i lose my linked tables when closing access - ms-access-2003

i create a linked table and it works fine. but when i close access and open it again the table is gone. why is that happening ?
i am using access 2003.

I'm not sure if you have resolved this, but I have had the same problem years ago. I speculate it is due to a corrupt database.
My workaround was to copy all the objects from one database to a new database.

Please ensure the MDB file does not have a read-only attribute or other restriction on updating it.


How to properly delete a custom doctype in Frappe/ERP Next

What is the correct approach to delete custom doctype in Frappe? How to migrate the same in other servers and also what about database tables? Do we need to manually drop them?
Currently for me the deleted doctype’s still persist in the server after bench migrate. Please can someone help me in this?
When you delete a custom doctype, it will just delete the entry from doctype table. Also, there is a doctype called Deleted Document. All the deleted doctypes will be tracked here automatically.
By default, Frappe doesn't drop the tables from database. If you are sure that you don't need that data, you can manually drop those changes.
In my experience you best don't bother with the tables in the database. Let Frappe keep track of this, don't interfere by dropping tables or altering tables.
Look at it like this:
If you are using a database system you don't bother what the database system does on the filesystem to organize itself.
If you are using Frappe you don't bother what Frappe does in the database system to organize itself.
When it comes to deploying your Doctypes on the next stage (QS, Production) you use "bench export-fixtures" to export and "bench migrate" to import your changes into your targeted Stage.
Don't create your own SQL-Scripts!

HeidiSQL 10.2 with Postgres doesnt show newly created database

I connected PostgreSQL to heidiSQL and each time I create a new Database, it does not appear in the database list, even after refreshing or restarting Heidi.
If I try to create it back, it tells me that the database already exists.
I really don't know what to do by now
Most probably you told your session to display only one or some of all databases:
Remove these, or add the newly created database there to let HeidiSQL display it.

how to find what looks at a content Database in SharePoint 2010

There is plenty of documentation out there for looking up what content DB a site collection uses in SharePoint. However, I'm looking for the reverse. I have a specific DB, and I need to know where (what URL's) it's content is referenced or displayed.
We have a DB that has been partially corrupted and in need of restoring. It appears the only clean backup we have of it is relatively old. However, at first glance the library we know to be using it is lightly used. There has been no new content added to it since our backup was taken.
I am looking for a way to confirm that restoring from this backup wont unknowingly overwrite some critical data somewhere else.
In doing more digging, I did find another SO post that was able to get me the information I needed.
How to see all site collections in a specific content DB
-ContentDatabase contentdbname | select url, #{label="Size";Expression={$_.usage.storage}}
In navigating to the returned URL, I found recently added data. So that now rules out the restore.

Trouble shooting Oracle Form Builder error FRM-10044

I'm trying to create & save a new form using Oracle Form builder however, I get the error FRM-10044: Cannot create file.
The same thing happens when I open and save an existing form (.fmb)
I've check the folder permissions where the form is being save, it has read write access.
I've tried saving it into a differ folder and also tried creating a new folder but it still throws the same error.
I'm able to create and save a word, excel document in the new or existing folders (as mentioned-above) without any issues.
I suspect it could be something to do with the Windows Registry or System Configuration settings because I had recently shutdown/disabled so of the services in the System Configuration (using
msconfig.exe). Unfortunately, I don't remember all the options that were modified.
I've gone through numerous discussion forums, but still no luck.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
I've experienced the same thing. But in my case, i compiled the form on server side. The error appeared because it was remote-controlled by more than 1 person. One of the remote session was possibly locking the file creation. So I logged off the other session and try to use 1 session only when compiling the form. This happens sometimes when we're using an OS with multiuser and multisession capability.

sqlite DB to-do during iphone app update

I have some general questions about iphone app updates that involves sqlite db.
With the new update does the existing sqlite db get overwritten with a copy of the new one?
If the update doesn't involve any schema changes then the user should be able to reuse the existing database with their saved data, right? (if the existing database doesn't get overwritten from 1 above )
If there are some schema changes, what's the best way to transfer data from the old database into the new one? Can some one please give me guidelines and sample code?
Only files inside the app bundle are replaced. If the database file is in your app's Documents directory, it will not be replaced. (Note that if you change files inside your app bundle, the code signature will no longer be valid, and the app will not launch. So unless you are using a read-only database, it would have to be in the Documents directory.)
What's best depends on the data. You're not going to find sample code for such a generic question. First, you need to detect that your app is running with an old DB version. Then you need to upgrade it.
To check versions:
You could use a different file name for the new schema. If Version2.db does not exist but Version1.db does, do an upgrade.
You could embed a schema version in your database. I have a table called metadata with a name and value column. I use that to store some general values, including a dataversion number. I check that number when I open the database, and if it is less than the current version, I do an upgrade.
Instead of creating a table, you could also use sqlite's built-in user_version pragma to check and store a version number.
You could check the table structure directly: look for the existence of a column or table.
To upgrade:
You could upgrade in place by using a series of SQL commands. You could even store a SQL file inside your app bundle as a resource and simply pass it along to sqlite3_exec to do all the work. (Do this inside a transaction, in case there is a problem!)
You could upgrade by copying data from one database file to a new one.
If your upgrade may run a long time (more than one second), you should display an upgrading screen, to explain to the user what is going on.
1) The database file isn't stored as part of the app bundle so no, it won't get automatically overwritten.
2) Yes - all their data will be saved. In fact, the database won't get touched at all by the update.
3) This is the tricky one - read this fantastically interesting document - especially the part on lightweight migration - if your schema changes are small and follow a certain set of rules, they will happen automatically and the user won't notice. however, if ther are major changes to the schema you will have to write your own migration code (that's in that links as well)
I've always managed to get away with running lightweight migrations myself - it's by far easier than doing it yourself.
What I do is that I create a working copy of the database in the Documents directory. The main copy comes with the bundle. When I update the app I then have the option to make a new copy over the working copy, or leave it.