Retrieving data from a has_many relationship in DBIx::Class - perl

Given a simple case of two tables - Term and Definition - where Term has_many Definitions and Definition belongs_to Term, all terms and the corresponding definitions are to be fetched and displayed somehow.
Here is what I've come up with so far:
my $terms= $schema->resultset('Term')->search(undef, {
prefetch => 'definitions',
while (my $term = $terms->next) {
my #terms;
push #terms, $term->term;
my $definitions = $term->definitions;
my #definitions;
while (my $definition = $definitions->next) {
push #definitions, $definitions;
It does the job but I was wondering if a different, less crufty approach could be taken.

my $terms= $schema->resultset('Term')->search(undef, {
prefetch => 'definitions',
my #terms = $terms->all;
my #definitions = map $_->definitions->all, #terms;
This looks like what you are trying to do; I can't really tell. The fact that you make a new array, push onto it, and then let it go out of scope doesn't really make any sense at all. Anyway, if I understand you correctly all you wanted was the all method from DBIx::Class::ResultSet.

DBIx::Class::Manual::Joining should help. See, for example, Whole related objects.


How to look for a node by id in the Perl module?

I'm trying to use the module but all the examples I saw are keeping simple basic scalars as nodes. I'm trying to keep instances of three different classes as nodes in that graph. Consider:
sub new {
my ($class,$node_name) = #_;
my $self = {
"name" => $node_name,
# More fields
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
Now I can do something like:
$g->add_vertex(new DNode("/"));
where DNode is the constructor of one of the three classes. But how can I can look for that node? For example, I have:
$g->add_vertex(new DNode("/"));
$g->add_vertex(new DNode("/a"));
$g->add_vertex(new DNode("/a/b"));
my $node = $g->get_vertex("/a/b");
There is no get_vertex. I thought that add_vertex_by_id can be helpful here:
$g->add_vertex_by_id(new DNode("/"),"/");
$g->add_vertex_by_id(new DNode("/a"),"/a");
$g->add_vertex_by_id(new DNode("/a/b"),"/a/b");
But there is no get_vertex_by_id method. How can I do the lookup?
It's not 100% clear what you're really trying to achieve. I can try to explain the things you did ask about (I'm the module's current maintainer).
The Graph module is about things, and connections between things. The usual approach, which I think will work for you here, is to identify "things" (vertices) by string names, such as "/" or "/a", and set an attribute (e.g. object) as the Perl object. You can instead have the vertices identified by actual Perl objects, using refvertexed.
Once you've added a vertex, like this:
$g = Graph->new;
$g->set_vertex_attribute('/a', object => $node_class->new('/a')); # no need to separately add vertex
You can look it up:
$bool = $g->has_vertex('/a');
$obj = $g->get_vertex_attribute('/a', 'object'); # safely returns undef if no such vertex, or attribute not set
The by_id methods are part of Multiedges, Multivertices, Multigraphs, where you'd have several (or "multi") "aspects" of the same vertex, each identified by an ID. I don't think that's what you want here.
If this doesn't solve your problem, you'd need to explain your problem more/better :-)

Where to place a dispatch table in MVC?

A dispatch table (or dispatch method) is both a table (model) and a router/controller.
Imagine a tabbed navigation where there may be 30 tabs for various end users. Each tab is essentially a page that has its own controller and views. In my case, a dispatch table contains keys for the tabs and then data for each tab (path, displayName, visibility, etc).
my $tabs = {
Home => {
action => \&HomeController::dashboard,
displayName => ‘Home’,
About => {
action => \&AboutController::info,
displayName => ‘About Us’,
Initially I had a TabController and TabView. Inside the controller was a dispatch table; however it didn’t seem to fall in accordance with MVC. It seemed fine when there was only 3 tabs, but different when it grew, especially as it required security trimming or filtering the views.
It made sense to move it to the model since it was being treated more as a data table. However, because it’s Perl (and a dispatch table) all the corresponding packages must also be loaded. So this TabModel is loading many controllers (and in some cases views). I don’t particularly like to load/reference any controllers in the model, so loading multi feels even worse.
Is there a best practice or example for this scenario?
In an attempt to provide something a little more tangible. I'm going to attempt to frame this around a makeshift web application. This is only a conceptual example, not fully-working and missing a lot; but hopefully should add a little more description and context. It has the following, directory structure: -- entrance
I won't break out, but it essentially parses parameters and directs to the DashboardController::dashboard.
package Controllers::Dashboard;
sub dashboard{
my $users = Models::Users::get_all(); # Users Model
my $tabs = Models::Tabs::get_permitted( # Tabs Model
print Views::Page::render($users,$tabs); # Page View
package Controllers::About;
sub info {
# No models necessary
print Views::About::render();
package Models::Tabs;
use Controllers::Home;
use Controllers::About;
sub get_all {
my $tabs = {
Home => {
action => \&Controllers::Dashboard::dashboard,
displayName => ‘Home’,
About => {
action => \&Controllers::About::info,
displayName => ‘About Us’,
return $tabs;
sub get_permitted {
my $user_permissions = shift;
my $tabs = get_all();
if (defined $user_permissions){
foreach my $tab (keys %$tabs){
delete $tabs->{$tab} unless $user_permissions->{"can_access_$tab"};
package Views::Dashboard;
sub render {
my ($users,$tabs) = #_;
my $html_tabs = '<ul>';
foreach my $tab (values %$tabs){
$html_tabs .= "$tab->{displayName}";
$html_tabs .= '</ul>;
my $html = <<"END";
<!-- dashboard content -->
return $html;
ancient question, but it popped up in the feed today
I think there's something wonky in the way you've categorized things. Models are typically sources of data and don't really care what you do with them or how you display them. However, you've pushed some of the view (presentation) into the model. To me, that looks like it should be part of some view.
And, because a dispatch table is a table doesn't mean it's a source of data. It's a particular technique to solve a problem that's not related to the particular data or the particular view. If you did the same task without the dispatch table, you wouldn't suddenly move that responsibility into another part of MVC.

Creating a hash that is read-only outside of a module, but read/write inside

I am creating a module that has some fairly heavily nested hashes. The hash needs to be semi-regularly modified by the module, which unfortunately rules out using Map.
Generally, a branch of the nested hash will be returned to users of the module [1], and the simplest thing to do is to just return that nested hash, e.g.:
return %data{$branch}{$subbranch}
# ↪︎ %(subsubbranch1 => ... , subsubbranch2 => ... )
However, the nature of containers like arrays or hashes is that while you can make them read-only, the key/values can still be modified. The module users though should not actually modify those values for a number of reasons. Coercing to Map won't help, because if any of the values are also containers, they too will be modifiable.
My first thought was to subclass Hash (or otherwise make a custom Associative), but autovivification by default still goes to Hash. That, however, can be easily solved by overriding both AT-KEY and ASSIGN-KEY so that the AT-KEY returns an instance of the subclass if the key doesn't already exist:
class ProtectedHash is Hash {
has %!hash = ();
method EXISTS-KEY ($key) { %!hash{$key}:exists }
method ASSIGN-KEY ($key, \value) { %!hash{$key} = value }
method AT-KEY ($key) {
%!hash{$key} := unless %!hash{$key}:exists;
What I'd like to do is to fail if the ASSIGN-KEY (or the autovivification part of AT-KEY) is called from outside my module. I thought about using something like $?MODULE but that would be set at compile time and always be true. It looks like I can shimmy off of Backtrace a bit and check for the name of the file that called, but how consistent can I assume the call trace to those two functions?
For example, for ASSIGN-KEY I've got:
method ASSIGN-KEY ($key, \value) {
my #trace =[3..*];
# The first three can be ignored:
# 0: code at ...Backtrace.pm6
# 1: method new at ...Backtrace.pm6
# 2: method AT-KEY at ...ThisFile.pm6
if/unless ??? {
%!hash{$key} = value
AT-KEY is normally called by the sub postcircumfix<{ }> (in which case #trace[0] can be ignored, and trace[1] would be the one of interest) but could also be, albeit rarely, called directly, in which case trace[0] is where I'd want to verify the file name.
Are there any other common ways in which AT-KEY or ASSIGN-KEY might be called? Or should check those two steps account for 99.9% of calls to those methods? [2]
[1] There are only a few subx4 branches that a user might want to manipulate, and so I figure it's best to provide them with the necessarily-slower .Hash method for when they really need it than to assume they always need a manipulable container. At times these may be called enough (particularly via a get-branch($foo){$subbranch}{$subsubbranch} pattern), that the addition overhead in creating a deepclone of the Hash becomes decently consequential.
[2] I'm not too concerned about preventing ANY access (although I'm certainly curious if that's possible purely via subclassing), because I'm sure that a fairly industrious coder could always figure something out, but I'd like to catch the most common ones as a way of saying "Can't touch this!" (cue the 90's music…) and provide an Awesome error message.
It's probably easier to achieve this by returning something wrapping the original Array or Hash, or alternatively using but to do a shallow copy and mix in to it (which means you retain the original type).
We can declare a role like this:
role Can'tTouchThis {
method AT-KEY(|) {
untouchable callsame
method ASSIGN-KEY(|) {
die "Cannot assign to this";
method AT-POS(|) {
untouchable callsame
method ASSIGN-POS(|) {
die "Cannot assign to this";
Where the sub untouchable is defined as:
multi untouchable(Positional \p) {
p but Can'tTouchThis
multi untouchable(Associative \a) {
a but Can'tTouchThis
multi untouchable(\o) {
Thus handling nested data structures by - on access - creating a read-only facade to those too.
Here's an example and some test cases to illustrate the effect:
class Example {
has %!foo = a => [ 1, 2, [ 3, 4] ], b => { c => { d => 42, e => 19 }, f => 100 };
method get($sym) {
untouchable %!foo{$sym}
given {
use Test;
# Positional cases
is .get('a')[0], 1;
is .get('a')[2][1], 4;
dies-ok { .get('a')[1] = 42 };
is .get('a')[1], 2;
# Associative cases
is .get('b')<c><d>, 42;
dies-ok { .get('b')<f> = 99 };
dies-ok { .get('b')<c><d> = 99 };
is .get('b')<f>, 100;
is .get('b')<c><d>, 42;
# Auto-viv also doesn't work
dies-ok { .get('a')[4]<a> = 99 };
dies-ok { .get('a')[4][0] = 99 };
Remove the untouchable call in the get method to see the majority of the tests here fail due to lack of protection.
The solution I ultimately employed served my needs, and I'm posting it here for those who may encounter similar situations. (The answer with role mixing unfortunately doesn't survive binding)
My ultimate approach was to worry the most about unintended editing. To protect against this, I created an Associative-type class called DB-Item that internally has a hash. The AT-KEY method returns the item from the hash if it exists, but ASSIGN-KEY and BIND-KEY simply immediately fail with an appropriate error message. The only other method is ADD-TO-DATABASE. That method handles adds leafs/branches depending on what it's passed (and in general end users should be wary of using all caps methods directly). Since branches can be of different lengths, this also greatly simplifies the initial DB creation:
class DB-Item does Associative {
has %!hash = ();
my $epitaph = "Modification of the database is not a good idea:\n" ~
" - Use .clone if you want to get a editable branch.\n" ~
" - If you really know what you're doing, use .ADD-TO-DATABASE";
method ADD-TO-DATABASE (*#branch) {
if #branch == 2 {
%!hash{#branch.head} = #branch.tail
%!hash{#branch.head} =;
method ASSIGN-KEY(|) is hidden-from-backtrace { die $epitaph }
method BIND-KEY(|) is hidden-from-backtrace { die $epitaph }
method EXISTS-KEY($key) { %!hash{$key}:exists }
method AT-KEY($key) { %!hash{$key}:exists ?? %!hash{$key} !! Nil }
method clone { ... }

Perl OOP attribute manipulation best practice

Assume the following code:
package Thing;
sub new {
my $this=shift;
bless {#_},$this;
sub name {
my $this=shift;
if (#_) {
return $this->{_name};
Now assume we've instantiated an object thusly:
my $o=Thing->new();
Good enough. We could also instantiate the same thing more quickly with either of the following:
my $o=Thing->new(_name=>'Harold'); # poor form
my $o=Thing->new()->name('Harold');
To be sure, I allowed attributes to be passed in the constructor to allow "friendly" classes to create objects more completely. It could also allow for a clone-type operator with the following code:
my $o=Thing->new(%$otherthing); # will clone attrs if not deeper than 1 level
This is all well and good. I understand the need for hiding attributes behind methods to allow for validation, etc.
$o->name; # returns 'Harold'
$o->name('Fred'); # sets name to 'Fred' and returns 'Fred'
But what this doesn't allow is easy manipulation of the attribute based on itself, such as:
$o->{_name}=~s/old/ry/; # name is now 'Harry', but this "exposes" the attribute
One alternative is to do the following:
# Cumbersome, not syntactically sweet
my $n=$o->name;
Another potential is the following method:
sub Name :lvalue { # note the capital 'N', not the same as name
my $this=shift;
return $this->{_name};
Now I can do the following:
So my question is this... is the above "kosher"? Or is it bad form to expose the attribute that way? I mean, doing that takes away any validation that might be found in the 'name' method. For example, if the 'name' method enforced a capital first letter and lowercase letters thereafter, the 'Name' (capital 'N') bypasses that and forces the user of the class to police herself in the use of it.
So, if the 'Name' lvalue method isn't exactly "kosher" are there any established ways to do such things?
I have considered (but get dizzy considering) things like tied scalars as attributes. To be sure, it may be the way to go.
Also, are there perhaps overloads that may help?
Or should I create replacement methods in the vein of (if it would even work):
sub replace_name {
my $this=shift;
my $repl=shift;
my $new=shift;
Thanks in advance... and note, I am not very experienced in Perl's brand of OOP, even though I am fairly well-versed in OOP itself.
Additional info:
I guess I could get really creative with my interface... here's an idea I tinkered with, but I guess it shows that there really are no bounds:
sub name {
my $this=shift;
if (#_) {
my $first=shift;
if (ref($first) eq 'Regexp') {
my $second=shift;
else {
return $this->{_name};
Now, I can either set the name attribute with
or I can manipulate it with
$o->name(qr/old/,'ry'); # name is now Harry
This still doesn't allow stuff like $o->name.=' Jr.'; but that's not too tough to add. Heck, I could allow calllback functions to be passed in, couldn't I?
Your first code example is abolutely fine. This is a standard method to write accessors. Of course this can get ugly when doing a substitution, the best solution might be:
$o->name($o->name =~ s/old/ry/r);
The /r flag returns the result of the substitution. Equivalently:
$o->name(do { (my $t = $o->name) =~ s/old/ry/; $t });
Well yes, this 2nd solution is admittedly ugly. But I am assuming that accessing the fields is a more common operation than setting them.
Depending on your personal style preferences, you could have two different methods for getting and setting, e.g. name and set_name. (I do not think get_ prefixes are a good idea – 4 unneccessary characters).
If substituting parts of the name is a central aspect of your class, then encapsulating this in a special substitute_name method sounds like a good idea. Otherwise this is just unneccessary ballast, and a bad tradeoff for avoiding occasional syntactic pain.
I do not advise you to use lvalue methods, as these are experimental.
I would rather not see (and debug) some “clever” code that returns tied scalars. This would work, but feels a bit too fragile for me to be comfortable with such solutions.
Operator overloading does not help with writing accessors. Especially assignment cannot be overloaded in Perl.
Writing accessors is boring, especially when they do no validation. There are modules that can handle autogeneration for us, e.g. Class::Accessor. This adds generic accessors get and set to your class, plus specific accessors as requested. E.g.
package Thing;
use Class::Accessor 'antlers'; # use the Moose-ish syntax
has name => (is => 'rw'); # declare a read-write attribute
# new is autogenerated. Achtung: this takes a hashref
Thing->new({ name => 'Harold'});
# or
# or any of the other permutations.
If you want a modern object system for Perl, there is a row of compatible implementations. The most feature-rich of these is Moose, and allows you to add validation, type constraints, default values, etc. to your attributes. E.g.
package Thing;
use Moose; # this is now a Moose class
has first_name => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1, # must be given in constructor
trigger => \&_update_name, # run this sub after attribute is set
has last_name => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1, # must be given in constructor
trigger => \&_update_name,
has name => (
is => 'ro', # readonly
writer => '_set_name', # but private setter
sub _update_name {
my $self = shift;
$self->_set_name(join ' ', $self->first_name, $self->last_name);
# accessors are normal Moose methods, which we can modify
before first_name => sub {
my $self = shift;
if (#_ and $_[0] !~ /^\pU/) {
Carp::croak "First name must begin with uppercase letter";
The purpose of class interface is to prevent users from directly manipulating your data. What you want to do is cool, but not a good idea.
In fact, I design my classes, so even the class itself doesn't know it's own structure:
package Thingy;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $self = {};
bless, $self, $class;
return $self;
sub name {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $attribute = "GLUNKENSPEC";
if ( defined $name ) {
$self->{$attribute} = $name;
return $self->{$attribute};
You can see by my new constructor that I could pass it a name for my Thingy. However, my constructor doesn't know how I store my name. Instead, it merely uses my name method to set the name. As you can see by my name method, it stores the name in an unusual way, but my constructor doesn't need to know or care.
If you want to manipulate the name, you have to work at it (as you showed):
my $name = $thingy->name;
$name =~ s/old/ry/;
$thingy->name( $name );
In fact, a lot of Perl developers use inside out classes just to prevent this direct object manipulation.
What if you want to be able to directly manipulate a class by passing in a regular expression? You have to write a method to do this:
sub mod_name {
my $self = shift;
my $pattern = shift;
my $replacement = shift;
if ( not defined $replacement ) {
croak qq(Some basic error checking: Need pattern and replacement string);
my $name = $self->name; # Using my name method for my class
if ( not defined $name ) {
croak qq(Cannot modify name: Name is not yet set.);
$name = s/$pattern/$replacement/;
return $self->name($name);
Now, the developer can do this:
my $thingy->new( "Harold" );
$thingy->mod_name( "old", "new" );
say $thingy->name; # Says "Harry"
Whatever time or effort you save by allowing for direct object manipulation is offset by the magnitude of extra effort it will take to maintain your program. Most methods don't take more than a few minutes to create. If I suddenly got an hankering to manipulate my object in a new and surprising way, it's easy enough to create a new method to do this.
1. No. I don't actually use random nonsense words to protect my class. This is purely for demo purposes to show that even my constructor doesn't have to know how methods actually store their data.
I understand the need for hiding attributes behind methods to allow for validation, etc.
Validation is not the only reason, although it is the only one you refer to. I mention this because another is that encapsulation like this leaves the implementation open. For example, if you have a class which needs to have a string "name" which can be get and set, you could just expose a member, name. However, if you instead use get()/set() subroutines, how "name" is stored and represented internally doesn't matter.
That can be very significant if you write bunches of code with uses the class and then suddenly realize that although the user may be accessing "name" as a string, it would be much better stored some other way (for whatever reason). If the user was accessing the string directly, as a member field, you now either have to compensate for this by including code that will change name when the real whatever is changed and...but wait, how can you then compensate for the client code that changed name...
You can't. You're stuck. You now have to go back and change all the code that uses the class -- if you can. I'm sure anyone who has done enough OOP has run into this situation in one form or another.
No doubt you've read all this before, but I'm bringing it up again because there are a few points (perhaps I've misunderstood you) where you seem to outline strategies for changing "name" based on your knowledge of the implementation, and not what was intended to be the API. That is very tempting in perl because of course there is no access control -- everything is essential public -- but it is still a very very bad practice for the reason just described.
That doesn't mean, of course, that you can't simply commit to exposing "name" as a string. That's a decision and it won't be the same in all cases. However, in this particular case, if what you are particularly concerned with is a simple way to transform "name", IMO you might as well stick with a get/set method. This:
# Cumbersome, not syntactically sweet
Maybe true (although someone else might say it is simple and straightforward), but your primary concern should not be syntactic sweetness, and neither should speed of execution. They can be concerns, but your primary concern has to be design, because no matter how sweet and fast your stuff is, if it is badly designed, it will all come down around you in time.
Remember, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil" (Knuth).
So my question is this... is the above "kosher"? Or is it bad form to expose the attribute that way?
It boils down to: Will this continue to work if the internals change? If the answer is yes, you can do many other things including but not limited to validation.)
The answer is yes. This can be done by having the method return a magical value.
package Lvalue;
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; bless({ #_ }, $class) }
sub FETCH { my $self = shift; my $m = $self->{getter}; $self->{obj}->$m(#_) }
sub STORE { my $self = shift; my $m = $self->{setter}; $self->{obj}->$m(#_) }
sub new { my $class = shift; bless({}, $class) }
sub get_name {
my ($self) = #_;
return $self->{_name};
sub set_name {
my ($self, $val) = #_;
die "Invalid name" if !length($val);
$self->{_name} = $val;
sub name :lvalue {
my ($self) = #_;
tie my $rv, 'Lvalue', obj=>$self, getter=>'get_name', setter=>'set_name';
return $rv;
my $o = __PACKAGE__->new();
$o->name = 'abc';
print $o->name, "\n"; # abc
$o->name = ''; # Invalid name

DBIx::Class Wrapping/overloading a column accessor

Using DBIx::Class I am trying to manipulate the data of a column whenever it is being updated or retrieved. For instance, before it goes into the database I would like to encrypt it, and whenever it is being accessed I would like to decrypt it. I am following this example in the DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook, however I can't seem to get it to work. I have placed the following in my User schema. For testing I am just using the name column, I know it doesn't make sense:
__PACKAGE__->add_columns("name" => { accessor => '_name' });
sub name {
my $self = shift;
# If there is an update to the column, we'll let the original accessor
# deal with it.
if(#_) {
return $self->_name('test 1');
# Fetch the column value.
my $name = $self->_name;
$name = 'test 2';
return $name;
I can't see what I'm doing any different than what the cookbook says. Can't anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
DBIx::Class has a component for that called FilterColumn.
There are various modules on CPAN using that component like DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn and PassphraseColumn.
If you tell us what you use case is we might give you more/better suggestions.