Launch iPhone setting screen from Application? - iphone

I am developing an application where i want that upon a press of button iPhone settings screen should open.
Is there any restriction from apple to access it?
Is it possible or not,If yes then how?

No you can't do that. However as an alternative you can use This Framework to mimmick the settings app, so that you can set your settings from the official settings app, or from a in app settings page.

No, it's not possible using public API's.
However there exists a number of frameworks that allows you to access the settings bundle directly from within your application. Take a look at this SO question for more information.


How can I implement disabled application settings?

How can I implement disabled application settings ?
I saw this feature in Nike Running application.
I searched a lot about this feature, but couldn't find a possible solution.
There is no tutorial or no reference found in apple site and in the internet.
Any Ideas ? Thanks in advance guys...
You can't do that. Apple has made some special settings for things included in iOS, like the Nike +iPod setting.
You can only use the Settings.bundle which is read by the settings app and then allows the user to change some settings.
You could do this if you implemented your settings inside your App. A Static Cell TableViewController is all you need. Just keep track of the settings using NSUserDefaults (standard place to store these settings) and implement the View yourself. I personally like settings inside the application rather than being implemented as part of the OS's settings.

Settings view in an application in iPhone

I am pretty new to iPhone dev. I want to create a Settings page in my application. In Android i use preferences to fill the required Settings page. Is there anything like that for iPhone dev, or should i create every section like a normal UI.
See Implementing Application Preferences in the iOS Developer Library. This will give you all the information you need and some best practices to follow.
You could also use something like InAppSettingsKit which works in an almost identical fashion but will allow you to present your app preferences in-app as well as via the
If you want to make a "settings page" in Settings app, you should look at Settings.bundle with NSUserDefaults.

Create application setting in Settings app

I am very new to iPhone programming and I was wondering how could I create a separate section for my application in the Like what the Facebook or BeejiveIM or JellyCar apps do. Would I have to declare this dynamically, or could I use Interface Builder?
You accomplish this by creating a Settings.bundle in your project. Inside the Settings.bundle, you define the settings (names, types, defaults, etc) you are interested in. When the app is installed, the OS will handle creating the pages in the Settings app for you.
The process is described here.
There's the InAppSettingsKit:
Aiming to match the settings from the settings with the ones in your app.

IPhone launch application with home button

do you know in which ways is it possible to launch an application?
I know that it is possible by clicking on the icon, and it is possible by clicking an url with a cistom protocol,
Anyone know if there ae more ways?
For example is it possible to make an application be launched when the users touch 3 times the home button?
or when the user start a call?
thank you
The only ways that it is possible to launch an application are the ways you describe:
Clicking the application's icon
Via a custom URL scheme
The above applies to non-jailbroken iPhones. I would imagine it is techinically possible to hack a jail-broken iPhone to launch apps in other ways, but naturally such functionality would not be permitted on the App Store
Jailbroken phones can use libactivator. It has a set of predefined touch and physical button events that can start an application. Of course it is not viable if you plan to publish your app in the store.

iPhone - Open Application from Web Page

This sounds odd. In fact, it sounds like a security risk to me. However, I would swear that I have seen web pages that you can click a link on and it opens the app store on the iPhone.
My question is, is it possible to launch any application from through a web page? Can parameters be passed to the application? I do not need technical details. I'm just curious if it is possible.
Thank you,
Yes. From Control and configuration of applications through Info.plist - Invoking your iPhone application by URL:
Invoking your iPhone application by URL
The CFBundleURLTypes key allows you to specify URL schemes that will cause the iPhone to switch to your application. No, you can't override the schemes for the built-in applications.
If your application is launched using a URL type named scheme, then you can also provide a different startup image "Default-scheme.png" instead of the regular "Default.png".
See iPhone file extension app association for more details.