Help Regarding Multi Language Translation in I Phone Application? - iphone

I want to create a multi language application...I want user to select language at Runtime..not from settings.
How can I create It????
I know how to Localize the application based on language settings from I phone.
But I want it at runtime.
Please help me out.....
Thanks in advance...

You'll have to build your custom solution. For example for a simple .plist file you could have multiple .plist with different languages and depending on the language you set through your app. load a different .plist file.
It is quite some work to do for all the files, xibs and strings. I think you should reconsider doing that, why would people choose to change the language of just your app?


Is it possible to have 2 different application icons depending on the language? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Localization of icon and default screen in iPhone
As my question already says, I want to have 2 different application icons.
If for example english is the native language on the device I want it not only to have a different app name but also a different icon.
So is that actually possible?
According to apple documentation, you can do it.
An iOS application should be internationalized and have a
language.lproj folder for each language it supports. In addition to
providing localized versions of your application’s custom resources,
you can also localize your application icons and launch images by
placing files with the same name in your language-specific project
directories. Even if you provide localized versions, however, you
should always include a default version of these files at the
top-level of your application bundle. The default version is used in
situations where a specific localization is not available. For more
information about localized resources, see “Localized Resources in
This info was extracted from here:
You can do it, if you want too... just click on your icon file (consider Icon.png) now simply click on the ‘+’ in that ‘Localization’ pane on the right.
Add languanges that you want to provide support. Consider you have English And Spanish language support, add those two languages. It will create ‘en.lproj’ and ‘es.lproj’.
Now just see those directory, you can see both directories have their own copy of Icon.png. So just replace that image and make sure new file has same name as the replaced one.
Now Run it. And check by changing language in Setting>International>Language
Basic thing is based on language it will check if localization is available for that particular resource, if it exists it will be used.
No, you can't have localized app icons
Sorry, I was very wrong, it is possible. I was quite sure but my information obviously was very outdated :).

Write setting.bundle in runtime

I can write at design time a setting bundle, but I need to make its content appear according to certain condition
can I do that , if yes any sample code, and where to put this code
Best regards
You can't dynamically create a Settings.bundle and write it out while your application is running on the iPhone. It needs to be included in the code signed application package.
What you can do, though, is customize your already created bundle's content & UI based on those certain conditions. E.G. different preferences load different strings or graphics.

iPhone support Multiple Languages

In my project, I need to support the Korean language. How is it possible - can anyone explain briefly with example, whether it is possible or not?
It's certainly possible.
You just tell Xcode to add a Korean localization to any of your application's localizable resources that need to change for that language. (Localizable resources include strings files, xib files, and potentially any images containing text.) Xcode will create a copy of your existing English resource, which you can modify and replace with a Korean-language equivalent.
Then when your application is run on a device with Korean set as its preferred language, iOS will automatically use the Korean resources intead of the English ones to present the application's user interface. If you have used good localization code practices (such as using NSLocalizedString to reference strings you present in the user interface) you shouldn't have to change any of your code to support different languages.
Check this guide on how to localize your apps for iPhone:

Is it fine to put custom data in the apps Info.plist file?

For example, the website URL and other stuff that wants to be linked at runtime with the app? I find that info.plist is a good place for that. But maybe it is not allowed or causes trouble...?
I think it is fine, but the common practice is to create an extra plist for these custom stuff.

iphone localization: retrieving a different file

i have an app that i have to localize. I am already localizing the nibs and some texts, i just have a doubt.
I need to pull a plist from the bundle which contains some texts, for the other languages i would have other plists. How can i accomplish the loading of them in a nice simple way.
My initial though is to have a text.plist , text-sp.plist , text-fr.plist and retrieving the current language then if language == english grab the text.plist, if language == spanish grab text-sp.plist and so on.
Is there a better way to do this?
I'd rather somehow make the .plist localizable and do something similar to what i do with texts using NSLocalizedString, but i am not sure how to use it in this case.
Sorry, just found the solution.
Just right click the .plist file and add new localizations like any other file. Then the OS handles which one to load according to the current locale settings.
I had to clean my targets in order for the changes to take effect, thats why i initially thought this was not working.