Adding methods to a SOAP webservice in production use - soap

I have a SOAP webservice running in production and being used by multiple different client implementations (written in .NET, PHP, Java, Ruby, Delphi...) and I need to add a method to the webservice.
My question is: is it possible that adding something to the current WSDL can break any of the client implementations? What I mean is there some SOAP-framework which goes berserk if the WSDL suddenly changes server side? I know that modifying an existing method (e.g. changing a parameter's type) will break stuff but what about adding a totally new method?
I'm guessing it should be OK but thought I'd ask if someone has run into problems when doing this.

should be OK, since the WSDL is normally used upon method stub generation, not during each call to a web service. Just make sure you don't change any parameter or return type


Adding transaction support to embedded jetty/GWT RemoteServiceServlet without Spring?

GWT's servlet implementation has onBefore/onAfterDeserialization which would give me a hook with which to start and stop transactions without doing anything fancy, however those methods don't allow me to properly check for error conditions after the service method got invoked, I just have access to the serialized return value, not directly to any exception that might have been thrown, so deciding whether to roll back or not is not possible that way without rewriting parts the GWT servlet.
I was thinking about using aspectj's compile-time weaving. However, this does not work with Netbeans' compile-on-save feature because the module needs to be recompiled using the aspectj compiler.
How about LTW (load-time-weaving)? Is there any way (or example) to add LTW to the webapp container without using the Spring framework?
I was also thinking about using AOP based on Java dynamic proxies, ie. to put a proxy in front of the servlet. Again, the question arises how to tell the Jetty WebApp container to load the proxy instead of the original servlet.
Or is there any ready-to-use solution out there already?
I think you could overwrite a combination of
public String processCall(RPCRequest rpcRequest) from RemoteServiceServlet and RPC.invokeAndEncodeResponse to do what you want.
Not ideal, as you need to copy/paste a few lines of code, but they really are only a few.
I myself hit the same problems as I needed some customizations, and relevant methods didn't had the access modifier that I needed, so I ended up copy/pasting some portions.
I can't comment on the rest of your question, but I don't expect to find any ready-to-use solutions, as GWT-RPC doesn't seem to have any new fans out there; just people maintaining legacy systems. Therefore, I expect that you either don't find anything or find solutions that are no longer maintained.

Is possible to make a REST Call to webscript from own Java Backed Webscript?

I'm doing a Java Backed Webscript to put in Alfresco and call it via REST. This Webscript must do a set of 3 operations (find a path, create a folder and upload a document).
I read about this and found similar examples to do this operations throw the native Alfresco API, with methods like getFileFolderService, getContentService, etc. of Repository or ServiceRegistry classes. All in Java, without javascript.
But I would rather use REST calls instead of Alfresco API inside my Webscript. I think that if already exists Webscripts to do these operacions, is easier call them than use Alfresco API methods to try to do it. And if the API changes in future versions, the REST calls would remain the same. But I'm new here and I don't know if I'm wrong.
In summary: to do these 3 operacions, one after another, in my backed webscript, what is better and why? Use native API methods or use REST calls to existing webscripts?
And if I try to do the second option, is possible to do this? Using HttpClient class and GetMethod/PostMethod for the REST calls inside my Java Webscript may be the best option for Rest calls?. Or this could give me problems? Because I use a Rest call to my backed webscript that do another rest calls to another webscripts.
Thanks a lot!
I think it's bad practice to do it like this. In a lot of Alfresco versions the default services didn't change a bit. Even when they changed they still had deprecated methods.
The rest api changed as well. If you want to make an upgrade proof system I guess it's better to stick with the Webservices (which didn't change since version 2.x) or go with CMIS.
But then it doesn't make sense to have your code within Alfresco, so putting it within an interface is better.
I'd personally just stick with the JavaScript API which didn't change a lot. Yes more functions were enabled within, but the default actions to search & CRUD remained the same.
You could even to a duo: Have your Java Backendscript do whatever fancy stuff and send the result to je JavaScript controller and do the default stuff.
Executing HTTP calls against the process you are already in is a very very bad idea in general. It is slower, much more complex and error-prone, hogs more resources (two threads), and in your case, you will even lose transaction safety. Just imagine the last call fails for some reason. Besides you will most likely have to handle security context propagation yourself. Use the native public API and it will be easy, safe and stable.

why SOAP without WSDL?

Is there a good reason to deploy or consume a SOAP service without using a WSDL "file"?
I'm in a situation where a 3rd-party has created a SOAP service that does not follow the very WSDL file they have also created. I think I am forced to ignore the WSDL file in order to consume this service. Therefore I'm researching how to do this.
What I am really wondering is why it is even possible to do this? What is the intention?
Is it designed so that we can use poor services made by poor programmers? Surely there must be a better reason. I almost wish it wasn't possible. Then I could demand they write it properly.
The WSDL is supposed to be a public document that describes the SOAP service, so describes the signatures of all the methods available in the service.
Of course there may be service providers who want to expose a service to certain consumers, but who don't want to make the signature of the service public, if only to make it a little bit harder for people they don't want using the service to find it or attempt to use it. The signature of the services might expose some private information about the schema of their data for example.
But I don't see any excuse for writing a WSDL that doesn't match the service. I would worry that if they can't get the WSDL right what is the quality of the service going to be like?
To answer the other question yes you can consume the service without the WSDL. If you are using Visual Studio for example you could have VS build a proxy for you based on the incorrect WSDL and then tweak it to match the correct service method signatures. You just need to make sure your data contracts and method contracts in your proxy match the actual service data contracts and method contracts.

How can I create a SOAP server in Perl?

I'm working with a third-party vendor who unfortunately requires that we set up a SOAP server to handle requests from them. I'm having some trouble finding the best way to go about this. One limitation I'm imposing is that it runs as a mod_perl2 handler. After some searching I've found that the best way may be to use XML::Compile and its SOAP classes but I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around it. Part of the problem is my limited understanding of SOAP and the documentation for most modules seems a bit cryptic to me.
So, can anyone give me some pointers, sample code, anything?
EDIT: we were also given a WSDL file to use, and this was not compatible with SOAP::WSDL ("unsupported global type found in ...
Looks like a rpc/literal WSDL, which is not supported by SOAP::WSDL)
EDIT: XML::Compile::SOAP complains "RPC encoded not supported by this version" when using the WSDL with XML::Compile::WSDL11. Can/should I not worry about the WSDL file?
If you have a limited understanding of SOAP, starting reading about SOAP before you worry about implementing it. There are lots of SOAP tutorials out there. Most of the documentation probably seems cryptic to you because you don't already know SOAP.
It's not that tricky of a process. It's not that different than any other web programming when it comes to the big steps:
You get a SOAP request, which is some XML.
You pull apart the XML to figure out what to do.
You put together some XML to send as a response.
You return the response.
XML::Compile will take care of most of the details for you.
Before you start writing your own server, you might consider writing a client for an existing SOAP server just to give yourself some practice.
I found two modules that can help you make soap server, but I never use its

Design pattern for iPhone -> web service functionality?

I'm developing an app that will talk with a web service exposing multiple methods. I'm trying to figure out what the best pattern would be to centralize the access to the web service, give options for synchronous and asynchronous access, and return data to clients. Has anybody tackled this problem yet?
One class for all methods seems like it would centralize everything well, but I'm thinking it would get confusing to return data to the correct places, especially when dealing with multiple asynchronous calls. Another thought I had was a separate subclass for each method, with some sort of factory brokering access, but I'm thinking that might be overengineering the situation.
(note: not asking for what method calls to use/how to parse response/etc, looking for a high level design pattern solution to the general problem)
I recently came across the same problem. While I don't believe my solution to be optimal, it may help you out.
I created a web service manager and an endpoint protocol. Each object that implements the endpoint protocol is responsible for connecting to a web service endpoint(method), parsing the returned data, and notifying its delegate(usually the web service manager) of completion or any errors. I ended up creating an EndpointBase class that I use 99% of the time.
The web service manager is responsible for instantiating the endpoints as needed and invoking them. All of the calls happen asynchronously.
All in all it seems to work pretty well for me. I did end up with a situation in which one endpoint relied on the response of another (I used the command pattern there).
SDK Components that you'll want to look at are:
Factories? We don't need no stinkin' factories.
I've done this a few times, and I basically do what you're saying: one object that provides methods for all the web service calls, encapsulating the details of communicating with the service, handling connection issues, etc. In one app it was a singleton, because it needed to keep session state; in another app it was just a collection of static methods.
Along with some formatting of the response data, that's the entirety of its responsibility.
It's left up to the callers is whether the call is synchronous or asynchronous; the class itself is written synchronously, and a caller just uses it in a separate thread if necessary. Cocoa's performSelector... methods make that easy.
If REST is a good fit for your data interactions, then I would suggest the ObjectiveResource library . It's designed to work seamlessly with a Ruby on Rails app, but it basically speaks JSON or POX (plain old XML) over HTTP using rails ActiveResource conventions.
It's basically a set of categories on NSObject and some of the primitive object types that will let you make calls like [Dog findAllRemote] to return a list of Dog objects, or [myDog saveRemote] to send changes made to the myDog object back to the server.