edit security settings of a .exe from cmd prompt - command-line

Ok so I use Avira Antivir (do not comment if you are just going to tell me to get something else) I have the free version and i change the security settings of avnotify.exe, like many people who use the program, so i dont see the nag screen everytime it updates. But it seems they have been updating avnotify.exe when updates run too. so is there any way i could make a .bat file that changes the security settings so i could deny it read & execute ability?
I need to know what (if they exist) the code to access the properties of a .exe from the command line would be
Thank You in advance

Take a look at icacls.


Convenient codesigning in VS Code

like so many others, I try to migrate from ISE with ISESteroids to VSCODE.
I managed, to create a task for my codesigning. Via macros, I was able to make a Keybinding to save the current file and sign it with a key combination.
However, I miss my ISESteroids that did this automatically.
Our Executionpolicy is Allsigned, so I can not debug without signing the file first.
Is there any convenient way to automatically save and sign the file, when I start debugging?
Thanks for the Reply.
Unfortunately, in our Setup the possibility to bypass the execution Policy is diasbled. I allready tried that and a lot of other things.
Is there a way, to automatically trigger the task e.g. when i strat the debugger or when the file is saved? That would help a lot in terms of Convenience.

Delete Built-in Administrator

Back story real quick: some reason some servers have 2 local admin account... no idea, I took over the job and cleaning everything up.
I need to go through 600-ish (or more) servers to delete the extra account.
PowerShell is great but can't work this out. How can I modify and read this location in PowerShell?
I can read up to here: HKLM:\SAM, and cannot see HKLM:\SAM\SAM... ?
How can I get PowerShell to edit permissions and read this location?
Once I can see this location I will work out how to delete it remove-item-somethingsomething
Thanks all :)

Why does Filezilla only SOMETIMES prompt to overwrite files when transferring when transferring files of the same name?

I have noticed that only SOMETIMES when transferring a file of the same name that FileZilla prompts you to answer "do you want to overwrite?".
This might be weird, but this distracts my flow when expecting to have to overwrite but then doesn't ask me. May you provide an explanation for this?
You can use the settings of FileZilla to change its behaviour.
see http://www.siteground.com/tutorials/filezilla/filezilla_functions.htm chapter "Settings".
Use the Settings menu entry and the "Transfers" section. There you can define if every sent file will be automatically replaced or not with many more options.

prevent user del files in ipython-notebook environment

I want to build ipython-notebook playground environment for colleagues, but it seems can't prevent one people delete another one's file in ipython-notebook. Like,
!rm <aaa's file>
Could I have some way to prevent this to happen?
EDIT: and it also can rm other files...even at other place...
Should I add a new user for ipython-notebook if I want to open it to others?
There's a way to give people read-only access to the notebook, but if you want them to run code, they can do anything that the OS allows them to. So yes, you need to use OS-level security mechanisms, like user accounts or virtual machines.

Perforce auto sync

I work in a large evolving code base and use perforce to manage it. The problem is that I need to update it everyday and it takes a long time to do it. I am looking for ways to automate this process.
I first thought of writing an script and make it a scheduled task. I could not do it since running "p4 sync" gives me "p4 protect" related error. I don't have, and will not get, admin rights to server so I can't add myself to the protect table.
Since I can sync through P4V - perforce UI- I guess there should be a way to achieve this through custom tools or something similar.
Can you guys please provide pointers on how to approach this problem or if there is already a solution for it.
If 'p4 sync' gets a protect error in your script, but not when you use P4V, you most likely have the wrong environment in your script. P4PORT, P4USER, and P4CLIENT need to have the exact same settings in our script as they do in your P4V connection.