don't allow subviews to scale vwith view? - iphone

i am scaling UIView using
[UIView setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeScale(2.0*scale.value, 2.0*scale.value)];
its works fine for me but all subviews are also scale with the UIView, but i don't want to scale all subviews of that UIView.
i tried following this to stop scale subviews.
[UIView setAutoresizesSubviews:NO];
UIView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingNone;
but still it scale subviews.
please help me.

Transformation works on the whole view as it is. There is no way to take things out of it.
Using transform matrices don't alter the size of your views directly, it just determines how the whole thing thing is then rendered on the screen.
If you just scale it by a factor of two, you won't gain or lose any level of detail either. Maybe set its frame instead.


How to resize UIView while moving, just like SnapGuide?

I've a scroll view which has several UIViews that shows information to the user. This scrollview supports only horizontal scrolling and when user starts scrolling from left to right or vise versa, the center view should be bigger and the previous and next views should be smaller (as shown in the below view).
I'm able to do this by changing the frames of all the views that appear on the scrollviews. But the animation is not smooth. I just want to resize the views while scrolling according to their position. Is there anyway to do this? Any help greatly appreciated.
Well you could look at these links
UIScrollview make the current Image Larger
Or I can provide a better solution to you with iCarousel. Please refer to it and I think this might help you , and its pretty easy to integrate too :)
This might be what you are looking for CGAffineTransformScale. You need to set your UIViews transformation property, for example
CGAffineTransform transformRatio = CGAffineTransformScale(CGAffineTransformIdentity, factorX, factorY);
myView.transform = transformRatio;
factorX and factorY are the values by which to scale your views width and height.
When you view starts scrolling in and out you need to set the corresponding factors.

Problems with auto-rotation and UIImageView animations

I am rotating a UIImageView in place periodically. My view is very basic, a view inside of a UITabBar view set. If I happen to rotate my iPad while my rotation is animating then my image becomes skewed. I have checked everything I can think of in my xib file for my image, the autoresizing is turned completely off and I am not auto-resizing subviews on the parent view.
Here is my animation code:
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5];
[UIView setAnimationDelay:0.0];
transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(convertToRadian(myDegrees));
myImage.transform = transform;
[UIView commitAnimations];
If I take my animation out then everything works as I would expect. This rotation code appears to work fine if I do not rotate my device.
What can I do to keep the built-in rotation animation from altering my animation and skewing my images?
After many different attempts, what I ended up doing here is adding a clear view with my rotating images inside of it and setting the "auto-resize sub views" to off in interface builder. You can also do this in code as needed. I had to add the UIView placeholder because the super view containing my rotating images needed to auto-resize other view objects on rotation, but this fixed the funky skewing of my images due to animation of orientation change at the same time as animating a manual rotation in place.
Hope this helps someone.
The coordinate system gets changed. I've figured this much out too... thought I had a bug. If you save the CG ... GState, then you can revert back to the coordinate system initially used. This is in Deitel and Deitel's book. I just found it. Wanted to post it for anyone also looking.
You got a clever trick though! I might use it if this won't work.

iPhone Horizontal Scrolling Table

I need to create a view on the iPhone that scrolls horizontally through a gallery of images. The issue is that this gallery has the potential to have 100s to 1000s of images that needs to be presented, so I would like to avoid loading them all into a single UIScrollView at once and destroying performance. I need to create a view that recycles the view objects (like UITableView) to increase performance and reduce memory overhead, but it needs to scroll in a horizontal fashion.
Any ideas? Is it possible to make UITableView operation horizontally?
You could use a large scrollview, and monitor for the scroll position to change. You can add images as subviews as they are coming into the actual viewable area, and remove them as they are scrolled away.
This way, you only have to have a small number of image views present at any given time, but you give the appearance of them all being "there".
You could even recycle the image views by changing their image and location so you are not creating and destroying complex objects. This is what UITableView does with cells.
It is as simple as appyling a Transform.
Here is the code. Write this in the your tableViewController init:
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(100,-5,250,350); //any Frame of your choice
CGAffineTransform trans = self.view.transform; // get current transform (i.e. portrait)
trans = CGAffineTransformRotate(trans, (M_PI / -2.0)); // rotate 90 degrees to go landscape
self.view.transform = trans; // set current transform (landscape)
But now what you need to realize is that your axis are also swapped. Any changes you make to the height will change the width (and vice versa) and any changes made to the origin.x changes the origin.y (and vice versa)
I agree with mbmcavoy, you can also take a look iPhone/iPad – AppStore like UIScrollView with paging and preview this article explains what you need about UIScrollView as well as provides a good example and source code.
Is it possible to add a UITableView horizontally? In a different orientation than the screen. Then you can use regular UITableView semantics where each row is an image that scrolls horizontally instead of vertically.
Posting an answer to this old thread because the validated answer is not correct. You may use a UITableViewController and its dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier built-in features.
The trick is to make your tableview rotate and then make your cell rotate in the opposite direction.
in viewDidLoad you will add:
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI_2);
And then in cellForRowAtIndexPath you would use:
cell.containerView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI_2);
Make sure that every content of your cell is added to a container view (in this example containerView) so that you only have to rotate the container and not every cell subview.
Also please note that it will work better with cells having square dimensions, cause otherwise you may struggle with height/width computation.
I think I have the answer for you About scrolling an UITableView Horizontally:
create an UIScrollView (and disable
the vertical scroll)
put an UITableView inside the scroll
change the table view width as you
wish and update the
UIScrollView.contentSize as the
tableView width

UIView scaled to thumbprint, what about subviews?

I have a UIImageView that I create progmatically right? Works like a charm when I initWithImage and set the parameters for scaling to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill. I can scale all day long and create many different smaller 'thumbprint' sized versions of the UIImageView at whim, HOWEVER when I add subviews to said UIImageView and then try to scale the happy new parent the child subview does not scale! I looked around and found that I should enable the setAutoresizingSubviews boolean of the parentView to true (Which I did) and then call:
ChildView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth;
Which I also did... now when I scale the parent view the child also scales but crazy wacked out like and goes all over the place (Not a very good way of putting it) but my point is that I assumed the child would scale proportionally to the parent and stay in the same place (Which it doesn't)
My question is how do I set up my code so that when I scale my parent view by 1/4 or w/e to make a thumbprint of the view the children subviews that the parent view owns will scale accordingly and allow the 1/4 sized thumbprint to look just like the full sized view (Just smaller).
To scale subviews, you need to set the affine transform of the view to scale the contents instead of using the content mode.
The autoresizing mask isn't for scaling subviews. Instead, it's a springs-and-struts model for how to position and resize the frame of subviews when the parent view is resized. Mostly it's used when the view autorotates from landscape to portrait and vice-versa.
What you're trying to do is scale the content of the view. So instead of using UIImageView, which is optimized for displaying images, I would create a custom subclass of UIView, and then in the initialization, set the view's transform with this code:
self.transform = CATransform3DMakeScale(zoom, zoom, 1.0f);
Then put the subviews in. You can re-set the transform and the subviews will stay in the same positions relative to each other, but at a different scale.

Smooth scaling when adding/removing subviews to/from a UIView

I'm using a subclass of a UIView to (programmatically) contain and manage numerous subviews (mostly UIImageViews) that are to be positioned adjacent to each other such that none are overlapping. It's safe to assume that the subviews are all the same height (when originally drawn), but are varying widths. The container might be resized, in which case I want the subviews to be scaled proportionally. Moreover, there are times when I need to add/remove/edit any given subview (which might change its width).
I'm had some success in using:
[self setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
[self setAutoresizingMask:(UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight |
to have the container automatically resize its subviews when its frame changes.
Unfortunately, I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with the case when the contents of a subview changes, causing it to widen or contract. Simply setting 'setNeedsLayout' and defining 'layoutSubviews' for the subview doesn't seem to do the trick because, at the beginning of 'layoutSubviews' the subview's frame hasn't been adjusted. If I force it, then the current contents are stretched or contracted, which looks terrible.
I'd certainly appreciate it if someone could explain how sizeToFit, layoutSubviews, sizeThatFits:, setAutoresizesSubviews:, setAutoresizingMask:, and setContentMode: should be used in a case like this. I mean, if I want to adjust the contents of a subview (and widen it), then how do I do it such that:
the subview is widened (without adversely stretching or autoresizing anything else within it)
the container is widened a proportional amount
none of the other subviews are affected
Thanks in advance!
I ended up going the manual route, using sizeThatFits: and layoutSubviews to explicitly control how everything was redrawn and organized. I found that setAutoresizesSubviews: and setAutoresizingMask: helped for simple layouts, but that it was hard to debug if I tried anything even slightly atypical.
My advice: the first time you're experimenting with programmatic layouts define sizeThatFits for all of your (sub) views and define layoutSubviews for each. Use debugging statements to log the placement of everything. Once you're happy, consider incorporating autoresizing to simply your code (if possible).
For animating the resizing of a view do:
[UIView beginAnimations:#"resizeAnimation" context:nil];
youView.frame = newFrame;
[UIView commitAnimations];
If you don't want an element to resize automatically, just set its autoresize to UIViewAutoresizingNone.
If I get your case correctly, you don't want the containter and its subviews to resize automatically, except the subview you mention. That view should have some autoresizing options enabled (I don't know exactly the ones you want, just try some and see their effect). That subview should also have its subviews resizing disabled.