Moving the background image of iPhone upon event - iphone

I have a navigation based app where a certain pushed view has a nice background image. Now this view contains a UITextView which is transparent so my background shows all over the whole view except the top which holds the navigation bar. Now when I start editing the textview I would like the for the textview and the background image to "slide" up a few pixles under the navigation bar to be more visible when the keyboard shows up (without keyboard it is centered in on the screen).
I set the background with:
UIColor *background = [[UIColor alloc] initWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"background.png"]];
self.view.backgroundColor = background;
[background release];
But this does not allow me to move it. So I guess I have to make a subview or something to get this to work. I already have the animation for the textview in place, it's just the background image I also would like to move. How can I make this happen?

Just use the UIImageView for the background...


UINavigationController - Keep Background Image Across All Views

Is there a way to have a background image remain constant across all views in a navigation controller? Currently I am loading the same background in each view's viewDidLoad method but this shows the background image move when navigating from view to view. I'd rather just the content of the view infront of the background "slide" on/off screen, but the background stay stationary. This is my current background image loading code:
UIImageView *background = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 460)];
background.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"InfoBackground.png"];
[self.view addSubview:background];
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:background];
[background release];
Hm, perhaps if you look at the documentation (scroll down to Figure 2) you will get an idea of what you're dealing with. Because you are setting the background image for each of your view controllers that are being pushed into the UINavigationController, you will get that animation. What you need to do is set the background image into the nav controller itself.
I believe myNavController.view insertSubview:myImageView atIndex:0 should work. If your image needs to fill in behind the content view exactly, you could set the frame coordinates based on the coordinates and/or heights of the navbar and toolbar, which can be accessed through the navigation controller's properties. If not, just set the frame to the superview's bounds.
Let me know how it goes.
Edit: Oh, note that you would need to make sure each of your view controllers had transparent backgrounds.
i think the better idea is place background image on window and set all view's(all viewcontroller's view) background color to clear color [UIColor clearColor].
if you want background image static then there is only one way but i don't know that is possible or not, If we put image in window and make navigation controller transparent then it's stay static whatever you will do. because we are not changing window while push or pop.
I am just suggesting try this way i haven't tried like this.

Adding Background Image to FlowCover

I'm using FlowCover in an app and need to add a background, but inserting a UIImageView and sending to the back in .xib only gives me the background image and buttons and no coverflow animation. I also cannot see where i would programme a
self.backgroundColor = [[UIColor alloc]initWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"bground.png"]];
type thing in the implemetation.
Any clues?
It does appear that you can add an UIImageview to the ViewController's View in the MainWindow.nib:
In the editor dropdown you can send the image to the back. It means that the Flow Cover View MUST NOT be set to Opaque and then will sit on top of the ImageView.

UITapGestureRecognizer on transparent view

I have a tree with views where the highest level view is transparent and contains either an image or a label (with a transparent background).
When attaching a UITapGestureRecognizer to this view, I only get notifications on the views which contain images.Also, if I leave the view empty, then I get events only when the background color is different than [UIColor clearColor].
I have done a dump and the entire view tree has userInteractionEnable = YES.
How can I get the UITapGesturerRecognizer to work on the view with a transparent background?
Problem was not what I thought. The transparent views were in a scroll view and during initialization they were outside of the view's visible area. Those within the visible area work ok.
Wild guesses here, but if you include a 1x1 pixel image in the view, would that view then qualify for gestures?
Another equally wild guess would be to add a transparent image to the view and try that.
Try giving the view a nearly-transparent background color, like [UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0.01].
Try setting the background color to whatever except the clearColor and setting the alpha property to 0.0;
myView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
myView.alpha = 0.0;

Layering UIViews so that bottom most layer can be seen

I have a UIView to which i add a background image. Then to that view i add a scroll view. To the scroll view i add some UIButtons.
I would like to be able to set the scroll view to be transparent (still being able to see the UIButtons) so that i can see the background image underneath it, so that it shows between the buttons.
I have tried setting the scrollview background to [UIColor clearColor] but this doesnt work.
In addition to setting the backgroundColor to [UIColor clearColor], you also have to set
scrollView.opaque = NO;
Change the UIScrollView.alpha level to 0.0f

One background image must be displayed on the whole

I am new to iphone development.When i tried to displayed a background image for my table view ,image appears for every cells.I want display single image thats fits the screen and not displayed in every cell.Please help me out.Thanks.
Make your table view a subview of a UIView (let's call it parentView). You can then make the table view's background clear to show the UIView positioned underneath. You then set that UIView to contain an image view:
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[self.parentView addSubview:myImageView];