new gwt interface automation testing - gwt

So our front end GUI is getting a large overhaul to a new GWT based application. I have been working on creating the automation scripts for the old front end using cURL in some tcl/expect scripts. As I have looking at the new app I am starting to realize more and more that cURL is out of the question for performing these web interactions and was wondering if anybody had some ideas/experience with testing a web app made with GWT??
Any help would be appreciated!!

The closest analogy to cURL tests for a static-page UI for a dynamic JS/GWT UI will be Selenium (or Webdriver) tests. Selenium tests load the page up in a real browser, including all JS, and simulate clicking on and interacting with UI elements and tests that they react accordingly.
That being said, unit tests should also be written to test the functionality of your GWT UI without having to load the page in a browser, just testing that the underlying Java/JS performs correctly. The MVP pattern aims to make this easier/quicker.


Can CanvasKit-based Flutter web app be embedded in other (non-Flutter) web apps/websites?

We're planning to build a Flutter web app that will need to be embedded within partners' websites (built with different web technologies). We have to use CanvasKit as rendering performance is important (it's a non-trivial component).
As far as I've researched, Web Components support is not available for Flutter for now (correct me if that's wrong). So the only method of embedding I can think of is an iframe. As CanvasKit relies on WebAssembly, I'm concerned about whether that will work as intended. So my question is this: is it possible to embed CanvasKit-based Flatter web apps within other (non-Flutter) web apps, and if so - does it have any downsides worth mentioning, compared to "typical" web apps (e.g., those built with React).
I have to decide strategically for my team whether to use Flutter for such a project or stick to a traditional web stack. Any input will be greatly appreciated.
I am currently writing a flutter project for the web that is embedded in the web via iframe. Everything works fine, at first it was difficult how to pass parameters inside flutter (to interact with the server (id / additional options etc)) solved this issue through query parameters in a web browser and get inside flutter through (GETX package Get.parameters['']).My opinion.... Before starting global development, write a simple project that could interact inside your site, embed in iframe and pass any parameters)

PHPUnit Selenium with the Grinder and GWT

I've setup a Selenium test case using the PHPUnit extension for Selenium.
I've executed the test case and it works perfectly.
Now I'd like to do some performance tests with The Grinder.
In other words, I'd like to use the TCPProxy process provided by the Grinder framework and execute my Selenium test multiple times in parallel. I'm able to record the entire Selenium test with the Grinder TCPProxy. But when I want to run the generated python script from the Grinder console, I notice that some GET, or POST requests always raise an error.
My web application is developed with GWT (Google Web Toolkit). So there are obviously lots of asynchronous requests. Is this where the problem might come from? Does anyone already has experienced with The Grinder and GWT?
All little help would be awesome.
Try increasing "wait/sleep" period per action/activity to accommodate worse case slow rpc request scenarios. If that does not address the situation then you might have add some details after digging through your errors.
Give Selenium a try as it emulates user interaction on browser and hence will not encounter XSRF based issues as you are facing with a server side approach with Grinder.

Architecture Question: GWT or Vaadin to create Desktop Application?

We're planning on creating a feedreader as a windows desktop- and iPad application. As we want to be able to show Websites AND to run (our own) JavaScript in this application, we thought about delivering the application as HTML/CSS/JavaScript, just wrapped by some .NET control or a Cocoa Touch webbrowser component. So the task at hand is to find out which framework to use to create the HTML/CSS/JS files to embed in the application.
For the development of the HTML/CSS/JavaScript we would be happy to use Vaadin, GWT, or some other framework, as we're a lot better with Java than with JS. We favor Vaadin after a short brainstorming, as the UI components are very nice, but I fear that most of the heavy lifting will be on the server and not in the client (and that wouldn't be too nice). We would also like GWT, but the Java-to-JS compiling takes a lot of time and an extra step, and slowed down development time in the past when using it.
The question is: which development framework would you choose (given you wanted to implement this project and you mostly did Java so far) and why? If there are better framework options (List of Rich Client Frameworks), please let me know.
Edit: The application will need to talk to our server from time to time (sync what has been read for example), but mainly should get the xml feeds itself. Therefore I hope that most of the generated code can be embedded in the application and there doesn't need to be heavy activity with our server.
Edit2: We (realistically even if you doubt) expect at least 10000 users.
Based on my experience with Vaadin, I'd go for that, but your requirements are somewhat favoring pure-GWT instead.
Vaadin needs the server and server connection. If building mostly offline desktop application, this can be solved with an embedded Jetty for example. (synchronize with an online service only when needed), but for iPad you would need to connect online right away to start the Vaadin application.
GWT runs completely at the client-side and you can build a JavaScript browser application that only connects when needed.
Because Vaadin is much quicker to develop, you could build a small Vaadin version first and see if that is actually problem on the iPad.
On the other hand, if you can assume going online right away, you can skip the local server installation altogether. Just run the application online and implement the desktop version using operating systems default browser control (i.e. the .NET control you suggested). Then Vaadin is easier.
Vaadin is just framework base on GWT but have two very important features:
don't need to run GWT compiler. It is pure java. Of course if not add addons because then gwt compiler must run.
you don't need to write communication code. So you don't need to solve DTO problems, non-serializable object mappings and dont need to write servlets.
I use Vaadin in my work for one year and we haven't performance problems yet (desktop like application with ~500 users). IMO very good solution is to use Vaadin just for UI, logic move to independent beans and connect this two elements using Spring or Guice.
In this case you should use MVP pattern and Domain Driven Development.
Bussines beans is domain objects and logic that use view interfaces to send responses.
Custom Vaadin components (could extends standard components) implements view interfaces.
That way is good when you decide to change UI engine if Vaadin is not for you. Just rewrite guice/spring mappings and write new implementations of view interfaces.
My 3 cents:
If you decide to use vaadin, You will benefit from already GOOD LOOKING components. Since you dont want to write (alot of) CSS , vaadin is already good looking out of the box. How ever, Vaadin is a SERVERSIDE framework. User interface interactions will hit the back end even if they dont involve getting any data (e.g moving from one tab to the other) .
If you decide to use GWT, you will have to atleast style the application (this is not hard) . There is also the problem of long compilation time (but you can test and debug on hosted mode which allows you to run the application without compiling , then you compile only when deploying). The main advantage of gwt is that you control what gets sent to the wire, For UI interactions that dont require getting data from the backend, it will work purely on the client side. You the developer will determine when to send a request to the back end. (Doing RPC requests in GWT is very easy)
Hope this will help you make the decision.

Calling Native(C++) Code in GWT

I am developing an application in GWT which needs to call a native C++ code in Directshow to do some multimedia processing.I am guessing that I cant use JNI because GWT converts code to javascript.I did have a look at similar posts on the forum(and on GWT site about JSNI) but cant find a example that specifically talks about calling C++ code from GWT(its mostly about calling Java code from Javascript).Can anyone throw some light on this or direct me to a tutorial?
Where exactly is this code supposed run? Surely not on the client-side. Client-side native code is nowhere near mass adoption.
GWT can either interface with JSNI in order to write native JS code inside your GWT Java code, or to interface with Java back-ends, whilst the framework handles the RPC. Even without GWT you have no way to run native code from within the browser (at least in the near future).
Bottom line - if you can't do it in plain vanilla Javascript on the client side, you can't do it in GWT.
What you can do is use this native code in the back-end, and call it via classic JNI from your Java back-end classes (and then what difference does it make if it's part of a GWT project or not?), but it sounds like this is not the case.
First of all, have a clear separation of Client (HTML / Javascript running in the browser) and server components (java service servlets).
If I understood your problem statement right, You need the UI to collect parameters for your transcoders and your transcoders need to run on a Windows box.
You can look up any simple GWT application to figure out how to serve a GWT application in any container (perhaps jetty for the time being) and process basic HTML form inputs. Once you have all the parameters on the server, you need to figure out how to delegate these parameters posted from the browser (your GWT application) from the service servlet (running within a web server) to your DirectShow application. This point onwards its a java application talking to a native process problem.
You can use various ways to communicate parameters to your native directshow application. Simplest solution is to initiate the application with the exec method passing command parameters inline. Otherwise you can communicate to a running native application via TCP sockets or integrate the native app using JNI. It all depends on your architectural design, which approach you wish to take.

GWT test with external server

I have a server-code that's written in Python, and I have a client-code that's written with GWT. Now I want to run automation testing on the GWT against the data from the Python server.
From what I searched, people recommends using the Selenium, but I prefer to have a GWT-test that has more visibility into the client-code. That way I can verify the local database, and any data that are not exposed to the UI.
Also at this point I'm not too worried about the DOM aspect, layout, and the other UI stuff.
Is there anyway to make the GWTTest work with external server?
I've tried to search for the solution, or people with similar problem, but I couldn't find one. If this question has been asked previously, I apologize.
Thanks, KOkon.
You can use the GWTTest framework to incorporate testing some GWT components that call the server. But the tests won't be able to communicate directly with the server. If you need your tests to set up state on the server, I'm afraid you'll need to write special "for testing purposes only" RPC servers or servlets or similar to do it.
Having said that, I would (presumably like those who suggested Selenium) recommend three types of tests:
Unit tests for server components, and unit GWTTests for client components,
Integration tests for testing server code interaction with database, etc.
Selenium acceptance tests, which are "black box" - they don't have access to the innards of the GWT components.
What you could do is create a proxy servlet that gets started in the GWTTestCase embedded Jetty instance. That proxy could forward all calls to you real services in Python.