is there a way to create a FB app for a single page? - facebook

I want to create a FB app for a client's Facebook Page. How do I do this without allowing other pages accessing it as well? Obviously I can do an ID check in my code, but I presume there's a 'proper' way of denying access to all and sundry?

There isn't a way to make an application private as in you're the only person that can install it but you could look into using the Static FBML box, you can have FBJS, FBML, CSS and HTML incorporated into that box and you'll be the only one able to use it.


IFrame application to buy tickets

So I am planning to develop an IFRAME facebook app which lets users buy tickets from Facebook using our website.
Basically I would like to know whether its possible to do what I have in mind.
Each event posted in our website has a specific link associated with it and we already provide a facility whereby event organizers can integrate our app into their website using an IFRAME.
Now I would like to know whether it is possible to have the same concept applied on a Facebook App. Each event will have its own EventId and I do not wish to have all events listed on our App. Each promoter that has his own Facebook page will be able to integrated the APP and will only see his events. Is this possible since you need to bind your Facebook to a specific URL?
Yes! This is possible. What you'll need to do is have a tab application that the promoter installs on their page. Each promoter installs the exact same application so you only need to have one.
When the app is loaded within the page, it will receive a signed_request parameter. You'll need to decode it first, but once you do, you'll be able to see where the app is running because the signed_request will contain the page_id. Once you know what page is displaying your application, you'll be able to display appropriate content.

Easiest way to create a Facebook application

I need to create a simple tab page with custom content inside. How on earth I can get there the shortest and easiest way? Maybe I want to track the users who liked the page, but that's not compulsory. I just want to create a tab-page, which can integrate into a page and shows some custom content.
I have created an application at Facebook, the thing is, I don't know where to head from here, to include some content in the innards of that page...
I guess you want a static FBML tab. It is hard to find on Facebook, however it is possible to find a link like this. If you are logged in to Facebook then it should take you to a page where you can add a static FBML tab to one of the pages you administer. After that you can customize the tab content from page settings.
A page tab or any application on facebook can be and usualy is considered a normal website. You'll need the same things that you would if you wanted to create a website. You'll need a server, some storage space, possible a database (if you want to store date about/for your users).
There are ways to get started for free - lots of free hosting companies out there. You can start your search here
Facebook also has links to [develop applications in a cloud system].
There are different types of facebook apps, but one of them is just a canevas app.
So you ca include an external web page in a facebook page. It's pretty similar to a frame i think.
You can find inforations here:

Facebook External Widget development with a single app

We're trying to develop a widget that uses Facebook APIs and other websites (e.g different domains) could embed. We do not want every website to create it's on Facebook app but we'd like everyone using this widget to be connected to our Facebook app.
The problem is that Facebook seems to authenticate only a specific domain for an app (Canvas URL).
Update: I just realized that for Facebook server API as long as I set the redirect_uri to a valid URL (as defined by the site url) then everything is OK. So I can let my widget call the login and set the redirect_uri to some page we hold on our server that will communicate with the origin. So far so good. Now the problem that remains is whether there's a way to do it using the Facebook JS sdk rather then having to invent the wheel. From what I see there I could find a way to make the JS SDK not use the window.location.href. Ideas?
you just need to create the app, then from the profile site of your app there is an link to let users add the app to their page. (this is also possible via a special link (see the docs))
but be aware, one page can only include your app once. so if you like your "customers" to have your app multiple times on the same page you have to create multiple apps but point the canvas and tab url to the same script.
The other way would be to add child applications directly for the user, so you can let your customers even set a customized icon. This is hard to code couse you have to use old apis (newer one doesnt support the functions anymore) and there is none to null documentation for it. (I have such an app running, if you want to see some examples drop me a note)

Add application in Facebook pages tab/link

Is there any way to add applications in Facebook pages dynamically(using api)?
The best thing you can do right now is to redirect to this URL:<your_api_key>&pages
(note the &pages at the end)
This at least provides a shortcut for them to add the app to one of their pages. Of course not as good as a proper API...
Unfortunately not. Facebook creates a unique Application ID etc. when you create your application via their site. There is no access to this process.

facebook tab fbml and dynamic content

Per the new profile/fan page tab rule that eliminates the iFrame option, is there a way to dynamically generate content for a given tab? I've seen methods that wrap a canvas app (but requires a user to click to load content), but I want to show updated content thats managed on my servers. I thought you could also update the FBML using the Graph API, but haven't been able to find anything on that.
You can display static FBML on Application Tabs which is dynamically generated, you just can't auto-load anything that's dynamic on the client side (until the user clicks something)
You'll need to make sure you setup the application to be installable to pages as well.
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