iAds Mechanism to show iAds - iphone

i have made a test application that loads apple test ads.
i am wondering how the real time ads will be loaded instead of apple test ads.
What is mechanism for loading the real time iAds. Can anybody help me in the regard.
abdul Samad

As the documentation says, it depends on what kind of certificate was used to sign the app:
Developer build: test ads
Ad hoc: test ads
Distribution: live ads
As Jasarien notes, iAds will go live on 1 July 2010 so right now I suspect you would not get any ads at all.

The real ads will be loaded with the same mechanism that is used to load the test ads.
On July 1st Apple will "switch on" iAds and they will start appearing in place of the test ads.

You use the Developer Certificate and provisioning profile to build the release version of the app, and enable the ads while uploading to iTunes Connect. Then when people download your app off the App Store they will see the real ads, and you will make the real money. Apple says that Ad-Hoc and in-house distribution will only show the test ads.


iAd is Not Showing on device after releasing App

I had an app approved about 8hours ago, during development my iAds were working fine and I was receiving test ads in the simulator and on my iPhone. But I've downloaded the official version and so have a few of my friends and we're not receiving any ads no matter how long the app stays open. In the iAds Network area of iTunes connect it says that my app is receiving live ads.
Can someone please telL me if i've done something wrong and what can i do to fix it.
Currently iAd is supported in some of the countries. Because of this it might be possible you are not able to see the ads.
Supported Countries,
iAd campaigns currently run in the U.S, Canada, Mexico, U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.
As I can see, you enabled the display of advertisements in your app's iTunes Connect page while it was in edit mode. A friend of mine, who is also a developer, said that it can take two weeks before you start seeing the first ads in the official version of your approved app.

iAds still show test ads

I just released an app into the app store with iAds, however the app is still only showing the test ads. But the thing is it says "live" on itunesconnect. What is wrong with my ads?
Do you have a developer preview of iOS 6 on your device? That could always be a potential problem causing you to see iAd test ads.

Splash screen & InApp purchases not working on a live app

I have recently published an App to the App store.
When testing the app everything was fine (in-app purchases, splash screens etc.).
Now that the app is live I have two major problems:
The splash screen (Default.png) is not showing. I have retested it on my development build and it
works fine but in the live app it is not working.
The in-app purchases are not working. I have retested it on my development build in sandbox and they
work fine but in the live app they are not working.
I have read that it is possible for in-app purchases not work for up to 36 hours after release but I have never had a problem where the Default.png file did not show.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is it possible that I am meant to do something specific for the in-app purchases in when the app goes live ?
While verification of transaction receipt check the url that u have used (This may be the case).
For an application which is going live: https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt
For testing purpose: https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt.
Also check if the AppID that you have used while submitting the binary is Enabled for IAP.

cannot see iAds

I have created a new version and released it on the App store...
The new v1.1 has been approved as well..This version has the iAds code installed in it..
While testing, I was able to see "Test Adv"
But for some reasons, when I download my app, I do not see the iAds in the app..
The Ads Status in my iTunes connect says "Live Ads" and even shows a few numbers for some users..
But why do I not get to see the ads ? Is it like if I am the dev, I'll not see any ads?
Please help me. Thank you.
I am guessing because you are paid for views for your iAds, it makes sense that Apple doesn't serve up ads for the developer's iTunes account. The other reason you might not see an ad (assuming you try it on someone else's device) is the less than 100% fill rate.
I have never seen an iAd on my dev iPhone, but rest-assured, the ads are being shown :)
Having a read of this article on 'Testing iAd Applications', it doesn't explicitly say that ads won't be served up on the developer's account, but it does mention what sort of ads will be served based on the build type.
I had the same issue and the same question with my app.
It turns out that there's not always an ad available to be displayed, ESPECIALLY if you are not in US.
I am in Canada and most of the time there's no ad to display.
Check you iAd Network control panel for the number of ad impressions, and sort by country.
In my case, US has over 90% fill rate (requests / impressions), while Canada is only 4%...
hope it helps...

Why iAd keeps showing "Testing Advertisement"?

My app is approved on AppStore. In the iAd section of the screen, it keeps showing the black "Testing Advertisement" by Apple instead of a real ad. Is there any configuration I missed? Thanks
From the section in the iAd Programming Guide on Testing Banner Advertisements:
iAd Network automatically displays the
correct ad depending on the
application binary:
Application | Audience | Displayed Ads
Developer build | Developer | iAd
Network serves test ads.
distribution build | Beta Testers |
iAd Network serves test ads.
Distribution build | End Users | iAd
Network serves live ads if you signed
the iAd Network Agreement and enabled
advertising for your application.
Therefore, your development and ad hoc builds will only display test advertisements. Only the distribution build that is submitted to the App Store will display real ads. Unfortunately, that means that you'll need to wait and download your own application from the store to see real ads in action in your application.
iAd is a very big disappointment. Ads are shown only in certain geographical regions, in other areas system returns nothing after the request (you can check the statistics for your iAd profile in the iTunes Connect). So you won't see anything in the banner in Hong Kong, as I cannot see anything in Korea for the moment. If you want to make money on advertising consider using other ad provider, like admob.
Did you do everything here? Also, did you test your application on a different device to see if the ad shows up there correctly?
I think even if you download the app from the App Store, the app still shows test ads if you have the developer profile on. I tried removing it and running the app from the app store and it doesn't show test ads anymore.