OBJS_QUICK_ASSIST) should do the trick. (JavaPluginImages is not API hence you will get a warning in your code, but you can just ignore that)

Access VBA: Form command button to do something/call function

I have created a basic form in access that has a couple of buttons and text fields.
I want the button to do something along the lines of when I click it, it should bring up a browse file dialog and when I select a file, change the text field to the path of the file.
My question is how can I program this? Specifically, do I create a module that goes like?
sub command1_onClick()
..bla bla...
end sub
Or are forms programmed differently? How can I tie a function to a button?
You can add actions to the button. In the properties window of the button is an Event-Tab. Click on On Click and select Event Procedure. You are then taken to the VBA Editor (ALT+F11) into following procedure:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
In that procedure, you can use an API call to open the standard file dialog:
API: Call the standard Windows File Open/Save dialog box
The TestIt function in above link shows you hove to open the dialog and get the path. You can set your textbox to that path like this:
Me!Text1 = strPath
strPath has to be populated with the path you get from the file dialog.
You will want to look at the file dialog property.
Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog
MSDN File Dialog
The above shows an example that is performed on a button click
The example adds the selected file to a listbox, for your situation you would want to use a simple textbox instead of the listbox.
You may want to set AllowMultiSelect to false to ignore the looping part if you only want one item. (this would simplify the code in the example for you.
.AllowMultiSelect = false
I may be a lil rusty but then you would want to do something like this(someone edit or correct me if I am way off)
Assuming you used varFile
(Dim varFile As Variant)
Me.TextBox1.Text = varFile
EDIT: After encountering error
It seems the error can come froma few things. Check to make sure the reference is there.
Also you may need to add the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library reference.
See the "More information" section of this Link (Hopefully 2002 is close enough to 2003)
. It may have a few more helpful tips if that doesn't solve the problem.

Customizing GtkFileChooser

GTK+ noob question here:
Would it be possible to customize the GtkFileChooserButton or GtkFileChooserDialog to remove the 'Places' section (on the left) and the 'Location' entry box on the top?
What I'm essentially trying to do is to allow the user to select files only from a particular folder (which I set using gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder ) and disable navigating to other locations on the file system.
This is the standard file chooser dialog :
This is what I need:
It doesn't look like that is possible with the standard file chooser dialog. For example, here is a document discussing why such a thing would be useful and how it could be implemented, but the idea never made it to fruition.
What you can do, perhaps, is write your own dialog that implements the GtkFileChooser interface, based on the GtkFileChooserDialog code, but hides the location bar and bookmarks list.
You can get a handle on the individual children by finding out where there are with gtkparasite and then accessing them with get_children.
Make sure to use .show() instead of .run() for inspecting the dialog with gtkparasite. If you use .run() the dialog is shown in modal mode so you can't inspect it.
For example I hide the Path and Places widgets with the statements below:
dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Open***", None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,
vbox = dialog.get_children()[0].get_children()[0].get_children( [0].get_children()[0]
Of course this is not an exposed API so it can always break from underlying changes.
Hope it makes sense ...
Tried to post an image but I am a new user ....

avoid chrome popup extension to close

Is there a function that allow me to select text when the extension
stays open. Normally when I Use the extension popup and I Click outside the
extension the extension close. Is there a wat to avoid this.
Thank you so much
Unfortunately there is currently no way to keep the popup open once you focus out of it. This is by design.
If you would like to always show something while interacting with the page, perhaps the experimental Info bars or even Desktop Notifications would work?
Hope that helped!
The only way to keep it open is to right click over the extension icon (button) and select "Inspect popup" the extension popup then show up and remain open but of course the debugger window show and this not a fix obviously still it will maybe inspire a hack... if someone is skilled enough and share the solution with all of us.
I encountered the same problem and I've thought of a possible solution (though not tested it):
Use your background.html to store the content of the popup action and upon loading the popup, you fetch the content via the default messaging for chrome extensions.
When doing all kinds of other stuff, like XHR's or something, I think you should do that in background.html too, so the requests won't abort if you close and you can do something with the result. Then when a user re-opens the popup, he'll see the result of his previous action instead of the default screen.
Anyone tried something like did already?
As far as I know you can't persist a pop up menu but my workaround has been using a content script to append a menu on page load. After the menu is appended you can toggle the menu via messaging between the background script and the content script.
If you want to encapsulate the menu from the page it's deployed on you could wrap your menu in an iframe. This could add complexity to your project since you would have to deal with cross origin issues and permissions.
There is an alternative hack for this. You can make use of chrome local storage to store the metadata as needed. Upon restart you can read that metadata and render the desired content. You will also probably clear that metadata after you have completed performing the operations based on that.