iPhone iOS4- playing an alarm in the background? - iphone

I am working on an alarm app for the iPhone and I cant seem to figure this out. My question is regarding capabilities of backgrounding. Is it possible for a user to specify a certain time for an alarm to play in my app, say 7:00 AM. The user is using iOS 4, and exits the app, but it is still running in the background. Is there anyway for my app to play a specific sound file at that specified time, 7:00 AM? Or can I order my app to relaunch itself somehow at that specific time. If none of these are possible, what are the closest alternatives?

You should use a background (local) notification for this - they can trigger sounds.

In iOS 4.0 you can create a UILocalNotification set to go off at a specific time/date.


ios 8 background alarm sound

I did a lot of research and couldn't find a proper solution for my problem.
I want to make an iPhone app that plays a custom sound even when it is in background at a certain time (alarm clock app).
I did a research on the following points:
Local Notification -> no sound longer than 30 seconds allowed
Background Audio -> Apple refuses Apps that don't continuously run music in background, also there is no way to trigger sound when receiving a local notification
Is there any way to achieve this, i mean there has to be one.. i found dozens of apps in the app store that support playing sounds from your library even in background, and not only 30 seconds long (this one for instance: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/background-alarm-clock-free/id723243753?mt=8)
If possible in swift.

How to show custom alert at specific time?

I'm working on an alarm/reminder application and want to show a custom alarm view when specified time is reached.
From what I understand, there are various (real and hypothetic) ways of doing it:
UILocalNotification. It would be perfect, but alert customization features are insufficient, e.g. I can't show a custom alert view, I can't play a sound for more than 30sec etc.
Keep application in the background and use NSTimer or other means to schedule execution after some time. Most likely won't work as the app may be killed any time.
Start my app at specified time to receive the notification. As far as I know it's not allowed at all.
After spending several days searching for a solution, I would give up and stick with UILocalNotification, but I DO know an app that shows custom alert view at specific time AND is available in AppStore. The app is named "Alarmed" and from what it looks like (last app view shown on alarm time before an actual alert; alarm still triggers even after the device is restarted) they found a way to start their app at specific time and still pass Apple's review.
Any ideas how this can be done?
It's not possible to show notifications other than what UILocalNotification offers you, unless the app is running in the foreground. (I just tried to install "Alarmed" and it uses a regular UILocalNotification like you'd expect).

Does the iOS let developers do this?

Let's say the user leaves the phone on the table. (probably on home screen)
A few hours later, he picks it up. And when it does, the iPhone detects the accelerometer, and it rings.
Unfortunately, this is not possible. Once the OS goes to the home screen, applications running in the background have a limited set of options.
Read this article for more information: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#DOCUMENTATION/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/BackgroundExecution/BackgroundExecution.html
Not through officially accepted means (i.e. you could do it on a jailbroken phone conceivably). Primarily, you can't run in the background for that purpose. If the app was running in the foreground, you can easily detect motion and perform an activity - but if the phone is left for too long a period without activity, it will sleep.
Unfortunately, the accelerometer is not one of the specified keys in the UIBackgroundModes option in your apps info.plist.
auido, location and voip are the only ones available for now.
short answer: YES
The trick is to make sure the app doesn't get backgrounded when the phone goes to sleep. The other elements like detecting changes in the accelerometer and playing a sound are all standard features.
As for the no sleep solution, it has been asked before, basically is you play a music sample the app will continue running, so perhaps a loop of silence continuously played.
Only if you left an app designed for that purpose running in the foreground.
It won't be possible if your app is running in the background.

Is there a safe way to schedule an alert for an calendar app?

I want to make a special calendar app, but I am afraid it's not possible to safely schedule an alert for an event.
For example: I set up an alert for an event which starts in 3 months. I want to get notified 2 days before the event starts. In iOS 4 there is multitasking, so my app could run in the background all the time.
But now lets imagine it's a hardcore iPhone user who plays huge memory-intensive games all the time. At some point, iOS might kill my background app. Or the user might restart the device and forget to launch my app. So it could happen that the alert never happens. Bad thing.
Is there a safe way to ensure that an scheduled alert is thrown at the user, just like it is the case with the built in alarm clock app or the calendar app?
I'm going to bring back the EventKit notification - use event kit to schedule a calendar entry with an alert, and embed in there a URL that will open your app.
You could also use local notifications but this way the user will be able to see the upcoming event when reviewing the calendar, and even modify slightly if need be. They can't mess with a local notification once it's in place...
You want to use UILocalNotification for this.
EventKit will make it pop up in the user's calendar, maybe not what you want here.
BTW: Multitasking is really more "fast switching" than backgrounding in iOS... you won't be able to run arbitrary code in background, and you should expect to be killed anytime.

How do I get a codeblock to run on the iPhone once every 24 hours at midnight if my app is suspended (multitasking)

Was reading through the iOS4 documentation for multitasking, and couldn't figure it out.
I basically need to update the badge count on my app's icon after midnight each day as long as the app is running in suspended mode (with multitasking).
I know this has to be possible, just can't figure out the best way to do it.
iOS "multitasking" is very specific. There's an important distinction between states here:
Suspended: Your app resides in memory, but does not receive any execution time. This is really only useful for fast app switching.
Background: In a few particular cases, you can request that the OS to run your app in the background. (Playing audio, location, finishing a long task, voip.)
So, the short answer to your question is, "you can't."
Here are a couple useful links on iOS multitasking, such as it is.
Understand an Application's States and Transitions
Executing Code in the Background
You could use a UILocalNotification to set the badge (without an alert) but you can't increment the badge because you're app does not have the opportunity to execute any code when the notification fires.
You can schedule up to 64 notifications in advance, one at midnight for the next 64 days, each one setting a new badge number. It would make a lot more sense to schedule a repeating notification but since your app can't execute code it can't increment the badge number that doesn't work.