Does a "Find in project..." feature exist in Eclipse IDE? - eclipse

Does Eclipse have a way to search a whole project for some text like Xcode's "find in project" feature?

1. Ctrl + H
2. Choose File Search for plain text search in workspace/selected projects
For specific expression searches, choose the relevant tab (such as Java Search which allows you to search for specific identifiers)
For whole project search:
3. Scope (in the form section) > Enclosing project (Radio button selection).

Ctrl + Alt + G can be used to find selected text across a workspace in eclipse.
OSX: ⌥ Option + ⌘ Command + G

Press Ctrl + H to bring up the search that includes options to search via project, directory, etc.

Open any file quickly without browsing for it in the Package
Explorer: Ctrl + Shift + R.
Open a type (e.g.: a class, an interface) without clicking through
interminable list of packages: Ctrl + Shift + T.
Go directly to a member (method, variable) of a huge class file,
especially when a lot of methods are named similarly: Ctrl + O
Go to line number N in the source file: Ctrl + L, enter line number.

Ctrl + H is the best way!
Remember to copy the string before you start searching!

You should check out the new Eclipse 2019-09 4.13 Quick Search feature
The new Quick Search dialog provides a convenient, simple and fast way to run a textual search across your workspace and jump to matches in your code.
The dialog provides a quick overview showing matching lines of text at a glance.
It updates as quickly as you can type and allows for quick navigation using only the keyboard.
A typical workflow starts by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L
(or Cmd+Alt+Shift+L on Mac).
Typing a few letters updates the search result as you type.
Use Up-Down arrow keys to select a match, then hit Enter to open it in an editor.

CTRL + H is actually the right answer, but the scope in which it was pressed is actually pretty important.
When you have last clicked on file you're working on, you'll get a different search window - Java Search:
Whereas when you select directory on Package Explorer and then press Ctrl + H (or choose Search -> File.. from main menu), you get the desired window - File Search:

yes, but you need to open the global search panel. to do so, press the binoculars icon on the top right corner of the IDE.
you can even filter searches by function identifiers, method scopes an etc...
Choose File Search for plain text search in workspace/selected projects
For specific expression searches, choose the relevant tab (such as Java Search which allows to search for specific identifiers)

First customize your search dialog. Ctrl+H. Click on the Customize button and select inly File Search while deselecting all the others. Close the dialog.
Now you can search by selecting the word and hitting the Ctrl+H and then Enter.

yes, but you need to open the global search panel.
to do so, press the binoculars icon on the top right corner of the IDE.
you can even filter searches by function identifiers, method scopes an etc...

There is no way to do pure text search in whole work workspace/project via a shortcut that I know of (and it is a PITA), but this will find references in the workspace:
Put your cursor on what you want to lookup
Press Ctrl + Shift + g

There is very nice tool "Eclipse Quicksearch" available. Checkout SpringSource Update Site for Eclipse i.e: (you can try other versions replacing last part of URL with i.e. e4.4 or e4.5)
It works well with Neon Release (4.6.0). It gives you nice incremental text search with source file preview. I had no issues with it so far.
Alt + s "Quick Search Command" opens "Quick Text Search" dialog. You can select whether search should be case sensitive or not. Really good tool.

Ctrl+H is very handy here. I mostly search in the current project, not the whole workspace. To find all occurences in the whole project of a string that is in your current buffer, just select the string press Ctrl+H and hit enter. Easy as that!
Use Resource Filters!
Eclipse will restrict the search result using the Resource Filters defined for your project (eg. right click on you project name and select Properties -> Resource -> Resource Filters). So if you keep getting search hits from parts of your project that your not interested in you could make Eclipse skip those by adding a Resource Filter for them. This is especially useful if you have build files or logs or other temporary files that are part of your projects directory structure, but you only want to search amongst the source code. You should also be aware of that files/directories matched for exclusion in the Resource Filters will not show up in the Package Explorer either, so you might not always want this.

Search and Replace'
Ctrl + F Open find and replace dialog
Ctrl + F / Ctrl + Shift + K Find previous / find next occurrence of search term (close find window first).
Ctrl + H Search Workspace (Java Search, Task Search, and File Search).
Ctrl + J / Ctrl+Shift +J Incremental search forward / backwards.
Type search term after pressing Ctrl+J, there is now search window
Ctrl+shift+O Open a resource search dialog to find any class

What others have forgotten is Ctrl+Shift+L for easy text search. It searches everywhere and it is fast and efficient. This might be a Sprint tool suit which is an extension of eclipse (and it might be available in newer versions)


Is it possible to save the search results of Find in Files in Visual Studio Code? [duplicate]

Does Visual Studio Code have any way to copy the results of a search into a new window?
As a bonus, I'd really like to be able to drop the file name and just copy the lines containing the text of my search results to a new window.
For example, I'd like to to be able to copy the results of the search below to a new editor window. I don't mind if I need to install an extension to do it.
The following works for a single file:
Type your search string
CTRL + SHIFT + L to select all occurrences found (max. 999)
ESC (or close search dialog with top-right X)
CTRL + I to select whole lines
Open new file
VSCode 1.23 added the ability to copy your search results, see release notes: copy search results.
The search results tree context menu includes three new options: Copy,
Copy Path, and Copy All. This was a highly 👍'd request which will
make it easier to share or export your search results.
The results are not very pretty or clickable when copied/pasted, so be forewarned. There is an issue tracking the "copy search results" format (see and it is on the 2019 Roadmap (see so hopefully it will be improved.
Update as of v1.41 you can move your search results to a new editor and easily select all and copy there. After searching (which can work across multiple files); click the "Open in Editor" link, as shown in this demo:
Another advantage of the search editor is that you can get "context" around your search result. So you can get some number of lines before and after the whole line with your search term in it. And, of course, line numbers will be copied too.
And you can just save Ctrl+S the search results editor itself! And cut lines from there. Or add notes. With syntax highlighting. It will ask where you want to save it, defaulting to the folder where you initiated the search. It will be named like yourFolder\yourSearchTerm.code-search.
For more info on the new search editor, see and
Select all occurrences of current selection
As of 12/2020 CTRL + SHIFT + L doesn't work (for me)
After search results are rendered, right-click onto the text file and select "Change all occurrences"(or CTRL+F2). This will automatically select the the matched text items. Then you can simply copy it.
This will work for a single file, assuming each line you care about begins with the search text:
1. Highlight your search string
2. CTRL + SHIFT + L to select all occurrences found
3. SHIFT + ↓ to select all of those lines
4. CTRL + C
5. Open a new file
6. CTRL + V
There's now an "Open in editor" button under search inputs
Wrong. Per the document the correct format is to use Right Alt + Enter, the use Ctrl + C and then open a new tab and paste your results with Ctrl + V

Visual studio code - how to copy search results?

Does Visual Studio Code have any way to copy the results of a search into a new window?
As a bonus, I'd really like to be able to drop the file name and just copy the lines containing the text of my search results to a new window.
For example, I'd like to to be able to copy the results of the search below to a new editor window. I don't mind if I need to install an extension to do it.
The following works for a single file:
Type your search string
CTRL + SHIFT + L to select all occurrences found (max. 999)
ESC (or close search dialog with top-right X)
CTRL + I to select whole lines
Open new file
VSCode 1.23 added the ability to copy your search results, see release notes: copy search results.
The search results tree context menu includes three new options: Copy,
Copy Path, and Copy All. This was a highly 👍'd request which will
make it easier to share or export your search results.
The results are not very pretty or clickable when copied/pasted, so be forewarned. There is an issue tracking the "copy search results" format (see and it is on the 2019 Roadmap (see so hopefully it will be improved.
Update as of v1.41 you can move your search results to a new editor and easily select all and copy there. After searching (which can work across multiple files); click the "Open in Editor" link, as shown in this demo:
Another advantage of the search editor is that you can get "context" around your search result. So you can get some number of lines before and after the whole line with your search term in it. And, of course, line numbers will be copied too.
And you can just save Ctrl+S the search results editor itself! And cut lines from there. Or add notes. With syntax highlighting. It will ask where you want to save it, defaulting to the folder where you initiated the search. It will be named like yourFolder\yourSearchTerm.code-search.
For more info on the new search editor, see and
Select all occurrences of current selection
As of 12/2020 CTRL + SHIFT + L doesn't work (for me)
After search results are rendered, right-click onto the text file and select "Change all occurrences"(or CTRL+F2). This will automatically select the the matched text items. Then you can simply copy it.
This will work for a single file, assuming each line you care about begins with the search text:
1. Highlight your search string
2. CTRL + SHIFT + L to select all occurrences found
3. SHIFT + ↓ to select all of those lines
4. CTRL + C
5. Open a new file
6. CTRL + V
There's now an "Open in editor" button under search inputs
Wrong. Per the document the correct format is to use Right Alt + Enter, the use Ctrl + C and then open a new tab and paste your results with Ctrl + V

Eclipse jump to next/previous marked occurrence

As was asked previously, Eclipse has the nice "mark occurences" feature, which shows all occurences of the selected variable or method.
But I don't know any shortcut for jumping to the next/previous occurence in the editor.
The shortcut ctrl+k is not working, it solely works in conjunction with "incremental find" (ctrl+j).
I'm using Eclipse Indigo. Is there any shortcut or other solution?
The answers and comments in the question linked above are now pretty exhaustive, I think.
It seems there is no all-in-one solution (at least for Java code editing):
I cant get Ctrl + (period) to work, at least in Java code where it finds the next problem. Even rebinding this to a different shortcut does not work.
Ctrl + K does text-based search only. If you want to find all occurrences of the variable i, it finds any letter i within any identifier and comment.
Renaming mode using Alt+Shift+R and then navigating through the occurrences using Tab and Shift+Tab comes close, but only works for identifiers you can actually rename for that source file. It does not work for library code (esp. JDK) for which no editable source is available.
Try Ctrl + , and Ctrl + .
Before that make sure you have checked Occurences in the small navigation dropdown:
You can change the key from Window -> Preferences -> keys:
It works for me.
You can find if your key bindings have changed by looking under Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys and look for the command Find Next. You will see the binding in the column Binding and can also check if it's conflicting with something else in the list titled Conflicts: at bottom right corner of the dialog.

Adding a few missing shortcuts in Eclipse (from IntelliJ user)

My coworker keeps insisting that I make the switch from IntelliJ to Eclipse. I'm considering relenting, mainly because the compile/deploy time it takes for my Android project seems to be considerably less in Eclipse than IntelliJ (I imagine Eclipse does some sort of incremental compilation, etc. that IntelliJ can't do for Android).
However, there are a few shortcuts that I feel are essential and I don't want to do without, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to do them in Eclipse (perhaps add via a plugin?):
Ctrl-W (select word, and then expands selection to include statement,
block, method, class... this should work in XML and other types of code as well)
Ctrl-D (duplicate selection, if selection, or otherwise line)
Ctrl-Shift-V, paste from history (pops up a list of recently copied text)
Go to Symbol (searches through all methods, fields, etc in your project)
I'm sure there are a bunch of others I'll really miss, but these are the main ones I use all the time.
about the go to symbol thing
there are the following functionalities available
ctrl + shift + r - open resource
ctrl + shift + t - open type
ctrl + alt + g - find the selected text in workspace
ctrl + shift + g - find references in workplace (as selected by caret)
ctrl + o - quick outline, all methods in class
there is also a plugin calld instaSearch that you can easily install, it offers a complete project active search.
I believe IntelliJ is a much better IDEA, but you asked..
Alt Shift Up Expand selection to enclosing element
Ctrl Alt Arrow Duplicate line(s) up or down
Not that I have seen
No, and that is a truly amazing feature.

newbie in Eclipse _ how to find text?

Warning: It is not programming related question ...I just want to know how can any text I can find from whole folder which I select for find?
crtl+f finds a text only in a open document ...but what if i want to know it from whole document in dreamweaver ..when we do ctrl+f it fives trhe option to select folder
is there any option in eclipse too ?
Menu Search -> File
Some tips:
To find only on selected folder you can click the option Selected resources
You can define a keybinding for File Search from Preferences -> General -> Keys. Look for Command File Search
Using Ctrl + H would give you a starting point.
Hit Ctrl+L for a quick look at the shortcuts available in Eclipse. Ctrl+L+L (L twice on hold of Ctrl) will let you customize the shortcuts.
Press Ctrl + H, should bring up the search that will include options to search via project, directory, etc.
Ctrl + Alt + G can be used to find selected text across a workspace in eclipse.