Declarative authorization and mongoid - mongodb

I want to implement declarative authorization with mongoid. But cannot succeeded. It seems like declarative authorization works with ActiveRecord Only. Can I let it work with MOngoid and MongoDB? Any Ideas.

Declarative Authorization is a conceptual model for explaining who has access to data. It's also a ruby plugin that implements this conceptual model.
The plugin probably doesn't apply to MongoDB directly. So you'll need an ActiveRecord provider form Mongo. There is one here. Then you can use the Declarative Authorization plugin with the ActiveRecord provider.

I had found a fork that could integrate declarative authorization and mongoid. Here is it:


Performance and caching: AEM QueryBuilder API vs AEM GraphQL API?

Can someone brief me and help me decide which one to go with between AEM QueryBuilder Vs AEM GraphQL API?
I see that you have option of persistent queries in GraphQL do we have any caching options in QueryBuilder? How can we leverage it to the fullest?
Would using QueryBuilder against GraphQL mean drop in performance or it should be fine to use the same?
In which cases would one suit better over other can you have a brief about it? I know that when you have sorting, pagination, etc operations you can't use GraphQL but what about all the other scenarios, would I have issues in performance or any advantage like caching over QueryBuilder if I use GQL or it would almost be the same?

How to use a RESTful API as ORM in CakePHP 3?

In CakePHP 1.x/2.x, it was fairly simple to have a model's data come from a REST API (as opposed to a relational database), by defining a custom datasource. (Neil Crookes' CakePHP-ReST-DataSource-Plugin was a great place to start.) Slap your custom datasource on your model, and you're making calls like $this->MyModel->find() just like you were querying a MySQL table called my_models.
I'm trying to figure out how to achieve this same effect under CakePHP 3.0. That is, make find()/save()/set()/get() calls against a Table/Entity driven by a REST API.
Since 3.0's ORM system is A) fairly new, and B) a rather large departure from the old way of doing things, I haven't found any information about how to do something like this. In fact, based on this SlideShare from
José Lorenzo Rodríguez, it sounds like it might not be possible.
This means:
not going to connect to stuff that is not a relational database.
Is there someone more familiar with CakePHP 3.0 that could clarify if what I'm looking for is possible under the new ORM system? If so, could you explain what classes you'd have to extend or implement to achieve such a function?
If you want to create a complete adapter for your Rest datasource using the interfaces and classes provided by CakePHP, take a look at this early experiment fro the CakePHP team on making a datasource for Elastic Search.
Elastic Search uses a Rest API and this plugin attempts to create classes that work similar to the CakePHP ORM:
What it implements is basically the following:
A Type class that implements the RepositoryInterface
A Document class that implements the EntityInterface
A Query class that can be used as a collection object and has similar methods
In the near future it will provide a paginator adaptor and a form helper adaptor.
If you want to save yourself this trouble, because there for you there is little value in exposing your datasource as something ORM-like, you can just use guzzle or any similar library to interface with your API and use it as a service instead of a full-blown layer.
In the year since I asked this question, UseMuffin has built a Webservice plugin that purports to "bring [...] the power of the CakePHP ORM to your favourite webservices." This sounds like exactly what I wanted at the time.

RESTful Webservices - Basic Auth in Spring MVC 3.x

We are developing RESTful webservices using Spring MVC 3.x. I am wondering what is the best way to implement Basic Auth. Note that we do not want to use Spring Security. We just want to use regular Basic Auth.
Each request should be authenticated. No state maintained. Its regular u/p authentication and the credentials are validated against the database.
I was thinking of using Interceptors. So every request to the server will first go through the interceptor. Is this the best practice?
I am not sure about filters. Is this same as interceptors?
Any other better way to implement this? What is industry standard for this implementation?
What are the use cases for interceptors / filters, if these two are different?
Thanks much!

Authorization and Authentication using Jersey and Spring

I'm writing a RESTfull service using jersey and Spring 3 (including spring-security), and trying to figure out how to implement authentication and authorization.
I'm new both to jersey and to Spring so it's all a bit confusing...
Users and their roles are defined in DB. (and not defined in the web.xml or in tomcat-users)
Here are my thoughts about the Authorization part:
Since my service shouldn't necessarily serve web-apps, the authorization should be done on the REST resources (and not on pages) - how do i do this? i saw there's #RolesAllowed annotation but it seems too simple, i need more logic. i think i have to somehow activate spring security from there to use the authorization capabilities they offer.
Any suggestions as to how to do this?
For the Authentication part it seems i should use spring security's AuthenticationManager, and SessionManagement but i'm not sure how to connect it to the REST API:
1. how the API that gets the authentication request should look like?
2. if Spring handles my sessions, how can i add the authorization on my REST resources?
I'd really appreciate if you could help me clear up things...
Sorry, but if you're at that early stage with your Spring Security know-how I must suggest you work through the excellent tutorial first. I'm sure your questions will be answered automatically and you'll learn a lot of valuable stuff along the way.

Ember.js & REST API

From all the various examples of Ember.js, I have not been able to figure out if there is a default method in Ember.js to do REST AJAX calls. Many examples build their own interfaces for CRUD operations. I even tried to sift through the code to find any reference to AJAX calls but came up with nothing.
So, my question is, is there a default implementation of REST API in Ember.js. If yes, how do I use it? Also if, for a specific application, I want to build custom CRUD methods, where do I plug these into Ember.js?
It seems that Ember Data is what you are looking for. It is part of emberjs organiztion in GitHub.
[2014-02-18: Deprecated - I no longer support ember-rest because it is overly simplistic, and would recommend using ember-data for most ember projects. Check out the Ember guides for an overview of ember-data as well as this example project ]
While learning Ember, I decided to create a very simple Ember REST library. I also wrote an example Rails CRUD app.
My goals were to keep this project as simple as possible, while still including error handling and validation. Ember REST is certainly much leaner than Ember Data and Ember Resource, and I hope you'll find the code well commented and accessible.
There is a Ember Resource library aiming REST JSON interfaces. It provides Ember.Resource class with save(), fetch() and destroy() operations that could be easily overriden. Looks like it should be more mature than Ember Data for now.
Ember.js can work nicely with Ember Data. That said, there is a specific format of REST to follow. When followed, you can streamline the process of connecting API with Ember and have so much less work.
In case you use custom REST, the place to adjust is:
adapter - to inform from where you like to get data
serializer - how data should be adjusted for custom REST API