Applying css in TinyMCE - tinymce

I am implementing ForeColor in TinyMCE Rich Text Editor.
it uses style to apply forecolor to selected text as like this
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" mce_style="color: #ff0000;">Hello</span>.
i want to apply css class instead of "style" here.. how to apply css class here? These Css Classes contain ColorCodes.
<span class="colorRed">Hello</span>
My CSS Class
color: #ff0000;
thank you

Because you want your css to be applied to tinymces editor content you will need to add your class to the class your editor content gets styled with.
If you are not using a user-defined content_css file when initializing tinymce (init-function) a content_css file will be used depending on the theme you have set in the init function (file used is to be found in a subfolder of folder themes).
I suggest you create an own content.css which you load using content_css setting in the init function. See this link for the tinymce documentation for this. For a first step you could copy one of the content.css from the themes directory and modify it.

Search on content_css attribute an add your CSS file relative path(i.e:myLibFolder/myCss.css) after adding ","
content_css: "css/content.css,myLibFolder/myCss.css"


TinyMCE class name

Is there a built in TinyMCE command to change the class name of its outer-most div? I have a div which is populated with either a PHP version of TinyMCE or the jQuery version, but the TinyMCE editor's outermost div classes are different.
I would preferably like to avoid having to use jQuery.
class="mce-tinymce mce-container mce-panel"
class="wp-core-ui wp-editor-wrap tmce-active"
I don't mind if I can only change one, although it would be nice to know how to change both. I have tried
From docs
// Add a class to an element by id in the page
tinymce.DOM.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
// Add a class to an element by id inside the editor
tinyMCE.activeEditor.dom.addClass('someid', 'someclass');
From doc:
Here you can also add a body_class option like;
body_class : "some_class_name"

Why is TinyMCE ignoring class styles that it's applied?

I'm using the following config:
formats : {alignleft : {selector : 'img', classes : 'float-left'},
alignright : {selector : 'img', classes : 'float-right'},
to make tiny use my custom classes for image alignment (which just set a css float of left or right) rather than applying them inline in styles.
Now, this works when I save the content and preview it, but in the tiny editor the image just stays where it is and won't float.
Inspecting the image code in Safari web inspector shows the class being correctly applied to the img element, it just doesn't.. float!
The page with the editor has access to the main stylesheet with the float-left and float-right classes too.
I'm new to tiny so perhaps I'm missing something here?
In order to see the class changes within the editor itself, you need to set a stylesheet during initialization.
content_css : "/editor-style.css" //
That should pull in the stylesheet for your editor. Once the stylesheet is being pulled in you will have to add your styles to the stylesheet in order to see them display appropriately.

Own default table style in TinyMCE

I would like to set an own table style as default style within the TinyMCE editor (version 3.4.9 within Moodle 2.2.3).
Right now, my new styles are shown in the dropdown, but I cannot manage to get one as the default table style. The default value is always "-- not set --", which means that no table style will be used.
This is how it looks at the moment:
This is how it should look like at the end ("Tircia Style" should be default):
Pictures are from the TinyMCEforum.
When you initialize tinymce please add the path to a new css file which will define the styles used within the editor.
content_css: [
Some sample styles for innerLayout.css for tables -
.mce-content-body table{width:100%;border-spacing:0;border-collapse:separate;border:0}
.mce-content-body table tr:nth-child(even){background:#FAFAFA}
.mce-content-body table caption,.mce-content-body table td,.mce-content-body table th{padding:15px 7px;border:0;font:inherit}
.mce-content-body table th{font-weight:400;color:#6E6E6E;border-bottom:2px solid #B9B9B9!important;
Other styles can be found here - link
Don't modify core files. I realize there previously wasn't a choice, but in TinyMCE 4.x there is now a way to set default table styles with table_default_styles.
in tables.js add the following code:
function init() {
settings = tinyMCE.settings;
settings["table_styles"] = "default1=red;default2=blue;" + settings["table_styles"];
tinyMCE.settings["table_styles"] = settings["table_styles"];
I had the same issue and I tried to solve it by passing Configuration or changing library JavaScript files. I started doing reverse engineering of table.js (/tiny_mce/plugins/table/js/table.js). But, no luck.
So, I went to table.htm (/tiny_mce/plugins/table/table.htm) which is template file for table plugin's modal dialog box. Commented out preset option {#not_set} form the select control.
<tr id="styleSelectRow">
<td><label id="classlabel" for="class">{#class_name}</label></td>
<td colspan="3">
<select id="class" name="class" class="mceEditableSelect">
<!--<option value="" selected="selected">{#not_set}</option>-->
Now, you should pass table_styles always to the initial configuration when we initiate TinyMCE.
var varTimyMCE = $("textarea").tinymce({
table_styles : "Custom 1=classTable1",
This is not the ideal solution but it works for now. I hope TinyMCE developer will give configuration options to control select control in the future releases.
You can edit the plugin.js(\tinymce\js\tinymce\plugins\table\plugin.js) if you are using the unminified tinyMCE.js. On the current version it is line 1872. I added to make the default table styling responsive.
html = '<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table"><tbody>'; // line 1882 or 1916
html += '</tbody></table></div>'; // line 1884 or 1928

Add attributes to Insert Image dialogue of Umbraco RTE or Create Custom Data type

How can I add attributes to the current Insert Image dialogue box on umbraco Richtext Editor?
What I really want is to let content editor choose images and set their class, and maybe choose if this is lightbox image or not. If user choose lighbox option, then a hyper link is added with some extra attributes, like data-rel. I even want to be able to modify the image url added by the content editor, if possible.
The output should look like this
<a href="/media/2813/DSC_2615.JPG" data-rel="prettyPhoto[gal-3-col]" >
<img src="
image=%2fmedia%2f2813%2fDSC_2615.JPG&width=420" alt="DSC_2615" title="DSC_2615"
I found this very useful link which solve half of my issue, but I can't figure out how to continue
Default umbraco tinymce add image interface is
<plugin loadOnFrontend="false">umbracoimg</plugin>
I was able to modify it to show additional field in the image selection interface, then render markup I want.
I edited \umbraco\plugins\tinymce3\insertImage.aspx, added my field there and some jquery logic:
<ui:PropertyPanel id="pp_desc" runat="server" Text="Description">
<input type="text" id="title" style="width: 300px"/>
Then if you are adding custom attributes, you might want to add them to \config\umbracoSettings.config
<!-- what attributes that are allowed in the editor on an img tag -->
and \config\tinyMceConfig.config
Then I modified the .js that is in charge of rendering html that will be added to tinymce editor:
ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<div id="__dimps_width" class="img-with-text"><img id="__mce_tmp" /><p id="__dimps_desc">description</p></div>', { skip_undo: 1 });
ed.dom.setAttribs('__mce_tmp', args);
ed.dom.setAttrib('__mce_tmp', 'id', '');
ed.dom.setAttribs('__dimps_width', {style: 'width: ' + nl.width.value + 'px;'});
One important thing: everything is cached and bundled, so to make sure your changes was applied remove all files from \app_data\TEMP\ClientDependency\ and use new instance of incognito browser. You probably can disable it somewhere, but I just removed the cache.
There is no magic in Umbraco TinyMCE. Just a bunch of .aspx and .js code. Modify it to your needs.

GWT StackLayoutPanel: how to change header background color

I want to change stacklayoutpanel header back ground color using css and I tried everything.
.gwt-StackLayoutPanel .gwt-StackLayoutPanelHeader .gwt-StackLayoutPanelContent .gwt-StackLayoutPanelItem {
color: red;
border-color: red;
But only changed the text color and I don't want that. Please can you explain how can I do that?
StackLayoutPanel wraps hour header widget/text to an internal class named Header, which is not publicly accessible. One approach is to override default clean.css .gwt-StackLayoutPanel .gwt-StackLayoutPanelHeader styles by copying it to your own css file, then appending !important to styles you want to change.
However, better and cleaner solution is to do the following:
// add/insert your item first
myStackLayoutPanel.add(widget, header, size);
// retrieve the Header internal widget (AFTER ADDING!)
Widget internHeader = header.getParent();
// replace default style
If you don't like using class css styles, you may alternatively do something like:
... same as above
// reset the default style
// then add your styles programmatically
Style style = internHeader.getElement().getStyle();
It is important to retrieve the internal header widget after call to add/insert!
Your CSS style is incorrect. It's trying to target classes with the following hierarchy:
Which is completely incorrect. If you want ALL elements with those classes to have the same background color, you would write your CSS rule like this:
background-color: red;
You better create your own css file based on gwt's default and make changes there. You also need to exclude gwt default css from your_module.gwt.xml and put there your newly created