perforce label does not list files - version-control

I created a label using the new label context menu:
I defined the parameters as follows: (unlocked)
Created by ms
The label is created and shown in the label pane but when I select the label and click on the "List files at ms_test" menu item the log message states "Label ms_test points to 0 files".
Any ideas about why the label is not pointing to any files? How can I make this label to work?
thank you in advance.
Note: I have checked that the view paths are correct and there are file contents and subfolders under then.
I am using P4 client version 2006.1.105584 with no filter on the depot and my client is set to client view of the depot

That means no p4 labelsync or p4 tag commands occurred after the p4 label took place.
Did you create the label as described here?
The following instructions apply to the Windows client (P4WIN) only.
Click the label toolbar button to show the labels page.
Make a new label (right-click in the list); Give it a useful description.
Restrict the View to that needed by the project being labelled (See Using Wildcards and - - Excluding Files for examples).
Drag the project files from the depot over to the label;
Select Add/Replace Files Listed in Label… from the popup menu.
Perforce will open a dialog offering to replace the contents of the label.
Click Ok to add the files.
Even if your label currently references no files, you still can sync it with files:
Select the label from the Labels pane
Right-click to bring up the shortcut menu
Select Sync specific files to bring up a sync dialog
Click Select All
Click Ok

I suspect VonC's answer is pointing in the right direction. On a sidenote, it is worth pointing out that Perforce Labels are badly named and work very very differntly to Labels in virtually any other SCM system.
From the Docs
A Perforce label is a set of tagged file revisions. You can use labels to reproduce the state of these files within a client workspace.
Labels provide a method of naming important sets of file revisions for future reference. For example, you might want to tag the file revisions that compose a particular release with the label release2.0.1. At a later time, you can retrieve all the tagged revisions into a client workspace by syncing the workspace to the label.
Create a label when you want to:
keep track of all the file revisions contained in a particular release of software,
distribute a particular set of file revisions to other users, or
branch from a known set of file revisions.
Essentially what this goobledygook means is that whereas most people use Labels to do exactly what a Changelist number does (eg. Mark a particular point in time) it infact marks the set of files currently synced to in a particular client. This is a bizarre quirk of Perforce and possibly the worst design decision they made in an otherwise wonderful product.
You are probably better off taking note of the changelist number you want (generally the latest at a point in time) and the paths you wish to sync to , that is all the information you need to sync to a point in time.

As of Perforce 2010.1, the correct way to do this is using automatic labels, which are really just a way to name a changelist.


Compare changes with latest from repo

Eclipse shows me with the symbol > which files I have modified, after the last repository update. Before commiting, I want to see the changes I made.
When I go right click->Team->Synchronize with repository I get exactly what I want. The problem is, I only get the view for this one file I clicked. I need to change the view back to Java, to be able to chose the next modified file.
Is it possible, to compare all modified files, one by one, with the latest edition from the repository, without changing the view after each file?
Instead of right clicking a specific file, you can right click the entire project and perform the same operation you describe.

ECLIPSE Subclipse: Occasional error with file selection in synchronize view

I am using Eclipse JUNO with the subclipse plugin.
Generally it works quite well. To commit files to the SVN repository you synchronize to check the changes you have made. Select the files you want to commit, add a comment and simply commit it.
Usually the selected files are then properly committed.
However, sometimes the selected files view in the commit window do not correspond to the actually selected files in the synchronize view. Instead it simply indicates all files in the project's file directory.
If you don't notice and commit you end up committing dozens of files/directories you do not want or need to commit.
I have tried all sorts of things to try and make it do that so that I know which chain of actions triggers it so I can avoid it but of course it never does it when you try.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be causing it or experienced the same? It is definitely not that the selected files are no longer selected. I could clearly see that selection still being active on the left hand side synchronization view but still the commit window was showing a full file selection.
Any help/suggestion much appreciated.
I finally figured it out. Whatever file selection you do is overridden by a folder selection at a higher level => if you accidentally mark the project's main folder all files are transferred.
In the end it is Very simple and logical. The only nuisance is that the specific files you selected at a lower level are highlighted in the commit window's file selection view as well so if you look at the view superficially you get the impression only your selected files will be committed.

How to exclude files/folder from Markers view in eclipse?

Is there a way in eclipse to stop markers from showing in the Markers view for files in a certain folder? I.e. I imported a Javascript library that I didn't write myself but it is going to be part of my project and I don't want to have to look at all the "TODO" and "FIXME" markers in those files and would just want to see my markers only... Is there a way to exclude certain folders or files form being scanned by the markers process?
Apparently, I was able to resolve this by adding the folders I wanted to exclude to the exclusion list under Project->Properties->Validation. (Click settings beside each validation, Add Exclude Group button, Add Rule button, select folder option, browse for relative folder)
You can configure the content of the Markers view (the one displaying errors and warning in source code) and the content of the Tasks view (the one displaying "TODO" and "FIXME") by clicking on the "small down arrow" in the top right of the view (near the minimize and maximize buttons) and then clicking on Configure Contents ... entry.
Hope this can help,
By selecting Configure Contents like Manu said, there is also the option to list the tasks for a specific working set, using the Scope area at the right.
That worked for me, and I'm not annoyed anymore by all Zend Framework #todo.
Hope this helped, Stéphane
I'm doing a node app and wanted to exclude my node modules folder. I found the only way to do this is to create a working set that excludes that directory and set the Task -> configure contents to that working set.
How to exclude a folder that is producing warnings/errors in an Eclipse project?

Xcode SCM - Need help with checking files back in!

Okay, I have another newbie question. I'm starting to work with a remote code repository,, and have been given a username, password, and URL. I've been able to successfully associate my project with a remote source code repository, have checked out/pulled down the source files, and have now made a small change to a single file. Here's where my questions start.
1) I can't see anywhere in my GUI where Xcode realizes that I have made a change to a file
2) How do I check my files back in?
I gotta be missing something. The docs I've been reading point to more menu items that I currently see under my SCM menu item. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks in advance for your assistance!!!
File -> Source Control -> Commit, Select the files that you want to commit, add a comment and hit commit button.
This is the flow for xcode 4
In Xcode 3...
The Project window should have a column which displays the SCM status for your files. This can appear both in the "Groups & Files" outline view in the left pane and the file list in the right pane. The icon for the column is a little cylinder shape, a black-and-white version of the yellow cylinder that's shown when you manage repositories. If this column is not displayed, you can right-click on the header of either of those panes to bring up a menu with a list of columns. Select "SCM" from that. The status will display as the same one-letter codes that SVN uses on the command line.
In order to commit files, you can either a) select the particular files, or group you want to commit and use the menu command SCM>Commit Changes..., or b) Select SCM>Commit Entire Project... (which I personally have bound to ⌥-⌘-C in the Xcode key bindings preferences).
Either of these will display a sheet in which you can enter your commit message; the text field in this is very handy in that it accepts the Return key as a newline, rather than passing it to the "Commit" button, but could be confusing the first few times. Press ⌘-Return to activate the button and perform the commit.

How do I get a particular labeled version of a folder in Borland StarTeam?

I'm about to perform a bunch of folder moving operations in StarTeam (including some new nesting levels) and I would like to set a label so that I can roll back in case of issues. I figured out how to set a label on a folder and all its children, but I couldn't figure out how to get the version of that folder corresponding to that particular label. It seems like labels are tied to the files themselves and not the folders/folder structure.
I've switched to Subversion and FogBugz so I am rusty on StarTeam. I think you need a View Label.
From View menu, select Labels... to open the Labels dialog.
On the View tab, click New... button to open View Label dialog.
Type in label name as "Release", check Frozen, and hit OK.
To get back to the state,
From View menu, select Select Configuration... to open the Select a View Configuration dialog.
Select Labeled configuration, and pick "Release"
You can then create a new view from the view label to branch off you want to. See the Help file > Working with StarTeam > Managing Views. Here's a quote from Configuring a View:
By default, a view has a current
configuration – that is, it displays
the latest revisions of the items in
the project. However, you can roll
back a view to a past state based on a
label, promotion state, or a point in