PostgreSQL: Can't use DISTINCT for some data types - postgresql

I have a table called _sample_table_delme_data_files which contains some duplicates. I want to copy its records, without duplicates, into data_files:
INSERT INTO data_files (SELECT distinct * FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files);
ERROR: could not identify an ordering operator for type box3d
HINT: Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query.
Problem is, PostgreSQL can not compare (or order) box3d types. How do I supply such an ordering operator so I can get only the distinct into my destination table?
Thanks in advance,

If you don't add the operator, you could try translating the box3d data to text using its output function, something like:
INSERT INTO data_files (SELECT distinct othercols,box3dout(box3dcol) FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files);
Edit The next step is: cast it back to box3d:
INSERT INTO data_files SELECT othercols, box3din(b) FROM (SELECT distinct othercols,box3dout(box3dcol) AS b FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files);
(I don't have box3d on my system so it's untested.)

The datatype box3d doesn't have an operator for the DISTINCT-operation. You have to create the operator, or ask the PostGIS-project, maybe somebody has already fixed this problem.

Finally, this was solved by a colleague.
Let's see how many dups are there:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files ;
(1 row)
Now, we shall add another column to the source table to help us differentiate similar rows:
ALTER TABLE _sample_table_delme_data_files ADD COLUMN id2 serial;
We can now see the dups:
SELECT id, id2 FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files ORDER BY id LIMIT 10;
id | id2
198748 | 6449
198748 | 85
198801 | 166
198801 | 6530
198829 | 87
198829 | 6451
198926 | 88
198926 | 6452
199062 | 6532
199062 | 168
(10 rows)
And remove them:
DELETE FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files
WHERE id2 IN (SELECT max(id2) FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files
Let's see it worked:
SELECT id FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*)>1;
(0 rows)
Remove the auxiliary column:
ALTER TABLE _sample_table_delme_data_files DROP COLUMN id2;
Insert the remaining rows into the destination table:
INSERT INTO data_files (SELECT * FROM _sample_table_delme_data_files);
INSERT 0 6364


delete duplicates in a table and update references

I have a table with id, we now added a new field where we calculated uniques from an external source, which made us realize we actually have duplicates in the database:
Main Table
id | unique_id | ...
4 | A |
5 | A
6 | B
We can see: 5 is actually a duplicate of 4, as they both have the same unique_id.
Now this needs to be cleaned up.
I sadly can not simply delete those duplicates (5), as other tables depend on it:
Other Table (OtherTable.main_id REFERENCES
id | main_id | ...
1 | 4 | Blah
2 | 5
3 | 6
Now I have to clean up the duplicates, here
UPDATE OtherTable SET main_id = 5 WHERE main_id=4
How can I do that in an efficient update?
I tried to simply update every reference to the first one with that same unique_id, however that didn't complete in a day.
UPDATE "OtherTable" SET "main_id" = (SELECT "id" FROM "MainTable" WHERE "unique_id" = (SELECT "unique_id" FROM "MainTable" WHERE "id" == "OtherTable"."main_id") LIMIT 1)
If it helps, the MainTable contains about 750,000 entries, the OtherTable contains 12,000,000 rows.
Probably that's because those tripple select one is quite inefficient.
For the simple part of deletion the duplicates (after I would be done with changing the references to the first one of it's kind) I found this query to work swiftly enough:
ORDER BY id ) AS row_num
FROM MainTable ) t
WHERE t.row_num > 1 );
However I need a way to update the references to the non-deleted ones of the duplicates.
Instead of UPDATE with a nested query, I'd suggest using UPDATE FROM for a join, and the same window function as in your DELETE statement:
UPDATE "OtherTable" AS other
SET main_id = main.min_id
first_value(id) OVER (PARTITION BY unique_id ORDER BY id) AS min_id
FROM "MainTable"
) AS main
WHERE = other.main_id
AND <> main.min_id

How to remove bulk rows of duplicated chars from string in Postgres or SQLAlchemy?

I have a table with a column named "ids" , type of String. Could someone tell me how to remove the duplicated values in each of the rows?
Example, table is:
primary_key | ids
1 | {23,40,23}
2 | {78,40,13,78}
3 | {20,13,20}
4 | {7,2,7}
and I want to update it into:
primary_key | ids
1 | {23,40}
2 | {78,40,13}
3 | {20,13}
4 | {7,2}
In postgres I wrote:
UPDATE table_name
(SELECT ids FROM table_name)::text[]))
In sqlalchemy I wrote:
update({table_name.ids: func.unnest(table_name.ids,String).alias('data_view')},
None of these are working, so please help me, thanks in advance!
I think you could improve the design by storing these ids in another table one id per row with a foreign key referencing table_name.primary_key.
Also storing Array data as text strings seems strange.
Anyway, here is one way to do it: I wrapped the set returned by UNNEST with an inner subselect to be able to apply the aggregate_function needed to concatenate the strings again.
UPDATE table_name
SET ids = new_ids
SELECT primary_key, array_agg(elem)::text AS new_ids
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT primary_key, UNNEST(ids::text[]) as elem
FROM table_name ) t_inner
GROUP by primary_key )t_sub
WHERE t_sub.primary_key = table_name.primary_key

Need an efficient select query

I would like to know an efficient to way to fetch the data in the following case.
There are two tables say Table1 and Table2 having two common field say contry and pincode and other table "Table3" having key fields of first two tables (DNO, MPNO).
Here is the little glitch, In table3 data, if it is having DNO it wont have MPNO
So when in the selection screen(Pic no2) if the use enter any thing, result should be as follows
00001 | 10011 | novalue | IN | 4444
00002 | Novalue | 1200 | IN | 5555
00003 | 300 | novalue | US | 9999
( as you can observe if DNO present no MPNO , vice versa )
Please have a look at the pictures for a clear picture :-)
Table Relation:
Selection screen with select options:
The code shouldn't be long.
Select queries:
Select * from table3 into it_table3.
Select * from table1 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_table3 INTO it_table1
WHERE dno = table3-dno.
Select * from table2 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_table3 INTO it_table2
WHERE mpno = table3-mpno.
Loop at internal table 3 and build final table.
LOOP at it_table3 into wa_table3.
IF wa_table3-dno IS NOT INITIAL.
READ it_table1 where dno = wa_table3-dno.
READ it_table2 where mpno = wa_table3-mpno.
Hope this was the answer you were hoping to find!
Building of efficient select will require information about obligatory fields in your selection screen, as well as about alleged production size of all 3 tables. However, without this information let's assume that table1 and table2 are reference tables and table3 is a transaction table, as onr can assume from their structure. It would be sensible to build selection in a following way:
Selecting data from reference tables. As you said fields DNO/MPNO are mutually exclusive then there will be no hits of country/pincode pair in both reference tables, so JOIN is useless here. However we can merge 2 result sets in single itab without any constraints' violations.
TYPES: BEGIN OF tt_result,
dno TYPE table1-dno,
mpno TYPE table2-mpno,
country TYPE table1-country,
pincode TYPE table1-pincode,
...other field from table3
END OF tt_result.
DATA: itab_result TYPE tt_result.
FROM table1
WHERE pincode IN so_pincode
AND country IN so_country.
FROM table2
WHERE pincode IN so_pincode
AND country IN so_country.
FOR ALL ENTRIES addition allows specifying the same table in FOR ALL ENTRIES clause and in INTO clause, so we can fill our result table with absent table3 data by DNO/MPNO key.
FROM table3
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN itab_result
ON itab_result~dno = itab3~dno
AND itab_result_mpno = itab3~mpno.

How to split a string in a smart way?

Function string_to_array splits strings without grouping substrings in apostrophes:
# select unnest(string_to_array('one, "two,three"', ','));
(3 rows)
I would like to have a smarter function, like this:
# select unnest(smarter_string_to_array('one, "two,three"', ','));
(2 rows)
I know that COPY command does it in a proper way, but I need this feature internally.
I want to parse a text representation of rows of existing table. Example:
# select * from dataset limit 2;
id | name | state
1 | Smith, Reginald | Canada
2 | Jones, Susan |
(2 rows)
# select dataset::text from dataset limit 2;
(1,"Smith, Reginald",Canada)
(2,"Jones, Susan","")
(2 rows)
I want to do it dynamically in a plpgsql function for different tables. I cannot assume constant number of columns of a table nor a format of columns values.
There is a nice method to transpose a whole table into a one-column table:
select (json_each_text(row_to_json(t))).value from dataset t;
If the column id is unique then
select id, array_agg(value) arr from (
select row_number() over() rn, id, value from (
select id, (json_each_text(row_to_json(t))).value from dataset t
) alias
order by id, rn
) alias
group by id;
gives you exactly what you want. Additional query with row_number() is necessary to keep original order of columns.

SQL Server 2008 De-duping

Long story short, I took over a project and a table in the database is in serious need of de-duping. The table looks like this:
supply_req_id | int | [primary key]
supply_req_dt | datetime |
request_id | int | [foreign key]
supply_id | int | [foreign key]
is_disabled | bit |
The duplication is exists with records having the same request_id and supply_id. I'd like to find a best practice way to de-dupe this table.
#Kirk_Broadhurst, thanks for the question. Since supply_req_id is not referenced anywhere else, I would answer by saying keep the first, delete any subsequent occurances.
Happy Holidays
This creates a rank for each row in the (supply_req_dt, request_id) grouping, starting with 1 = lowest supply_req_id. Any dupe has a value > 1
;WITH cDupes AS
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY supply_req_dt, request_id ORDER BY supply_req_id) AS RowNum
RowNum > 1
Then add a unique constraint or INDEX
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IXU_NoDupes ON MyTable (supply_req_dt, request_id)
Seems like there should be a command for this, but maybe that's because I'm used to a different database server. Here's the relevant support doc:
How to remove duplicate rows from a table in SQL Server
You need to clarify your rule for determining which record to keep in the case of a 'match' - the most recent, the earliest, the one that has is_disabled true, or false?
Once you've identified that rule, the rest is fairly simple:
select the records you want to keep - the distinct records
join back to the original table to get the ids for those records.
delete everthing where not in the joined dataset.
So let's say you want to keep the most recent records of any 'duplicate' pair. Your query would look like this:
DELETE FROM [table] WHERE supply_req_id NOT IN
(SELECT supply_req_id from [table] t
(SELECT MAX(supply_req_dt) dt, request_id, supply_id
FROM [table]
GROUP BY request_id, supply_id) d
ON t.supply_req_dt = d.dt
AND t.request_id = d.request_id
AND t.supply_id = d.supply_id)
The catch is that if the supply_req_dt is also duplicated, then you'll be keeping both of the duplicates. The fix is to do another group by and select the top id
select MAX(supply_req_id), supply_req_dt, request_id, supply_id
group by supply_req_dt, request_id, supply_id
as an interim step. But if you don't need to do that, don't bother with it.