ESS-Emacs23 question: How to automate a few basic steps after loading an R script - emacs

I use ESS-Emacs to edit my R scripts.
Whenever I load a R script it is always followed by:
C-x 3 (I prefer this split)
M-x R (Opens R)
Is there a way to automate steps 1. and 2. every time I type on the terminal:
emacs misc_r_file.r
Just to make myself clear - I don't want either 1 or 2 if I have already opened a R script in emacs. Steps 1 and 2 should be executed only when I open a fresh emacs process.
Thank you for your help in advance.

Is there a way to do this? Of course, it's just programming.
(defvar r-file-loaded-p nil
"non-nil if an R file has been opened")
(defun maybe-setup-r ()
(when (not r-file-loaded-p)
(setf r-file-loaded-p t)))
(add-hook 'r-mode-hook #'maybe-setup-r)
Why don't you persist your Emacs session, though?

You might be interested in this code by FelipeCsaszar which uses Shift-Enter to do what you want upon loading an R file, plus a little more besides once it's loaded ( If R is running and a region is highlighted, shift-enter sends the region over to R to be evaluated. If R is running and no region is highlighted, shift-enter sends the current line over to R. Repeatedly hitting shift-enter in an R file steps through each line (sending it to R), skipping commented lines. The cursor is also moved down to the bottom of the R buffer after each evaluation.)
;; Use shift-enter to split window & launch R (if not running), execute highlighted
;; region (if R running & area highlighted), or execute current line
;; (and move to next line, skipping comments). Nice.
;; See,
;; FelipeCsaszar. Adapted to spilit vertically instead of
;; horizontally.
(setq ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil)
(setq ess-local-process-name "R")
(setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode 'filter)
(setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input t)
(setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output t)
(setq comint-move-point-for-output t)
(defun my-ess-start-R ()
(if (not (member "*R*" (mapcar (function buffer-name) (buffer-list))))
(setq w1 (selected-window))
(setq w1name (buffer-name))
(setq w2 (split-window w1 nil t))
(set-window-buffer w2 "*R*")
(set-window-buffer w1 w1name))))
(defun my-ess-eval ()
(if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
(call-interactively 'ess-eval-region)
(call-interactively 'ess-eval-line-and-step)))
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
(local-set-key [(shift return)] 'my-ess-eval)))
(add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook
(local-set-key [C-up] 'comint-previous-input)
(local-set-key [C-down] 'comint-next-input)))
(require 'ess-site)
The split done in this code is the C-x-3 one you want --- I always forget that in Emacs horizontal/vertical splitting is backwards from how many people (including me) understand it, referring to the direction the split line "moves in" from and not the orientation of the split line itself.


How to hide the symbol $ when highlighting LaTeX equations in Emacs Org-mode?

I know that in Org-mode, the emphasis markers like *, ~, =, +, _ can be hidden by this setting: (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t).
I wonder if there is any option that enables hiding the markers like $ or \(, \) of LaTeX?
This will be useful when LaTeX math equations can be highlighted by setting:
(setq org-highlight-latex-and-related '(latex script entities))
Update 1
I tried the solution proposed by #Thomas on a fresh emacs -q but somehow the symbol $ is still not hidden, while other markers like *,+ are. \
Not sure if there is something wrong with my Emacs? I'm using Org 9.3 of Emacs 27.1
Update 2
The solution of Thomas does work for Emacs 25.2!
But somehow, there is a major change in Emacs 26.2, 26.3, 27.1 that breaks this feature... :(
Update 3
Since the solution suggested by Thomas doesn't work with recent Emacs (26 or newer), I finally came up with a quick solution by customizing the function org-do-latex-and-related of Org-mode.
(defun org-do-latex-and-related (_limit)
"Highlight LaTeX snippets and environments, entities and sub/superscript.
Stop at first highlighted object, if any. Return t if some
highlighting was done, nil otherwise."
(when (org-string-nw-p org-latex-and-related-regexp)
(catch 'found
(while (re-search-forward org-latex-and-related-regexp
nil t) ;; on purpose, we ignore LIMIT
(unless (cl-some (lambda (f) (memq f '(org-code org-verbatim underline
(goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
(face-at-point nil t)))
(let* ((offset (if (memq (char-after (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
'(?_ ?^))
(start (+ offset (match-beginning 0)))
(end (match-end 0)))
(if (memq 'native org-highlight-latex-and-related)
(org-src-font-lock-fontify-block "latex" start end)
(font-lock-prepend-text-property start end
'face 'org-latex-and-related))
;; my code starts here
(when (and org-hide-emphasis-markers (< (+ start 4) end))
(cond ((member (buffer-substring start (+ start 2)) '("$$" "\\("))
(add-text-properties start (+ start 2) '(invisible org-link)))
((string= (buffer-substring (1+ start) (+ start 2)) "$")
(add-text-properties (1+ start) (+ start 2) '(invisible org-link))))
(cond ((member (buffer-substring end (- end 2)) '("$$" "\\)"))
(add-text-properties end (- end 2) '(invisible org-link)))
((string= (buffer-substring (1- end) (- end 2)) "$")
(add-text-properties (1- end) (- end 2) '(invisible org-link)))))
;; my code ends here
(add-text-properties (+ offset (match-beginning 0)) (match-end 0)
'(font-lock-multiline t)))
(throw 'found t)))
If anyone interested in this feature, you can place the above function somewhere in your Emacs configuration file, after Org-mode is loaded, so that the new org-do-latex-and-related will override the original one of Org-mode.
Here is what I obtained using the code above:
An alternative approach is to not hide the $ symbol at all and instead use org-fragtog. It automatically toggles org-mode latex fragment previews as the cursor enters and exits them.
However, when you open a file with equations it will only toggle the preview of an equation as the cursor enters and leaves the equation. I also have a keybinding (f5) for org-latex-preview. If I open an org-mode file with many equations I can type C-u C-u f5 to toggle latex preview on all equations in the buffer. If I want to change some equation I can just move the cursor there and org-fragtog-mode will turn-off the preview. Then I can edit the equation and the cursor leaves the equation the preview will be automatically enabled again.
This also works correctly when org-highlight-latex-and-related is set to any of the possible choices as well as when you use prettify-symbols-mode.
Customize the variable org-emphasis-alist and add $ as an additional maker with the default values for all customization options. To do so, type
M-x customize-variable [RET] org-emphasis-alist [RET]
Then go to the bottom of the customization buffer, click on the last INS, and insert a dollar sign under Marker character:.
Finally, click on State to make this change permanent either for the current editing session only or also for all future sessions.
NOTE that you have to restart org-mode by typing M-x org-mode again in order for this change to take effect.

on Emacs for OSX, how to keep kill ring and clipboard separate?

In GNU Emacs for OSX, how can I keep the kill ring and OSX clipboard separate? (Such that I essentially have two separate kill rings.)
With desired behavior, this would work:
1. ⌘C to copy text from the web to OSX clipboard.
2. controlk to kill a line in Emacs.
3. controly to yank killed text from Emacs kill ring to current Emacs buffer.
4. ⌘v to paste original web text from OSX clipboard to current Emacs buffer.
This works out of the box in Aquamacs. How to make work in GNU Emacs?
This question was discussed as it pertains to Windows here:
Emacs: How to separate the kill ring from the system clipboard?
and here:
...but this solution does not work in OSX. I would like a solution for Mac OSX.
The solution in Emacs: How to separate the kill ring from the system clipboard? does work, though not complete. You may call pbcopy yourself to get clipboard pasting right. For instance, try the following in your .emacs. Note that s-v is for Cmd+V in an OS X window system. Same goes for s-c.
;;; Tested on:
;;; 1. GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0)
;;; of 2013-12-22 on
;;; (MacPorts emacs#24.3_1)
;;; 2. GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin, NS apple-appkit-1038.36)
;;; of 2013-03-12 on
;;; (Emacs For Mac OS X)
(defun isolate-kill-ring()
"Isolate Emacs kill ring from OS X system pasteboard.
This function is only necessary in window system."
(setq interprogram-cut-function nil)
(setq interprogram-paste-function nil))
(defun pasteboard-copy()
"Copy region to OS X system pasteboard."
(region-beginning) (region-end) "pbcopy"))
(defun pasteboard-paste()
"Paste from OS X system pasteboard via `pbpaste' to point."
(point) (if mark-active (mark) (point)) "pbpaste" nil t))
(defun pasteboard-cut()
"Cut region and put on OS X system pasteboard."
(delete-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(if window-system
;; bind CMD+C to pasteboard-copy
(global-set-key (kbd "s-c") 'pasteboard-copy)
;; bind CMD+V to pasteboard-paste
(global-set-key (kbd "s-v") 'pasteboard-paste)
;; bind CMD+X to pasteboard-cut
(global-set-key (kbd "s-x") 'pasteboard-cut))
;; you might also want to assign some keybindings for non-window
;; system usage (i.e., in your text terminal, where the
;; command->super does not work)
If you ever run into problems with UTF-8, consider the following possible solution:
;; handle emacs utf-8 input
(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(setenv "LANG" "en_US.UTF-8")
After much fiddling around, I'm pretty sure that the only way to make this work is to override the x-select-text method. Check out my answer here for all the details:
NOTE:  This draft solution is not meant to be an Emacs system-wide modification separating the clipboards -- instead, this is a custom solution designed to keep the clipboards separated on an interactive basis only when specifically using these custom functions. Other functions within
Emacs that use the kill-ring can be modified using a similar method -- the variables interprogram-cut-function and interprogram-paste-function can be made let-bound to a nil value for the duration of the specific functions (either through advice, or modification of the source itself, or creating new functions and/or using a defalias). However, the latter is beyond the scope of this limited example.
First Draft (December 23, 2014):  This is a first draft, which is based on the idea that the OSX clipboard may be accessed only when using C-u before calling either the copy or paste functions. If C-u is called first, then the OSX clipboard is utilized. As I use the functions more on a daily basis, I may have additional revisions to this code and I will update same from time to time:
EDIT (December 24, 2014):  Removed * from the interactive command statement as to lawlist-copy-selected-region -- that was a read-only check needed for pasting, but not copying. Added a statement regarding the general nature of this example.
EDIT (December 28, 2014):  Revised code to better handle when the user forgot to select a region before calling lawlist-copy-selected-region. Small revisions to make the code more concise.
(defun lawlist-copy-selected-region (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(let* (
(when (equal arg '(4)) interprogram-cut-function))
(when (equal arg '(4)) interprogram-paste-function))
(region-active-p (region-active-p))
(beg (when region-active-p (region-beginning)))
(end (when region-active-p (region-end)))
(when region-active-p (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) )
(unless region-active-p
(let ((debug-on-quit nil))
(signal 'quit `("No region has been selected!"))))
(copy-region-as-kill beg end)
(when (not (active-minibuffer-window))
(message "%s"
(if (and interprogram-cut-function interprogram-paste-function)
"OSX+Emacs: "
"Emacs: ")
(truncate-string-to-width copied-string 40)
(when (> (length copied-string) 40)
" . . .")))) ))
(defun lawlist-yank (&optional arg)
(interactive "*P")
(unless arg (setq arg 1))
(setq yank-window-start (window-start))
(setq this-command t)
(push-mark (point))
((listp arg)
((eq arg '-)
(1- arg) ))))
(if (consp arg)
(goto-char (prog1 (mark t)
(set-marker (mark-marker) (point) (current-buffer)))))
(if (eq this-command t)
(setq this-command 'yank))
(when (region-active-p)
(setq mark-active nil))
(defun lawlist-current-kill (n &optional do-not-move)
(let ((interprogram-paste
(equal n '(4))
(funcall interprogram-paste-function))))
(let ((interprogram-cut-function nil))
(if (listp interprogram-paste)
(mapc 'kill-new (nreverse interprogram-paste))
(kill-new interprogram-paste)))
(car kill-ring))
((and (equal n '(4)) (not interprogram-paste))
(car kill-ring))
(or kill-ring
(let ((debug-on-quit nil))
(signal 'quit `("The kill-ring is empty."))))
(let (
(mod (- n (length kill-ring-yank-pointer)) (length kill-ring))
(unless do-not-move
(setq kill-ring-yank-pointer ARGth-kill-element)
(> n 0)
(funcall interprogram-cut-function (car ARGth-kill-element))))
(car ARGth-kill-element))))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-y")
(lambda ()
(insert-string (ns-get-pasteboard))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-w")
(lambda ()
(when (region-active-p)
(buffer-substring (region-beginning)
simpleclip might be helpful -
Simplified access to the system clipboard in Emacs.
simpleclip-mode radically simplifies clipboard handling: the system
clipboard and the Emacs kill ring are made completely independent, and
never influence each other.
The super keybindings are friendly for OS X: super is generally mapped
to the "command" key ie ⌘.
Tested on OS X, X11, and MS Windows
(setq select-enable-clipboard nil)
This will only separate the two clipboards, and for ⌘ c and ⌘ v to work like mentioned you will have to rebind them to clipboard-kill-ring-save and clipboard-yank:
(keymap-global-set "s-c" 'clipboard-kill-ring-save)
(keymap-global-set "s-x" 'clipboard-kill-region)
(keymap-global-set "s-v" 'clipboard-yank)
I am using this Emacs:, and it also works on Emacs 28 built from source.

Emacs 24.3 errors when toggling maximization

I have the following snippet in my .emacs file to toggle on and off the maximization of a given Emacs window (i.e. pane) within a frame. This code worked great until the introduction of Emacs 24.3
(defun toggle-maximize-buffer () "Maximize buffer"
(if (= 1 (length (window-list)))
(jump-to-register '_)
(set-register '_ (list (current-window-configuration)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-F") 'toggle-maximize-buffer)
When I now maximize a pane with M-F, it works well, but when I unmaximize it (again with M-F) I get the error:
Wrong type argument: integer-or-marker-p, nil
I can't tell why this happens. Did anything substantial change in this new version?
I do not know what might have changed. However you should not be using registers for programming. The following code uses a variable instead and does not have the error:
(defun toggle-maximize-buffer () "Maximize buffer"
(if (= 1 (length (window-list)))
(set-window-configuration my-saved-window-configuration)
(setq my-saved-window-configuration (current-window-configuration))

Is there emacs capability for visiting last edits?

In the JetBrains products, there's a very handy key binding that lets you visit all the spots you made an edit. Hit the key once to go to the last edit (file and location), and keep hitting the key to go back to earlier edits. It's typically when editing that you want to be editing the same places over and over again, and if one has many buffers open, many of which are not edited, this is even more useful.
Emacs has a mark ring, but that's not quite the same thing.
On a related note, is there functionality in magit, the emacs git add-on, to jump to edits?
There is GotoLastChange which allows you to travel along the chain of undo locations. You can assign it to a key:
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-\\" 'goto-last-change)
There is GotoChg which allows you to travel back and forth the chain of undo locations. Sample init code snippet:
(require 'goto-chg)
(global-set-key [(control ?.)] 'goto-last-change)
(global-set-key [(control ?,)] 'goto-last-change-reverse)
(Just like the other alternatives, GotoLastChange and session.el, it can not jump between buffers)
Global, multi-buffer goto-last-change:
;;; record two different file's last change. cycle them
(defvar feng-last-change-pos1 nil)
(defvar feng-last-change-pos2 nil)
(defun feng-swap-last-changes ()
(when feng-last-change-pos2
(let ((tmp feng-last-change-pos2))
(setf feng-last-change-pos2 feng-last-change-pos1
feng-last-change-pos1 tmp))))
(defun feng-goto-last-change ()
(when feng-last-change-pos1
(let* ((buffer (find-file-noselect (car feng-last-change-pos1)))
(win (get-buffer-window buffer)))
(if win
(select-window win)
(switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer))
(goto-char (cdr feng-last-change-pos1))
(defun feng-buffer-change-hook (beg end len)
(let ((bfn (buffer-file-name))
(file (car feng-last-change-pos1)))
(when bfn
(if (or (not file) (equal bfn file)) ;; change the same file
(setq feng-last-change-pos1 (cons bfn end))
(progn (setq feng-last-change-pos2 (cons bfn end))
(add-hook 'after-change-functions 'feng-buffer-change-hook)
;;; just quick to reach
(global-set-key (kbd "M-`") 'feng-goto-last-change)
This implementation works for the last two changes in any buffers. I imagine extending the length of its change-list beyond two wouldn't be too hard.
There is the command session-jump-to-last-change in session.el which allows you to travel along the chain of undo locations. Init code snippet:
(require 'session)
(setq session-jump-undo-threshold 80) ; default was 240
(global-set-key [(control ?.)] 'session-jump-to-last-change)
(Just like the other alternatives, GotoLastChange and GotoChg, it can not jump between buffers)
Single buffer
Tracking edits and go back to where they occurred depends on the type of them.
If your edit added something, you can go back to it with a rather simple:
(goto-char (car(cadr buffer-undo-list)))
If you deleted, something you can go back to it with:
(goto-char (abs (cdr(cadr buffer-undo-list))))
and you might like displaying what you deleted in the minibuffer:
(goto-char (abs (cdr(cadr buffer-undo-list))))
(message "DEL->: %s" (substring-no-properties (car(cadr buffer-undo-list)))))
Summing up:
(defun last-edit ()
"Go back to last add/delete edit"
(let* ((ubuf (cadr buffer-undo-list))
(beg (car ubuf))
(end (cdr ubuf)))
((integerp beg) (goto-char beg))
((stringp beg) (goto-char (abs end))
(message "DEL-> %s" (substring-no-properties beg)))
(t (message "No add/delete edit occurred")))))
Read C-h v buffer-undo-list and you might integrate this for less subtle edits, such as setting text properties (assuming you really need it).
I used the buffer-undo-list variable to carry out the tasks. There is a distinct list for each buffer and, as far as I know, there is no global undo-list. Most likely you know in which buffer you typed something and you want Emacs to bring to the edited spot. There is in this case a single global-mark-ring variable recording the sequence of buffers that you have been.
Successive uses of the command Meta-Xpop-global-mark,
or simply
Ctrl-X Ctrl-Space,
will bring you to earlier visited buffers (and mark positions). Once you get to the target buffer, you can trigger Meta-Xlast-edit (or the bound keys).

How do I make the compilation window in Emacs to always be a certain size?

I want to make the compilation window in Emacs to always appear at the bottom of a window, and always be a certain height. So far I put the following lines in my .emacs file:
(setq split-height-threshold 0)
(setq compilation-window-height 10)
...and it does work for when I have only one window open, but as soon as I split the screen into two windows horizontally (that is, the dividing line in the middle goes from the top to the bottom), the compilation window stops respecting the height variable, and splits the window right in the middle.
How do I fix this?
I would use something like this, freely adapted from the EmacsWiki:
(defun my-compilation-hook ()
(when (not (get-buffer-window "*compilation*"))
(let* ((w (split-window-vertically))
(h (window-height w)))
(select-window w)
(switch-to-buffer "*compilation*")
(shrink-window (- h compilation-window-height)))))))
(add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook 'my-compilation-hook)
If the *compilation* buffer is not visible, this will split the window vertically, resize the newly opened window to 10 lines height, and open the *compilation* buffer in it.
You can customize the variable compilation-window-height.
Combining code from How can I prevent emacs from opening new window for compilation output? and code from, this is all my code for compile, it provides you 4 features:
1). Use compile-again to run the same compile as the last time automatically, no prompt. If there is no last time, or there is a prefix argument, it acts like M-x compile.
2). compile will split the current window(always be a certain size), it will not affect the other windows in this frame.
3). it will auto-close the *compilation* buffer (window) if there is no error, keep it if error exists.
4). it will highlight the error line and line number of the source code in the *compilation* buffer, use M-n/p to navigate every error in *compilation* buffer, Enter in the error line to jump to the line in your code code.
(require 'compile)
(setq compilation-last-buffer nil)
(defun compile-again (ARG)
"Run the same compile as the last time.
If there is no last time, or there is a prefix argument, this acts like M-x compile."
(interactive "p")
(if (and (eq ARG 1)
(set-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
(revert-buffer t t))
(call-interactively 'compile)
(setq cur (selected-window))
(setq w (get-buffer-window "*compilation*"))
(select-window w)
(setq h (window-height w))
(shrink-window (- h 10))
(select-window cur))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-m") 'compile-again)
(defun my-compilation-hook ()
"Make sure that the compile window is splitting vertically."
(if (not (get-buffer-window "*compilation*"))
(add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook 'my-compilation-hook)
(defun compilation-exit-autoclose (STATUS code msg)
"Close the compilation window if there was no error at all."
;; If M-x compile exists with a 0
(when (and (eq STATUS 'exit) (zerop code))
;; then bury the *compilation* buffer, so that C-x b doesn't go there
;; and delete the *compilation* window
(delete-window (get-buffer-window (get-buffer "*compilation*"))))
;; Always return the anticipated result of compilation-exit-message-function
(cons msg code))
(setq compilation-exit-message-function 'compilation-exit-autoclose)
(defvar all-overlays ())
(defun delete-this-overlay(overlay is-after begin end &optional len)
(delete-overlay overlay)
(defun highlight-current-line ()
"Highlight current line."
(setq current-point (point))
(setq beg (point))
(forward-line 1)
(setq end (point))
;; Create and place the overlay
(setq error-line-overlay (make-overlay 1 1))
;; Append to list of all overlays
(setq all-overlays (cons error-line-overlay all-overlays))
(overlay-put error-line-overlay
'face '(background-color . "red"))
(overlay-put error-line-overlay
'modification-hooks (list 'delete-this-overlay))
(move-overlay error-line-overlay beg end)
(goto-char current-point))
(defun delete-all-overlays ()
"Delete all overlays"
(while all-overlays
(delete-overlay (car all-overlays))
(setq all-overlays (cdr all-overlays))))
(defun highlight-error-lines(compilation-buffer process-result)
(condition-case nil
(while t
(error nil)))
(setq compilation-finish-functions 'highlight-error-lines)
There's an excellent package for these situations named Shackle.
Easy to set up and works on pretty much any type of buffer