I want good reference books or video links that may help me in learning Webobjects using Eclipse - eclipse

Can any one post some links that help me in learning WebObjects with eclipse?

Definitively THE source for al WebObjects and Eclipse/Wolips :
You can also suscribe to the webobjects-dev mailing list.

Use the following 2 links for a great source of information:
(Intro and video tutorials etc)
(Wiki for everything)
Also as a good if slightly dated basic WebObjects reference Chucks Hill's "Practical WebObjects" is a good primer on some core webobjects concepts.
Some podcasts available here as well

If you have a copy of Ravi Mendis book or the Wrox book, you can get a copy of the examples as Eclipse/WOLips project here :

Just in case someone find this thread: a new book have been published, and it's the only printed books with references to WOLips and Project Wonder. The book is "Learning the Wonders", http://www.learningthewonders.com/


Running Apple DocC as a Apple Help Book file

With the introduction of DocC for generating documentation from source code, is it possible to take the output of DocC and use it as the source of truth for an Apple Help Book (for use inside of a macOS App)?
DocC Introduction: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10166/
Apple Help Book for Mac Apps: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Carbon/Conceptual/ProvidingUserAssitAppleHelp/authoring_help/authoring_help_book.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000903-CH206-CIHEHEAC
Is it possible to take the output of DocC and use it as the source of truth for an Apple Help Book?
Yes, but likely not worth it.
#matt mentioned:
A DocC is a highly restricted, formalized representation of a very specific type of information.
However I disagree with it. You can create article pages with DocC: Getting Started with Sloths
The problems with using DocC to create Apple Help Book:
DocC documentation only support basic markdown syntax, so your formatting option is limited.
DocC exports the documentation as a single page web app, where Apple Help Book expect individual html files for each help pages. So you would need to automatically generate static html files.
DocC documentation doesn't let you add custom meta tags for indexing or keywords and name for anchors. (Maybe you can use comments in markdown, then automatically generate them from comments. However I'm not sure if comments in markdown would remain in DocC generated file)
You would still need to use Help Indexer to index them.
#matt mentioned:
A help book helps users, whereas DocC displays a programming API to a programmer.
You can definitely meld the two and use DocC generated files as your source of truth, but I would rather do it with other html editors, or a better markdown editor if you prefer the markdown syntax.
Probably not. They are completely different animals. A help book is a complete web site with some help for certain kinds of anchors. A DocC is a highly restricted, formalized representation of a very specific type of information. Indeed, even if you meld the two things, you would not want to; a help book helps users, whereas DocC displays a programming API to a programmer.
Just as an example, here is a help book I wrote:
You couldn't possibly express that using DocC. If the problem is that you're looking for a tool to help you write help books, DocC is not it.

Projet GWT: online auction website using GWT

for university I have to design and build an online auction website using GWT.
But the professor did not give us any material to study, do you have any guides, links or videos?
There are many resources on the web. A good point to start is: https://dev.to/ibaca/modern-gwt-first-steps-509k
To create a running GWT project, you can use:
https://github.com/DominoKit/domino-ui/wiki/Getting-started (see dominokit-cli)
http://www.mvp4g.org/boot-starter-nalu/BootStarterNalu.html (generating a Nalu project)
I would use Nalu (Disclaimer: I am the auther of Nalu) and suggest to use Domino-UI for the visual components (https://github.com/DominoKit/domino-ui) and domino-rest (https://github.com/DominoKit/domino-rest) for the client-server communication.
in case you need help, you can ask questions here:
GWT: https://gitter.im/gwtproject/gwt
Nalu: https://gitter.im/Nalukit42/Lobby
Domino related stuff: https://gitter.im/DominoKit/domino
Hope that help.

AEM classic UI how to and good readings

I am working on AEM 6.2 and I am interested is there any good blogs, tutorials or anything else you can recommend to read about it.
In more detail, I was looking something more detailed about using listeners in the dialog files, and cant find anything that would be a good read about it.
1) ClassicUI
If you looking specifically for the Classic UI, you'll need to focus on tutorials around CQ tutorials to give you the 101.
2) General Reading
Here are some links, that could get you started:
Quick Video
AEM Learning from Tech Up
Adobe's Master Reference
I find this super useful and well structured.
Best of luck.. and enjoy the journey.

How to use GWT's editor framework?

I'm trying to learn how to use Google's Web Toolkit (GWT) editor framework. I haven't been able to understand how I can use it through the documentation. The examples I've found online were not helpful for me to begin with. I would like to ask if someone can provide a simple working example.
The book GWT in Action, second edition has a chapter about the EditorFramework.
The sample code is free to download:
You should find working examples in chapter 9.
You can also look at the following sites for further reference, good examples to get your hands dirty with! Might not be a full blown examples, but definitely a good read to understand the concepts!

Codesmith resources

I use Codesmith to create our code generation templates and have had success in learning how to use the tool by looking at example templates and the built in documentation. However I was wondering if there are any other resources (books, articles, tutorials, etc.) for getting a better grasp of Codesmith?
Have you checked the codesmith community site
We also have a great new collection of video tutorials available. You may want to check those out as well.
There is also a Google Code Codesmith section where you can download the latest updates of some CSLA, nHibernate and Plinqo templates.
Here is an interesting tutorial for building a data access layer using CodeSmith.
Depending on the templates you are using, we might have a separate website with tons of useful information like nettiers.com and plinqo.com. Also check out the help section on our community site.
We have also recently created a new WIKI (http://docs.codesmithtools.com) for all of our documentation.
-Blake Niemyjski